a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #9

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I am so sorry for the loss of your Mother. I bet she has given Travis a hug and told him how JM is fighting for justice here on earth. I hope your loving memories give you some peace in the absence of your Mom.

I am new at posting, but wanted to say to writersblock--what a beautiful post about your mom, and the two of you sharing the trial together. My Mom was my best friend, also, and losing her 18 years ago has made life seem much lonelier...yet, I am so thankful I had her, and that warm, embracing love we shared. I'm so sorry that you lost your mom just when it seemed she was on the road to recovery. It must have been an awful shock. Thank you for sharing your story and for reaching out for support here. We truly are not alone in our sorrow, if we find people willing to hold us close in heart.
Did you read my post? The breaking news is about the set up in the urban park in downtown PHX with big screens projecting closing arguments live in AZ as well as the verdict when it comes in (for local people interested in not getting in line at 2am but still wanting to see it with others) and other HLN broadcast LIVE from the park. Pics will be coming in the morning for our project, which was a surprise for the Alexanders today so wouldn't have posted it until, ya know, they got it. It may not be important or relevant to everyone but it was an amazing thing to be involved in, I can tell you that.

BAM! Big screens in downtown Phoenix showing CA's and the verdict -- that is awesome!!!

Been a little grouchy with an aching shoulder making it hard to type but want to pass along my good wishes to you Katie (and bro Alphonse) as well as a supersize HUG OF APPRECIATION for all you do to uplift others and provide comfort and support. Your spirit of love shines bright and serves as a guiding light to those in need of shelter from the storm.

Looking forward to your post about the project for the Alexanders.

DT :seeya:

The "Angels for Travis" team
.............. cordially invite you to wake up the same way each member of the Alexander Family was greeted when they arrived in their rooms for the week!

The "Angels for Travis" team spent 8 hrs making them at KCL's house yesterday..oh, and a baby elephant tells me that mimosas were involved!!!!!!!!!

These are the gift baskets and bags they made ===> one for each room/family member, and one for the hotel staff who hooked them up with the rooms.
The baskets and bags are filled with: Cookies, nuts, soda, champagne, sparkling cider, aromatherapy, candles, candy, emergen C, gift cards from local restaurants, movies, gas, shopping...and all donated!!! In addition, the bags contained full sized salon hair care products donated by a stylist. And elephant cookies!

They got them at check in and the thank yous have been rolling in all evening from the family...some tears. Katiecoolady said this about the family's reaction: "It's been so heartwarming!"

She will answer questions as she can, but I am sure we all understand what a whirlwind it will be from here on out. Even still, she sent me the following pics to share with everyone here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Personally I am humbled!)

So, without further ado..........:drumroll:

I'm convinced that Katiecoolady isn't who she claims to be.

She appears to be a human but she is actually an angel. An angel through and through.

At a loss for words today. The anticipation is overwhelming --- my thoughts and love to all the Alexander family/friends, and to all their supporters.
Wow, wow, wow!

Katiecoolady, you and all those wonderful ladies did yourselves proud! So many nice things to pass the time while waiting for a verdict. I hope it will blunt just a few of those awful feelings one gets in the tummy while waiting.

Kudos for beauty and all the blue ribbons in memory of Travis.

I am a nervous wreck waiting for this full day of trial. I hope those happy faces on the Alexander family faces meant that things went well in the hearing. Just a stab of a guess. Methinks there was a little horse trading going on, oh, say, we see your neuropsychologist and raise you one. I'm not expecting to hear anything about what happens to the brain when it is penetrated by a bullet. I so hope that I am right!

I've followed this case since 2008 and have spent months and months without news only to hear of a change of story, change of lawyers, and delay. Justice for Travis is long over-due, and so is Justice for Jodi. She will reap the whirlwind that she sowed so callously.
The baskets are amazing... And the elephant cookies awesome
I don't see the relevance of the Alexander family being happy this morning. What was the closed hearing about? Someone help a sista out. I feel like I've missed something big here...

I dont know what the hearing was about, but the family was happy about the outcome.
The gifts are beautiful and the out pouring of public support is something Im sure helped them through this stressful time. God Bless all of you.
Please put my Peanut aka PASA on the prayer good thought chain- things have been rough and she's feelin it- thanks- love my Peanut. Xo

Praying for Pasa too.

The baskets look wonderful! What a great idea and awesome gift for this family!
Thanks for spearheading it KCL.
Hi all..,I can't sleep! Thanks ANJ for posting the pics ..what a great day we had Monday. Everyone even stayed to watch Dr. Drew together. Lol. We made 12 baskets/ bags in all.

But here's the beginning of the story. I had cooked up an idea wks ago about getting the Alexanders rooms at a Downtown hotel for the verdict watch. So I quietly started asking people who might be interested in donating a room here and there (meaning $ for a room). I got several pledges but then met a VERY generous benefactor thru that push project I did a couple wks ago who offered to pick up rooms for all of them for the entire stay! Can you believe that????

So this donor and I began working on it and after a few twists and turns( like after having it all set up had to switch to another hotel per ..well anyway just had to switch) begged another place to get us 10 rooms plus or minus varying over 5 days in numbers for this family.

They discounted the rate over 50% and put them on VIP status so we are holding their privacy on it.

But I still had these pledges so thought aha! Gift baskets! A team was quickly assembled and that's what you see here...Katie ddj, Travis friends Julie and Pam , other court friends 8 in all went to work on shopping, baking (I made the elephant cookies as our fellow poster rayon sent me the cookie cutter!) and assembling. I ran downtown yesterday to delivery but buzzed by the studios to drop something off for Beth k and lo and behold ran in to the family on the street. Freaking out they were headed to check in as I had to beat them there!!! Whew!!! Made it!

My phone began buzzing all evening with thank yous and tears from the family. Extended family is also coming in and they all will comfortably stay together with all the pampering we can give them during this tough week.

Now I'm headed back to,sleep as I need to be up early and pack for 3 days arrrgh.

Thanks for all the support guys...and it's still flowing in....

SO wonderful.. all the love for this family and their brother Travis. But I so hate starting my day absolutely bawling my heart out. Can't seem to stop.
Ps some WS posters had sent me some jewelry and handmade charms for the family so all that went in the baskets too! Also some of the remaining m&ms!
KCL reading your post this morning made me feel better this trail as really got to me
and it stays on my mind all the time thank you for all you do you are a true blessing to the family and everyone here on the site...My heart goes out to the family and all they have been though and still going though
Hi all..,I can't sleep! Thanks ANJ for posting the pics ..what a great day we had Monday. Everyone even stayed to watch Dr. Drew together. Lol. We made 12 baskets/ bags in all.

But here's the beginning of the story. I had cooked up an idea wks ago about getting the Alexanders rooms at a Downtown hotel for the verdict watch. So I quietly started asking people who might be interested in donating a room here and there (meaning $ for a room). I got several pledges but then met a VERY generous benefactor thru that push project I did a couple wks ago who offered to pick up rooms for all of them for the entire stay! Can you believe that????

So this donor and I began working on it and after a few twists and turns( like after having it all set up had to switch to another hotel per ..well anyway just had to switch) begged another place to get us 10 rooms plus or minus varying over 5 days in numbers for this family.

They discounted the rate over 50% and put them on VIP status so we are holding their privacy on it.

But I still had these pledges so thought aha! Gift baskets! A team was quickly assembled and that's what you see here...Katie ddj, Travis friends Julie and Pam , other court friends 8 in all went to work on shopping, baking (I made the elephant cookies as our fellow poster rayon sent me the cookie cutter!) and assembling. I ran downtown yesterday to delivery but buzzed by the studios to drop something off for Beth k and lo and behold ran in to the family on the street. Freaking out they were headed to check in as I had to beat them there!!! Whew!!! Made it!

My phone began buzzing all evening with thank yous and tears from the family. Extended family is also coming in and they all will comfortably stay together with all the pampering we can give them during this tough week.

Now I'm headed back to,sleep as I need to be up early and pack for 3 days arrrgh.

Thanks for all the support guys...and it's still flowing in....


Brings tears to my eyes!
:rockon: xoxoxo
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