a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #8

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Originally Posted by katiecoolady View Post
"As reported to me: FYI Laviolette, DelaRosa and Willmott waltzed in to the Palomar for dinner last night. Of all the restaurants near the court, they go to the one where ALL the media stay and where we go for our Happy Hours after court.

I call that BAITING."

It's not illegal and I guess it's not even unethical, but imo it is unseemly for the DT to take their paid expert to dinner in the middle of her testimony in court.
I'm not sure I agree with her being smart. If she were smart she wouldn't have shown her narcissism while on the stand. She shot herself in the head with how she acted with JM. I've known one person quite well who was a narcissist. She had a whole different view in her head of herself, how she was perceived and was unaware that people were laughing at her, thought she was nuts and didn't like her. In her mind she was popular and loved. She obviously thought while she was on the stand that she outwitted JM. She sees the world through glasses I can't imagine seeing through. I don't try to figure out or second guess what she is thinking because I can't go there. I really believe that her behavior the last week or so is genuinely strange and telling of something I just don't know what.

i think Jodi, samuels and Alyce were coached by the defense how to deal with Juan Martinez on the witness stand. i believe they were instructed to be combative and difficult so as to frustrate him and get him to look like a bully. now they have a motion for a mistrial based on prosecutorial misconduct for how he treats witnesses. It was a set-up iMO. it is no coincidence that Jodi and Alyce testified in the exact same manner with Alyce being especially combative
I'm not sure I agree with her being smart. If she were smart she wouldn't have shown her narcissism while on the stand. She shot herself in the head with how she acted with JM. I've known one person quite well who was a narcissist. She had a whole different view in her head of herself, how she was perceived and was unaware that people were laughing at her, thought she was nuts and didn't like her. In her mind she was popular and loved. She obviously thought while she was on the stand that she outwitted JM. She sees the world through glasses I can't imagine seeing through. I don't try to figure out or second guess what she is thinking because I can't go there. I really believe that her behavior the last week or so is genuinely strange and telling of something I just don't know what.

I think she is very intelligent, but not as intelligent as she thinks she is which is why she is being tried for this murder. she is diabolical; she can see the wheels turning in her head every second. she is always plotting something. She needs to be kept in prison for the rest of her life; she is a true danger to society and will kill again if let out, IMO
I'm not sure I agree with her being smart. If she were smart she wouldn't have shown her narcissism while on the stand. She shot herself in the head with how she acted with JM. I've known one person quite well who was a narcissist. She had a whole different view in her head of herself, how she was perceived and was unaware that people were laughing at her, thought she was nuts and didn't like her. In her mind she was popular and loved. She obviously thought while she was on the stand that she outwitted JM. She sees the world through glasses I can't imagine seeing through. I don't try to figure out or second guess what she is thinking because I can't go there. I really believe that her behavior the last week or so is genuinely strange and telling of something I just don't know what. i think she thinks she is smart..
I'm not sure I agree with her being smart. If she were smart she wouldn't have shown her narcissism while on the stand. She shot herself in the head with how she acted with JM. I've known one person quite well who was a narcissist. She had a whole different view in her head of herself, how she was perceived and was unaware that people were laughing at her, thought she was nuts and didn't like her. In her mind she was popular and loved. She obviously thought while she was on the stand that she outwitted JM. She sees the world through glasses I can't imagine seeing through. I don't try to figure out or second guess what she is thinking because I can't go there. I really believe that her behavior the last week or so is genuinely strange and telling of something I just don't know what. i think she thinks she is smart..

I agree. It is impossible to find logic in an illogical person or situation.

Thank you God that we dont think like her.
Why shouldn't they go there? I can understand it would be insenstive if TA's family was known to go there.. but the media and the court osbservors? So what?
Because it gives the appearance of baiting, for the Defense to flamboyantly go the site where media and Alexander supporters are known to congregate---especially at the ninth hour of a trial during which their only real hope of postponing the inevitable (conviction) is mistrial. They want to provoke a situation that would enable them to cry "Foul!" and therefore should do everything in their power to at least maintain the appearance of propriety.

They have repeatedly argued that media and public influence is tainting their client's right to a fair trial. Choosing, then, to brazenly present at the site where media and public supporters meet gives the appearance of inviting taint. They were baiting.
Why would anyone want her testimony thrown out?

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I'm obviously not in the majority on this, and certainly not an attorney, but I can think of several reasons. Just for starters, some of my less emotional reasons:

First, to eliminate any of the final 12 using DV as a reason for lesser charges
Second, to put it on record that ALV is not qualified to be an expert witness in a criminal trial. Make this her first and last...
Third, to add to case law re: Daubert vs Frye which as I understand is currently being reconsidered in AZ.
Good Morning KatieCooLady and ALL WS's,

You have such a beautiful way with words that matches your beauty inside and out. I have been here on WS's following along for months now but only joind after hearing you and Patti on 'BlogTalkRadio' (may be called something different?). You both mentioned that we should all join so I did. I only mention this to you so that you know that I respect you so much and want you to know this. I know you now have to be so careful with your friends now. Keeping only your cherished proven circle is understandable. Please know that this WI girl hopes that I can be one of the silent friends that circles your Heartand lifts you up in love and prayer from a distance.

God Bless You!

Thank you Sweetie. I don't know if I'll ever be able to describe the absolute blessing I feel to be able to sit with in solidarity with this family. i've told them it helps me heal and give some purpose and meaning to the most horrible event in my life.

I had a long talk with Samantha this week who asked me " so what is this Websleuths place?" and talked about all the gifts and financial support they've been receiving and how she's doing her best to keep up with thank yous but if she hasn't then to pass along a big thank you to all of Websleuths for being there for the family. And gave me a big , strong, long hug. As I say, my blessing and my gift to be able to know this family and offer anything I can. I will be there with them all the way through and beyond. We are part of each other now.
I just posted the following in the weekend thread, but I thought I'd post it here, too, because I'm wondering if any of our court watchers saw this or if they know who should be contacted about it. I suspect the camera person may have contacted someone, since the camera stayed on JA for this part, but you never know. Whatever she did, she wasn't supposed to be doing it:

Around 32:45 into part 3 of the JA trial day 46 put on youtube croakerqueen123's channel today, JA is CLEARLY up to something clandestine having to do with JW's chair. No. Question. About. It. Here is a slo-mo, then normal speed video of it.

Jodi Diddles JW's Chair

  • First she kicks JW's chair away/into position.

  • Then she twirls the seat of JW's chair into a different position.

  • Then she slowly pulls JW's chair alongside her own, using her foot.

  • She waits a little bit, looks covertly out the side of her eyes to see if anyone is glancing at her.

  • She picks up a notebook and grasps it near the middle with her left hand, then slides the thumb across the bottom of the page.

  • She puts her hand down on the arm of her own chair and makes a couple of picking motions.

  • She quickly moves her hand to JW's chair at the back of the armrest.

  • She works the end of the armrest along the back and bottom of it. It looks like she's screwing or unscrewing something and/or picking/poking at something.

  • She jerks her head up and looks at the bench conference, pretending to be interested in what they are doing, but continues to diddle the back and bottom of the armrest on JW's chair.

  • She quickly pulls her hand back to in front of her, picks up a stubby pencil and starts to write or pretend to write as the conference breaks up and the lawyers head back toward their respective tables.

I never actually saw anything IN her hands other than the notebook and the pencil, but she did something she shouldn't have been doing (I think she hides something). Does D have access to those chairs after the court clears out or before court convenes?

She definitely has a small yellow piece of paper between her middle and index finger of her left hand. She takes if off the top of the notebook IMO
i think Jodi, samuels and Alyce were coached by the defense how to deal with Juan Martinez on the witness stand. i believe they were instructed to be combative and difficult so as to frustrate him and get him to look like a bully. now they have a motion for a mistrial based on prosecutorial misconduct for how he treats witnesses. It was a set-up iMO. it is no coincidence that Jodi and Alyce testified in the exact same manner with Alyce being especially combative

If you lie down with dogs, you will get up with fleas.

I've seen that happen before with extended family members that I haven't seen for awhile, it was literally like they morphed into each other in front of my eyes. Thankful for the internet and message boards because I could google and find out what the hell was happening, it was so bizarre. I see this of the DT, it is Jodi that is the dog with fleas (although ALV seems have narcissism down pat.) jmho ...JW and KN have been caught up in the whirlwind of high-profile case, televised and with a narcissist sociopath running the show....catching up with them now, probably regrets.
I too think The Murderess is about to come undone. She looks like crap, her hair is dirty, she is setting herself up for appeal. Jodi knows her gig will be up soon, while she is not stupid, but the psychopath in her is taking over again. Stick a fork in her, she's almost done! Bye bye, Miss American Pie!
On another note, alot of internet buzz this morning on legal sites about ALV is there may be evidence to impeach her testimony due to bias & misrepresentation of her CV. Then all of her testimony would be thrown out. If that's true hopefully the State of Arizona will save some money!
I frequently harken back to an interview NG did with a jailer at Estrella. One of NG's questions elicited the response (not direct quote) that although JA was not one of the worst inmates, she never failed to make sure she received all her rights.

I think JA has read voraciously and planned constantly during her confinement. Her thinking is flawed because of her personality type, but she does not see that. I think she is very sneaky, plays to the cameras... and is up to something. I just hope we get to watch first hand 'cause I don't think it will be pretty... all JMOO, as usual.
Here you go Deedee21

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inIJqSVLE3I"]Confrontation Between Prosecutor Juan Martinez & Jodi Arias About Her Selective Memory Problem - YouTube[/ame]


Can someone please post a youtube video here for me? Im not able to. Thanks in advance. Its called Confrontation between prosecutor Juan Martinez and Jodi Arias on memory.
Every time I visit Travis' forum, I cry. Every single time. Sending thoughts and prayers for PASA and her loved one. Thank you for the reports, Katie. I love that Juan is so happy about the M&Ms.

Do we know if Alyce is still the last defense witness?
I just posted the following in the weekend thread, but I thought I'd post it here, too, because I'm wondering if any of our court watchers saw this or if they know who should be contacted about it. I suspect the camera person may have contacted someone, since the camera stayed on JA for this part, but you never know. Whatever she did, she wasn't supposed to be doing it:

Around 32:45 into part 3 of the JA trial day 46 put on youtube croakerqueen123's channel today, JA is CLEARLY up to something clandestine having to do with JW's chair. No. Question. About. It. Here is a slo-mo, then normal speed video of it.

Jodi Diddles JW's Chair

Respectfully Snipped :

:seeya: THANK YOU so much for posting this !

I usually keep my eye on JA and her "behavior" when they have the sidebars, etc., but I missed this one !

Jodi is a "manipulative sneak" ... and this video capturing her fiddling around with the chair clearly proves it.

While I was watching this video of Jodi's sneaky movements, it reminded me of when JA was "digging in the trashcan" when she was being interrogated !

Now, this is JMO, but it is clear why she is now wearing that STUN BELT around her WAIST, and not on her leg where it was previously. The stun belt around her waist was noticed this past week, and there were some great screenshots of this captured by posters here during the trial.

Also, her "journals" were seized in jail on 4-1-13, which is listed on the motions list ... and, I am "trying to connect the dots", the stun belt is NOW around her waist!

JA's "sneakiness" is like a "disease" ...

:please: Justice for Travis !
Maybe it was determined through her testimony or maybe someone overheard that ALV has been watching trial and hearing testimony? That would be a huge no no. Or maybe she text Jodi thru atty phone or maybe asked Jodi questions during her testimony so shed keep in tune with the TALL tale.

I believe she said on the stand during jury questions something to the effect of "now that I've seen the testimony" or "now that I've read the testimony" - especially in relation to JA shooting Travis in the closet.
My prediction is that after JA is convicted of 1st degree (I am not sure about the DP, but what do I know?), she is going to cause such chaos that her DT, including her experts, will be in a tailspin. Everyone is going down. If ALV thinks things are bad now, just wait until JA gets done with her. As the saying goes, "She ain't seen nothing yet." She will expose ALV and Samuels for the sellouts that they are and use it to her own benefit. They used her. I don't know how much damage she can do to Nurmi and JW, but she will use whatever she can.
And really, when you really think about it, ALV and Samuels did it for themselves, not because they believe JA, and JA knows this. They used her. and She has no respect for them.
And everytime I see her shed a tear, I think about that email, "You only cry for yourself."
LOL..reminded me of when JM questioned her about the finger...."And one of the things we know about this finger ma'am, is this finger has certainly had it 's share of hard times.."

Over the moon with jury questions yesterday! Most delighted with the question about the break in 2 days prior to text message (Imo.still thinking in terms of premeditation) seeing as JM rebuttal will certainly hammer the premeditation to secure a first degree conviction!

LOL everytime I hear that finger hard time thing, I laugh out loud. Hubby asked what I was laughing at and had to explain it. Between that and the fog issues...Its your fog....Juan has had some stellar moments.
I'm always hesitant when I see You Tube and the dot is in the incorrect space. can somebody explain why as I never click on them if I see that.

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My resident computer wiz says it is just an extension. He looked up .be and it tracks back to (Belgium) google's servers (who now own youtube). He said no danger in clicking them as that is the extension they use. (We no longer live in a dot com only world!) Hope that helps!
Cutting fingers cutting apples?

Wrestler chews his pen.

CPA looks out toward gallery.

She sure is crisp with her yes and no's with JW.

Paul, Hw, Maureen, note taking "knife on nightstand"

ALV seems like she's phoning it in (LDS Link UP story)

Most dangerous time for battered women is when she separates


Jodi didn't write abuse in journals but still was abused

Travis didn't write fearing her in journals means it didn't happen.

CEO reviewing Juror question then places it in the basket

This Brazilian business related to pedophilia is not impressing the males


I suspect, since the jury seems to be remembering details well, that they remembered JA on the stand (I was reminded when HLN did the "best of JA's testimony") that a few days after she met Travis, when they all met up at Skye and Chris Hughes house, that she had "just got her Brazilian on", and was embarassed about it when Travis wanted to perform oral sex on her.

So they hadn't even been dating yet, but she was already getting Brazilians. Doesn't sound like Travis was the inspiration for those!
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