a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #6

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On another funny side note, in this video you see PASA's very top of her head (because she's a peanut) then our beloved Bill trying to sneak over for a shot at an interview with Juror 5 then he does a quick about face. He's all doing some funny thing with his collar looking all inconpicuous. I heard him get admonished for approaching her and walked right up to him after he walked out. Kinda funny.


1:09:15 (pretty sure PASA has gone out shortly before that and I recognize the top of her head because...well I do! lol)

LOL! I wasn't going to mention that I was on there.

I saw Bill getting told he couldn't approach tri-color. I wish she would have talked to him rather than Ch 12. But I think she was ambushed, and probably followed. Figured if she said something they might leave her alone.
MOO :)
Next installment.... Ohh ohhh that smell (cue up Lynard Skynard)

We go back to our seats after break. The lady to my left went home and the seat remained empty the rest of the afternoon. Over from the empty seat on the aisle is a younger gal. To my right is a group of 3 women, they seem to be friends as best as I can tell.

JW is continuing her examination of ALV. I hear a hissing sound and look over to see one of the ladies spraying something around the floor area. She passes it to another lady who sprays more of it. I asked what it was. I recognized it to be one of the room sprays from Bath and Body Works. She said "I'm sorry we had to spray". I said I was curious what scent it was. She told me lemon. Then the girl next to me proceeds to whisper to me they had to do it as the man in front of them smelled so bad it was making her sick. I said "oh that's what it is, I smell it too but didn't know where it was coming from".

She said she noticed it was him out in the Hall. So, then I told her I have some very fragrant hand lotion and it will help. So I pass the lotion down the row.
I even put some on my feet and arms, the more the better. :) We are all waving our hands to spread the fragrance around and hopefully, cover up the odor.

Then, the gal to the left of me (two seats over) asks what smells so good. I put my hand in her direction and asked "is this it"? She says "oh yes, it's wonderful" So I get the lotion out and give her some. I also write down the info so will know which one to buy.

By now our entire row smells like Bath and Body Works Daisy Dream Girl lotion with a hint of lemon. LOL!!
The man who I called Stinky Man in my notes was dirty. He had very dirty hair and kept scratching his head. I moved my purse and lunch sack thingy almost under my feet as I was afraid with all his scratching something might fall on my stuff.

Anyway, that's the strange odor story.

I will try to do another installment tonight. If not, I will finish up in the morning. :)

Oh My!

I should send you a Haz-Mat lunch container so that Stinky Man cannot contaminate your lunch! :what:

Could he be a transient using the court for a place to rest during the day? :waitasec:

I am sure the other ladies appreciated your well stocked hand bag! :sunshine:
I've been thinking about the "odor" installment of my notes. I never meant for the person to be ID'd. It was more about the story of what we did. The of spraying the lemon and sharing the lotion to mask the odor and not the person.

I just felt I needed to say that. :)

Is the woman, on the defense side, with very short hair and glasses with pimples on her chin Donovan?

Thank you.

D is the one in the bright blue tie-dye. Front row. HTH

I'm sorry katiedid...I wasn't clear. It happened during those two times but it's not on THAT feed. The times I put there are what you can see but I added the segment where this incident happened although it's not on the feed. I'm so confusing myself right now.

I'm sure it's somewhere on a feed...we'll get it I"m sure.

My guess is it was caught on one of the other cameras. It isn't showing up on that particular footage. I'm betting it's still on the other camera card.
From PASA:

One of the texts mentions his head between her legs. Good gawd, who cares, he was a sexually active man. So What!! It has nothing to do with killing him. That particular girl didn't kill him. Let's move on, please!
He tells girl (one of those in texts) he is going to commit suicide if she doesn't come over. Sounds like he is joking. I would want to know the context. It's not how ALV is making it out to be. She has gone so low she's out the bottom of the barrel and halfway to China. ================================================


Those two things made me so angry ! :furious:

First, she needlessly names the young woman and says he supposedly had his face between her legs. That poor girl. How does she feel with her parents hearing that on national TV, and her bosses and Co-workers---or her boyfriend?

ALV, the so called 'protector of women' just totally threw this poor young lady under the speeding bus, FOR NO REASON. How sick was that.

And then, when she tried to convince the jury that Travis was going to kill himself if this girl did not come see him...GMAB. ALV said " he mentioned suicide three times...,"

Like I am sure he was seriously going to kill himself. She knew damn well he was flirting/exaggerating/ or using a figure of speech. It wasn't like he was speaking with an ex wife during a contentious divorce, and seriously threatening suicide if she didn't return.

He was trying to get some pretty young thing to come over and said whatever came to mind. That whole exchange by ALV made me so angry. :mad:

Yes, exactly! It was unnecessary to bring up the incident or woman's name. She has nothing to do with the murder.

I agree with the suicide talk was as you said, a figure of speech.

This reminds me of the westerfield case. The defense dragged that family and everyone they knew through the mud.
From Dr Phil:

Dr. Phil
8 minutes ago
Been reading some rumors that we are paying for Arias family housing etc... Absolutely untrue. I have never met the Arias family, and neither I -- nor my production company -- has paid or promised them anything. Robin and I are praying for the Alexander family.
Yup, I've been gone 11/2 weeks on a real vacation- Disneyland and L.A., and it took me awhile to catch up, but I was floored when I heard her ask him, "Are you angry at me?" So condescending and implying that he is an aggressor like Travis.

Welcome back!
Ding, Ding, Ding, Winner Winner Chicken Dinner. :)

He was also big and tall so I couldn't see much in front of me. I am sitting behind him.

I saw him on the feed as well scratching and picking things out of his hair! Gak! I am recoiling and cringing, and :floorlaugh: LOL at your story. I would be shoving my bags under my seat also!
Was it shown on HLN? If so, I still have all the shows recorded and can upload - but tell me when it was shown!

Anyone know David Lohr? He seems to have different camera angle maybe but he stops when judge said meet in the hall???

It was just before the afternoon break. If it's on tape it would be about 1.5 hours, a little before.

David is a member but I don't know if he's reading here lately.
This is ludicrous. Worst case? OMG. She should see some of the things I've seen, and lived through as a matter of fact. TA may have been a flirt but whatever he said to JA she had it coming. Hurt her physically? No way!:banghead:
ITA. I don't think what he said to her was that mean in light of her stalking, and other predatory behaviors towards Travis. Even if a man cheats on you, doesn't give you the right to sneak into his house and sleep there or go into his girlfriend's house!!!
From Dr Phil:

Dr. Phil
8 minutes ago
Been reading some rumors that we are paying for Arias family housing etc... Absolutely untrue. I have never met the Arias family, and neither I -- nor my production company -- has paid or promised them anything. Robin and I are praying for the Alexander family.

Isn't this kinda' what he said when he was negotiating with the Anthony family? Many $$$$$$ later, we saw them on his show!!!!
Also, is it possible JA got to view the "Snow White" lecture video? Seems like she must have since she drew that sketch of Snow White with a black eye. Or maybe LaV gave JA her own personal presentation - that doesn't seem proper since LaV was supposed to be there to evaluate, not treat or conduct therapy of any kind. I think that some of the 40+ hours LaV spent with JA were spent "teaching" JA about DV so that JA could figure out what events she could make up or embellish to try to fit the DV profile. I can't see LaV spending most of the 40+ hours asking questions and listening- she likes to talk too much for that.
ALV spent 40 hours with JA as an "expert witness". Before she decided to become JA's "expert witness", I believe that she had been functioning as JA's mitigation consultant...She switched roles when the DA couldn't get any other experts.

What does anything he said to other women have to do with Jodi. Jodi admits they broke up in June 2007? All we've heard from Travis' friends is that she was never his official girlfriend. He was obviously interested in her and was pursuing her but we have never heard from Travis' friends that she was to be treated like is girlfriend. We already know from descriptions of Travis from his friends that he was a flirt and had gone out with a lot of women so why is ALV making this sound like Jodi is a victim because she imagined there was more to the relationship than was actually there. Just because he was kind to her and generous does not mean he planned to marry her.

Jodi never stops to think she was the third wheel. If he was happy with her, wanted to marry her he would have never been openly dating other women. This was not something he was hiding. He never pursued her in California, never chased her. Cell records show it was Jodi who constantly called Travis. In the end I do think he feared her and was trying to gently push her away.

Does anyone think it is strange that some of the text messages seem to be missing parts, as if in what started this round of outbursts in the first place?

IMHO the only thing it does is drag Travis through the mud and make him out to look like a creep who deserved what he got from ja.
It has nothing to do with the crime. It's a character assassination.

In some of the earlier reports and I believe on 48 Hours friends were interviewed. They said early on Travis really liked ja and thought she could be "the one". I think he did care about her at first. But once ja's true personality started showing through her mask he realized she wasn't for him. That is when her obsession went to the next level.

I do believe some if not all text messages are missing parts, mostly what ja said. I also believe he was trying to push her away so she'd find someone else to latch onto as he knew she was trouble, like you said.
BBM the prosecution wouldn't ask for a mistrial

I didn't think they would. I was actually thinking of the DT doing something they would hope could be used for such.

It was probably a stupid question anyway. I just don't trust the DT at all, and thought at this time, they would do anything they could to get out of there. Esp Nurmi. ALV is supposed to know how to be an expert witness, so what she did was REALLY stupid on her part.
Was nurmi present when jm talked to JS
I guess I'm asking if it was before or after nurmi hugged Alice in juanderland
Am I making sense lol

After. The Nurmi-ALV love fest was at the end of the day. The ALV illegal approach to Sam was just before the afternoon break.

Yep, making perfect sense.

Katie and PASA, have either of you locked eyes with JA?? Are you in her line of view when she stands for the jury?

I am when we stand (unless someone tall is in front of me). I never look at her eyes. If I lock eyes with her she'll get the look of death. She may report me and another mistrial motion made by LKN. :what:

I sit on the same side of the room as she does, but behind her. Usually a few rows.

LOL! I wasn't going to mention that I was on there.

I saw Bill getting told he couldn't approach tri-color. I wish she would have talked to him rather than Ch 12. But I think she was ambushed, and probably followed. Figured if she said something they might leave her alone.
MOO :)
Is Bill the good-looking guy in the light blue shirt with a computer/messenger bag strap on his shoulder?
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