a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #7

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My crazy ex boyfriend I appeased for a while with responses and interaction because I felt in a safer position. Once I cut off contact completely I felt like I just lost site of the shark in the water. It is very scary cutting off ties because then you are just a sitting duck, completely unaware of what to expect next from the lunatic. And cutting off contact enrages a stalker because they are after acknowledgement and attention, good or bad, so you're just left to wonder what crazy tactic they have up their sleeve to try next.

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You are so right on with this, and I think TA had practice in "managing crazy" from his chaotic childhood.
I've really wondered, as this progresses, what "look" JA's going for, especially with that perpetual goofy/bewildered/"who, me?" look on her face.

Since Snow White ain't working for her I think shes going for a Minnie Mouse look. She is ugly inside and out.
As a bailiff I was not allowed to tell the Jurors who the people were that were seated in the gallery but they usually figured it out. By the end of a normal trial (1 to 2 weeks) they felt sorry for the victim's family and some even wanted to talk to the family when they were released from duty. I would imagine these Jurors are feeling the same. They see everything and sometimes have nicknames for the players in the trial.

Travis' family has been stellar in their courtroom behavior. The defendants family on the other hand have not reacted in a way that would help their cause. JMO


I really hope at least one (or more!) will speak after the trial. I love when they have jurors on Dateline or 48 Hours.
From the Maricopa Superior Court website:

Jurors are compensated for mileage if they appear the first day but do not serve for a trial. Mileage is currently calculated round-trip from the center of your zip code to the court building. The current rate is 44.5 cents per mile. If selected to serve as a juror for a trial, you will receive $12 dollars for every day the trial lasts, plus mileage. Checks are sent out a week or two after your service has been completed.

Arizona lengthy trial fund (See Also FAQ below) provides for jury service reimbursement of lost income, up to $300/day. Completed application and documentation of lost income must be received and notarized by the Office of the Jury Commissioner within 30 days service.

So if the trial is more than 2 weeks, you will be reimbursed for all lost wages if you apply for it and provide documentation of lost wages

I hope all 17 jurors file for this! They sure have lost a lot in financial hardship. I realize why they are there, but unfortunately the world keeps moving whether you are in court or not :(.
I keep checking for updates from the actual trial observers...any idea when they normally post?

I am anxious to hear their impressions of the jurors reactions to both Juan and Wilma's redirect.

Thank you so much,
omg whomever of you was in that courtroom for redirect today.. BLESS YOU ALL. I think I need to vomit. Seriously

Hi Nursebeeme! I hear ya and could not agree more. OT, love what you posted in the armchair psych thread this evening. Thank you for your 6 cents. ; )

Great catch. Also, notice as the Judge is talking to Laviolette she will not even give the judge respect and look at her. What a unusual................!

But.... The Judge is a woman!

I guess ALV really wants to be the "Alpha Woman".

DD says tonight he is going to have a lip reader on, but than again last night he was supposed to have someone on who believes he knows what JA's last words to JA were and that segment mysteriously disappeared. :banghead:

TEASERS:banghead::furious: HLN
And by the way, I have to show up for jury duty on June 3rd. I just can't imagine anyone choosing me for jury duty, I am too black and white. And I have nothing even resembling a poker face. If I were seated I'd be tossed before the end of the session.

I'm not saying she's a *advertiser censored*, I'm just saying she's been on more wieners than ketsup. :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

I'm with you, no shades of gray here either, in fact I lean more toward you're guilty until you can prove you innocent..Isn't that terrible of me?
Sassymom, I want you to know I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, your quote! I was drinking my Bud w/lime when I read it and nearly burned my nose from the foam! Thanks for the laugh!
With your added nickname of Daisy (from the Bed Bath and Beyond story!) I dolled you up a little for fun! LOL

WE NEED PEANUT IN THERE SOMEWHERE:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
I'm guessing JA wants her journals back.

Since it says they were seized on April 1, 2013, then either Sheriff Joe or the State took them, and the defense wants them back.

IMHO, the state seized them, if there is any writing in pen (remember all the blue pens she got in trouble for hiding), I'm guessing they want to run chemical tests to see if the same pens were used to "create" all the journals that ALV relied on for her assessment of JA.

I would like to know WHERE all the journals they've been using in court were found.

They were in her "fireproof" safe at her grandparents. She told Det Flores exactly where to find them. This was in the 1st or 2nd day of her interrogation. SO I'm sure they were doctored after she murdered Travis in cold blood.
I saw Numi covering his mouth today....What happened to the lip readers on Dr Drew?:what:

I've been worried about the lip-readers all day....Knowing the defense and their daily motions for mistrial.. This could be a legitimate reason IMO
And by the way, I have to show up for jury duty on June 3rd. I just can't imagine anyone choosing me for jury duty, I am too black and white. And I have nothing even resembling a poker face. If I were seated I'd be tossed before the end of the session.

I was chosen for jury duty in NM about a year and a half ago. I thought the same way as you and was sure I would never get chosen. On top of that, although retired, I had been a legal assistant for 26 years, I had a rape in my family and I'm friends with a cop, who, by the way had been shot while on duty. I served for three months and had to report 4 times other than orientation. Out of those four times I was excused once (dentist appointment) and chosen to serve on 3 juries. I can't explain it, but most of the other jurors were pretty much just like me. All trials were criminal but none lasted over 4 days. I think the only thing that might have kept me from being chosen is when they called my number if I had jumped up and yelled, "He's guilty as Hell!"

Good luck.
Just as with her mother's spoon. I have a feeling that JA heard stories her whole life, maybe even stories from TA about his grandmother stories, of "back in my day" .. and incorporating them into her defense. I believe she is cunningly perceptive and using everything she has soaked up to use in her life. :facepalm:

In a later episode of Roots: The Next Generations Alex Haley is told by his aunt that if his Grandma Cynthia could hear him now, she would go after him with her WOODEN SPOON (he was talking about quitting writing or quitting his search for the "old African").
That judge is not doing ANYTHING about ALV just yammering on and on - and on - to a simple "yes or no" question. How is that allowed? I guess there's no one over the judge to tell her that's unacceptable?

You gotta ask yourself, why, oh why, would a person who is resposible for making sure there's a fair trial countenance such behavior on ALV's part? :furious:

Methinks JA is not the only one who should be wearing a stun belt.
KatieCoo and PASA:

How attentive were the jurors to JW's redirect today? Did you notice any juror's questions during this time?

The reason I ask is that JW changed her tactic with redirect and IMO it was to date her best job in questioning a witness. If anyone was leaning towards DV, rehabilitation may have been possible. My thought is that the jury has discounted ALV by now, but it the jury has paid attention on re-direct, I might be wrong.

BTW, The DV self defense would seem to be out the window with the gunshot now taking place in the closet.

(((Samantha, Tanisha, Hillary, Allie, Greg, Gary and Steven)))
Good Evening....

Gonna just crank out my notes here and then grab something to eat, take a bubble bath and crash. Just saying that cuz I'm not even gonna read for questions as my brain space is beyond max'ed out right now so this is the capacity I can handle.

So....here we go.

Forgot my glasses today so my capacity to see distance is impaired which may be a good thing as I don't know how much more of this person i can take in.

On the way up, JM got in the elevator with us and we all just sort of sucked in our breath and got real serious. Until JL (friend I sit with), made a quip about it being hot to which I had to say I was glad she said it so it meant I wasn't having a hot flash and looked over and JM had cracked a smile. I'm always so smooth, right? At least I resisted the urge to turn to him, standing next to me and say "it's all you". lol

Jake is here today.

I'm on the end of the second row the last seat available.

I can see ALV well today, just wish I could see. If that even makes sense.

Love it when they play these tapes of any kind.

ALV's cell phone went off in court, some kinda Twilight Zone sounding music (actually it was a cool ring but ya know, people get kicked out for that!).

Can't see the jury all that well but I do see some questions in the basket
I noticed alot of people asking about lip readers. So, I am going to give all readers a 101 on lip reading. First off it is very difficult unless you are a professional. I took many ASL{American sign language} classes, and just because one is HH, or deaf does not mean they can lip read. They can get some words depending on the angle of the person talking. You must have an expert for this from WA. dc : ).

When you think about the words I will give you - for an example - focus on the lips where they meet, the location, and an "O" form when speaking a word, think about the tongue when it hits the top of the roof, or against the teeth, or not visible.

Here is an example of words that are completely different, but the movement is exactly the same with the mouth, lips, and tongue. Say these out loud focusing on the above. Say them together -

Farther and Father =same
My and by/bye = same
Blast and bland = same

Words that should sound similar or look similar

Laughter, Daughter. Other then the first letter = completely different, etc

BTW, I loved taking these classes and leanring the HH/deaf world, I hope that this sheds some light on how difficult it is to read lips, and to be aware of the placement of each and every letter formed using our tongues, lips, mouth.

Much respect to lip readers out there.
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