a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #3

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Kcl sorry if you don't like this pic but I got a screen grab of you

Love your earrings katie! I have the same pair!
Am I the only one wishin these next few days will go by fast?
Have y'all noticed that when Martinez takes a little longer to question JA the talking heads complain? Blah blah blah But when nurmi slowwwwlyyyy drags his tail! With his monotonous slow monotone questioning! You hear no complaints! From talking heads! Grrrrrr
They don't criticise. Nurmi ! not that they should do that to Him
but they go out of their way to critique! Juan throwing in their two cents worth saying! they would do or say! It differently !! hello JEALOUSY
Makes me agitated! With jm they even go as far as grading him on his performance?
Juan is rocking it! He does in five minutes what it took nurmi five hrs to say!

I strongly believe ! Jodi will argue with The Lord on judgement day!
That's one court she will face sooner or later!
If she gets the needle I hope on that day of execution ! The family
Will stand up and wave :seeya::seeya::seeya::seeya::seeya::seeya:
To JA ! See ya wouldn't wanna be ya !! :seeya:

Getting my notes ready to post, but first a disclaimer or two. :)

These are my thoughts and opinions, they may differ from others, so take it for what it's worth.

I didn't write down a lot of the proceedings because they were on the live feed, and you can see better on the feed than we can in court.

These notes are my observations and experiences inside the courtroom, hall, and maybe a little happy hour thrown in. :)
Getting my notes ready to post, but first a disclaimer or two. :)

These are my thoughts and opinions, they may differ from others, so take it for what it's worth.

I didn't write down a lot of the proceedings because they were on the live feed, and you can see better on the feed than we can in court.

These notes are my observations and experiences inside the courtroom, hall, and maybe a little happy hour thrown in. :)


Thank you PASA!!
I do believe that one "truth" Jodi has told is the Calorie Bug (or whatever it's called) that she says Travis wore all the time on his right bicep. It makes more sense than duct tape, IMO.

Wow, I forgot about that testimony. I saw the crime scene evidence photo of it rolled up on the floor but never introduced that I can remember. Thanks for refreshing my memory Anita, it's apparently not as good as Jodi's:D
That duct tape on his arm has been bothering our group as to WHY is it there. Here in Louisiana we have debated that very question. Men in the room can't come up with a reason and all of them said there is nothing they would find sexual about that. Why put it there? It would have to be quite painful to pull it off and you can clearly see in the shower photos the red mark arcross his bicep. I guess just one more thing to add to the "we will never know" list.

:seeya: Just thought I would slip in to try and give you some information I have learned here and in other places. Travis was working hard on his body for the trip to Cancun. He very well may have wrapped it around his bicep for exercise. Apparently some people will wrap it and flex it through time until it breaks. He has it perfectly in the middle of that bicep. I also think it's possible that working out like it did could have caused it to be sore or injured and he wrapped it for that reason as well. He took it off on his way to the shower and it probably got lost in the sheets and was carried to the laundry room falling out either before being stuffed into the wash or in transfer from washer to drier.

Hope that brings you so more theories but exactly as you said we will never know.
Oh yeah, Beth's jewelry looked great. When she was on Vinnie earlier in the day, she kind of gave a little shake of the head like "check 'em out!" :)

I must confess, as a guy, when I first saw and heard Beth K. it was during the CA trial and my only source was HLN, so I was frustrated by the constant commercials for lawyers and drugs during critical moments. BK was just another TH on each show I saw, and with everybody screaming over each other, it was frustrating, so I formed an opinion of her as "another one of those". The only distinguishing aspect about her at that time was her muppet-like voice.

I have avoided HLN since then -- until this case attracted my attention, though I watch the live stream at Wild About Trial, and occasionally flip to HLN during sidebars or breaks. It was during this trial that I finally discovered Web Sleuths, and now this is my top site for criminal cases and trials. I've seen a couple of others and this is by far the best moderated and well-behaved crime forum!

As a result, I must say that I have come to form an entirely different opinion of Beth, based on the interactions she has had with KCL and other court observers here, and I have the utmost respect for her and her tireless work, and her non-sensational reporting. She is a true class act and I wish her the best once this trial is over.

Any major network should see her value and snap her up if they want a beautiful, knowledgeable and fair-minded reporter of true crimes. I would like to see her having a hosting spot in something like 48 Hours.

PS ... I may be developing a bit of a crush for her as well. :heartbeat:
I just tried catching up on YouTube from yesterdays questions. I saw the leopard outfit cougar lady. is she related to anyone on JAs side? Or just an observer? (eep! I wonder if she posts here..lol)
Seriously, who is the furry guy behind her family? I asked yesterday, but got lost in the super fast threads.
Maybe he's another Jodi visitor?

I have so much respect for Travis' family, they seem like such good people.
I just hate they ever had to be in this situation. I hope they'll get chances to say statements to JA.
She is dragging him through the mud, just as she threatened to do in her motions before trial.

And KatieCoo, and PASA, thank you for being there to report to us here!!

Lol I seen the leopard lady! Katie aren't you afraid that thing will come to life and attack someone! Maybe nurmi! When he drags on and on! Oh katie
Don't sit to close be cautious! :floorlaugh:
:seeya: Just thought I would slip in to try and give you some information I have learned here and in other places. Travis was working hard on his body for the trip to Cancun. He very well may have wrapped it around his bicep for exercise. Apparently some people will wrap it and flex it through time until it breaks. He has it perfectly in the middle of that bicep. I also think it's possible that working out like it did could have caused it to be sore or injured and he wrapped it for that reason as well. He took it off on his way to the shower and it probably got lost in the sheets and was carried to the laundry room falling out either before being stuffed into the wash or in transfer from washer to drier.

Hope that brings you so more theories but exactly as you said we will never know.

Is it certain that duct tape was around his arm? I thought I read/heard that he used a BodyMedia Fit Link Armband, does anyone else remember this? It is a band you wear around your bicep area that tracks things such as how many calories you burn. IIRC, the thought that he had duct tape on his arm was because you can see indentions on his arm in a picture....could the indentions possibly be from the Body Fit rather than duct tape?
I must confess, as a guy, when I first saw and heard Beth K. it was during the CA trial and my only source was HLN, so I was frustrated by the constant commercials for lawyers and drugs during critical moments. BK was just another TH on each show I saw, and with everybody screaming over each other, it was frustrating, so I formed an opinion of her as "another one of those". The only distinguishing aspect about her at that time was her muppet-like voice.

I have avoided HLN since then -- until this case attracted my attention, though I watch the live stream at Wild About Trial, and occasionally flip to HLN during sidebars or breaks. It was during this trial that I finally discovered Web Sleuths, and now this is my top site for criminal cases and trials. I've seen a couple of others and this is by far the best moderated and well-behaved crime forum!

As a result, I must say that I have come to form an entirely different opinion of Beth, based on the interactions she has had with KCL and other court observers here, and I have the utmost respect for her and her tireless work, and her non-sensational reporting. She is a true class act and I wish her the best once this trial is over.

Any major network should see her value and snap her up if they want a beautiful, knowledgeable and fair-minded reporter of true crimes. I would like to see her having a hosting spot in something like 48 Hours.

PS ... I may be developing a bit of a crush for her as well. :heartbeat:

It's too bad you weren't addicted to trials back when Scott Peterson was on. Beth was SO SO awesome. Back then Court TV covered the trial all day long, live. Sigh. Those were the days.
OT Apologies

Katiecoolady, I had no idea you were a fellow product of IL and as a lifelong resident I recall your sister's case. Thank you for linking to the information and thanks for being our eyes in the courtroom. I now have a much better understanding of why you are so passionate about this case.
Katiecoolady: just read the stories for which you provided links about your sister's murder and how you came to be "katiecoolady". I've gained a whole new perspective that magnifies my admiration for you. Here, I thought you were just this cool woman with a lot of free time on her hands who has a "thing" for live trials. You're all that and much more.

I, for one, appreciate more than the limits of our language can convey your insider reporting, because it's unfiltered and real: you get to be where many of us would LIKE to be but can't, and what you write is what our brains would be absorbing were we to be there. Your notes from yesterday were especially riveting.

Here's one exchange we all NEED to hear at least once before this is all over with:
Nurmi: "Objection! Judge, may we approach?"
Judge Stevens: "No. Sit down and shut up. Mr. Martinez, please continue your beat down."
Nurmi: "But..."
Judge Stevens: "I said shut up."
Nurmi: "OK." (takes out peanut butter and jelly sandwich and starts chewing on it).

Hate to rain on anyone's post-JM follow up elation, but: it occurs to me that Jodi Arias wants to die. This, for her, is all a big show. She clearly remembers vividly every single nanosecond of her slaughtering of Travis. She's playing games with people's heads - something even her legions of detractors must admit she is very good at. She knows the jury isn't buying her nonsense. She enjoys the verbal sparring with JM. She is not concerned in the least about piffling little things like perjury, remorse or being liked.

This is the Jodi Arias Show. She sticks to the script that she hopes ultimately leads to a death sentence. She figures it's going to happen no matter what she says or does at this point, so why not have some more fun at Travis and his family's expense with the eyes of the world upon her? She knows no matter what happens this is the last time so many people are ever going to care about her, even if by "caring" we include wanting her to suffer mightily for her crime and subsequent attitude.

Our system of justice has yet to devise a method of submitting this defendant to enough painful physical, mental and emotional torment to truly avenge what she did to Travis Alexander. Our options appear to be the death penalty, which amounts to 15 years of appeals followed by a needle and an eternal nap; or life in prison (preferably without the possibility of parole). That is only an adequate sentence if she is locked in a cold dark cell for 23 hours a day with NO contact from other inmates or visitors from the outside, no access to television, books or the internet and if the walls of the cell are plastered with images from the crime scene.

In either case, the reality of what she did to this man and the yeoman's efforts she has undertaken to continue to "kill" him in her testimony is going to make whatever punishment she receives feel hollow. Be prepared for that.

It IS however going to feel so utterly satisfying to watch Mr. Martinez "choke her out" in the coming days during follow up and rebuttal. He has seemingly been the only one since this whole trial began that has - at least for a few instances - exposed whatever remaining humanity she has in her: getting her to sob uncontrollably while calmly asking her if she was crying during the crime. That clip will be required viewing for every coming generation of prosecutors in training.

I think I have a man crush on JM. I admit it. Either that or I'm just projecting how badly I wish I could have a chance to be the prosecutor at this trial. Not that I have any experience in the field, but I would just like to go all Perry Mason on her. I am certain we haven't yet seen even the BEST of Juan Martinez. His summation will be hypnotizing.

So, katiecoolady, I heart you, too. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication. Your sister would be WAY proud.

Great post Mr. Landers!
I arrived before lunch and was surprised to see vacant seats in the hall/lobby area. It meant I had a decent chance to get in for the afternoon session. Yay!!

I see a gal who had been there the day before, she brought her friend with her today. The day before I'd helped her set up her iPad so she could get the feed out in the hall.
More about them later.

After I get seated I text KCL to find out if she's coming to the afternoon session and let her know I have a decent chance today. :) She says she will be there for the afternoon.

To pass the time most of us chit chat about the trial. A few are watching the feed on their tablets and phones. Nurmi is up, so I'm not going to bother. :) Others are causing
some drama, but that's a whole other story for later.

Yay! Lunch hour, court is out and I'm 90 minutes closer to getting inside. Time passes quickly, before we know it security comes out and gives us the rundown, which I've heard in various versions the past few weeks.
1. Electronics must be powered down, and kept out of sight. Only the media is allowed to use them inside the courtroom. If you are caught you may be taken downstairs where a sheriff's deputy will search the content of your phone. You will be held until they decide if you've breeched any security. (no thanks to that, I make sure mine are off and out of sight).
2. No food or drinks. Water or soda in a closed container *bottled* allowed, as are cough drops or hard candy.
3. Advised not to talk, as we can be heard. There are microphones all over the courtroom and they pick up a lot of the talk. We are reminded that the defendant and victim have families in attendance and our remarks could be hurtful if heard. Can be booted out for talking.
4. Go to the bathroom now. If you have to leave during court you will not be let back inside until there is a side-bar, if at all. People coming and going is a distraction to the jury. (does not apply to media ;)

And with that we're escorted inside the first set of double doors, then through the second set inside the courtroom Once inside we are told where to sit.
Today we were seated from the back row going forward. I am in Row 4, Seat 4, right behind Katie-Dr Drew's Juror today.

I hear someone complaining behind me. She was upset because she and her group were 1st in line and was assigned to sit in the back row. I guess they felt they should get to sit in row 2 (row 1 is for family) and were pizzed about sitting in the back. I write in my notebook, "I'm happy to get inside and don't care where I sit". :)

I look around for KCL and see her, we smile and wave. :)

To my right are the two gals from the lobby/hall. To my left is one we call Glamour Girl and next to her is Gypsy Woman. GG and GW seem to hit it off and they are chatting away, I'm chatting with the two gals to my right.

Nurmi walks in, all smiles, usually he's got a frowny face. :) Wilmott walks in, on her phone texting.

All rise- Judge Stephens takes the bench. Sidebar already... Several "sheesh" and "omgs" are heard in the gallery.

I glance over at the victim's family. Samantha has her hair in a pretty braid up-do, and Tanisha's looks like a new color, some auburn tones... very pretty. Another sister is in attendance as is a brother and Tanisha's husband. I just want to hug them, my heart breaks for what they are going through. Sorry, I can't remember the other sister and brother's name.

Sidebar over and that gawd-awful white noise.... ahhh, silence. Please stand for the jury -- jury takes their seats.

Next I'll list the jury and my opinion.
What a horrible thing to have experienced with your brother. It is disgusting to read how many professionals ignored your brother. If it was recent I would contact the paper myself.

It was more than twenty years ago. At the time I was more focused on keeping his wife from collecting the insurance money that needed to be used to provide for his children.
KCL Thank you so much for your articulate and well written account of the events in today's court session. I'm recently new to this site and can see I will be spending hours on various forums catching up, sharing and supporting every where I can.

Look forward to seeing you on Ricki Lake. I am so very sorry about your sister.
It was more than twenty years ago. At the time I was more focused on keeping his wife from collecting the insurance money that needed to be used to provide for his children.
All I can say is wow, learn something new every day....my heart goes out to you, I lost my brother too 20 years ago, and there is not a day that goes by...that I miss him!
I for one have no respect for this man. It's interesting how he's being put out there as some sort of expert when all he did was get a murderer free in a most despicable and dishonest manner. He can say whatever he wants but I hope no one listens.

Please Nells don't think that I disrespect you. Others may find his interview interesting.

I watched the whole trial and can safely say Jose Baez didn't out lawyer the prosecutor. I remember one instance in particular where he was using a board for demonstration to the jury and couldn't even spell "iron." He just got lucky with a really stupid jury who didn't understand a circumstantial case doesn't come with a video tape of the murder.
I just recall her saying to one of the shows that interviewed her
She was asked about her smiling in her mug shot! She said something like! Why not! She knew it would be seen on the Internet! So why not!

Which confirms that she is loving the attention! Wether if it was negative or not.

She actually also tilted her head, smiled and said "Say Cheese!" It was the weirdest, creepiest thing I have ever seen. Even the interviewer seems startled.
Did anyone else notice that when Jodi recounted the sequence of events leading up to the gunshot both during direct and cross examination, she stated he lunged and as he was lunging the gun went off and he said "f'n kill you, b" and tackled her, but when the jurors had her recount the sequence she stated that he lunged, the gun went off, he landed on top but to the right of her, both of them on the ground, and THEN he made the statement threatening her life. She's had years to get this straight but she still can't keep the lies straight!
I glance over at the victim's family. Samantha has her hair in a pretty braid up-do, and Tanisha's looks like a new color, some auburn tones... very pretty. Another sister is in attendance as is a brother and Tanisha's husband. I just want to hug them, my heart breaks for what they are going through. Sorry, I can't remember the other sister and brother's name.

Sidebar over and that gawd-awful white noise.... ahhh, silence. Please stand for the jury -- jury takes their seats.

Next I'll list the jury and my opinion.

I posted about this on another thread. I wondered if she got her hair colored to show the jury just how different a person can look with a different hair color.
She does look pretty..
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