A view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #2

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Thanks to Katie and Pasa - I missed the entire day again due to working, and haven't had a chance to watch all the shows I recorded on TV. Did Jodi come across as pretty confident with her answers today? On TV it appears she was in her element, so to speak - she l-o-v-e-s her little place up there on the stand! It seems she would stay there forever if she could! Could you tell an overall jury appearance - I thought the questions were brilliant, at least the ones I have heard so far, so I'm wondering how they seem to be liking Jodi's responses, or is it too hard to see?
Feel free to go into that album and add any comments you want to. I made it for people like me that need a visual to remember who you are referring to. My take may be way off base but hey, I tried!!!
I didn't know the actual juror #'s. That would help!!!
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One thing I found interesting today was Jodi said that in the past she thought violent people were "unevolved." Apparently she didn't feel that way about Travis. I wonder if the jury had any reaction to that statement?
Not at all. I watched her over there and she was calm and maybe even seemed pleased with herself. seriously.

Than You KCL!!

I wondered if you caught any reaction to the on the fly obvious lie as to why TA would send the Spidey undies when he clearly stated he didn't like Spider-Man?

Her face was beet red as she looked away then up as tho reaching into the defective memory lobe of her mentally challenged brain for an answer. Then she answered with a grin on her face. I was floored by this. Her talent for manipulating this jury knows no bounds. I should say attempted manipulation!

She really believes these questions are good for her or that her answers are helping??? Magical thinking I guess.

BTW, I know who Janine Driver is now after catching her on one of the hln shows this past week. She's awesome. I remembered you mentioned something a couple weeks back about possibly meeting with her & wondered if you had?
( you mentioned in a post you answered when I first came on here. I didn't see it for a couple days-was embarrassed over not getting it!) Just wanted to make sure to apologize as I still miss things and its embarrassing!

Thank you again for all you do! : )
Katie, I heard or read somewhere that the questions were read in order by how they were put in the juror box. Did you get the sense that the phrasing, especially toward the end of the day, mimicked that of Juan Martinez? It felt a bit like cross to me, only WITHOUT the interruptions from the DT. Almost the same questions, too. As if jurors were trying to get her to answer what JM could not pin her down on. ("You said you never wrote anything negative about Travis, then you said you ripped those pages out. Which is it?" Jodi from La La Land: "Both!")

Thank you SO MUCH for your insights! I read them to my hubby every night. (But he knows I'm TOTALLY JEALOUS you got a touch and words from Juan Martinez! Hugs to that man!) :great:

I did get a vibe off some of the questions that they were more making statements sort of sarcastically than asking questions...that they were in the wake of Martinez' vibes. So yes I do agree with that!
Than You KCL!!

I wondered if you caught any reaction to the on the fly obvious lie as to why TA would send the Spidey undies when he clearly stated he didn't like Spider-Man?

Her face was beet red as she looked away then up as tho reaching into the defective memory lobe of her mentally challenged brain for an answer. Then she answered with a grin on her face. I was floored by this. Her talent for manipulating this jury knows no bounds. I should say attempted manipulation!

She really believes these questions are good for her or that her answers are helping??? Magical thinking I guess.

BTW, I know who Janine Driver is now after catching her on one of the hln shows this past week. She's awesome. I remembered you mentioned something a couple weeks back about possibly meeting with her & wondered if you had?
( you mentioned in a post you answered when I first came on here. I didn't see it for a couple days-was embarrassed over not getting it!) Just wanted to make sure to apologize as I still miss things and its embarrassing!

Thank you again for all you do! : )

I'm still working on Janine...I didn't get a specific reaction from the jury on the spiderman underwear but I did in the gallery. Ok off to bed now..I'm seriously beat! Long day manana.
Did one of them have long blond hair with a little too much *glamour* going on?

The one trying to get in had long dark hair (curled), turquoise/teal top, and tan knee boots. She was very persistent.

I wonder if the glamour blonde is the one the Dr D producer came over and asked if she wanted to be on the show. She said she did not.

She also had teal top and jeans, and a lot of make-up. What I'd call camera/film make-up.

There was another blonde who came in later. Very tall, pretty, a good bit of make-up but not over-done like the other one.
She had jury duty, got released and came up to see if she could get in.
She said she used to be a court reporter. I got the impression it was not in Arizona.
She was nice.
I'm still working on Janine...I didn't get a specific reaction from the jury on the spiderman underwear but I did in the gallery. Ok off to bed now..I'm seriously beat! Long day manana.

Have a great rest!

I just hope he never reads here. He's kind of a macho looking guy and is only called Poquito because he's quite short. He might even be shorter than Juan Martinez. Don't get me wrong, I like shorter guys but just sayin...

I think Poquito may be shorter than I am, and that is short. Not a put-down, just sayin'.
I sensed jodi was uneasy and nervous answering juror questions. How did she come across to yall in court? P.S. envious Katie made contact with Juan..I adore him!! I wonder if he is single??
You're exactly right PASA. And it kind of is embarrassing and heartbreaking at the same time. She's making a huge investment in this lying sociopath only to get dissed and dismissed right and left. but how would she feel about herself for the rest of her life if she didn't show up? I doubt she will visit her in prison.

I believe 2 of the most important questions were "How is her relationship with her mother and father?"
Mom-Compllicated, strained and rub each other wrong all day long
Dad-Not close at all, loves him better when she interacts with him less, he is negative but so is she but doesn't like to go there.

She testified other than hit with wooden spoon (i.e. disipline for obviously obstinate child) she had an idyllic childhood. (I don't believe she was disiplined if she didn't deserve it)
She clearly checked out with her whole family when she was 17 and it appears they did the same with her. We all know families who have seemingly normal children, raised them all the same way, yet there is that one who is OFF from birth. I have one of those in my family. (Not mentioning any names but he's the baby of our family):banghead: :blushing:
I don't blame her parents for this monster at all.
I am wondering though if the jury wants some sense of this relationship to make it an easier decision to decide the DP.
Ladies, can you recall if they have been paying attention at all to her side of the courtroom? Do they see them in the halls while entering the courtroom?
I believe 2 of the most important questions were "How is her relationship with her mother and father?"
Mom-Compllicated, strained and rub each other wrong all day long
Dad-Not close at all, loves him better when she interacts with him less, he is negative but so is she but doesn't like to go there.

She testified other than hit with wooden spoon (i.e. disipline for obviously obstinate child) she had an idyllic childhood. (I don't believe she was disiplined if she didn't deserve it)
She clearly checked out with her whole family when she was 17 and it appears they did the same with her. We all know families who have seemingly normal children, raised them all the same way, yet there is that one who is OFF from birth. I have one of those in my family. (Not mentioning any names but he's the baby of our family):banghead: :blushing:
I don't blame her parents for this monster at all.
I am wondering though if the jury wants some sense of this relationship to make it an easier decision to decide the DP.
Ladies, can you recall if they have been paying attention at all to her side of the courtroom? Do they see them in the halls while entering the courtroom?

I have not seen them looking over there much at all. ANd these jurors are so stoned faced and appropriate in the halls they just walk in and out barely interacting at all..even with each other. they are taking this job VERY seriously.
I sensed jodi was uneasy and nervous answering juror questions. How did she come across to yall in court? P.S. envious Katie made contact with Juan..I adore him!! I wonder if he is single??

Nope, not single. And she came across confident to me with the exception toward the end where her voice started to crack.
I'll just end it on this note:

Juan Martinez touched me today!!! :great:

he's amazing.

After some prompting by others in this thread for the lurkers to join in, I found my old screename after a long absence, to agree with you how much I love BK!

During the Scott Peterson trial she wore a long, pretty, pink, coat a few days and to my delight I found one that looked similar and I had to have it. It's my Beth Karas coat and still in pristine condition! I thought sure after her fabulous reporting after that trial she would get her own show, but to no avail and then courttv took a turn for the worse. SAd she could be losing her job altogether now :(

Thanks KCL and the other observers, for allowing us a "fly on the wall fix" during this riveting trial!

In previewing the post, I edited out your comments about Beth:banghead: and this was after I lost my first attempt at posting...so I will just add... JM is a FIRECRACKER I always have liked watching the more aggressive attorneys.
Wow...that is freaky! He's still in prison right? Or is he out already? Sad story. My friend Paul Rubin covered it and thought it was a wrongful conviction (we don't agree). I thought he was a wild narcissist. Sad story...another LDS story. I guess Juan is an expert on LDS now huh?

Also another Mormon journal issue. Juan has been well versed for a while. His new wife creeps me out. That whole story creeps me actually
Thank you KatieCoolady!!! You are most awesome. It must have been electrifying in that courtroom this afternoon.

Katie, you were in there today when history was being made! And for those of us who were watching, it felt like history was being made, to me. It just had that feel like when I watched the shuttle explode or the tower's fall. Maybe not that extreme, but it just felt like everything clicked a certain way and tumbled into place. It felt amazing and many of us commented how they have so much more respect for the jury system. It's not often we get to see a confessed murderer on the stand and the actual jury getting to confront them! It's something most of us would have loved to do at some point or another. it feels RIGHT!

Thanks Katie, again, for all you did and do! :great:
Same here, I'm always civil to her when we cross paths, usually in the bathroom. :)

I wonder if she's shell shocked by her daughter's crime and doesn't know how to act in the courtroom.
Did she start out believing ja's story only to realize it's all lies and now she's seeing ja for what she is???

There is something weird between her and ja. SA is there supporting her day after day and ja doesn't so much as give a look in her direction.

I've noticed when ja goes back to the defense table she never looks at her mother. No smile, no wave, nada.

It's not like she isn't allowed, she looks around to other areas of the room.

I've sat behind her mother and aunt a couple of times.

But was quick to give her aunt a shout out today
Have you looked at my juror avatars ? I made him Tommy Chong... I was gonna do Cheech Marin but he didn't have enough facial hair!! LOL

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** small sigh ** I can't access the album to see the avatars. I get an error message suggesting that I don't have the proper credentials for viewing.

I'm glad to have landed on this forum. Finally, found someone else intrigued by the criminal justice system. Court reporters, I applaud your dedication to your fellow WebSleuths in sharing your observations after an exhausting day. Thank you.

But was quick to give her aunt a shout out today

I just wanted to say that I thought a juror was looking for any kind of loyalty or bonds that JA may have without passing judgement or blame on those persons. Particularly family.
It seems she's incapable of unconditional love or even forgiveness for others yet wants it for herself. Always.
Also another Mormon journal issue. Juan has been well versed for a while. His new wife creeps me out. That whole story creeps me actually

meg, were you talking about the Scott Falater case, the sleepwalking defense? I just rewatched that the other day because I didn't realize it was "our" Juan Martinez who prosecuted - I love his style in all the clips I've seen - I wish I could find more of them online.

I think this trial takes the cake though - a defendant who's been on the stand for 16 days???? She is impossible to deal with! I love hearing from the court insiders to see how different it may be in the courtroom vs on TV. Also love to hear the insight of the ones who are lucky enough to be there - so far I haven't been able to take off work to attend.

KLC - so jealous that you literally came into contact with Juan today! :)
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