a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #6

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I think it's for money. She has her belief system and when this phone call came in she probably thought she won the lottery.

I don't doubt for a minute that the DT had watched her on YouTube and heard through the grapevine what her views are. Nurmi may have known her through the court system.

Hasn't it been reported that the defense approached 6 0r 7 DV experts and they declined? Seems to me they were desperate.
Been following along but jumping in to ask a question:

: Do you know what kind of consequences ALV is facing for approaching SA?
Are we talking a fine? A dressing down in open court? Something worse?
Just curious what kind of consequence she will possibly have for her horrendous crossing of boundaries.
Especially DISGUSTING since she works in a field in which appropriate boundaries are so important and discussed on a regular basis!!!

I hope Juan got to be present for whatever level of dress down she received from the judge.
I may get trashed here but I am starting to think that Jodie has learned some of her behavior from her mother:doh:

You won't get trashed from me. Some of the behaviour of the mother and aunt is inappropriate and disgraceful. At time it seems to me they think the trial is a joke. I would be so ashamed to show my face if my child had slaughtered another human being and her private parts were shown not only on a huge screen in the courts, but all over the world via various media sources. I would have to put blinders on so I couldn't see people looking at me and wondering how I spawned this she-devil. (I hope I don't get banned for this):facepalm:
oooohhhh! love the reference to Stephen King there at the end...AND totally agree with your points! My husband and I watched her Snow White presentation and where absolutely appalled at how stuck in the late 60's...not even the 70's she was...and we also have noticed her constant referral to recovery (sort of like JVM does on her show every night) The gap between her BS and masters does make sense there...:rocker:

When she was going through her credentials she repeatedly mentioned that she was a mother of two small children in the 1970s (Juan objected at least twice to this and she stopped mentioning them), so I'm guessing that she backburnered her continuing education until the children were a little older.
I agree... I was offended by the way ALV's friends rallied around her like she made a final score at an athletic event...

So disrespectful!


Certainly not appropriate behavior for the courtroom of such a heinous crime. :furious:
oooohhhh! love the reference to Stephen King there at the end...AND totally agree with your points! My husband and I watched her Snow White presentation and where absolutely appalled at how stuck in the late 60's...not even the 70's she was...and we also have noticed her constant referral to recovery (sort of like JVM does on her show every night) The gap between her BS and masters does make sense there...:rocker:

I'm an old cynic so I've wondered why she married a man, had children, left and married another woman with the same background.:twocents:
I really wonder if when ALV agreed to testify in this case she saw it as some kinda windfall as she's never really made much money, it seems. Look at Henry Lee, heck even Dr. $amuels. When professionals sometimes reach a certain age they want to retire and they will throw their career under the bus to go working for defense attorneys. Maybe they are tired, afraid of financial issues w retirement, want to try something new, who knows. What's for certain is the big bucks are in defense work as evidenced by $amuels own website.

I think the X factor here is ALV had no idea when she took the case how huge this trial would be. If not for the cameras and enormity of this trial her behavior would go unchecked. It probably already has in other cases. But now instant karma is biting her back.

Henry Lee also testified for Michael Peterson. I have no respect for HL any more. It's a shame because if he testifies for the defense now I feel with certainity thay are guilty..Anyone can be bought for a price it seems MOO
MY 3 Sons : Seems to me that they're friends of ALV's since she left with them and they were sitting in the same place that ALV's gentleman friend was sitting in court (last two seats of the 2nd row).

Those are the two responsible for the uproarious laughter at "Are you mad at me?", followed by many chuckles and covering the mouth/hiding the face episodes throughout the Snow White stuff (little cottage, don't know the age of the dwarfs, etc.). They got quite a kick out of ALV's little performance while they sat less than 25 feet away from the family who will live the rest of their days without their beloved brother at the hands of the murderous stalker ALV was so tickled to be defending.

Earth to ALV and her "fan club": This is a death penalty murder trial, not a comedy show. Someone's life was taken, and someone else's life is at stake. I fail to see what makes any of that amusing.
To me it looks like W, MSpec and two pals at least all knew it was coming. I took pic's of my TV but W gives the chin pose signal and then AL is doing that stupid chin pose thing then the blonde practically breaks her neck looking around Donovan who just sat back to see the punch line.
Planned, unprofessional and you better believe if it had been prosecution doing it, nurmi would have woke from the slouch to jump up and ask for a mistrial. MAKES ME SICK.
I don't know who they are. I really didn't pay any attention to them. I believe they are friends of ALV.
Sorry I can't be more helpful. I'll ask around if I see them again as to who they are.[/quote]

The one in yellow is her "partner" as in spouse, the other a friend.
I just watched the video one of you posted of the hugging, back patting and foolery that went on while the camera was running after trial.

After this horse and pony show it's going to be really nice to get real EXPERTS. Certified, knowledgeable, intelligent experts who will bring this back to the murder. Who will have Jennifer stuttering on cross and Nurmi picking up and putting his pen down 100xs trying to figure out how to question true knowledge.

I am sick to death of these experts droning on about their experience and knowledge then not even putting a tippy toe into the real issue. A monster sitting at the defense table in the costume of a human being, butchered a well loved man in the most heinous way and you better explain why. This isn't about your days in college Alyce. Explain why Travis was brutally murdered in his own home, 1000 miles away from the home of the one who took his life. Travis, the victim. :furious:

I want Juan to wipe that stupid smarmy smirk OFF her face on Monday. She sold her soul to a sex offender defender and used victims of domestic violence to help save the life of a murderer. They all have Travis' blood on their hands.

I understand defense has to bring in experts but these people are over stepping their bounds and making a mockery of the justice system.

I WISH I was near Alyce when she got off her arse and got in Sam's face. She would be attending court on Monday with a black eye and that would be worth all the time in prison I would have to serve. As long as Alyce has a permanent reminder that she had better stay on HER side of the room.
Aside from ALV's $300/hr fee I wonder if that includes her two weeks of accomodations/meals etc, or whether that is an additional expense. I have to say what troubled me most was viewing her 'snow white' video, I think at one point my mouth dropped open, because it became clear her whole 'talk' was loaded with comedy, and maybe it's me but I just don't see 'humor' as appropriate when someone is talking about DV.

According to ALV.........battered woman=Snow White, Jodie Arias I know nothing about him= prince,Travis
According to JM....... Hi ho Hi ho its off to work I goooo
GOOOOOO Jaun:floorlaugh:
Juror #5 speaks out today... I feel badly for her being hounded and criticized :(


:banghead: I didn't like what that reporter did to her either. Especially his judgmental comment at the end. Glad I don't give that station my hit to watch the trial!

How does this reporter know what the joke in the hall was????? KCL since you sit over there, are the walls that thin that the joke could have been heard inside the courtroom by this reporter?

But thank you Lisa Marie for posting it!
Gail Billings-Beck. One of the laughers/huggers. She and ALV share a professional address:


She's seated in the first row, third from the left. Best shot at 1:05:39

In the first row next to D? The two I saw with ALV (in the after court footage) were in row two against the wall and the next one over. Yellow top and the other one had navy/white print top.

Trying to figure out which one GBB is. Thanks! :)
I was a teenager in the 70's. We just assumed we were equal PERIOD and went back to wearing our bras because lets face it, the girls are more comfortable that way.

Exactly! We were too busy having fun to worry about burning bras and letting our leg hair grow. LOL!
I may be in the minority here but I feel a "no comment" would be more appropriate. I was just reading at another site and it appears she had already been brought to the attention of the judge.


A no comment would have sufficed, but she's invested a lot of her time and emotion in to this trial. I can't fault her for wanting to say more, but holding back. For all we know, that could have been D making that complaint to the judge. From what I've heard, Tri-color has been a very attentive juror. I've wondered if she was the one with the question about the bad hair cut. Anyway, I think she was a target of the DT. And, perhaps for a while now.:moo:
According to ALV.........battered woman=Snow White, Jodie Arias I know nothing about him= prince,Travis
According to JM....... Hi ho Hi ho its off to work I goooo
GOOOOOO Jaun:floorlaugh:

My favorite part of the day was when he got her to repeat, very loudly, that she couldn't comment on whether Snow White was a battered woman because she knew nothing of the relationship between her and the prince. She is so busted. She didn't even know Travis and is only relying on Jodi's word that he was awful, yet everyone else who knew him says he was a wonderful person.

Please rip her apart Juan. Please please please.
IMO they'd stop altogether if the Judge advises Nurmi he had to stay on to defend her in the next trial because switching lawyers at this point would waste time and money.

Bravo, kaRN! And while we're "if only'ing" let's say that Nurmi was told this before his 100-day direct of JA. Bet it would have ended with, "...and why did you kill Mr. Alexander?"
"Because I defended myself."
"Thank you. That will be all."
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