a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #6

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As she recites this rehearsed and scripted story of what occured 6/3 , zero jurors are taking notes.

They heard it the first time when Jodi was playing the part of Jodi vs. ALV playing that role today.

CEO fast chomping on gum..looks at her, then down.

she' just regurgitating JA..again.

zero note taking, not even HW

"In your work with battered women...." How about battered men?

Her shame? Public?? Get real! How about YOUR character assassination of Travis Alexander? In as public as you can get? Shame on you. Is this chick for real???

Sidebar: JA sneaky doing something.

No note taking on her lecture of fear/power/rage

I feel bad for the men she works with in her dv groups--talk about an imbalance of power!
Now she goes back to Day 1. Please please please please be winding up. Please please please shut up. Please please please let JM start cross. Does she really have another hour of BS left in this? Hashed and rehashed...ENOUGH!!!

Described by her parents as

"mental problems"
"strange person"
"needs help"
How about THAT LaViolette?

JA seems to fit more with terrorism on her continuum.


Is this something Travis could have seen from the beginning? CEO wildly chewing gum, fast tapping fingers on his arm.
Jury politely indulging her, no note taking, not fully engaged in listening.

New question in the jury basket!

5 men with hands over their mouth during this blah blah blah

She needs to wrap this up.

She is just dragging it out at this point to run down the clock, rehashing the rehash--zero note taking. Pony tail CPA both picking nails.

"generally happy" yet moody and "bipolar". Ok.

Memory problems? Her answer confirms to me she's been watching this trial, at least Samuels.

CROSS!!! I'm putting my lipstick on for this.:blushing:
Oh she's starting out cocky with him. CEO taking notes on DSM 4

CEO , Wrestler, Neil, joking
Ponytail, Maureen visiting (all during sidebar)
What's up with the "Mr. Martinez" posturing?

oooh..she's trying to top him! That will not work.

Sorry Lady, Juan Martinez took possession of this courtroom a few months ago and OWNS it now.

You will never be alpha here.

"Do you wanna spar with me?" he's gaining respect from all the males.

Paul R smiles to himself on the sidebar

OMG she's just gonna be combative no matter what!

5 pack on the back all sitting back heads back,chins out.

JA not looking up, drawing. Pushes her chair back.

CEO taking notes "we left the word roadmap behind" lol

I'm having a very hard time keeping a straight face right now. I have such a wave of hysteria trying to escape. I'm closing my eyes, putting my pen to my forehead and trying to focus so I don't bust out laughing.

CEO is gonna get tmj from the chomping.

Ok now we've travled in to Disney territory- she's smiling!

I'm dying here I want to bust out laughing so hard on this Snow White stuff!

When she said "singing with the animals" I thought I was truly going to get ejected...it took all my energy to suppress that hysteria.

I'm dying.

Judge S keeps overruling these objections cuz she wants to know the end of the story like we all do! tick tock clock is ticking!

WE started on M&m's and ended on Disney.

We need the ending to the story dammit!

I'm dying so bad I want to bust out laughing so hard re: this Snow White and "I don't know how old the elves are" craziness.

And.............on that note.............we headed to HH and then and then and.................................:seeya:

Katie, thank you so much for excellent notes. You expressed the same frustrations I was feeling with AL. OMG, I thought I was going to scream my head off at her most of the time. I can't believe AL had the gall to approach Sam!! Disgusting.

I was totally elated when Juan took over. What an ending, great to have that for a good weekend! Again, thanks so much, you are such a blessed angel among us. Oh, and you looked gorgeous on TV, such elegance and class!!
Thank You KCL for the lovely bedtime story...:eek:fftobed:
Thanks so much, I always like when you get to the JM parts. I was right there with you grinning.

I have just one question. How do you get so many words on a little M&M?
Literally almost just ran over Donovan in the parking lot

I had someone walk directly in front of my car at work once. It was dark and she was laughing and talking to someone off to the side, not paying any attention to my car. This was a co-worker who had done something to me that changed my life and made me afraid to turn corners, but it wasn't something that could be proven, so she didn't have an repercussions from it. It was SOOOOO tempting not to just ram right into her! I think I DID put the car in neutral and then tap the gas, just a tiny bit (or maybe I'm imagining that part)

See, that the difference between NORMAL people and sociopaths. Normal people have momentary fantasies, KNOW that it's not right, not only legally, but morally, and discard the fantasy, at least as far as acting on it. Jodi WOULD have rammed someone she deemed to have crossed her.

FWIW, my fantasy that I would LIKE to come true would be for the person who harmed me to experience every bad thing that has EVER happened to ME ... and just a tiny bit MORE (even if that "more" is nothing more than a hangnail). I don't think that's unreasonable.
She walked right up to Samantha after leaving the stand? OMG!
Juan is correct, this witness does not have the power to diagnose anyone in her scope of practice. For instance, I am a registered nurse. I follow physician recommendations & doctor's orders. I cannot supercede a physician's scope of practice & bypass his level of education or competence. Alyce used her last exhibit as a guideline or flowsheet by which to diagnose the psychopath that is Jodi Arias as an abused/battered woman. Alyce's guideline was written by her, & not approved or recommended by a body of science, & she could change it ad lib. She also bases her "diagnosis" based on interviews with the psychopath herself. Alyce did not speak to anyone in JA's family, teachers, employers, or friends. Yet she is so quick to label Travis as an abuser, based on text messages sent to JA after she hacked into his FB account, his bank account, & crawled into his home through a doggie door. Alyce has ZERO credibility with me. And her snarkiness, her NERVE to say, "Mr Martinez, are you angry with me? " Cut me a break. Buck up Alyce, you are getting paid quite well to answer questions, just do it. Many of his questions were simply yes or no. If anyone was belligerent coming out of the box, it was Alyce. Now I hope Juan chews her up & spits her out. She deserves everytying he throws at her. I am not worried about the jury, they are familiar with Juan's style.
On another note, Juror #5's presence in the court just seems wrong to me. I hope the defense doesn't use this in some deviant way to ask for a mistrail. Do any of our court observers have a feel about this?
And lastly, are there many jury questions for ALV?
Did anyone happen to see what JA was doing under the desk? It seems during all of JM cross exam, she wasn't paying attention..... Thx

yes she was reading her journal. I saw the black cover and everything. it was right after Juan was questioning about the negative things about her to ALV

She was reading her journal under the desk?
Our first look - great hair day, IMHO!


ABC15 has the KCL interview posted along with a story.

Wow! This article has not only the donation site for paypal, but Websleuths website! And I see that the mods have put up on the header of this site on all pages the link to the forum and mentions Katie is there in that thread! Way cool!

Thank you Katie, and prayers to your brother also during tnis most difficult time for him. Glad that dad is also there. (grouphug)
Thanks so much KCL!! Your interview was great! As always your reports from the courthouse were great!! For those of us who can't be there to support the A's and who can't get comfort from judging how the jurors are reacting to the drivel they've been fed for the past few week, your words and impressions provide a lot of comfort. These long weekends of hoping and wondering and worrying are bearable because of you and PASA and the others attending on our behalf. Thanks again lady!!!:takeabow:
Just a short note - since I worked so long with expert witnesses as a paralegal, my guess is that ALV has not boned up on the case with the (mistaken) idea that this will help her be impartial.

Isn't it amazing how big bucks can corrupt a pioneer in a field littered with broken families and bloody bodies.

Today, for me, was like seeing Carrie Nation drunk--disillusioning and disgusting Women losing a heroine. "Et tu Brute?"

I wondered that same thing - has she even seen the crime scene/autopsy photos? Maybe Juan will enlighten her so she can see exactly what the murderer she's so vigorously defending perpetrated on the victim in this case - Travis.
Ok back...just saw myself on the news. And a big shot of WEBSLEUTHS PAGE! Including my "Verified Bad *advertiser censored*". lol

Lol Better watch out Jodi and Nurmi don't have you removed from the courtroom.
I can just hear the Judge on Monday morning : If Katiecoollady is in the courtroom can you please take the the stand.
Hi all...gots my Zinfandel and my soy rice crackas and my journal and ready to write...

What a day...court day began with M&M's and ended in Disneyland.

Who woulda thought?

Ok.........countdown to notes...3...........2............1...............

That's what I thought as I was going to bed last night. Cool on both! IMo, I loved the way Juan addressed her issues with Snow White, which she denied of course.
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