a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #7

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I saw this the other day live and asked my sister if she saw this. I searched for it on afternoon day 41 and made this quick video. I have never done this but after watching it, it seems more apparent that she was on the edge. I was wondering if anyone noticed this in the courtroom. I actually see two flip offs , one at the beginning, and then the glasses adjustment.

Tell me what you think, I slowed down the "flip off" but even in real time, it is quick but vigorous.


That must be so creepy, having her staring even in one's direction for such extended periods. I wouldn't putting the flipping off past her, that's for sure.
Can't wait to read the notes from today and see what the jury was up to.

Also, ALV is just wrong and reaching when she says those being stalked never mix it up with their stalkers. My roommate was stalked for 5 years - guy ended up in jail - but she would constantly relent and let him back in, and then push him away. Back, forth constantly.
Funny how "yes" and "no" just rollllll off Alyce's tongue now.

Thinking the same thing. I'm getting blasted on the other thread for Armchair Psych discussion for my thoughts on her. Just hammered. Think I'll hang around here from now on. :blushing:
Thinking the same thing. I'm getting blasted on the other thread for Armchair Psych discussion for my thoughts on her. Just hammered. Think I'll hang around here from now on. :blushing:

Oh yeah, I've come to realize that's just a jodi sympathizer thread. Gave up on it.
Can't wait to read the notes from today and see what the jury was up to.

Also, ALV is just wrong and reaching when she says those being stalked never mix it up with their stalkers. My roommate was stalked for 5 years - guy ended up in jail - but she would constantly relent and let him back in, and then push him away. Back, forth constantly.

IN ADDITION - MANY being stalked are afraid of cutting off completely for fear of ending up just as Travis did. They try to pacify their stalker for safety reasons.
The State vs Jodi Arias ~ Travis Alexander murder trial
12 hours ago


I took this screenshot at the time when Mr Martinez started to outline the stalking behaviour Arias had with her previous boyfriends.

As he pointed out every single time Arias tried to interject herself into their lives, after breaking up, she constantly whispered to Willmott.

Look at Arias's eyes and how they penetrate Willmott face. It is the look of utter desperation.

I also see that Jodi is becoming more and more "vocal" during testimony, saying "sustained", rolling her eyes, etc. She is growing extremely restless, moving around in her chair.

She also smiles at odd times during witness testimony. The smiling and joking around with Willmott, are becoming more regular and constant, something that makes us frown and question the moral standards of those defending Arias.

The Defense team is rapidly realising that their time is running out and that "Judgement Day" is approaching at the speed of lightning.
They are running out of options, out of Witnesses. All their witnesses have been proven to be evil enablers of Arias, who only had one thing in mind, MONEY and FAME.

The last two witnesses are on the brink of retirement. Dr Samuels has a few complaints against him prior to getting invited into this trial. This could have been his chance to "make it big" with this trial of the century, but in the end he was marked as a professional that had feelings for the defendant, that gave her a book as a gift. He is done. He took nothing of importance with him from this trial. Rather not worth putting on his Resume.

The last witness, still struggling to prove her assessment of the defendant, is now shown to have a bias towards the defendant. She is also marked as a person who favoured the Defendant without true justice as a goal in assessing the defendant. All she did was to believe every word this lying woman told her.

Both "Expert Witnesses" on the brink of stardom but on the edge of disaster.

The Defence realises the implications of these failed attempts at trying to slander the victim. They realise that soon they will have to explain to the Defendant and her family that they failed and that their client might not come off as they would have hoped for and perhaps even promised her.

They now have to increase their support to the Defendant, assure her, make her feel calm, don't upset her, perhaps even say to her 'don't worry, it will all be okay'.

They are scared and those smiles, giggles and camaraderie between the defendant and Willmott is a mask, and behind that mask you will find fear. Willmott fears the humiliation of losing and the wrath of Jodi when the punishment is read, Nurmi fears the failed attempts at making Travis look like an abusing paedophile and Arias fears DEATH.

With Arias' increased restlessness next to Willmott, her smiles, rolling of her eyes at Mr Martinez, mouthing words like "objection", overbearing clingy behaviour with Willmott, I hope that security is nearby, as I fear an outburst is soon to be expected.

Admin 1
Greetings from my office- the 5th floor bathroom. Nurmi held the door open for me and smiled as I came out for the break- ;)
IN ADDITION - MANY being stalked are afraid of cutting off completely for fear of ending up just as Travis did. They try to pacify their stalker for safety reasons.

My crazy ex boyfriend I appeased for a while with responses and interaction because I felt in a safer position. Once I cut off contact completely I felt like I just lost site of the shark in the water. It is very scary cutting off ties because then you are just a sitting duck, completely unaware of what to expect next from the lunatic. And cutting off contact enrages a stalker because they are after acknowledgement and attention, good or bad, so you're just left to wonder what crazy tactic they have up their sleeve to try next.

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Has anyone noticed that Jodi doesn't even try to win the jury anymore when they leave and enter. Her face has tine from "look at me! We're friends!" To one of defeated contempt.
I'd like to ask this of the Legal experts here:

How many DV experts were interviewed & turned down prior to DT settling on LAV?


What is the difference between a "DV expert" in a criminal trial vs a "Forensic DV expert" in a criminal trial.

Thank you!

I'm no legal expert, but it's my understanding that of eleven qualified experts in Arizona, eleven declined the job.

ALV was retained because she was willing. No one else wanted to touch the case with a ten-foot pole. You know, because no one with an ounce of sense would be willing to crawl out on the limb ALV has so willingly occupied.

IMO, that may be different when we hit the penalty phase. If (when!) convicted, experts may be willing to testify to mitigating factors (personality disorder, other mental illnesses, childhood abuse, and so on) in an attempt to save her life; it's far more palatable to do this when you know the woman will still spend life behind bars if you're successful.
Can someone who is in court notify them that JA took a pencil and hid it in her jacket...?

I think JA sees this trial as a social media event that she attends each day. You know? It gets her out of her little cell each day (you know - the cell that is smaller than Travis's closet?). She is not taking it very seriously at all, as most folks on trial for their life would take it. She probably looks forward each day to going to court and seeing all the "free" people, the ones who have a life, and can buy new clothes and dress up and go out to eat, etc. Pardon me for being so sarcastic and negative. She just irks me, and should not get away with all her shenanigans!
I was wondering: In the jury nickname list, it says KCL was worried about Neil. That's different now, but I was just wondering what made her worry about him at first?
I'm guessing JA wants her journals back.

Since it says they were seized on April 1, 2013, then either Sheriff Joe or the State took them, and the defense wants them back.

IMHO, the state seized them, if there is any writing in pen (remember all the blue pens she got in trouble for hiding), I'm guessing they want to run chemical tests to see if the same pens were used to "create" all the journals that ALV relied on for her assessment of JA.

I would like to know WHERE all the journals they've been using in court were found....

Her journals are evidence.

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Has anyone noticed that Jodi doesn't even try to win the jury anymore when they leave and enter. Her face has tine from "look at me! We're friends!" To one of defeated contempt.

She has been intently staring at them the last few days, maybe hoping to make eye contact with at least one of them. Hopefully none of them give her that chance. JMO
Can't wait to read the notes from today and see what the jury was up to.

Also, ALV is just wrong and reaching when she says those being stalked never mix it up with their stalkers. My roommate was stalked for 5 years - guy ended up in jail - but she would constantly relent and let him back in, and then push him away. Back, forth constantly.

JM should get a line of of experts/witnesses to dispute that lie about stalking. But every one of these lies has more people (jurors hopefully) realizing that ALV's testimony is biased and false. I hope each lie is like a little bell in their ears....there she goes again. False testimony.

What happened with your roommate sounds exactly like what was happening with JA and Travis. He gets her out of his life and she weasels her way back in. Her whole testimony about how Travis convinced her to move to Mesa. BS.
Thinking the same thing. I'm getting blasted on the other thread for Armchair Psych discussion for my thoughts on her. Just hammered. Think I'll hang around here from now on. :blushing:

I love this thread! It is very friendly. Not so overwhelming.
I heard she was looking at aunt and mother.
Also Sam is who was crying. No reason given.

On iPad and hate typing on it so answering two posts in one :)

Thanks, PASA~ very glad she's looking at them not the victims... I thought KatieDDJ said ja eyes Travis' family but she must've said JA's fam & I misheard. :)
Greetings from my office- the 5th floor bathroom. Nurmi held the door open for me and smiled as I came out for the break- ;)
That almost worries me as much as glancing up and seeing JVM doing a jodi handstand re-enactment.
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