A Pre Meditated Murder? or Accidental?

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Pre Meditated Murder Yes or No

  • I have always thought it was pre meditated.

    Votes: 297 36.0%
  • After reading the latest documents I now believe it was pre meditated.

    Votes: 266 32.2%
  • I "absolutely" believe it was not pre meditated.

    Votes: 54 6.5%
  • I am still sitting on the fence and am not sure.

    Votes: 209 25.3%

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I used to think this was an accident, that maybe Caylee died of neglect or an accident. But I just don't see it anymore.

IMO, for the almost-3 years of little Caylee's life, KC pretended to be Mommy. She wasn't really Mommy- Cindy was. KC treated Caylee like a toy. She did her Mommy act when she felt like it, when it was fun. At first she liked showing her off because of the compliments she received over how cute Caylee was. But the act was getting old. Caylee was almost 3, more vocal, more likely to tell the grandparents what she was doing when she was supposedly with the "nanny". Like: Mom hangs out all day with her bf, she doesn't work, she parties and who-knows-what secrets that KC was trying to keep from her parents. KC was tired of playing Mommy.

But, KC didn't want her mom to have Caylee either. She was jealous of the love her daughter felt for her gm, and she probably felt threatened by Cindy's authority- the same authority she'd been chafing under all her life. Cindy telling KC to grow up, accept responsibility for Caylee, put some effort into really being her mommy.

We know there are bad mothers- Susan Smith was one, Diane Downs and Darlie Routier are others. I think at some point KC just decided her life would be a lot simpler and more fun if she didn't have a child to take care of. I think this was planned in advance.
Its interesting because at first I thought that she accidently killed her by leaving her in the car to sleep while she went clubbing and she died from heat stroke or something. However after reading all of the new documents that came out today and yesterday I am POSITIVE she wanted Caylee out of her life. Caylee was seriously cramping her style, not only was she trying to juggle 5 different men or more but she was trying to do so with a child. The way she talked about her to that jerk former cop made me so angry. You would have never thought she was talking about her child it sounded more like she was talking about a kid sister that her parents were forcing her to babysit. This is NOT a woman who wanted a child she wanted male attention and Caylee was becoming a huge barrier. Further her lies were extremely elaborate making up complications at work, heavy work loads, obligations, strokes, and house purchase plans??? This is a very deliberate and dishonest person. KC does not do anything without planning first, she has an answer for everything. She literally built an entire life out of lies which leads me to believe that she used much care in disposing of Caylee. If she was careless and she didnt think ahead we would have found her remains by now. KC is a cold calculating manipulator who will say and be anything you want her to be if it means she gets what she wants. She is dangerous and guilty. JMO

Casey went to missing child sites months before Caylee disappeared. <last night's Nancy Grace>

She was doing research.(IMO)

'nuff said.

I know. :( That is the one piece of information that started swaying me a little. The notion of premeditation here is so scary to me. I didn't believe it was that way at all.

On the other hand, I go to missing persons sites a lot, because I'm just interested in mysteries. Hope my kid doesn't go missing. :) They'd have a field day with my computers.
I think for now, I'll say Caylee's death was accidental. I also think that the possibility of Caylee having drugs in her system would have been what prevented Casey from just calling 911.

The cover-up that followed was intentional.

Yes, I agree and also maybe Casey having drugs in her system. Regardless, Casey knew that she would be arrested for murder if she called LE and the odds were more in her favor to hide her body and try to cover it up. I think she rationalized it in her mind that she didn't care what anyone else thought.

At this point, I don't think she consciously premeditated. I think in all of her messages, there is a subconscious desire to be free from the child care and it resulted in Caylee's death.
I am with everyone who said they are on the fence because the heart and head dont match up - I just cannot see those pics and videos, and think what a rational or even semi-rational person is like - she must have loved her baby, and she *could* have left her with her mother if she didnt want her. so why murder her?

what if someone did kidnap her? and KC was so terrified of being thought of as neglectful? what if she was so guilty, worried, sickened... (what rational person would keep silent for 31 days, until she was forced to say or do something? then lie, lie,lie, and then lie a little more? without even an instance of worry that anyone saw?)

what if it was an accident and she just cannot face it? (what rational person would have absolutely NO effects afterwards? where is the depression, the withdrawl, the inability to sleep? the PTSD? cause we all know if it was OUR baby, the scene would play in our minds over and over and over and over until we cracked...right?)

Everytime I hear the lies, lies, lies, my heart says it is because she cannot face up to her daughter being kidnapped/drowned/whatever.

....but there were so many lies and so much stealing long before this...this was when she got caught. A lot of posters and people i general (NG) seem to look at every little thing KC has ever done as being monstrous and cold - I dont think so much is/was, it's just stuff. Then again, what weirds me out lately is the fact that she "just" found out she was preg with caylee when she was 7 months along, how bizarre. So it seems between that, the weirdness about the baby daddy, the stealing over years, the leaving caylee with anyone through the years, the lies through the years.....maybe everything *is* monstrous and I, in my heart, just cannot grasp that.

because when she was talking to LE and they started in on the "maybe she is rotting in a dumpster somewhere" (not an exact quote obs) anyone, whether having a kidnapped child or more esp. a dead one through an accident, would have broke down totally at the mere thought...that's kinda what does it for me.

You can't match your heart and head, because you are a normal person who HAS a heart.

Sociopaths don't have hearts. They don't REALLY love, though they fake it well.

That's why it's impossible to understand KC's behaviors. They seem so inconguent.

They make perfect sense to HER.
I know. :( That is the one piece of information that started swaying me a little. The notion of premeditation here is so scary to me. I didn't believe it was that way at all.

On the other hand, I go to missing persons sites a lot, because I'm just interested in mysteries. Hope my kid doesn't go missing. :) They'd have a field day with my computers.

Casey went to missing child sites AND did searches for chloroform.

IF she ISN'T a member of this kind of site and wasn't following a case, it doesn't look good.

I DO think she was following Trenton Duckett's case, though. Some of the things Cindy said to excuse Casey's not talking are word for word online speculations for why Melinda didn't talk to LE.

IMO, for the almost-3 years of little Caylee's life, KC pretended to be Mommy. She wasn't really Mommy- Cindy was. KC treated Caylee like a toy. She did her Mommy act when she felt like it, when it was fun. At first she liked showing her off because of the compliments she received over how cute Caylee was. But the act was getting old. Caylee was almost 3, more vocal, more likely to tell the grandparents what she was doing when she was supposedly with the "nanny". Like: Mom hangs out all day with her bf, she doesn't work, she parties and who-knows-what secrets that KC was trying to keep from her parents. KC was tired of playing Mommy.

But, KC didn't want her mom to have Caylee either. She was jealous of the love her daughter felt for her gm, and she probably felt threatened by Cindy's authority- the same authority she'd been chafing under all her life. Cindy telling KC to grow up, accept responsibility for Caylee, put some effort into really being her mommy.

We know there are bad mothers- Susan Smith was one, Diane Downs and Darlie Routier are others. I think at some point KC just decided her life would be a lot simpler and more fun if she didn't have a child to take care of. I think this was planned in advance.

I think you are so on target!
Casey went to missing child sites AND did searches for chloroform.

Bingo! Just one of these alone says premeditation to me, both of them scream it!
Was the car seat and the doll in the car at the tow yard?
That changes my perspective--wow. Seems her subconscious wishes became conscious actions.
She may have been researching missing child cases - trying to learn how a child could disappear without casting suspicion on the parent.
I'll put it this way, if it wasn't premeditated, JB's gonna have some major 'splainin' to do to get a jury to believe it wasn't, imo!

When I first heard about this case I had considered that it was an accident. In my own honest opinion, as more time goes by and I learn more and more about this case, sadly, it does make me wonder if Casey pre-meditated this.

When I first heard about this case I had considered that it was an accident. In my own honest opinion, as more time goes by and I learn more and more about this case, sadly, it does make me wonder if Casey pre-meditated this.

She ABSOLUTELY premeditated it. If it had been an accident she would have called 911.
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