a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #8

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No no no.. She is coming to Atlanta!


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She can come to Atlanta after here opr vise versa:rocker::rocker::great::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

:cheers: to our superhero :toastred::hero:

BTW Mistrial

:denied: :great::great::great:
I don't know the exact total and I didn't ask. They are completely in charge of the paypal fund BUT I do know our goal was met early on in the day so it know it was exceeded far beyond what I'd anticipated. And I gave Steven the elephant tie after court and hung out with him a little bit and chatted (he let me share that great photo of his tattoo).

I also know way more donations are rolling in this week in the mail and others that missed out yesterday.

SO our PROJECT500 STRONG was a complete success...and MORE! Yay! :great:

ty so much for the info and you helping out this family, and i just wanted to say that w/ all the crazy media and social media, the lightening rod its become - it was just so brave of you to go out in public and media and tell every one what AL did. i doubt it would have had the impact it did w/ out you!! that was just so incredibly brave of you!!! :heart:
I agree. There has to be a secret passage to the Judge's chambers. I think the bailiff might have brought ALV the back way during the lunch break. And she might have gone out the same way to avoid the public and the media. JMO

Katy, you're killin' me!!!! I'm conjuring up medieval dealings in Henry VIII's court when reading this, lol (secret chamber).

I heard that ALV "phoned it in", i.e. she called in her her "testimony" that she's been harassed during this trial as a result of JA's cross exam and ensuing media frenzy. Reported by HLN - so maybe that takes it down a notch.
I don't know the exact total and I didn't ask. They are completely in charge of the paypal fund BUT I do know our goal was met early on in the day so it know it was exceeded far beyond what I'd anticipated. And I gave Steven the elephant tie after court and hung out with him a little bit and chatted (he let me share that great photo of his tattoo).

I also know way more donations are rolling in this week in the mail and others that missed out yesterday.

SO our PROJECT500 STRONG was a complete success...and MORE! Yay! :great:

The goal was met, that is fantastic and thx for the response. Great people do great things, WSer's what an extraordinary accomplishment. :heartluv:
The goal was met, that is fantastic and thx for the response. Great people do great things, WSer's what an extraordinary accomplishment. :heartluv:

I also got an incredible pledge for lodging for the family in a nearby hotel for the jury deliberations.
ITA. I posted earlier that I think, at best, the killer is a really good mimic. She reads and hears things her attorneys and experts say and repeats it. I think the same can be said of her blogs, journals, etc. She read books and listened to speakers and mimicked them.

It would explain why, on the stand and elsewhere, she repeatedly misused words she didn't really understand the meaning of.

She's the epitome of the single, white female. Right now she's mimicking Wilmott. And I don't think Wilmott realizes just how dangerous this game is that she's playing with her defendant. She needs to set some boundaries and start acting like a professional.


I agree. On JA's blog she basically copied what Travis said and believed. I think the mimicking is typical psychopathic behaviour.....learning how to ACT human by watching other humans.
ty so much for the info and you helping out this family, and i just wanted to say that w/ all the crazy media and social media, the lightening rod its become - it was just so brave of you to go out in public and media and tell every one what AL did. i doubt it would have had the impact it did w/ out you!! that was just so incredibly brave of you!!! :heart:

Thank you! As my one friend says "I'm a nice person until I'm not". And I was NOT going to be hushhush about what I saw in front of my face. I'm glad I did and I hope it helped bring awareness over what victims families are subjected to beyond what you can see on the camera.
Really great information form Beth Karas, thanks Kaite! It is good to know how things are going to unfold from here. I am hoping the May 3rd date is accurate, within a few days or so. I leave for a girls trip to Hawaii May 8th and I would like to be able to relax knowing JA has been found guilty. The rest will follow suit, I am confident like you. Justice is coming... now on to Juan's rebuttal, what I have been waiting for!
I don't know the exact total and I didn't ask. They are completely in charge of the paypal fund BUT I do know our goal was met early on in the day so it know it was exceeded far beyond what I'd anticipated. And I gave Steven the elephant tie after court and hung out with him a little bit and chatted (he let me share that great photo of his tattoo).

I also know way more donations are rolling in this week in the mail and others that missed out yesterday.

SO our PROJECT500 STRONG was a complete success...and MORE! Yay! :great:

I posted it on Huffington post where so many people think so much of the family hoping it might help!
Thanks so much katie, that is very informative!

Two comments:
I think that throughout the trial they've been shooting themselves in the foot for the "Mitigation" phase. The jury is tired of their antics and with each round of jury questions it is more clear that if any of them had any sympathy for JA, it has dissipated by now. I am sure the defense will draw this phase out but with every day that passes, the jury will be only less sympathetic. So glad ALV came to testify in this phase, and got destroyed by JM and the jury itself, her BS could have actually saved her life if it went unquestioned in the mitigation phase!

If I understand correctly, the Victim Impact statements will not be a factor in giving death penalty (only in deciding, if applicable LWOP or LWP)? That's really too bad, I think they should play a role, but it is what it is.

Also - I have never followed a trial before - does anyone know if these phases are typically aired if the rest of the trial was aired?
Really great information form Beth Karas, thanks Kaite! It is good to know how things are going to unfold from here. I am hoping the May 3rd date is accurate, within a few days or so. I leave for a girls trip to Hawaii May 8th and I would like to be able to relax knowing JA has been found guilty. The rest will follow suit, I am confident like you. Justice is coming... now on to Juan's rebuttal, what I have been waiting for!

I've been waiting for this rebuttal since Day One...saying this is where she will really be convicted. And since I think she's already been convicted in terms of the strength of the evidence, this will be just nails in a nailed coffin.

I realized that week falls right between two big work weeks for me so I'm taking the entire week off and gonna stay downtown so i can be close to the courthouse. :great:
I also got an incredible pledge for lodging for the family in a nearby hotel for the jury deliberations.

All I can say is you are truly special for the love you share with this family. I have no doubt that you are helping to create positive memories for them during a very painful and difficult time, and it is a thing of awe. The depths of the human spirit never ceases to amaze me. Thanks for all that you do for the victims cause.:angel:
Thanks so much katie, that is very informative!

Two comments:
I think that throughout the trial they've been shooting themselves in the foot for the "Mitigation" phase. The jury is tired of their antics and with each round of jury questions it is more clear that if any of them had any sympathy for JA, it has dissipated by now. I am sure the defense will draw this phase out but with every day that passes, the jury will be only less sympathetic. So glad ALV came to testify in this phase, and got destroyed by JM and the jury itself, her BS could have actually saved her life if it went unquestioned in the mitigation phase!

If I understand correctly, the Victim Impact statements will not be a factor in giving death penalty (only in deciding, if applicable LWOP or LWP)? That's really too bad, I think they should play a role, but it is what it is.

Also - I have never followed a trial before - does anyone know if these phases are typically aired if the rest of the trial was aired?

I agree w/ your entire first paragraph! I was surprised the VIS aren't in the aggravation phase actually. I will double check this w/ the Victim Advocate tomorrow to just be 1000% sure.
All I can say is you are truly special for the love you share with this family. I have no doubt that you are helping to create positive memories for them during a very painful and difficult time, and it is a thing of awe. The depths of the human spirit never ceases to amaze me. Thanks for all that you do for the victims cause.:angel:

I can say the healing that is occuring for me and others who are offering support and assistance to this family is a total win/win situation.
I also got an incredible pledge for lodging for the family in a nearby hotel for the jury deliberations.

You are a terrific human being for all you have done to help keep Travis s sibling to be able to stay in AZ during this trial. I truly am awed by your heart,spirit and generosity you have shared with this family.
How many possibilities are there for ALV's potential courtroom infractions?

1. Contempt of court for suggesting a time out for JM;
2. Leaving her glasses in her purse, inevitably causing delays by going to retrieve them;
3. Leaving her cell phone on, causing at least two disruptions;
4. Obfuscating on her responses to the prosecutor;
5. Bringing an entourage of riotous friends to distract the proceedings by laughing out loud during testimony;
6. Misrepresenting her true credentials by padding her C.V.;
7. Calling for her own breaks in the flow of the proceedings;
8. Faking an illness;
9. Lying during testimony in juror responses;
10. Approaching the victim's family in the courtroom.

There may be even more, but this is a pretty good list of possibilities from which to choose something ...

somehow i think it has to do with her testimony....jaun had her answering questions in closed chambers with judge from what i could get and the judge did not act too happy when nurmi was talking about juan intimadating her...judge blew that right off:what::what:
Hello webslueths, first time poster! Will Travis' s family be given an opportunity to address remarks to Jodi after the verdict is rendered?
You are a terrific human being for all you have done to help keep Travis s sibling to be able to stay in AZ during this trial. I truly am awed by your heart,spirit and generosity you have shared with this family.

Thank you so much for these words. I'm honored to be able to sit with them so will make the most of that seat in all ways that I can.
KatieC, there has been some discussion about ALV regarding further testimony and the "issue" she was required to attend. Don't know if you have the answer but here goes: was the meeting in chambers (sealed) held today at 1:15 with ALV to address above said issue, and did ALV complete her testimony for the defense? TIA
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