a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #4

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No way do I believe someone being chased would not run towards help first.
You get outside where others can see and watch so you won't be abused.
Fight or Flee is not a sophisicated thinking process, IMO. It's instinct.

Dr. Samuels is just throwing in his own ideas of what these conditions would be like.
He's a quack psychologist, IMO.

Absolutely run outside....ESPECIALLY if the person chasing u is NAKED!!
Infuriating and wrong on more levels than I can say. You should all start wearing Navy everything to court every day. They can't make you take your clothes off!

...and then one of you wear a T-shirt with a big "L", and someone's else wear a T-shirt
with a big "I", and someone else one with a big "A", and someone wear one with a big "R"!!!!!
yeah i noticed. she's so pathological. she's disgusting. i can only imagine how she behaves with the male correctional officers at the Estrella jail. my sister got a screenshot of her talking to the bailiff in the courtroom, smiling very suggestively at him. she thrives on male attention. it's only a matter of time before a male correctional officer has a little fling with her and loses his job)...i have worked in the prison system in several states for years and it happens ALL the time.........

She probably already has had several flings...she's disgusting!:notgood:
I realize it's hard to tell, but do you get the feeling that the jury is getting Juan's subtle (or maybe not so subtle) message that, as an expert, Samuels is there to edify (oops!) us lay people regarding his area of expertise (be it psychology or craters) and not to act as a complete shill for one side, twisting every fact in a certain direction and making up facts as needed?
I hope Katie coollady is okay she has not posted tonight.Has anyone heard from her?Hope her brother is okay.

I'll post my notes tomorrow then I need to take a couple Jodi - free days for sanity. I'm officially reaching a level of burn out here.

My brother is better, thank God. I have my father coming in next week for reinforcements. All this juggling court, my business, visiting my brother, cat sitting , etc. has caught up with me.

I'm putting the raffle idea on hold for now to just clear my head. But I do appreciate all the donations rolling in...I will post tomorrow the exact words Sam wrote in my journal for the preferred way to send donations.

Just getting in bed at 2:25am so...looking forward to a long winter's nap right now. :seeya:
I want to know if anyone noticed how different JA was behaving today after that strange exchange with JW regarding a particular juror? She is flirty and had her chair turned toward the left most of the day and was urging her implants to perk up, touching her neck and pulling her hair up etc...just very different behavior. I think she thinks one of them is caught in her web, the black widow that she is.

I noticed that too. She seemed to be looking backwards more, and to the side. She was more, I don't know, is animated the word?
Before I go to sleep I want to get something out of my head which is where my notes started for today knowing this is controversial but it's just how I feel. I literally walked straight in to Jodi's mom as i walked in the courtroom. She was walking out and I was walking in and we collided. We both chuckled and said "I'm sorry!" in that normal you would in that kind of awkward moment in life. I trust my gut feeling completely and I keep having these little moments of colliding with her around the courtroom and every time it happens I am overwhelmed with this feeling of this woman just being a normal person going through something like this.

After hearing what those people were saying behind her and getting thrown out of court I sincerely felt/feel empathy for what that must feel like. I know many people have issues with her and I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything but share how i feel. And I know I wouldn't feel this way if I'd not had these small encounters (for a reason?) that ignite this instant feeling of compassion for this woman. To me she kind of can't win for losing.She gave birth to this monster. She knew her when she was an innocent baby. How would she live the rest of her life if she wasn't there. And yet Jodi throws her under the bus yet again through this witness who testifies she is the one person who's had the brunt of Jodi's anger. I'm sure she has.

I don't know how else to explain my feelings other than to think of her this evening my weary heart goes out to this woman who's also enduring the unimaginable.

For me i think Jodi Arias is some kind of freak of nature and I do mean nature. I don't know from where she came but just on the limited knowledge I have, I don't hold it against her mother. Please don't throw rotten tomatoes at me...this was just kind of haunting me so had to get it out of my head. Now I can go to sleep. :eek:fftobed:
Before I go to sleep I want to get something out of my head which is where my notes started for today knowing this is controversial but it's just how I feel. I literally walked straight in to Jodi's mom as i walked in the courtroom. She was walking out and I was walking in and we collided. We both chuckled and said "I'm sorry!" in that normal you would in that kind of awkward moment in life. I trust my gut feeling completely and I keep having these little moments of colliding with her around the courtroom and every time it happens I am overwhelmed with this feeling of this woman just being a normal person going through something like this.

After hearing what those people were saying behind her and getting thrown out of court I sincerely felt/feel empathy for what that must feel like. I know many people have issues with her and I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything but share how i feel. And I know I wouldn't feel this way if I'd not had these small encounters (for a reason?) that ignite this instant feeling of compassion for this woman. To me she kind of can't win for losing.She gave birth to this monster. She knew her when she was an innocent baby. How would she live the rest of her life if she wasn't there. And yet Jodi throws her under the bus yet again through this witness who testifies she is the one person who's had the brunt of Jodi's anger. I'm sure she has.

I don't know how else to explain my feelings other than to think of her this evening my weary heart goes out to this woman who's also enduring the unimaginable.

For me i think Jodi Arias is some kind of freak of nature and I do mean nature. I don't know from where she came but just on the limited knowledge I have, I don't hold it against her mother. Please don't throw rotten tomatoes at me...this was just kind of haunting me so had to get it out of my head. Now I can go to sleep. :eek:fftobed:

Families of killers are often also victims. They are the victims no one want to hear from, so they stick to themselves. Which, I think, is for the best for everyone involved.
yeah i noticed. she's so pathological. she's disgusting. i can only imagine how she behaves with the male correctional officers at the Estrella jail. my sister got a screenshot of her talking to the bailiff in the courtroom, smiling very suggestively at him. she thrives on male attention. it's only a matter of time before a male correctional officer has a little fling with her and loses his job)...i have worked in the prison system in several states for years and it happens ALL the time.........

Yes it does happen and they do get caught. LOL:floorlaugh:
Does that account go to the family? I donated via that link...do I need to dispute it and donate from the other link? I want my money to go to the family.

It does...eventually. But it took quite a bit of time. KCL is going to give updated information from Samantha tomorrow about the family's preference for donations so I'll wait for that info before I donate again. :)
KCL, I feel sorry for Jodis mom also. I would not want to be in her shoes. I am sure she knows what her daughter did. Mom probably feels out of place in the court and knows people are trying to judge her also. Mom probably does not know how to act in her situation. Who would ? Her daughters life is on the line and despite what JA did and is capable of, mom gave birth to her and stills has a moms love. She does act odd in the court and sometimes laughs inappropriately...we think. We don't know what she is laughing about although none of this is a laughing matter.
That question shocked me and it sounds like someone is buying grodi's story

Yes, to me there is one person ( I hope one) that is leaning to the Defense. Even back to the original jury questions there was one here or there that just seemed "off". Hopefully this person will be "off" the final panel. :please:
Before I go to sleep I want to get something out of my head which is where my notes started for today knowing this is controversial but it's just how I feel. I literally walked straight in to Jodi's mom as i walked in the courtroom. She was walking out and I was walking in and we collided. We both chuckled and said "I'm sorry!" in that normal you would in that kind of awkward moment in life. I trust my gut feeling completely and I keep having these little moments of colliding with her around the courtroom and every time it happens I am overwhelmed with this feeling of this woman just being a normal person going through something like this.

After hearing what those people were saying behind her and getting thrown out of court I sincerely felt/feel empathy for what that must feel like. I know many people have issues with her and I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything but share how i feel. And I know I wouldn't feel this way if I'd not had these small encounters (for a reason?) that ignite this instant feeling of compassion for this woman. To me she kind of can't win for losing.She gave birth to this monster. She knew her when she was an innocent baby. How would she live the rest of her life if she wasn't there. And yet Jodi throws her under the bus yet again through this witness who testifies she is the one person who's had the brunt of Jodi's anger. I'm sure she has.

I don't know how else to explain my feelings other than to think of her this evening my weary heart goes out to this woman who's also enduring the unimaginable.

For me i think Jodi Arias is some kind of freak of nature and I do mean nature. I don't know from where she came but just on the limited knowledge I have, I don't hold it against her mother. Please don't throw rotten tomatoes at me...this was just kind of haunting me so had to get it out of my head. Now I can go to sleep. :eek:fftobed:

No rotten tomato's here! The Arias family did not do anything. It is Arias herself who is the "rotten tomato". I think almost any family who has a member of their family who is a murderer will stick by them to some point. I would never "call them out" or be mean to them. I don't agree with her Mom trying to sell/give the National Enquirer those fake letters to try to change the tides, but it is not HER who is the murderer. I am sure they struggle to believe in their family member. On the other hand, at the time, I would have called out the parents of Casey Anthony. Only because...well, you know!
Before I go to sleep I want to get something out of my head which is where my notes started for today knowing this is controversial but it's just how I feel. I literally walked straight in to Jodi's mom as i walked in the courtroom. She was walking out and I was walking in and we collided. We both chuckled and said "I'm sorry!" in that normal you would in that kind of awkward moment in life. I trust my gut feeling completely and I keep having these little moments of colliding with her around the courtroom and every time it happens I am overwhelmed with this feeling of this woman just being a normal person going through something like this.

After hearing what those people were saying behind her and getting thrown out of court I sincerely felt/feel empathy for what that must feel like. I know many people have issues with her and I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything but share how i feel. And I know I wouldn't feel this way if I'd not had these small encounters (for a reason?) that ignite this instant feeling of compassion for this woman. To me she kind of can't win for losing.She gave birth to this monster. She knew her when she was an innocent baby. How would she live the rest of her life if she wasn't there. And yet Jodi throws her under the bus yet again through this witness who testifies she is the one person who's had the brunt of Jodi's anger. I'm sure she has.

I don't know how else to explain my feelings other than to think of her this evening my weary heart goes out to this woman who's also enduring the unimaginable.

For me i think Jodi Arias is some kind of freak of nature and I do mean nature. I don't know from where she came but just on the limited knowledge I have, I don't hold it against her mother. Please don't throw rotten tomatoes at me...this was just kind of haunting me so had to get it out of my head. Now I can go to sleep. :eek:fftobed:

Hi Katie,

Who would throw Rotten tomatoes at you? IMO you are our lifeline to this case, and I for one so appreciate your daily reports and contributions.

I must say I believe there is a better insight into a person when we have a personal moment with them, and respect your feelings about Mrs. Arias.

Not being a Mother myself I will never understand that maternal bond. I can only relate to my very loving relationship with my own mother, and I cannot see her sitting there day after day cold and expressionless until her and her sister find something humorous about a man being slaughtered at the hands of
her daughter. As Jodie herself said "there is something just not right about the mother". MOO--so please no tomatoes either, as I am not as valuable as you to this forum.

However having said this, there is absolutely NO EXCUSE for someone being so callous as to wish a daughter dead, knowing the mother or family is able to hear that comment. Just my opinion.
Yes, to me there is one person ( I hope one) that is leaning to the Defense. Even back to the original jury questions there was one here or there that just seemed "off". Hopefully this person will be "off" the final panel. :please:

Was it the question that asked if it was possible if TA stopped to look at the camera and that's why he didn't catch up to her right away while she was running down the hall?
Before I go to sleep I want to get something out of my head which is where my notes started for today knowing this is controversial but it's just how I feel. I literally walked straight in to Jodi's mom as i walked in the courtroom. She was walking out and I was walking in and we collided. We both chuckled and said "I'm sorry!" in that normal you would in that kind of awkward moment in life. I trust my gut feeling completely and I keep having these little moments of colliding with her around the courtroom and every time it happens I am overwhelmed with this feeling of this woman just being a normal person going through something like this.

After hearing what those people were saying behind her and getting thrown out of court I sincerely felt/feel empathy for what that must feel like. I know many people have issues with her and I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything but share how i feel. And I know I wouldn't feel this way if I'd not had these small encounters (for a reason?) that ignite this instant feeling of compassion for this woman. To me she kind of can't win for losing.She gave birth to this monster. She knew her when she was an innocent baby. How would she live the rest of her life if she wasn't there. And yet Jodi throws her under the bus yet again through this witness who testifies she is the one person who's had the brunt of Jodi's anger. I'm sure she has.

I don't know how else to explain my feelings other than to think of her this evening my weary heart goes out to this woman who's also enduring the unimaginable.

For me i think Jodi Arias is some kind of freak of nature and I do mean nature. I don't know from where she came but just on the limited knowledge I have, I don't hold it against her mother. Please don't throw rotten tomatoes at me...this was just kind of haunting me so had to get it out of my head. Now I can go to sleep. :eek:fftobed:

I agree. I think it must be very difficult to come to court for your child knowing that most of the people in the courtroom despise that child. I think that Jodi has no feelings for her mother--the things that came out on cross exam with Juan showed that she treats her mom very badly--I'm referencing the trip that her mom made to Mesa to help her load the truck. Jodi apparently got furious with her mother and told her to leave. Then Samuels the Compassionate brought up the angry phone calls between the two.

I get the feeling that Jodi's mom is unsophisticated and probably overwhelmed with the magnitude of her daughter's situation. I'm sure the DT has also stressed to the mom that she needs to be in court every day for the jury to see her supporting Jodi.

I think it's telling that the only other support people there with Jodi's mom are convicted criminals and their friends. (besides her sister)

Bottom line, Jodi's mom is a human being and deserves our prayers--Jodi is the non-human reptile on trial for brutal murder. JMO
That question shocked me and it sounds like someone on that jury is buying grodi's story

I am trying to look at that question as not necessarily bad for prosecution. Maybe the pent up was JA's jealousy and anger that Travis did not want her. Not that he abused her.
No tomatoes from me either. I have always felt badly for her mother. I know people read things into her laughing with her sister in the courtroom, but we have no idea what they're laughing about. It could be anything and it may be her way of coping with what is happening. I don't have children so I can't speak from personal experience, but my mother has always told me that no matter what I did, no matter how horrible, she would still be mother and be there to support me in what ever way she could. As much as I totally loathe and despise her daughter, I don't hold her responsible for what Jodi has done and is still doing. I can only imagine what she is going through, knowing that someone she gave birth to could do something so horrible, could possibly be put to death for it and then have someone seated behind you wish death on her. We can't punish her for something her daughter did. :twocents:
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