a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #7

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I feel so sorry for the family of Travis, when they cry, I want to just embrace them and tell them they are loved. These kids had such a rough go of it in their young lives, and for this defense team to make a mockery of that is wrong on so many levels. They have risen above what they had no choice in as kids, and if their parents could tell them, I am sure they would say they are proud of them. Methamphetamines destroy many a life. I am so proud of these siblings standing united to bring justice for their brother, and not stooping to the level of the DT, defense witnesses, and the supporters of the defendant. May God be with them now, and in the future.
This bothers me so much I can't stand it. I don't know why, but today it bothered me the most. These two experts, and I use the term loosely, were well rewarded for their shammery.

Thank God, this part of the trial is a day closer to being over.

Yes, and for that $12.00 per day, the jurors are required to follow the order of law while the $2,400 a day "expert" gets to say and do almost anything and never face perjury charges or any admonitions of substance. What a world!
OMG! They are only paid $12/day? :what: That's crazy! Here we are paid $25/day....and even that wouldn't be enough to compensate these jurors!

Actually, I am not sure, only I heard that amount. Maybe someone can clarify the amount Jurors are paid. I would be pi%#ed if it were even "alot" more.
Yes, and for that $12.00 per day, the jurors are required to follow the order of law while the $2,400 a day "expert" gets to say and do almost anything and never face perjury charges or any admonitions of substance. What a world!

I don't think it's $12.00 anymore. I believe I got $30.00 a day when I sat on the jury years ago. It could have been less but I know it was not $12.00
If I were a Juror in this case, I would be so off the charts pi#$ed over my daily Juror' pay, versus what this "expert" is getting per day. Surely they think about it. Good grief, is it Juror $12.00 a day, and ALV..... around $2400.00 a day (give or take) GUILTY!!!!!

alv is making $300.per hour. Per HOUR to testiphony
I got frustrated after about 5 minutes of the redirect today. I turned it off and decided to take a break. My toddler is, well being a toddler tonight - I felt kinda like JM questioning ALV with all the grief I got. He's in bed and now I'm curious how the day ended and if we will get to jurors questions tomorrow.
kcl and others was it cold in the courtroom today ? just wondering why jodi was using her jacket like a snuggie or a thro
If I were a Juror in this case, I would be so off the charts pi#$ed over my daily Juror' pay, versus what this "expert" is getting per day. Surely they think about it. Good grief, is it Juror $12.00 a day, and ALV..... around $2400.00 a day (give or take) GUILTY!!!!!

I read in here everyday, but rarely put my 2 cents in. But this is just calling me.
If the jury is only being payed $12.00 a day do you realize that in the late 90's early 00's I was paid $12.00 to come and just wait to see if I would be chosen as a juror. My point is that this hasn't risen in how long? Shameful.
Futher more if these so called over payed experts weren't payed we'd probably see much more honest opinion's in a court room and perhap's it would cut down on wrongful convictions.
I'm certainly no expert of any kind but I can tell you JA has never ever been abused in her intire life, from craddle and hopefully soon to grave. She's nothing but a psychopath who cannot be cured that murdered out of jealousy the man she wanted at the moment because he was making the most cash. Had she not murdered him and he did marry her she would have sooner or later moved on to the next guy with the most cash. All My Opinion Only.
Has anyone noticed that Jodi doesn't even try to win the jury anymore when they leave and enter. Her face has tine from "look at me! We're friends!" To one of defeated contempt.

yes! i haven't noticed the Von TRopp pose,did she stop doing that or did i just stop looking at her?
Juror pay in Maricopa County is $12/day, but there is a "lengthy trial fund" that can compensate for lost income; it requires an application.

LaViolette makes $5.00 a minute, so she makes as much retrieving her glasses as a juror does for sitting there all day.
These jurors have had to stick with this for months now. Can any of them leave due to financial hardship?

It just boggles my mind how any of them can deal with the frustrations of court never starting on time, no court on Fridays, the amount of time wasted with rehashing of testimony that seems to be irrelevant, and courtroom theatrics like ALV's refusal to answer questions. I was really shocked when the judge asked about dates in MAY!

I'm editing this post because I didn't want to give the impression that anyone on this jury would walk away. I know they all must be sticking with it to give justice to Travis and his family! But honestly, if I was out of work for months and collecting a small fraction of what I get paid I wouldn't be able to continue. My family depends on my income as well as hubby's to make ends meet. I am wondering how the jurors are holding up after months on this case.
As a bailiff I was not allowed to tell the Jurors who the people were that were seated in the gallery but they usually figured it out. By the end of a normal trial (1 to 2 weeks) they felt sorry for the victim's family and some even wanted to talk to the family when they were released from duty. I would imagine these Jurors are feeling the same. They see everything and sometimes have nicknames for the players in the trial.

Travis' family has been stellar in their courtroom behavior. The defendants family on the other hand have not reacted in a way that would help their cause. JMO

BBM - Just like we do for them. :rocker:
These jurors have had to stick with this for months now. Can any of them leave due to financial hardship?

It just boggles my mind how any of them can deal with the frustrations of court never starting on time, no court on Fridays, the amount of time wasted with rehashing of testimony that seems to be irrelevant, and courtroom theatrics like ALV's refusal to answer questions. I was really shocked when the judge asked about dates in MAY!

Oh, this trial will definitely go over into May, no doubt! But at least they are (supposedly) going to have a half day on some Fridays for the next few weeks....well...almost every Friday. We shall see, but I expect it to end in mid-May. JMO
I read in here everyday, but rarely put my 2 cents in. But this is just calling me.
If the jury is only being payed $12.00 a day do you realize that in the late 90's early 00's I was paid $12.00 to come and just wait to see if I would be chosen as a juror. My point is that this hasn't risen in how long? Shameful.
Futher more if these so called over payed experts weren't payed we'd probably see much more honest opinion's in a court room and perhap's it would cut down on wrongful convictions.
I'm certainly no expert of any kind but I can tell you JA has never ever been abused in her intire life, from craddle and hopefully soon to grave. She's nothing but a psychopath who cannot be cured that murdered out of jealousy the man she wanted at the moment because he was making the most cash. Had she not murdered him and he did marry her she would have sooner or later moved on to the next guy with the most cash. All My Opinion Only.

From the Maricopa Superior Court website:

Jurors are compensated for mileage if they appear the first day but do not serve for a trial. Mileage is currently calculated round-trip from the center of your zip code to the court building. The current rate is 44.5 cents per mile. If selected to serve as a juror for a trial, you will receive $12 dollars for every day the trial lasts, plus mileage. Checks are sent out a week or two after your service has been completed.

Arizona lengthy trial fund (See Also FAQ below) provides for jury service reimbursement of lost income, up to $300/day. Completed application and documentation of lost income must be received and notarized by the Office of the Jury Commissioner within 30 days service.

So if the trial is more than 2 weeks, you will be reimbursed for all lost wages if you apply for it and provide documentation of lost wages
And by the way, I have to show up for jury duty on June 3rd. I just can't imagine anyone choosing me for jury duty, I am too black and white. And I have nothing even resembling a poker face. If I were seated I'd be tossed before the end of the session.
I agree and I think it is very dangerous what the judge is doing. There is a danger that she is giving so much latitude that this can backfire and actually give the defense a grounds for appeal or mistrial based solely on allowing too much.

It is hard to describe what I am trying to say. Basically by her trying to be so safe and allowing almost anything from the defense, this could be reasons down the line that something the defense asked for themselves to be admitted really should not have been admitted and then possibly the defense could then use their own requests that were granted to be an excuse to request an appeal. For example, lets suppose the judge allows a bunch of heresay from ALV per their request. Then they may be able to ask for appeal because it was all hearsay that was admitted.

I just have a fear that the defense is purposely trying to derail their own case. It is so important that the judge disallows inadmissable testimony if it is truly inadmissable. There is no reason for the judge to be afraid of anything so long as her judgements are valid. IMO, there is a real danger if the judge allows things when they really should not have been allowed. She cannot let fear of a mistrial or fear of possible appeal drive her decisions and allow anything and everything the defense asks for.

I don't think it's gotten to the point where the Judge has allowed too much in. And before yesterday she was bending over backwards for the Defense. This is a DP case which is WHY this trial has almost run off the rails. If this were NOT a DP case we wouldn't have had to listen to JA for weeks, Dick for 2 weeks or, worst of all, ALV forever. Unfortunately it is what it is.

MY biggest fear is a Mistrial because we all know the DT spends every minute thinking of reasons to ask for one. Or, God forbid, some lunatic juror wants to derail it all and there's a Hung Jury. Can you even begin to imagine going through this again. The horror of it makes me shudder.
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