a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #7

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LOL. You a stalker and me totallyobsessed. We make a pair!

Ha! Indeed we do! I'm going out of town next week. I thought this trial would be OVER! I have a feeling I'll have a "difficult time letting go!"

I'll be counting on the observers and sleuthers to keep me in the know... :rocker:
Great catch. Also, notice as the Judge is talking to Laviolette she will not even give the judge respect and look at her. What a unusual................!

WOW--she sets her jaw and turns away from the judge! A little bit of an attitude at being corrected, yet she enjoys sarcastically correcting Juan. Interesting.
Great catch. Also, notice as the Judge is talking to Laviolette she will not even give the judge respect and look at her. What a unusual................!

Ricki, you are so right! I didn't even notice, but she does look away while the J is in mid-sentence. VERY unusual person.
Most important to me, is that your brother is home! Blessings to your family right now!!!

Quick question - several of us have noticed that HLN isn't showing the Travis family side of the galley lately. We can't figure out why the change. It can't be related to the Sam deal can it? She didn't do anything wrong. Do you have any insight, like whether the family asked for this change, or ??? Maybe it's coincidental, but for the last few days, they show Jodie's family and side, but very little of the other side. Hope that makes sense.

And lastly, any Donovan sightings? We're hearing "rumors" that DB has been scouring the halls, etc....any truth to that? And if so, all you lovely ladies be careful!!!!

Thanks so much for what you do,

ALV is under subpoena from the Mesa court. She has to testify and can't say she is ill because it would require proof and she is quite aware of that. Plus I think she likes the moments when she feels she can get JM's goat. ALV is also being paid by the State to render an opinion which would require her to answer truthfully. When JM asked Ms. LV if she were bias towards Jodi, she answered no. That was not a truthful answer because clearly her answers reflect that she is, in fact, very bias. To take Jodi's word that her parents were abusive without questioning the parents was a big mistake. ALV claims she was limited to what was provided to her but she could have requested more information from the State if defense would not provided that to her. My guess is ALV does not feel Jodi should die just because she killed a "man". That's the impression I get from her testimony. jmo

I was directed to a great article about this through the Det. Esteban Flores - Support Group face book page
"From The Burning Bed to Jodi Arias: The Abuse Defense Gone Wrong"
It describes the real effect ALV's testimony is having on the cause of DV.

the facebook page is currently reporting on the trial, but as it is called a support group, I think it may be for DV victims in the Pheonix area, if any readers are interested.
Sorry for breaking in, I'm trying to read up to KCL's notes, and came across the above comment.

Thank you so much for your observations and for letting us feel like we're all a little part of your life. I look forward to your updates (and PASA's too) from the courtroom. I love that you are there for Travis' family members and friends... you have a very protective nature. You really should consider becoming a victim's advocate.

Again, thanks for all you do.

Ricki, you are so right! I didn't even notice, but she does look away while the J is in mid-sentence. VERY unusual person.

It sure is interesting watching experts who have obvious issues of their own. I think she has a man issue and an authority figure problem.
Forgot to include earlier...so not done with JA secret magazine messages..wonder how ALV will try to explain this away as non minipulative behavior by defendant, "lets assume ma'am that the defendant tried to sneak secret messages out of jail in an attempt to tamper with witness..no...still does not go to manipulative behavior by defendant? Still no red flag? Well, let's take a look at them ma'am."
Ricki, you are so right! I didn't even notice, but she does look away while the J is in mid-sentence. VERY unusual person.

Next time Judge should mirror ALV's parental communication style with JM by saying, "MRS. LaViolette, please look at me when I am speaking to you."
I agree that ALV should be admonished for that and severely! I get that JS doesn't want a mistrial or an appeal, but the latitude she is giving the defense is outrageous. I find myself speechless.

i hear ya- judge stephens lack of controlling her courtroom and witnesses in it, is jaw dropping. most often she is like an observer rather than an active participant
"she had a very difficult time letting go" (duh- that kind of defines a stalker in a way yes or no? lol that was me not jM)

I wonder how she feels about being called "Ma'am".

"that's a pattern of stalking isn't it?" ( I was getting really sleepy and that comment shot me up like a meerkat!)

Lets leave the jury on that stalking note, shall we? YES. Court adjourned on that note YES

After jury dismissed JA becomes her animated self again close talking w/ JW. I find the non verbal behavior when she close talks with Maria very seductive looking and it makes me uncomfortable.

That's it folks! Was just there for the pm and same today. I have some other tasks to do this morning but will be there for the pm session! And all day manana!


I mean seriously...........I keep expecting Jodi to steal a kiss any moment! She creeps me out!
KCL - Does it seem the jury is picking up on JW telegraphing stuff via her most animated objections? Juan's objections are always the same tone, but when JW gets especially shrill and huffy in hers, it's a signal that this is something really really damaging. So it's a lose-lose if the jury catches it: either it gets in anyway or the jury KNOWS there's something bad she was able to hide.

Also, perhaps the camera not panning to the family's side yesterday had to do with Flores's daughter being there. Would that be logical to assume?

Thanks as always for your great reports!
Katie, thanks for the notes. Yesterday was a dream come true. ALV has been so set on holding to her "opinion" that nothing, not even facts will change her mind. That is good.

It is obvious to me and I believe to the jury and many of my fellow WE'ers that she has gone from being an expert on DV to a person who thinks jealousy is just hunky dory. She believes Jodi wasn't stalking her exes and Travis?

Where in the world are her 35 years of experience with what happens to battered women when their SO's are jealous and stalk them? Oh, that only happens to women?

Apparently, she only reads what she writes. Ever heard of a newspaper? TV? Radio? Heck, you don't even need a computer.

I am the same age as she is and as I've gotten older, I've gotten so much wiser by keeping up with the world outside my little corner.
Forgot to include earlier...so not done with JA secret magazine messages..wonder how ALV will try to explain this away as non minipulative behavior by defendant, "lets assume ma'am that the defendant tried to sneak secret messages out of jail in an attempt to tamper with witness..no...still does not go to manipulative behavior by defendant? Still no red flag? Well, let's take a look at them ma'am."

Remember, according to ALV, JA becames a liar and manipulator AFTER murdering TA and had no such tendencies ever before that.
Please note this artist is TAMBRA. Out of a Florida address. It would be very easy to make a drawing from his picture on the internet. This is not JA's art.

As much as I hate to say it JA is a much better artist. Please note it says "Jodi Arias Trial". It doesn't say JA is the artist.

As an artist, I just wanted to add my two cents. Drawing from photos, which is what JA does, is much easier than drawing people live or even a video stopped midstream. It is just harder to get perspective and angles to look right. Not making a judgement call....just a thought.:seeya:
Jury Question for Alice.

Q. Do you understadn you arre not in control of this courtroom?

Q. Do you understand when the Judge says "you may answwer yes or no" , that you actually have to abide by HER ruling?

Q. Do you fully understand that Mr. Martiazzzzzzzzzzz isn't a husband of a client of yours, that he is the PROSECUTOR of this case?

On and on...... I am so angry at Alice and the Judge.
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