a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #5

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He seems to be team Jodi, that's for sure. He also seems to harboring some jealousy for Martinez. It's bizarre to me.

Almost sounds personal, rather than him not liking JM's style. If he'd give good reports it could help his career. Instead he acts like a bitter person and is turning off potential "readers" of his column/reports.
Heads up- I asked in the legal thread if , since JA was called in the defense case, she can be recalled for anything in the rebuttal and Azlawyer answered "sure!". Interesting huh?

OMG!!! I was wondering that same thing, but didn't think it was a possibility! VERY INTERESTING! This is gonna get seriously "interesting" .... thanks for the heads up ... I will be waiting with baited breath. Good job KCL! :rocker:
I was thinking about this the other day. I hope the jury realizes this. Jodi had so many opportunities in her version to get away. With Travis in the position he was in, as soon as she saw him getting up with that mean look in his eyes that she talks about, all she had to do was run down the hall, out the door down the stairs and out the door. I hope the jury also realizes that the stairs leads directly out the front door. I mean it's a straight shot. There was nothing stopping her from going this way. Running down the hall, in the closet, and back into the bathroom makes no sense, especially because he's having trouble catching her. Martinez said it best, she is the one that escalated the situation. There was no reason to believe he was trying to kill her. He was just chasing her and she was the one that reached for the gun and shot him.

In the end, the story is stupid. I hope the jury throws it out and just looks at the evidence at hand. I am really hoping.

As I've said before I can't know what the jury is thinking. But, by observing them I feel they are tired of the BS the defense is trying to sell them.
When the defense is up they pay attention, but their expressions and body language tell me they aren't buying it. When Juan is up they sit up in their chairs and take more notes.
Merely my observation of the jury, and MOO. :)
Katie we are all so proud of you and the way you handled yourself. JA was being vindictive but it backfired on her. It also put your name out there, gained worldwide attention to how beautiful you are and who knows might result in a really great job offer for you. Appears you are already good enough to be thought to be working for HLN.

Just being there is apparently riling her up. Let her seethe. She can't touch you. Love watching you and your updates. Know whatever happens you and Juan have a fan club even if we can't be public about it!!

Thank you so much..that's so kind of you...I hope you enjoy the weekend and Happy Easter to you!!!
I figured that was why JM brought up the fact that JA had made 2 CASH deposits at Chase (he showed the receipts) while she was on her "road trip". I think that's also why he kept asking her how much cash she took with her (no more than $200), because I believe that close to $1,000 was deposited in cash to her 2 bank accounts.

So where else did the cash come from on the road except from Travis?

The only deposits I know of are the those made to WaMu in Salinas. I didn't know she'd also made deposits into an account at Chase Bank.

Several of us have been wondering where she got the extra $$. There was a guy on Dr. Drew who lives in Big Sur and said he had loaned ja $$ for her trip. We think that is where she got the $$ to deposit in Salinas.
I can't remember the amount, but 300.00 comes to mind.
As I've said before I can't know what the jury is thinking. But, by observing them I feel they are tired of the BS the defense is trying to sell them.
When the defense is up they pay attention, but their expressions and body language tell me they aren't buying it. When Juan is up they sit up in their chairs and take more notes.
Merely my observation of the jury, and MOO. :)

I definitely trust you. That is what it sounds like in the notes. They seem to ask most of their questions when something is going on that stinks to them.

Thanks PASA. You are awesome.
I work as a secy for a Associate warden at Pelican bay State Prison...if you have heard of that place, it houses the worst of the worst of people on this planet to be honest...you are so right about what prisoners do...and don't do, they all are innocent, no guilty ones in the prison, don't you know..lol..but there are alot of attorneys out there willing to take the cases of these "innocent" perpetrators to court...they are willing to sue anybody or anyone for anything...and do...I am sure Donovan is feeding JA, but personally I think Jodie is so full of herself, she really does not get that she is not going to walk like CA did...don't think reality has hit her. I want to see her in death row even if it is for years...no tv, no visitors, no cellmates to feed her need of an audience...she will shrivel if she does not have a fan club. Nurmi, strikes me as one of those attorneys following the "money" and believe me some of these prisoners have alot of money, at least in our prison..

I know of Pelican Bay State Prison. It's a high-tech maximum security prison.
You must see a lot working there. Thank you for your insight, very interesting.

I don't think it's sunk in yet for ja. She may be getting some inklings things aren't going well, but she hasn't grasped what she's in for, yet.
Title idea for the book I hope Travis' family will write. "Disedified". It works on a few levels and will clue in the sorry excuse for a human that she was mispronouncing the word in all her tesilying.
I definitely trust you. That is what it sounds like in the notes. They seem to ask most of their questions when something is going on that stinks to them.

Thanks PASA. You are awesome.

YW. Thank you for the compliment, you're too kind. :)

Another thing I've observed is the jury does not look at ja. She stares at them as they enter and leave the courtroom. She can stare 'til the cows come home and it makes no difference. The jury isn't looking back at her.

They may glance at her when she's at the defense table, and they did watch her some when she was on the stand. Looking at her and JM as he was cross examining her. Other than that, they pretty much ignore her.

Gypsy Woman got on JVM and said it will be a hung jury, but I don't believe so. I'm going to ask her which juror does she think will hang the jury, if she really believes it.
I wonder if GW is just talking to be talking. She does a lot of that. :)
The only deposits I know of are the those made to WaMu in Salinas. I didn't know she'd also made deposits into an account at Chase Bank.

Several of us have been wondering where she got the extra $$. There was a guy on Dr. Drew who lives in Big Sur and said he had loaned ja $$ for her trip. We think that is where she got the $$ to deposit in Salinas.
I can't remember the amount, but 300.00 comes to mind.

I'll have to see if I can find the video. When JA was on the stand, and just before JM brought up the Tesoro purchases, he showed two receipts for cash deposits - to 2 different bank accounts (one of the accounts, based on the balance, was overdrawn at the time of the deposit) and asked if they were her accounts. I thought they were Chase (I know Chase bought out WaMu). Anyway, I thought the dates on those were either June 3 or June 5 . I need to find the video for that day to refresh my memory.
Hi everyone,

I signed up a while back to get on here but it has been so hectic and honestly I needed to learn the ''ropes" of everything. I just wanted to say, thanks for the support after yesterday. I'm fine just disappointed how low one can go.....We must remain focused on justice for Travis and his beautiful family.....Bless their hearts for all they have endured...

Have a wonderful weekend, Happy EasTer to all...

Katie (DDJ) :seeya:

Hi Katie! Happy Easter to you too. Thank you for sharing your courtroom experiences each night. We look forward to hearing more in the weeks to come.
Title idea for the book I hope Travis' family will write. "Disedified". It works on a few levels and will clue in the sorry excuse for a human that she was mispronouncing the word in all her tesilying.


:floorlaugh: Exactly!!! Big words... That she doesn't even know how to say correctly! And she tended to use these certain big words several times in one day of testimony. The next day was a new word. Heck if I could remember what they were. I stopped listening to her testimony because she drove me nuts. :banghead: JM and Det. Flores were amazingly patient with her.
Yup, I've seen it too but still I just don't get people like Nurmi & Wilmott. Other defense attorney's talk about how they're just doing their job & it's a thankless, noble profession...blah blah blah.. But Nurmi makes his living interrogating and attempting to discredit little children who've been raped by pedophiles. His website solicits those accused of sex crimes. What are the odds the majority of potential clients are falsely accused? There's just no way I could do it. What Nurmi & JW are doing to TA's reputation all in an effort to save her life is unforgivable.

Thats his target group. Disgusting. Does the DV expert know this? Classic example as to why I have always said that resumes dont impress me. JM impresses me.

:floorlaugh: Exactly!!! Big words... And she tended to use these certain big words several times in one day of testimony. The next day was a new word. Heck if I could remember what they were. I stopped listening to her testimony because she drove me nuts. :banghead: JM and Det. Flores were amazingly patient with her.

Small words for the book about her: "Wilted Flower".
YW. Thank you for the compliment, you're too kind. :)

Another thing I've observed is the jury does not look at ja. She stares at them as they enter and leave the courtroom. She can stare 'til the cows come home and it makes no difference. The jury isn't looking back at her.

They may glance at her when she's at the defense table, and they did watch her some when she was on the stand. Looking at her and JM as he was cross examining her. Other than that, they pretty much ignore her.

Gypsy Woman got on JVM and said it will be a hung jury, but I don't believe so. I'm going to ask her which juror does she think will hang the jury, if she really believes it.
I wonder if GW is just talking to be talking. She does a lot of that. :)

Thank you for the insight! We're all on pins and needles each day wondering how they are absorbing all of this.

Did you see at the end of trial on Thursday, right after the jury left the room, Jodi motioned her head toward the door while staring at someone in the gallery (I think). Any thoughts on that? Just like everything she does, it looked sneaky. I don't think it was the MS, because about 30 seconds later the MS walked up from behind her. Just curious.
I'll have to see if I can find the video. When JA was on the stand, and just before JM brought up the Tesoro purchases, he showed two receipts for cash deposits - to 2 different bank accounts (one of the accounts, based on the balance, was overdrawn at the time of the deposit) and asked if they were her accounts. I thought they were Chase (I know Chase bought out WaMu). Anyway, I thought the dates on those were either June 3 or June 5 . I need to find the video for that day to refresh my memory.

I was in court the day Juan brought up the Tesoro purchases. You are right, Chase did buy out WaMu. Her deposits were back in 2008, so it was probably still WaMu at that time. Thanks for clearing it up.

When in court I do miss some testimony because I'm busy studying the jury. :) :)
Thank you for the insight! We're all on pins and needles each day wondering how they are absorbing all of this.

Did you see at the end of trial on Thursday, right after the jury left the room, Jodi motioned her head toward the door while staring at someone in the gallery (I think). Any thoughts on that? Just like everything she does, it looked sneaky. I don't think it was the MS, because about 30 seconds later the MS walked up from behind her. Just curious.

You're welcome. Always happy to share what I observe. Since we can't see the jury it can be frustrating wondering how they are reacting.

I was not at trial last week, had the crud.
What I can tell you is she has to turn around to the back to see the gallery. My guess is either D or her mother. The only supporters have been mother, twin, another lady (aunt?) D and her lover/partner. B Carr was there a few times but has since disappeared from the courtroom. Other that that, from what I can tell and from talking to others in the gallery, everyone else is team Travis. There are who just want to see her in person, but they believe she is guilty and they are not supporters of her.

The MS sits behind her so it could have been that ja was trying to get her attention (the MS).

Another thing that's odd to me is she doesn't look at her mother or aunt. She looks towards them at times, but it's always above their heads. No recognition from her at all. Not a wave, smile, nada. Very strange.
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