a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #7

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PASA, sending a big hug and lots of love to you and your family - you will be in my thoughts and prayers!
Out tonite w the two front rows- that's all I'm gonna share about it but a big thank you to Websleuths from the Alexander family <3

That's wonderful, and I hope you all enjoy yourselves! Today was the best court day ever, and a little celebration is in order. I hope the Alexander family is reveling in the satisfaction of knowing the jury hasn't been duped by the "expert" and her posse.

Have you heard about the picture of Jodi and Bobby J where she's in pigtails with a Superman Tee shirt on?

I have a feeling it's going to be a long night for you, so I'll look for your notes tomorrow. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Out tonite w the two front rows- that's all I'm gonna share about it but a big thank you to Websleuths from the Alexander family <3

Sending hope, faith and peace to the Alexander family. Their friends here at WS pray for Travis and them every day and hope that it gives them strength. Love wins!
OT: I teared up big time when I hit follow on Travis' official twitter page today, in solidarity. @travisalexander .His last tweet was May 27, 2008 :( He has gone from 800 or so to 2000 in an afternoon. A silent cyber memorial

I love the way you phrased it.....' a silent cyber memorial...'
As of right now, from when I first posted the link here and everywhere else I could think of, it has gone to almost 2200. Started at just under 760. It's a very sad page to see but we're there with him.

TY for that post. So sweet and heartfelt.
Out tonite w the two front rows- that's all I'm gonna share about it but a big thank you to Websleuths from the Alexander family <3

Please let them know again how much we love and support them - each day I watch any of this trial my heart goes out to them for the loss of their brother and the continual bashing which seems like poor Travis is being murdered over and over and over again - it is so sickening to watch, and so unfair his family has to be put through this. Give them all a huge hug!!! :seeya:
I can't get in the attorney thread for some unknown reason... so AZLawyer or any other verified lawyer, if you are a potential witness in this case, are you not allowed to watch the trial or any news that may have trial clips on it? TIA
I would also like to add that all lds and flds wear braids, it would be a COMMON female attraction for TA, he was raised around girls dressing their hair in braids and i want jaun to bring this up about the braids etc. nothing nefarious at all about it, just avls sick mind.
I did observe today the cameras have been really on Arias at times today way more than normal, so they must be watching.
PASA your family is much more important than your notes from the trial. Take care of yourself and praying your family member gets better soon. Sending much love your way.

Using this as a springboard to add my prayers.

PASA. I also send warm thoughts and hugs your way. I hope your family member gets better, take care of yourself too.
Not to get too OT but I have a family member in hospital. I have been there since early this morning and just got home. I won't be posting much over the next few days as family is coming in from out of town.
Just wanted to give a heads up as to why you won't see much of me, and my notes from yesterday may not get posted. It depends on how things go the next few days.

I was going to visit for an hour and then go to trial, but their condition took a turn for the worse (unexpectedly) and they ended up in ICU. I needed to stay, I wouldn't have felt right going to trial.

I was able to watch some of the trial on my iPad (hospital has wi-fi yay) and loved the jurors questions. They did not disappoint. I've had the feeling they are not buying the defense's tale of woe that ja was abused by TA. The questions today confirmed my belief in that jury. It was pretty clear what the jury thinks of that witness, at least to me. MOO. :)


PASA...............Many many prayers for your family member and prayers for you to have the strength to go though this anguish.. You get some rest too as you are still recuperating from the crud..Keeps us posted as you feel free to do so. We respect your privacy at a moment like this so you only report to us if and when you feel like it. We all love you here. God Bless:angel:
I did notice Barb looking though her notebook yesterday (at her notes). I suspect she wrote one of the questions (or more) in the basket. :)

I am having trouble for this to post
Katie - My thoughts and prayers to the Alexander family. I'm praying today may have given them some sense of calm and peace. Justice is coming for their beloved Travis!! You represent all of us here at WS in the most gracious, caring, loving way. Words can never express my gratitude. But, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

PASA - Wishing your family member a speedy recovery! Praying for health and healing.

Both of you!!! Forget the notes! WS will still be here and the notes won't change. Family, friends, and yourselves first. That's an order. Oh...I better say please or this may be seen as abusive. :floorlaugh:
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