a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #7

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The end of the article says her attorneys aren't happy with it. Ya right. Then stop encouraging it by passing her your dman phone.

I've seen rumors about this but have not seen any verified sightings of it or pictures showing it happening. Can you point me to a verified source? I highly doubt that Wilmott is allowing JA to use her phone. Further, I doubt any bailiff would sit by and allow it. Inmates are not allowed to use cell phones.
Not to get too OT but I have a family member in hospital. I have been there since early this morning and just got home. I won't be posting much over the next few days as family is coming in from out of town.
Just wanted to give a heads up as to why you won't see much of me, and my notes from yesterday may not get posted. It depends on how things go the next few days.

I was going to visit for an hour and then go to trial, but their condition took a turn for the worse (unexpectedly) and they ended up in ICU. I needed to stay, I wouldn't have felt right going to trial.

I was able to watch some of the trial on my iPad (hospital has wi-fi yay) and loved the jurors questions. They did not disappoint. I've had the feeling they are not buying the defense's tale of woe that ja was abused by TA. The questions today confirmed my belief in that jury. It was pretty clear what the jury thinks of that witness, at least to me. MOO. :)

I did notice Barb looking though her notebook yesterday (at her notes). I suspect she wrote one of the questions (or more) in the basket. :)
PASA your family is much more important than your notes from the trial. Take care of yourself and praying your family member gets better soon. Sending much love your way.
Not to get too OT but I have a family member in hospital. I have been there since early this morning and just got home. I won't be posting much over the next few days as family is coming in from out of town.
Just wanted to give a heads up as to why you won't see much of me, and my notes from yesterday may not get posted. It depends on how things go the next few days.

I was going to visit for an hour and then go to trial, but their condition took a turn for the worse (unexpectedly) and they ended up in ICU. I needed to stay, I wouldn't have felt right going to trial.

I was able to watch some of the trial on my iPad (hospital has wi-fi yay) and loved the jurors questions. They did not disappoint. I've had the feeling they are not buying the defense's tale of woe that ja was abused by TA. The questions today confirmed my belief in that jury. It was pretty clear what the jury thinks of that witness, at least to me. MOO. :)

I did notice Barb looking though her notebook yesterday (at her notes). I suspect she wrote one of the questions (or more) in the basket. :)

Pasa, thoughts and prayers to you and your family.
Not to get too OT but I have a family member in hospital. I have been there since early this morning and just got home. I won't be posting much over the next few days as family is coming in from out of town.
Just wanted to give a heads up as to why you won't see much of me, and my notes from yesterday may not get posted. It depends on how things go the next few days.

I was going to visit for an hour and then go to trial, but their condition took a turn for the worse (unexpectedly) and they ended up in ICU. I needed to stay, I wouldn't have felt right going to trial.

I was able to watch some of the trial on my iPad (hospital has wi-fi yay) and loved the jurors questions. They did not disappoint. I've had the feeling they are not buying the defense's tale of woe that ja was abused by TA. The questions today confirmed my belief in that jury. It was pretty clear what the jury thinks of that witness, at least to me. MOO. :)

I did notice Barb looking though her notebook yesterday (at her notes). I suspect she wrote one of the questions (or more) in the basket. :)

Pasa! Sending good thoughts your way for your in hospital family member. Hang in there! :seeya:
Not to get too OT but I have a family member in hospital. I have been there since early this morning and just got home. I won't be posting much over the next few days as family is coming in from out of town.
Just wanted to give a heads up as to why you won't see much of me, and my notes from yesterday may not get posted. It depends on how things go the next few days.

I was going to visit for an hour and then go to trial, but their condition took a turn for the worse (unexpectedly) and they ended up in ICU. I needed to stay, I wouldn't have felt right going to trial.

I was able to watch some of the trial on my iPad (hospital has wi-fi yay) and loved the jurors questions. They did not disappoint. I've had the feeling they are not buying the defense's tale of woe that ja was abused by TA. The questions today confirmed my belief in that jury. It was pretty clear what the jury thinks of that witness, at least to me. MOO. :)

I did notice Barb looking though her notebook yesterday (at her notes). I suspect she wrote one of the questions (or more) in the basket. :)

Hope all goes well for your relative.It is a terrible feeling when a loved one is in ICU.Will keep you in my prayers.
I burst into tears at home watching the trial on live stream when ALV stated that abused children grow up to become abusers. I was crying so hard my dh came over to the couch to hold me. I took it personally because I was abused when I was little--in almost every way a child can be abused and it's really hard to talk about it, even now and I'm almost 50 years old. Never have I abused anyone else in my life. That goes for adults, children, animals. I remember what it felt like and couldn't imagine inflicting that on anyone. Period. Shortly after leaving home (emancipated at 17), I helped a girlfriend escape her husband by sneaking her out of town and driving her to the airport. The husband was going to kill her and we both knew it. She never came back but was able to get a divorce. Never saw her again, but hear she's doing well. That's enough for me.

I managed to maintain a healthy 32 year relationship with my dh and we raised two beautiful children to adulthood. Daughter graduates college next year with honors. Son works with his dad. We're a very close-knit family because of love. For me, being raised in an abusive home was an experience I wanted to avoid at all costs in creating a home life for my children and husband. And I believe I've succeeded, despite what ALV says about people like us.

I can only imagine what Travis's brothers and sisters are going through, having to hear this clearly biased woman regurgitate on the stand. I don't know how they keep their composure as well as they do. I'd be sobbing loudly, just like yesterday on the couch. I see their tears and it just kills me. God bless them, Travis will get justice. I believe that with all my heart and it keeps me going.

Thank you so much, court watchers, for your time and sacrifice! You are all so wonderful! :tyou::tyou::loveyou::loveyou::loveyou:

Reading your comments about the going-ons in the courtroom helps all of us with a clearer insight, and gives us hope in this battle for justice. Whenever one of our WSers is on Dr. Drew, I announce with pride: "There's my friends!" I don't know any of you personally, of course, but that isn't a requirement for friendship in my book!

ALV knows this trial is being televised. Has she not stopped and realize how many people in TV land she might be hurting let alone the Travis family...Sorry but I am beginning to think her and Jodie are 2 peas in a pod:banghead:

First of all hugs to you and know you are not alone.

When I heard the witness talk about that in the courtroom yesterday I was so offended I had to fight back the tears. It was hurtful.

Thank you for sharing your story and your kind words.

I do post some of the goings on in the courtroom but my reason for going is to support Travis's family. To let them know I and many others care. I never lose sight of that.

It's rough on the family to have to hear their upbringing dragged through the mud. It's not their fault, they were innocent children.
They should be proud of how they have survived and gone on to be productive decent people.
OT: I teared up big time when I hit follow on Travis' official twitter page today, in solidarity. @travisalexander .His last tweet was May 27, 2008 :( He has gone from 800 or so to 2000 in an afternoon. A silent cyber memorial
Out tonite w the two front rows- that's all I'm gonna share about it but a big thank you to Websleuths from the Alexander family <3
I've seen rumors about this but have not seen any verified sightings of it or pictures showing it happening. Can you point me to a verified source? I highly doubt that Wilmott is allowing JA to use her phone. Further, I doubt any bailiff would sit by and allow it. Inmates are not allowed to use cell phones.

Perhaps someone has said "used" the phone, but that is not what happened. JW has manipulated her cell phone, getting it just right, then sets it down in front of Jodi's face. Jodi never touches the phone, she just appears to be reading from it.
Some of the jurors' questions were full of snarky crunchy goodness, especially the ones asking...errr...pointing out the faces ALV was making at various points during cross-exam. But some of the jurors' questions had me scratching my head and wondering if they were looking for reasons to give JA an 'out.'

At the end of the day I still think she'll be convicted of 1st degree murder, regardless of how much ALV attempted to advocate on JA's behalf.

However, I was quite perturbed by the judge allowing ALV to expand on her answers ad nauseum until it finally got to the point of ridiculousness and then (and only then) she would finally sustain JM's objections and cut off the verbal diarrhea. I blame the judge for not corralling ALV more.

And why the jurors asked ALV so many questions is strange to me. Didn't they realize she would expound on every question where they would lose hours of their lives listening to her? I would have asked her nothing and hoped she would get off the stand that much faster.

even more irritating and frankly puzzling that everytime Juan objected because AVL was wanderling aimlessly all over the place, he was OVERULED--
Not to get too OT but I have a family member in hospital. I have been there since early this morning and just got home. I won't be posting much over the next few days as family is coming in from out of town.
Just wanted to give a heads up as to why you won't see much of me, and my notes from yesterday may not get posted. It depends on how things go the next few days.

I was going to visit for an hour and then go to trial, but their condition took a turn for the worse (unexpectedly) and they ended up in ICU. I needed to stay, I wouldn't have felt right going to trial.

I was able to watch some of the trial on my iPad (hospital has wi-fi yay) and loved the jurors questions. They did not disappoint. I've had the feeling they are not buying the defense's tale of woe that ja was abused by TA. The questions today confirmed my belief in that jury. It was pretty clear what the jury thinks of that witness, at least to me. MOO. :)

I did notice Barb looking though her notebook yesterday (at her notes). I suspect she wrote one of the questions (or more) in the basket. :)

Take care, Pasa, and thank you for all you do. :grouphug:
Not to get too OT but I have a family member in hospital. I have been there since early this morning and just got home. I won't be posting much over the next few days as family is coming in from out of town.
Just wanted to give a heads up as to why you won't see much of me, and my notes from yesterday may not get posted. It depends on how things go the next few days.

I was going to visit for an hour and then go to trial, but their condition took a turn for the worse (unexpectedly) and they ended up in ICU. I needed to stay, I wouldn't have felt right going to trial.

I was able to watch some of the trial on my iPad (hospital has wi-fi yay) and loved the jurors questions. They did not disappoint. I've had the feeling they are not buying the defense's tale of woe that ja was abused by TA. The questions today confirmed my belief in that jury. It was pretty clear what the jury thinks of that witness, at least to me. MOO. :)

I did notice Barb looking though her notebook yesterday (at her notes). I suspect she wrote one of the questions (or more) in the basket. :)

My prayers to you and yours. Family is ALWAYS first IMO.

Thanks so much for your contributions.
Not to get too OT but I have a family member in hospital. I have been there since early this morning and just got home. I won't be posting much over the next few days as family is coming in from out of town.
Just wanted to give a heads up as to why you won't see much of me, and my notes from yesterday may not get posted. It depends on how things go the next few days.

I was going to visit for an hour and then go to trial, but their condition took a turn for the worse (unexpectedly) and they ended up in ICU. I needed to stay, I wouldn't have felt right going to trial.

I was able to watch some of the trial on my iPad (hospital has wi-fi yay) and loved the jurors questions. They did not disappoint. I've had the feeling they are not buying the defense's tale of woe that ja was abused by TA. The questions today confirmed my belief in that jury. It was pretty clear what the jury thinks of that witness, at least to me. MOO. :)

I did notice Barb looking though her notebook yesterday (at her notes). I suspect she wrote one of the questions (or more) in the basket. :)

Hugs to you, my friend PASA. Best wishes to your family member. May they have a speedy recovery. Sending good thoughts your way!
I've seen rumors about this but have not seen any verified sightings of it or pictures showing it happening. Can you point me to a verified source? I highly doubt that Wilmott is allowing JA to use her phone. Further, I doubt any bailiff would sit by and allow it. Inmates are not allowed to use cell phones.

I have seen it twice in the last week. In the first few minutes of the trial you see Wilmott texting on her cell phone, and JA says Thank you. The second time, yesterday or the day before, Wilmott texts, then sets the phone down in front of JA, then they both watch the phone for a response.
Out tonite w the two front rows- that's all I'm gonna share about it but a big thank you to Websleuths from the Alexander family <3

:blowkiss: awww, KCL please send them my love from the Midwest! Let them know MANY know the truth of who Travis was, no matter what rabbits the DT pulls out of their hat XOXOXO :blowkiss:
OT: I teared up big time when I hit follow on Travis' official twitter page today, in solidarity. @travisalexander .His last tweet was May 27, 2008 :( He has gone from 800 or so to 2000 in an afternoon. A silent cyber memorial

Pretty sure my post is OT for this court observers thread. However, since TA's Twitter acct. has been mentioned here a few times I wanted to post the link for his Find A Grave Memorial for the posters who might not know about it.

I saw her. Both she and Willmott were ecstatic in the beginning when the questions were submitted as she was under direct.

The tone sure changed later and Arias didn't seem to like it.

This reminded me of the picture tonight on HLN of ALV at dinner with Wilmott. Was it taken last night? And was that the MS dining with them?
If someone is under subpoena to possibly testify in the trial, they cannot watch it. I believe it's a defense subpoena because they think his friends were giving information to the prosecution.

Yes, but "cannot", and "doing" are two separate entities. That is why I for one am not real fond of cameras in the courtroom, too much temptation for jurors. BUT, I love me some Juan. :rocker:

How many witnesses would keep their eyes and ears away from it do you think? I don't know if I could or not. Actually I am not even sure a witness isn't allowed to watch it. How would anyone know, IDR a witness being asked if they have. I am off to ask this question in the attorney questions thread, as it now has me thinking.
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