a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #5

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I had the same feelings when listening to her testimony. I've watched very little of her on the stand, I had to tune her out. I don't think she's credible. She also used the word "*advertiser censored*" instead of breasts, which should have been used by a professional. MOO
I felt like I was back in the 60's, that I should burn my bra and stop shaving my legs. :)

PASA you crack me up!!!:floorlaugh:
I go back and forth on them. There is something hinky about that whole family dymanic. I can't put my finger on it. One day I feel kind of sad for Sandy, the next day I observe her inappropriate behavior and I don't feel bad for her at all.

I wonder if it's she doesn't know how to act/react, she's from a small town and she's thrown into this globally known trial and her daughter is the defendant.
I dunno, but there is something "off", I can't figure out what it is.

I think I'm gonna follow your lead on this from here on out.
Saw that too. That juror must have said it didn't influence their ability to be impartial. Fail!

Katie, you know what my prayer is?
That after the jury CONVICTS Jodi, they proudly stand together and applaud Juan Martinez and publicly say what bs the defense spewed the whole time. Maybe they will say it in a book.

Someone else mentioned the Scott Peterson jury book "We The Jury". I loved it and was glad some of the jurors did that.
I think she's there because she feels obligated to be there. This is what she can do as a Mother and will do but I see her doing it without any demonstration of motherly love. She seems to be equally devoid or shame and empathy too.

she had to live with jodi her whole life! im sure there is no love loss!!! she knows about her daughter. Its sad!!! moo Im sure she doesnt want her daughter to get death! moo :seeya:
Oh gosh I love Mark and do agree with most everything he says. Don't
Ike any criticism of JM though. But that bit about ALV and the Brady Bucn gave me. Good laugh. So true!

Then Janine added in the Bobby or whoever the other one was lol
Isn't HLN calling him a "rock star"? they are inserting themselves into this trial and becoming the story instead of just reporting it ----juan was doing something simple: signing autographs for people who requested it. he wasn't holding a press conference; he wasn't soliciting these people to come up to him. HLN is getting on my nerves and oh yeah, i can't even watch HLN because they have the trial on for five minutes, then "pause' and advertise for 5 minutes. I gave up on them altogether and watch the trial streaming online. I hope HLN doesn't do something stupid and cause a mistrial.

Yes it is HLN. They're also the ones obsessing over every move JM makes morning noon and night. Talk, talk, talk because they may be qualified but can't do. Same problem with Nurmi except he can't talk or do. I think this is a non-issue considering the other 17yo DD juror has been communicating with JW and actually stated on his show, that JW was her hero.
It's just more fog because the DT has nothing but smoke and fog in their arsenal.
Katie, you know what my prayer is?
That after the jury CONVICTS Jodi, they proudly stand together and applaud Juan Martinez and publicly say what bs the defense spewed the whole time. Maybe they will say it in a book.

Someone else mentioned the Scott Peterson jury book "We The Jury". I loved it and was glad some of the jurors did that.

I'd probably get arrested for falling on the floor and sobbing...in the well of the courtroom. ;)
Then Janine added in the Bobby or whoever the other one was lol

Janine is great. What did she say? I haven't had cable in about nine days. Have to look here for all my updates. But that is oaky since HLN gets so many facts wrong. Was Janine talking about Bobby on Brady Bunch?

If ALV thinks women are the only group violated and all men are perps, just wait until Juan is through with her! Lol...I wanna see that!
I'd probably get arrested for falling on the floor and sobbing...in the well of the courtroom. ;)

Oh God bless you. I am so sorry for all you have gone through. I know the family will be so emotional no matter what. After what Jodi has put the family through, I just want the jurors to give a press conference and praise Juan and let the family know they are behind them one hundred percent.

I don't expect any facial expressions at all from JA when she is convicted. She will likely ask for make up before the verdict is announced so she can look good in all the photo shots of her!
Don't know where I read this but LaVee coached Nurmi on how to exam the Ripper's on the stand. I think LaVee was brought in September of 2011. I wonder if Nurmi is billing for watching CNN.

BBM - considering this info, does anyone think that she is preparing to somehow support whatever hypothetical that JM will surely bring up to point the finger back at JA?
My feeling is that ALV is a good person who genuinely cares about victims of DV and has done good work. Is she really going to support this psycho and crush her own reputation. I'm hoping she has a little buyers remorse. MOO
Any thoughts?
As long as nobody is disputing those claims, then they stand as "facts", as Jodi swore on the bible to tell the truth. Yeah, yeah, I know ...
If those statements were challenged, then they would need corroboration.

The jury is absolutely free to reject even unchallenged testimony. They can decide, OK, this Jodi is a lying liar and we choose not to believe her lying lies even if no one got on the stand to disagree with her.
The jury is absolutely free to reject even unchallenged testimony. They can decide, OK, this Jodi is a lying liar and we choose not to believe her lying lies even if no one got on the stand to disagree with her.

Hi AZlawyer, I'm interested in your take on the Hughes emails. Hearsay is the reason they are not in evidence? Are they in evidence? Will the jurors get to see them in their entirety? If they are hearsay ... then why all the "paraphrasing, spin,opining by witnesses". Why can't the jury see them and draw their own conclusions?
ETA ...It seems unreasonable to let them be discussed at length without being to privy to the actual emails.
What am I missing?
I hear you. Jury's out for me on the mom/aunt.

I too can’t quite get a reading on Jodi’s mom. I can’t imagine the range of emotions that Jodi’s mother is going through right now. When you have a child you have such great hopes for their future. As you hold your small child you imagine their first day of school, their graduation, their wedding day, but NOT the day they will be on trial for butchering another human being.

While Jodi’s mother might believe that Jodi is innocent, I do feel that she is there out of obligation. I think that many mothers would be there for their child even if they felt they were guilty of the crime. I would also bet that many mothers would believe in their child’s innocence even with such compelling evidence. I can’t image trying to come to grips with the fact that your child is a monster. I would think that Jodi’s mother feels a horrible sense of guilt herself wondering what she could have done to make Jodi turn out differently.

As for Jodi’s mother and her twin acting inappropriately, I have mixed feelings about this issue. Maybe they are wearing the DV ribbons with the small hope that it might save her child from death. (Yes, I know Jodi killed Travis and being sentenced to death would be appropriate, but I doubt the mom wants to see her own child die). When the camera turns on them briefly, we only see a snapshot of that moment in time. We don’t know what caused their facial expressions at that moment. I can think of many things that would cause me to smile (and perhaps laugh) during such a serious time especially with my sibling (eg. both yawning at the same time because Nurmi is rambling on and on, mumbling the same words at the same time…”this is never going to end”, dropping something that rolls under the chairs in front of me and trying to retrieve it with my foot). Believe me, I’m not trying to make light of this situation. Her daughter is in the middle of a death penalty case and there is a good chance that she will be sentenced to death. However, I’m not ready to condemn the mother from just a snapshot in time. (However, I reserve the right to change my mind at any time :floorlaugh:)
Katie, you know what my prayer is?
That after the jury CONVICTS Jodi, they proudly stand together and applaud Juan Martinez and publicly say what bs the defense spewed the whole time. Maybe they will say it in a book.

Someone else mentioned the Scott Peterson jury book "We The Jury". I loved it and was glad some of the jurors did that.

Might I suggest a title for this jury for their book?!?!

How we became JUANETTES!
Subtitle: Standing tall is not about height - is is about what is right!
I've seen Nurmi giving a look like "I'm impressed" when he watches Juan, too. I agree that Nurmi is detached from JA. For some reason, Nurmi's objections don't annoy me like Willmott's.

Probably because she stands every time she objects like she's on an episode of Law and Order.

"Objection, that is completely irrelevant!"
I'm stressing about that email. I hope the Hughes that wrote will be called to testify and straighten this out. But I'm worried. What if he can't be called to testify about it if it's not in evidence?
I must have missed the "*advertiser censored*" comment, but I certainly caught the "fanny" one! Oi Vay!

This woman is in my neck of the woods- we live directly across the street from Cal State Long Beach, Dr. Sean Armin- The neurologist whose research she quoted- is my back doctor! Gonna have to ask him about that next time I see him.

Anyway, I hopped on the CSULB page that someone posted for ALV and I have to admit, I am disappointed. She has many accomplishments and is apparently well liked and received by her peers and the community she serves. I, for one, am glad she treats the perps as well as the victims because we all need help.

I have to wonder what guided her to make the decision to believe JA and her defense team, and agree to testify, and honestly she doesn't strike me as the type of person to do this for money- maybe I am naive.

I am going to ask around about her... some of the professors and professors husbands/wives I know who teach at Long Beach State. I'll let ya'all know what I hear.

I'm thinking the fact that defense had been turned down by 6 experts before her and she does seem to honestly like people. If she is against the DP, that could be the other reason. jmo
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