a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #6

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Pasa thx. ;-) when you say manicuring abt Ponytail, is she literally manicuring or are you referring to her manicuring in general, touching hair, wiping lint from shirt, playing with shoes.. just curious?

Okay, NOW I have a vision in my head of Ponytail sitting there manicuring someone ELSE'S nails as she listens to testimony. There's a table with a lamp and all the manicure paraphernalia (I didn't know until just now that the word "paraphernalia" contains a 2nd "r"). Her client is soaking her hand in Palmolive. When there's a sidebar, they chat about husbands, exes, kids, etc.
It was a mitigation specialist (like Maria DeLa Rosa) for the Legal defender's office. And I had to see her every day in that hearing (like another trial, went on for two weeks I think) in court. She calculated exactly what she did knowingly. My attorney suggested she even calculated the timing that at the anniversary of Cindy's death I'd be more suspeptible/vulnerable. just like Sam was sitting in that courtroom.

These people get it all upside down and backwards championing for murderers, calling evil "victimhood".

Katie, when I read tonight what that woman did to you, coming to your home, near Christmas, also near the anniversary of Cindy's murder, I was shocked and appalled. I really did not know things like this could happen in our justice system. That is not even a sane thing to do to somebody. How could she do that and live with herself. She couldn't be so warped as to think she was right. First time I even knew things could be so twisted was seeing Baez give his opening statement at FCA trial. Even Mark Geragos tried pulling stunts at SP trial and he was stopped. I have seen things in the current trial that have angered me and now it just seems that is the normal day for the defense team and their staff. To say I am sorry to you just isn't enough. There should be something all of us can do. I am not sure what but I am still outraged this could happen to you or that LV got away with her little stunt. Something's gotta give.....how can our justice system be so out of whack that the victims are victimized repeatedly?
*respectfully snipped*

Out of every single post on this ever-lasting website which details an infinite amount of trials...

What you wrote above was absolutely poetic.

I got goose bumps when I read that.

Thank you.

ITA. PASA I so love your writing style. Your words & phrases mirror exactly what I would be saying if I were there.
You and everyone else...heading on to blogtalk radio with WENDY MURPHY and Levi Page...in one second:


HOLY COW, what a great show! So many great points, KCL!

KCL, Pasa, My3sons' observations have shown that the jury has bonded with JM. WM says that she feels the jury is as outraged as JM over the bull&#@$ lies spewed by the DT "experts." Thus, the more AVL disrespects and fails to answer and stonewalls JM, the madder they're going to be.

Hola, so enlightening, thank you!!!!
BBM A couple of weeks ago I was 'sleuthing' about the new south tower which contains this trial. It's only been open for about a year and was thoughtfully planned and built. I thought this graphic I found could possibly be the 'show court' designed for high-profile and multi-defendant cases. As you can see, there are no chambers behind the judge's bench - just a hallway. Of course, I do not know what rooms are just to the bottom of this drawing, other than a victims/victum's family room and wherever they hold the defendant. There are also a couple of Youtube videos about the new building - it's very impressive.

Thank you for the diagram of the courtroom. I think it's nicely done too. It's not uncomfortable to sit in, which is a big plus for me.
You guys have got to hear this wendy murphy stuff..amazing!

OMG ... I missed it. Is there any way to be able to listen to it (after the fact) :please:

So sorry dear .. to hear about your brother. I am trying to draw some strength from you to live my life. I had some tough things happen to me in my life ... but I haven't faced them and tend to sit around, isolating myself and not dealing with things. Bless you and keep on keepin' on ... you are such a good, kind person :cheers:
At first I was hopeful that Jaun would turn her into a prosecution witness, I don't see that happening, she is defiant, rude, outdated, man hating, and obviously has zero boundaries or self respect. I think the observers will be in for a helluva ride tomorrow! Stay strong ladies, believe it or not your presence and energy has a huge effect on soooo many things.

Listen to the podcast from tonight. WM says that this behavior alone is making AVL a prosecution witness, and will continue to, because the jury is to firmly on JM's side. She said juries don't like to feel they are being "played."

She predicts the death penalty, BTW.
What is the 3rd color in Tricolor's hair? When the camera went to her in the courtroom I could only discern 2 colors: the blonde on top and a dark reddish color underneath.

The last time I saw her (before she was excused) she had less white/blonde in her hair. It was more red, pink, and some blonde on top. When I saw her last week it was just red-auburn and blonde.
Really? I got the "mind already made up" vibe from her...and not in the DT's favor, but you see her way more than I do, so I would defer to you.

I'm starting to worry a teeny bit about HW and all those notes she's taking during LV's testilying. Of course, she was the consistent notetaker when I was there, too, so maybe that's just her style?

I'm glad you got the "mind made up" vibe from her too. It doesn't look good for ja. That's the read I get. But then some days I get the "I don't give a carp" vibe and if backed into a corner and I had to pick one it "might" be her. But, I've said all along I'm not worried about any of them, as they seem to be smart enough to realize she's guilty. I don't get a vibe from any that they feel sorry for ja or that they think she killed Travis in self-defense.

I value your opinion, and take on the jury.

I think it may be HW's style. Tri-color took a lot of notes too. Since it's a death penalty case she may want to write down as much as she can so when she makes the decision she knows it's the right one. Just a guess, but that's kind of the feeling I get.

ALV is a real piece of work. I think she's worse than Samuels, and that is saying something. LOL!
I coined that phrase right at the beginning of the trial, when I do believe, she had some roots going on (apparently I thought they were on purpose lol). :blushing:

I thought she had some lighter red/fuschia mixed with the red/white.
I am wondering if MAYBE she played him part of the phone-sex tape and threatened to send it to Mimi or the PPL bosses or his Bishop. I think that would have elicited that 16 page tirade.

I wonder.

That was A LOT of harsh (well, not even harsh describes how horrified and disgusted Travis was) harsh words Travis said to Jody. If someone had taped me and said they were going to go public with it, I would say *advertiser censored** You, Go Ahead You Will Never Hear From Me Again. I don't think I would call someone who did that a sociopath, or go on for hours and pages. I think he was utterly consumed, disgusted and scared with whatever he found out. And Jody decided right then to kill him I think, as she came up with a plan and stole the gun 2 days later. He had threatened to tell her parents, friends whatever with what he knew. I just don't think Jodi would kill him because he was going to tell people she taped their phone sex. Actually, I think she would like it. People would finally know they were having sex. No, this was not about phone sex. Jodi was determined to stop him from telling something about her, and Travis was absolutely freaked out about whatever it was. I think it was something about as horrendous as his own murder was. Something she would kill to protect and something that convinced Travis she was a monster.

Nope, I don't believe it was the sex tape. And I don't believe it was because she couldn't have him. She was desperate to keep something hidden. I have thought about what could be that bad, that you would kill someone to keep quiet.

The only thing I can think of is she has killed before. She loves taking pictures, and I think she was taking trophy pictures of killing Travis. She may have done it before. Maybe he saw the pictures. I know that this is a far-reaching and way out there idea, but it had to be something that big to decide to kill him.

Didn't she say that her hard drive was destroyed or something? Maybe she did that after Travis found something on her PC and then she destroyed it because he said he would talk.

Edited to add: Did I read somewhere that defense had managed to get her computer records sealed?
I can see Cheri Oteri playing the part of JW in the movie. I'm reminded of that cheerleader skit she and Will Farrell did on SNL. :)

Yes, that giggly stuff has no place in the courtroom. It is very off putting and high pitched in person. My husband calls her Mini as in mouse. :)

I think Melissa Rauch, who plays Bernadette on The Big Bang Theory would be PERFECT to play JW.
Listen to the podcast from tonight. WM says that this behavior alone is making AVL a prosecution witness, and will continue to, because the jury is to firmly on JM's side. She said juries don't like to feel they are being "played."

She predicts the death penalty, BTW.

Thanks for posting.

Oh my gosh, if I was a juror, I would be irate by now. And judging by some of the notes, some of the jurors are downright PO'd (CEO, in particular seems very impatient and just...angry).

From an expert witness, you expect a level of professionalism and honesty. I would. I think Juan made it pretty clear that Samuels and the DT tried to play them for idiots. And now they are keeping the farce going with ALV. I wouldn't care if ALV was the most honest and trustworthy expert witness in the world, they have already betrayed my trust and my ability to remain objective. I wouldn't trust anyone they put on the stand from that point onward. Jodi also lied herself. To me, the only honest person in the room would seem to be the prosecutor. He's the only one I would trust with the truth.
I'm glad you got the "mind made up" vibe from her too. It doesn't look good for ja. That's the read I get. But then some days I get the "I don't give a carp" vibe and if backed into a corner and I had to pick one it "might" be her. But, I've said all along I'm not worried about any of them, as they seem to be smart enough to realize she's guilty. I don't get a vibe from any that they feel sorry for ja or that they think she killed Travis in self-defense.

I value your opinion, and take on the jury.

I think it may be HW's style. Tri-color took a lot of notes too. Since it's a death penalty case she may want to write down as much as she can so when she makes the decision she knows it's the right one. Just a guess, but that's kind of the feeling I get.

ALV is a real piece of work. I think she's worse than Samuels, and that is saying something. LOL!

Yeah, I wouldn't think someone with a "mind made-up" vibe would bode too well for JA at all. If she were trying to believe Jodi and trying to believe the defense. She wouldn't feel that way. She'd want to keep searching and digging. Shows she may already know the truth and doesn't need to hear anymore, especially from the DT.

But who knows what the truth is to her?
I wonder.

That was A LOT of harsh (well, not even harsh describes how horrified and disgusted Travis was) harsh words Travis said to Jody. If someone had taped me and said they were going to go public with it, I would say *advertiser censored** You, Go Ahead You Will Never Hear From Me Again. I don't think I would call someone who did that a sociopath, or go on for hours and pages. I think he was utterly consumed, disgusted and scared with whatever he found out. And Jody decided right then to kill him I think, as she came up with a plan and stole the gun 2 days later. He had threatened to tell her parents, friends whatever with what he knew. I just don't think Jodi would kill him because he was going to tell people she taped their phone sex. Actually, I think she would like it. People would finally know they were having sex. No, this was not about phone sex. Jodi was determined to stop him from telling something about her, and Travis was absolutely freaked out about whatever it was. I think it was something about as horrendous as his own murder was. Something she would kill to protect and something that convinced Travis she was a monster.

Nope, I don't believe it was the sex tape. And I don't believe it was because she couldn't have him. She was desperate to keep something hidden. I have thought about what could be that bad, that you would kill someone to keep quiet.

The only thing I can think of is she has killed before. She loves taking pictures, and I think she was taking trophy pictures of killing Travis. She may have done it before. Maybe he saw the pictures. I know that this is a far-reaching and way out there idea, but it had to be something that big to decide to kill him.

Didn't she say that her hard drive was destroyed or something? Maybe she did that after Travis found something on her PC and then she destroyed it because he said he would talk.

Edited to add: Did I read somewhere that defense had managed to get her computer records sealed?

AZLawyer says it looks like the records of the hearing regarding the hard drive were sealed, not the hard drive itself. I don't know how they could do something like that as what ever is found on it could be relevant evidence.
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