a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #4

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TYK Pasa. I wondered who all those people sitting on the defense side were. :floorlaugh: I just couldn't believe they chose to sit there to show support for her.

I feel pretty confident in saying all but the front row are there for Travis. As I mentioned we are told where to sit. We are brought in a few at a time and are told what row, and we have to sit in the order we walked in. There are a few times when someone changes seats, or we are asked to change seats (by a court official).

Donavan was there last week. She was a regular but the last few weeks *after the magazine fiasco*? she's not been around.
She and that spiky hair redhead are about the only supporters other than family. Bryan Carr and his sidekick came to trial a few times, but he's gone MIA as well. :)
I feel pretty confident in saying all but the front row are there for Travis. As I mentioned we are told where to sit. We are brought in a few at a time and are told what row, and we have to sit in the order we walked in. There are a few times when someone changes seats, or we are asked to change seats (by a court official).

Donavan was there last week. She was a regular but the last few weeks *after the magazine fiasco*? she's not been around.
She and that spiky hair redhead are about the only supporters other than family. Bryan Carr and his sidekick came to trial a few times, but he's gone MIA as well. :)

Maybe the Mormon ninjas put a hit on him for running his mouth about them. Dun dun DUN!
The only time I saw anything in her eyes is when she looked at JM from the witness stand. She hates him. She hates how smart he is.

I so agree with you. She can't stand that her usual methods aren't working on him. She hasn't been able to outsmart JM either and it's eating her alive. MOO, of course. :)
The cameras are back in the far left up in the corner. Left of the jury and right of the witness stand up by the ceiling. But there is a whole separate audio visual room as you enter the courtroom to the left where there are cameramen who operate those cameras. Also at times there is a tripod with a still photographer to the left of the family/media section of the courtroom. Now THAT one I am aware of as it's often right next to me and you can hear the soft click click clicks when something happens.

I could hear the shutter of the still camera over on the public side (when he was there).
I imagine he longs to do therapy but can't. It would appear he would not be good at that as he seems the type to cross boundariesl I bet he would love to spend lots of time with JA. I think he was smitten, in the same way Baez was smitten w/ca.
The first time I saw what I would call hatred is when Lisa entered the courtroom. She stared at her for hours. It wasn't pretty. I recently saw that same look briefly as I caught her eyeing JM while JW was in action.

If looks could kill.............yikes!
Thanks for your insight on her PASA. I keep thinking that she must be a nice person but comes off as a little flighty on tv. Although, I think I would too if the producers only give you 1-2 minutes to tell a story and I think the language barrier isn't easy for her either to get her point across. That is one of the reasons I appreciate Katie Dr. Drew's juror - she has that down to a science.

I think you hit it on the head. She has a slower speaking style than time allows on the Dr Drew Show. She comes across as very bright and kind in person.
She is French, so her mannerisms and phrases are a bit different, but she's well spoken when not on camera.

Katie DDJ is doing so well. She's really improved since she first started. She's better than some of our local newscasters (Channel 5 if you are reading) :) She's just as nice in person as she is on Dr. D. I wish her all the best.
Yep, she's a big azz fish in a small pond. She can feel superior, finally! to everyone else.

BindTortureKill adapted and last I read Scott Peterson has a boyfriend and he gives sexual favors in the prison yard for protection. If anyone has the stomach for it, there is a video of Richard Speck (the chicago killer from the 60's who killed student nurses) and his boyfriend in jail and Speck has new female breasts, courtesy of the tax payers. Ugh.

A&E Biography - Richard Speck - Part 5 of 5 - YouTube

I'm old enough to remember that dirt-bag.

Did BTK get DP or LWOP? I don't know if Kansas has DP or if they do is it ever imposed.

He is evil like ja, maybe worse because he was able to continue his evil because he wasn't caught for years.
If ja hadn't been caught I believe there would have been more victims.
The other night she was on Dr. Drew and was asked what she thinks the jury is thinking. She got emotional about it and said she thinks they aren't buying it at all and don't believe her. I started crying too. I don't know if she is legit or not, but her reaction was genuine to me. People say she was just an acquaintance looking for her 15 minutes, but IDK. She sounds like she genuinely liked Travis a lot and wants justice for him very much. I am also praying so hard that her instincts are right. That's just MOO...

KCL knows her better than I. I only met her the one time. But as far as I can tell she truly cared about Travis. The media was most likely looking for people who knew Travis to interview and found out she knew or was a friend of his.
I don't get that vibe from her, looking for 15 minutes. I'm only going by my first impression.
I see we have several new members today. Welcome to Websleuths!
Glad you joined us.
The only time I saw anything in her eyes is when she looked at JM from the witness stand. She hates him. She hates how smart he is.

I don't think what we see is hatred for him necessarily. I think she hates that he has control over her. She has squirmed herself out of situations all of her life but this time she cannot. She gives him all of the fight she can but ultimately she knows it's him in control.
I know, it's the circumstances that are mind-blowing. After they show her PICTURES of her dragging the body, that she wouldn't just throw her arms up and say, 'yes I did it - angry, jealous, obsessed, it's all true - you've got pictures, so yeah, i did it'..but to FIGHT, with not one, but TWO ridiculously constructed lies, and continue to slander Travis this way, continue heaping pain onto his family.
It's just amazing she's never considered saying "yes i did it" and then facing the inevitable, whatever sentence was coming.
She's a monster, becoming less human by the day. So scary she is..

:Banane35: :goodpost:

What is it in society that fundamentally changed in the last of the previous millenium to this one..
... some sort of connectivity in the brain stem associated with compassion and accountability.
Your post, looking Arias in the eyes all these weeks, and roaming the halls of WS, remind me there are a countless monsters still lurking out there in the dark.
The saving grace may be that trials of this sensationalism, do bring a fighting spirit in those who choose to champion a cause, or for those beginning their careers for the good of humanity.
I know I've been inspired by my time here.
Travis made me cry as I read one of his blogs.
It brought him alive to me.
And... I just wiped another tear...
I dont cry pretty...
To KCL, Pasa, etc., just a heads up. Thank you for not only attending the trial, but for your emotional and financial sacrifices. I appreciate your comments, your patience in answering oft-repeated questions, your insight, and your opinions. And, to me, technically, the thread never goes OT. I realize reading 60 pages to glean a few pages of KCL's comments could be daunting, but there are ways to separate the wheat from the (so-called) chaff. Educate yourself, learn how Web Sleuths functions. That's YOUR responsibility, you signed up.
Once again, TY, and an apology if I sounded snarky. Katie dumped out my Mike's hard lemonade...nite all.
PS- KCL- glad to hear Alfonse is doing better.
"On afternoon break. The VA talks to us about being more careful about our body language, passing the journal to each other, notes etc. She says the defense is complaining now and noticing EVERYTHING."

Hi! My1st post!
What does the "VA" that spoke to you at break stand for?
The only time I saw anything in her eyes is when she looked at JM from the witness stand. She hates him. She hates how smart he is.
JA's lizard like non blinking eyes are freaky. I've tried to have a few staring competition with her while watching clips and she wins every singe time!
"On afternoon break. The VA talks to us about being more careful about our body language, passing the journal to each other, notes etc. She says the defense is complaining now and noticing EVERYTHING."

Hi! My1st post!
What does the "VA" that spoke to you at break stand for?

I believe VA is "Victim's Advocate"
I've got a question that's been nudging at me for some time now.
Remember the taped phone conversation where JA and Travis discussed how 'hot' she was in those braids? Now, I realize the answer could be (operative word 'could' be) a different time but, why is it we see a photo supposedly from June 4th with Jodi in braids?

I've always wondered if those photos were from another time----just like she suggested to Flores during the interview-----and somehow Jodi manipulated the camera (probably after she killed Travis) realized she didn't know what she was doing then attempted to delete the photos.
Perhaps she had a different plan and was going to blackmail Travis with newly time-stamped photos and surreptitious phone calls etc.

I realize her hair is brown (now that I'm talking this out but) do we know whether she ever had brown hair in front of Travis?
How many times did she wear her hair in braids??

Something also tells me, they weren't together as much as I think we think.
They only dated for about 12 weeks then.......were supposedly friends with benefits but, I just don't think it was as often as it appears. I bet they had sex less than 25 times.

I don't know....something about those photos just don't bode well with me. Mostly because I don't believe he had a romp-in-the-sac with her that day.
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