a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #4

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As a former Psych RN, I'd call it "wreak as much havoc on everyone around you disorder" and the treatment "get as far as possible from this person". I know that sounds completely uncompassionate and I guess it is. It is a very destructive diagnosis and I'm talking for the world around them.

Think Alex in Fatal Attraction. And I don't think that character was as evil as Jodi Arias.

Funny that you should say 'get away.' My cousin is a police officer and was called in for a neighbour dispute...neighbour B slashed tires (obvious but no proof), made unfounded accusations about neighbour A hurting her dog, trash mysteriously appeared on neighbour A's lawn and in their pool, damage to neighbour A's garden furniture and ornaments.

My poor cousin knew what was happening and that neighbour B was responsible but could do nothing but warn both parties. Then he confided to me that he had hauled neighbour A aside and had given him one piece of unoffical advice....MOVE ASAP!
Question for court observers... whatever happened to the "dear friend" of Jodi's, the guy (of course) who visited her in jail for the longest time and appeared in the gallery for awhile? Is he still around? He is the one who said that Jodi told him she would be out in a short time. I forgot what he said her thinking was. I don't recall hearing about him since?

You're talking about Bryan Carr. He was a regular visitor to the courthouse until the media found out about him. I haven't seen him there in weeks. Last I heard he was still visiting her at the jail. I believe someone told the media he was on team ja. I'd seen him there a few times before he was "known".
How about his "no more memory problems than you do" not once but TWICE to Martinez. Whiny snippy for a professional psychologist. Wah.

Oh, he's that cow's champion and I bet he imagines he gallantly paid JM back tit for tat for "haranguing" on JA for her memory problems.
I reacted very strongly when JW had him going over the exchange of text messages and he went into this thing where JA exerted a form of control over her, first expressing anger and then not calling her for several days, feeding into her fear of abandonment.


Travis was trying to get her out of his life. He did not want her.

This charlatan twisted everything to portray JM into the image he wanted to portray, without regard for facts.

You are so right. She was calling him day and night, as well as texting him.
You know that is interesting and I agree on your JM comment. I almost get the sense that his voice is affected naturally by his emotions. When I am doing a presentation and am nervous or if I feel really strongly about something it affects my voice. In between sessions, he seems very pleasant, relaxed and even smiles. I cannot imagine the pressure he feels to do justice for this family. He seems to be a really good guy.

I agree. His voice was full of emotion when he asked JA how much it must have hurt when she drove the knife into Travis's chest. This was when she'd been talking about knicking her thumb with a knife hurt and it made her realise that wasn't the way to kill herself.
Thanks for your insight on her PASA. I keep thinking that she must be a nice person but comes off as a little flighty on tv. Although, I think I would too if the producers only give you 1-2 minutes to tell a story and I think the language barrier isn't easy for her either to get her point across. That is one of the reasons I appreciate Katie Dr. Drew's juror - she has that down to a science.

I met her for the first time after the Dr. Drew show. She out of the blue told me a couple of things about myself that she would have no way of knowing. It isn't anything she could have read anywhere or been told by another. Is she legit? I dunno, just passing along my experience with her.
I do have to say she is stunning in person, and very nice.
I think she's adapted to her new world, and actually enjoys the infamy and knowing she'll forever be famous. The fact that she's "famous" for a heinous crime doesn't bother her. She's a celebrity now.

Yep, she's a big azz fish in a small pond. She can feel superior, finally! to everyone else.

BindTortureKill adapted and last I read Scott Peterson has a boyfriend and he gives sexual favors in the prison yard for protection. If anyone has the stomach for it, there is a video of Richard Speck (the chicago killer from the 60's who killed student nurses) and his boyfriend in jail and Speck has new female breasts, courtesy of the tax payers. Ugh.

A&E Biography - Richard Speck - Part 5 of 5 - YouTube
No, not brilliant psychopath. If she was brilliant, she wouldn't have left a trail a mile wide behind her (car rental, gas cans, gun theft etc). Cunning perhaps, but then again, animals are cunning. Brilliant, not even close.
I call it good and bad. I like simplicity. :biggrin: A 'good' psychopath is still scary but in a different way - they're the ones so charming you can't help but like them, and often trust them, until they've drained your bank account, left you homeless, and dropped your beloved pets off at the humane society. They flow through life, victim after victim after victim, very rarely ever being held accountable for their actions - leaving said victims usually on a precipice between sanity and a nervous breakdown. They're the ones very few ever suspect of any wrong doing, despite any evidence, leaving their victim pool wide open. They, unlike the 'bad' have the potential to manipulate several people at once. Ted Bundy would be an example of a 'good' psychopath though, as a serial killer, an extreme (but very possible) example. Scott Peterson's probably a better example.

Then there's Jodi...or a 'bad' psychopath. I was utterly shocked by her demeanor the first day of testimony because I'd assumed she'd be a good psychopath. The 'bad' ones are incapable, at least to some extent, of really blending in with others. They struggle to be likable or personable. They very often can only target one person at a time - making it difficult for them to secure a new source. No matter how hard they may try to appear human many people often will feel something is very off about them. They're more openly chaotic, destructive, disordered, and 'inhuman' than their good counterparts. They don't get away, as often, with their abuse and mishandling of people and their victim pool is usually smaller than it would be with a 'good' psychopath. Bad psychopaths scare the bejeesus out of me because of their very apparent inhumanity...it is just so close to evil personified. Very often too, from what I've seen, these tend to be perpetrators who may only commit a crime or two before they're caught whereas good psychopaths can go decades undetected...of course, not all are criminals either though. Charles Manson would be this type for me to use an example most understand.

Well said Pasa, you can tell that us the tv viewers are feeling the aches, pains, and just down right sickness of it all. I know I am.

I can't imagine being in the CR, seeing the family just a few feet away, stifling all your emotions, taking notes, feeling the anguish as it unfolds,and with KCL re-living it literally.

Mental stress is physically draining, and I appreciate you, and all who share and contribute to those of us - who are lucky enough to get an inside view.

Many thanks.

You're very welcome. Thank you for understanding.

One of the hardest things, for me, is to get a hug from one of the family members and not crying. I am trying to be strong, but times like that it's very difficult.

There are some good days, but some are tough emotionally.

I don't pay much attention to ja. She's not worth the effort. I want her to get a fair trial so there is less chance for her conviction overturned or a new trial.
How about his "no more memory problems than you do" not once but TWICE to Martinez. Whiny snippy for a professional psychologist. Wah.

Like Jodi Arias this guy appears to think quite highly of himself in spite of coming across as unprofessional, incompetant, hostile, defensive, defiant and smug.
Pasa, I attended a highly publicized trial here in Florida. I had no idea how difficult it is to sit there all day and keep physical reactions and expressions in check. Also my seat happened to be next to the defendant's mother and father. I wanted to go back but I couldn't make myself after that one day.

So I can understand. I really appreciate you and the other courtroom observers for doing this and sharing here.

I've sat behind ja's mother a couple of times. There are microphones throughout the courtroom, so I try and stay as quiet as I can. When someone new comes to court and asks questions I do my best to answer and also write it down rather than talking.

A notebook helps. I write down what I'm feeling or would like to say out loud and know I can't.

Sitting right next to ja's family would be unsettling to me, I think. I'd have to hide my notebook, for sure.
The few times I've encountered her (usually in bathroom) I'm civil. She's not the one on trial even tho I don't approve of some her courtroom behavior.
I can't imagine how KCL, PASA and others who are attending the trial in support of Justice for Travis and the Alexander family manage like they do but it's a testimony to their personal strength, integrity and dedication. Just being in the same room as that despictable, evil, ruthless, smug, killer has got to be tough never mind sitting through hours of the most boring, mind-numbing defense CIC I've ever heard. The one shining light is the prosecutor who speaks so passionately, respectfully, justly for Travis Alexander and every person (and four-legged friend - Napolean) who knew and loved him and those who never had the chance/privilege and are there for him now in person and/or spirit. Godspeed to you all.

jumping off your post, respectfully.

Thank you!

I'm not especially bothered by being in the courtroom with ja. She's a non-person as far as I'm concerned, not worth my consideration. I'm not afraid because she's got an electronic shock belt on and will be zapped if she tries anything. What's difficult is knowing the family is being tortured by the defense's CIC, making Travis out to be a monster. When in reality, it's their own client.

I'm sure Travis wasn't perfect, none of us are. I don't care if he was having pre-marital sex, or what he did in his private life between consenting adults.
I don't care what his religious beliefs were. Those are non-issues to me as far as this crime.

I've read on these very boards that his one sister looks "rough". She is very pretty in person and not harsh at all. What I believe people are seeing is gut wrenching pain she and the other siblings have to endure and not being allowed to show any emotion. The sister has told me a couple of times how much she appreciates our support (attending trial), and how it means so much to the family.

Juan may be a pit-bull but appears very supportive to the family when they are in a "huddle". That is one of the reasons I respect him so much... he treats them with dignity then a few minutes later goes for $amuel's jugular. :)

Just some personal courtroom ramblings. :)
How about his "no more memory problems than you do" not once but TWICE to Martinez. Whiny snippy for a professional psychologist. Wah.

I know nothing about law but when Dr. Samuels said that I thought the judge should have spoken up. Aren't there any consequences for talking like that to an attorney?
Thank you, and my apologies in advance for my other, semi-snarky post about no one answering me, ha ha. Sorrrryyyyy!

So then people KNOW that a cameraman is all up in their space?? That would feel very awkward I'd think.

If you have a question that doesn't get answered, please ask again. Sometimes things get missed unintentionally.

The cameras are up behind and to the left of the witness stand. They are moved around remotely, I think. We never know when or if we are on camera. So far my worst offenses are chewing gum, looking in my purse for cough drops, and putting chewed gum in a wrapper to dispose of after court. :)

There was a guy with a still camera inside for 2 or 3 days. He was in the back corner behind the media, to the left. His lens was pointed towards the witness stand.
There are probably cameras that are hidden too. We are told during the "rundown" there are cameras and microphones all over the courtroom and what we say can be heard.

Was JM actually on the show or did you just know the cases were ones he handled?

Any chance you remember which ones they were?

I posted links (down thread) to two that were either on Dateline or 48 Hours. I couldn't find one on Scott Falater. I thought there was a documentary on his case too.

They aren't the entire trial, but there are interviews with Juan and it talks about the cases.

I met her for the first time after the Dr. Drew show. She out of the blue told me a couple of things about myself that she would have no way of knowing. It isn't anything she could have read anywhere or been told by another. Is she legit? I dunno, just passing along my experience with her.
I do have to say she is stunning in person, and very nice.

The other night she was on Dr. Drew and was asked what she thinks the jury is thinking. She got emotional about it and said she thinks they aren't buying it at all and don't believe her. I started crying too. I don't know if she is legit or not, but her reaction was genuine to me. People say she was just an acquaintance looking for her 15 minutes, but IDK. She sounds like she genuinely liked Travis a lot and wants justice for him very much. I am also praying so hard that her instincts are right. That's just MOO...
I am wondering about ALV. Does she really believe JA was abused? Is she so caught up in her cause that she is disregarding the evidence and believing JA? I would think that this woman would be against abuse, regardless of which way it flows (man to woman or the reverse) If so, then why is she testifying in this trial. Surely it is not for $$$$$.

Pasa will you be in court when she is on the stand? Will any of our other observers? I will be very interested in your impressions of this woman.

I'm not sure what days I will go yet. KCL will be there daily, I think?

I hope LV comes to her senses and tells the truth. If she makes ja out to be an abused woman and Travis the abuser then I will realize she's testilying rather than testifying. From what I've see he was the one who was abused.

I think he treated her somewhat badly because he was trying to get her to dislike him enough to leave him alone.
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