a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #7

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She's on an island up there and she knows it.

She knows no one is engaging on the jury.

ALV looks pale grey today.

No note taking re: "Playing chase"

CEO pulls out a juror question paper.

He's writing a question.

No note taking on "minimizing" lecture.

I think her bias has been shown to be so obvious, the jury is no longer taking her seriously.

CEO places question in the basket.

When she talks re: DV, she's actually interesting--it's just when she tries to shove Square Peg JA in to that round hole (so to speak) she loses me.
Havasupai--journal entry "incomplete".

Side bar, she glances at the jury. None are engaging with her.

"Making it up" to write it down except she made it all up 2-3 years AFTER she killed him. (think I was referring to the abuse stuff she never wrote in her journal because of course it never happened)

This was her THIRD STORY!!!

Blah blah--this BS is why people don't report swings both ways.

How about Travis not reporting stalking?

You just testifed the reason you don't buy stalked is cuz it would be reported.


So what corroborates the physical abuse?

ZERO corroboration!

So Psych abuse equates physical abuse?

Where is the Xray of the finger???

Hi Katie! What's your feeling on the whole finger thing? (No pun intended) You think the jury is asking the same question? Why not prove to us what the problem is? Well, we all know that would backfire big time when it was proved to be tendon damage as we all suspect, but still. :)
Jury getting fidgety, swiveling.

Zero note taking re: no name calling in journal.

CEO, HW take note books on break as they leave on break..no one else.

Nurmi held door open for me on break leaving courtroom and smiled.

As I pass ALV headed to the restroom hear her say "I'm holding up". At times I do feel sad for her.

Back from break.

No one taking notes re: her decision re: taking cases...doubt she'll have that dilemna again.

AFter speaking with Ms Arias did she answer questions you may have had? Translation: after speaking with her, did she work her sociopathic manipulation on you? (you're welcome ;))

Sure wish we'd get to a jury question today.
I am not sure how many times she has ever been cross examined in court prior to this case. I am also not sure how many times she has testified as an expert in domestic violence in a criminal court case. Nevermind a death penalty case.

I've seen her YouTube videos and ALV is not the same person. I think it is because at her conferences she is in her element with her peers and friends and nobody has been critical of her because she was preaching to the converted.

Having said that, this case did not pop up overnight and ALV has met with Juan prior to last week. I am not sure where her mind is if she thinks that being argumentative and rude on the stand is helping anybody. I have never seen an expert hired for the defence sink a defendant like this. Sometimes I think she got in over her head and is too stubborn to get out or there really is something very off with her critical thinking skills and her reality.

I should ask this in the legal questions thread, but would it be better or worse if the DT decided to pull the plug on ALV and send her packing and tell the jury she is ill and will not return. Thoughts?

It looks like (to me) the defense team is happy and proud of her testimony. They don't act like she is sinking anything. Or is it an act? You would think they would reel her psycho behavior in. I don't think they have tried.
No note taking re: the apology to JA.

CPS swiveling ..index finger over mouth.

She grins again on objection.

Willie writes something.

Why is it JW sort of wraps things up and comes to a conclusion then turns a page and starts all over? Not the first time she's done this. Ugh.

I'm like "really?" ..she's just dragging out the clock now.

No note taking re: JA's father or JA truthful as a teenager. Can't beleive either try to defend JA as truthful with a straight face.

Well, ALV doesn't maintain a straight face.
Can someone who is in court notify them that JA took a pencil and hid it in her jacket...?

She has to put her jail garb back on and is searched before being taken back to the jail.

Funny how "yes" and "no" just rollllll off Alyce's tongue now.

I said the same thing. ALV's fognesia has lifted.

Thinking the same thing. I'm getting blasted on the other thread for Armchair Psych discussion for my thoughts on her. Just hammered. Think I'll hang around here from now on. :blushing:

Sorry you got hammered over there. I stay here in the observers thread, it and KCL thread are all I can keep up with anymore.
I hope we're a friendly bunch here, we try to be. :)

IN ADDITION - MANY being stalked are afraid of cutting off completely for fear of ending up just as Travis did. They try to pacify their stalker for safety reasons.

Exactly. Well said.

Yes. Very succinct answers now. No sparring at all anymore. It won't escape the jury.

Amazing how that happened once Juan sat down.

Greetings from my office- the 5th floor bathroom. Nurmi held the door open for me and smiled as I came out for the break- ;)

Isn't he just the gentleman. :)

My crazy ex boyfriend I appeased for a while with responses and interaction because I felt in a safer position. Once I cut off contact completely I felt like I just lost site of the shark in the water. It is very scary cutting off ties because then you are just a sitting duck, completely unaware of what to expect next from the lunatic. And cutting off contact enrages a stalker because they are after acknowledgement and attention, good or bad, so you're just left to wonder what crazy tactic they have up their sleeve to try next.

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I'm sorry you had to endure a crazy ex. You are exactly right, when you can't see them you feel like a sitting duck.
I don't know why ALV doesn't accept that ja was the abuser. She doesn't
get it.

Has anyone noticed that Jodi doesn't even try to win the jury anymore when they leave and enter. Her face has tine from "look at me! We're friends!" To one of defeated contempt.

We don't see her from where we sit, but I noticed looking on the feed she is looking at someone. I can't quite figure out who.

I think JA sees this trial as a social media event that she attends each day. You know? It gets her out of her little cell each day (you know - the cell that is smaller than Travis's closet?). She is not taking it very seriously at all, as most folks on trial for their life would take it. She probably looks forward each day to going to court and seeing all the "free" people, the ones who have a life, and can buy new clothes and dress up and go out to eat, etc. Pardon me for being so sarcastic and negative. She just irks me, and should not get away with all her shenanigans!

Me too. I've been saying all along she enjoys the trial. Spotlight is on her, she gets to wear street clothes, sits at the table and colors/scribbles/journals. Gets to pretend she's an attorney and tell her defense team what to do. The list goes on. :)

You aren't being negative, it's true, and most of us feel the same.

She has been intently staring at them the last few days, maybe hoping to make eye contact with at least one of them. Hopefully none of them give her that chance. JMO

The jurors don't look at her when they leave or enter the courtroom. She may be sizing one or two up, but they don't see her.

I love this thread! It is very friendly. Not so overwhelming.

Thank you! Glad you are enjoying this thread.

Thanks, PASA~ very glad she's looking at them not the victims... I thought KatieDDJ said ja eyes Travis' family but she must've said JA's fam & I misheard. :)

She may look at the family, but I don't see her doing it. I heard it ja was looking back at the gallery. I asked around and was told she was looking at her mother. Just passing along what I was told. :)

omg whomever of you was in that courtroom for redirect today.. BLESS YOU ALL. I think I need to vomit. Seriously

We were taking one for the team today. :) She's so bad I was wishing for Samuels to come back and take her place. He wasn't a good witness, but at least I could stand him. She's the worst the DT has put on the stand. Which could be good for the state. :)
It looks like (to me) the defense team is happy and proud of her testimony. They don't act like she is sinking anything. Or is it an act? You would think they would reel her psycho behavior in. I don't think they have tried.

There really isn't much anyone can do. I mean, look at their client. They are doing the best they can to keep her from the DP. Sometimes you get the feeling they are fighting for their own lives. And we know, JA is going to throw them under the bus the first chance she gets. And both of her attorneys know it. It is her style.
I really cannot believe this (#&#@%@ is testifying Travis was the liar and JA truthful.

This jury has seen the 48 hours tapes, the interrogation videos, herself on the stand, they know how she lies and fabricates..STILL.

This jury will not forgive her for this infraction.

She's insulting their intelligence now. NO note taking on this BS.

Willie , CEO, CPA not even looking at her now at all.

So because he only said "dildo with a heartbeat" once it's meaningless.

Paul R. places question in the basket.

Well we won't get to any juror questions today.

END of day............:seeya:

I'll be there all day tomorrow...now I gotta :eek:fftobed:
I wonder if she's looking at the media people, who are sitting behind Travis's family. There are faces she may recognize; Ted Rowlands and Jean Casarez are examples. There are so many media people there (three rows at least) that she may be trying to figure out who they all are.

That's possible. She has been staring behind her towards the public side too. In addition to her mother there may be someone else. Maybe D??
Do y'all hang out here during trial? Limo is right this is a cool bunch.
Good. Because this is exactly how I feel. :twocents:

She's on an island up there and she knows it.

She knows no one is engaging on the jury.

ALV looks pale grey today.

No note taking re: "Playing chase"

CEO pulls out a juror question paper.

He's writing a question.

No note taking on "minimizing" lecture.

I think her bias has been shown to be so obvious, the jury is no longer taking her seriously.

CEO places question in the basket.

When she talks re: DV, she's actually interesting--it's just when she tries to shove Square Peg JA in to that round hole (so to speak) she loses me.
KCL, PASA, or any CR attendee's, what was the reaction of the jury, gallery, and yourself when Willmott went below the belt and mentions TA's Mom and Dad being abusive, even though they are deceased?

That pained me, and I saw the agony on JM - almost to much to take.
I really cannot believe this (#&#@%@ is testifying Travis was the liar and JA truthful.

This jury has seen the 48 hours tapes, the interrogation videos, herself on the stand, they know how she lies and fabricates..STILL.

This jury will not forgive her for this infraction.

She's insulting their intelligence now. NO note taking on this BS.

Willie , CEO, CPA not even looking at her now at all.

So because he only said "dildo with a heartbeat" once it's meaningless.

Paul R. places question in the basket.

Well we won't get to any juror questions today.

END of day............:seeya:

I'll be there all day tomorrow...now I gotta :eek:fftobed:

bbm this!! just this!! ty so much kcl!
Infinite thanks, katiecoolady and PASA! :beats:

p.s. I looked up the meaning of 'Biased' and I swear it said - Alyce Laviolette!
I know Katie is too tired to take questions tonight, so can some one else tell me how Sky Hughes got the journals that belonged to Travis? Are these the same ones that Jodi took? This info came out in February, but I'm always a day late and a dollar short. So, how did Sky Hughes end up with Travis' journals?


Sky Hughes is sworn and testifies.
The Court has ordered that Sky Hughes shall submit to a deposition.
At the request of Defense,
IT IS ORDERED that after Sky Hughes’ deposition is completed, Sky Hughes shall turn
over the victim’s journal(s) to Detective Flores

to KCL - you deserve it :heart:
I am excited to hear from our CR observers. I was gutted when Willmott bashed TA's deceased parents - asking JVL about TA's child history/parents, ie" drug addicts, abusive to TA and sisters etc. I wanted to reach through the tv grab her azz, and say they are deceased and cannot defend themselves unlike JA and her parents. Hmm, just looking at TA's life and his family is proof that ALV is wrong v JA with hers.

I would love to know the juries reaction as well as the galleries?

JM looked in pain, and clearly in agony. I hope this backfires with the jurors as it did with me.

I didn't notice the jury. I was fighting back my own tears when she talked about abused kids grow up to be abusers and then trashing the family. I was insulted and hurt by that testimony today.

I talked to several others who had a similar reaction to mine.
I hope this on topic and/or of interest to those in and out of the courtroom today...

I counted the amount of Objections by both JW this am/early pm and by JM on re-direct. I also tallied up whether the judge over-ruled or sustained. NOTE: If they were asked to approach I based this ruling on the question immediately following the aproach, ie: if it was the same I would count it as an over-ruled.

JW: 37 objections. 30 were over-ruled, 7 were sustained.

JM: 43 objections. 18 were over-ruled, 25 were sustained.

JW was batting .189 today, while JM was batting .581

Baseball fan or not, I think we can all agree on who the all-star on the field was today.
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