a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #9

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Nurmi asks about Deanna and Travis taking marriage. Jury bored. Willie looks down, ponytail is fully reclined in her chair with her head in her hands, Paul Rudd leaning forward with head hanging down looking at floor, grandpa head in hands.

Willmott and JA are writing back and forth throughout this time. Some middle school girl action going on.

Deanna completely outs herself for Travis re: sex before marriage. God bless her. There were groans in the public section as Nurmi asked for details of their sex life. She held her own on the stand. I was nearly in tears, honestly, watching her tell this jury the truth about Travis. Wow.

HW takes notes. No jurors write when Nurmi asks how many times they had sex. Hopefully this came across as terrible on tv as it felt in the courtroom! People were disgusted that he took it there with her.

HW and Gpa write about both if them knowing the other was seeing the bishop. TA says in the email that he did do egging "unpardonable" to Deanna by not marrying her. She says she had never read the email before. I want to cry for her! It was like TA was speaking to her from beyond the grave.

IMO saying that in the email further proves TA was a good guy. Who says they did someone wrong by dating them for a long time and not marrying them? Not most men I know...

HW writes a bit as Nurmi asks about if Travis called Deanna the names he called Jodi. No other jurors write or frankly look interested.
Here comes Juan! Jury perks up. No one is slouching or slumping now!! I am telling you, you can see the difference in the jury's faces when Juan is up vs. Nurmi. It's noticeable.

That jury question for Deanna I thought was huge...they know that Jodi knew the premarital sex was wrong.

Michael Melendez: CEO, ponytail, HW, Paul Rudd and Nancy write as he says there was no *advertiser censored* or kiddie pics on TAs computer.

HW and Trump chat while Nurmi searches for the exhibit. He hands her a juror question form from his binder. She must be out, meaning she's one of the ones asking questions. Interesting, because she takes the most notes...think DT will start targeting her next?


Nurmi almost ran me over coming back into the courtroom. He said "Oh excuse me!" and laughed. He's human after all! I hold the door for Samantha coming back in. I want to say something to her, but it feels wrong. I didn't...and I regret it now that I'm not going back today.

Juan spent his break looking for the exhibit Nurmi wanted.

Jury looks bored again as Nurmi questions about the YouTube videos. HW writes periodically.

HW and CEO write during redirect. I see Paul Rudd place a question in the bin but I don't know that he wrote it. Question about the undeleted pics on camera was huge I thought. Proves Jodi deleted only certain pictures and did so with purpose. Nancy is only juror that writes during jury question answers.

Then we go to chambers. Lawyers go first and JA is sitting alone in court. Then they come get Samantha and Stephen. Then they take JA.

Soon they all come out and JSS says we're done for the day. No idea why.

Beth still is not sure the DT will get their surrebuttal. In her opinion, they shouldn't because the DT has had Dr D's report since 2011, and her report includes the BPD diagnosis--meaning it is NOT new information, they just didn't elicit anything to combat it in their CIC. She did say, though, the JSS seems like the kind of judge that will allow it.
Thank you SO much, My3Sons. We appreciate you!! Great information. I am so happy to hear about the jury's response to Juan and Nurmi. Good news, IMO!

I really wonder about the "girls" with their notes, smiles and strange communication. It gets stranger by the day.
Mythree, thank you so much for posting your observations. Really interesting info on HW. Also, not surprising that jury alert and engaged when Juan on stage. :seeya:
Arrrgh! I've tried to post this 3 times and keep losing it. Maybe I should have stayed locked in my bathroom where I gave myself a pedicure, manicure, new hair style, a few facials, a body scrub and read every label of every beauty product I own at least twice. It was relaxing AND educational.

Ok...spent the day at court. I had an interview with Beth Karas today for a "video package" she's putting together having to do with fund raising...stay tuned. I suspect they are getting things together to fill time when there is downtime with deliberations going on. I'm not sure when it will air but will let you know. Thank God I had a new hairstyle for this thanks to my spa day. I will tell you it's weird to be filmed walking out a door and toward a camera for no reason and not being able to look at the camera...the camera man said I walk like a "super model". I told him he needs new glasses.

Court today was good for the State. I've said all along, they can convict on "the smoking closet" and today the juror questions tell me they are right in step with my thinking. GOOD.

No gun in that closet, no self defense, premeditation means first degree.

I remain solid in FIRST DEGREE MURDER/DEATH PENALTY outcome here.

As always Det. Flores, solid and classy.

Long breaks and many conversations. Learned Judge S will NOT allow them to deliberate over the weekend which totally sucks imo. They get the case on Friday but have to sit quiet over the weekend? Ugh.

I'm still working on VERY generous donors for accomodations for the family for closings/verdict watch. Amazing people coming forward to help. The family is blown away.

HH on the rooftop...met some new friends from ABC GMA ..wow what an interesting lifestyle these guys live (not one I could keep up with I"ll tell ya that).

Unfortunately only planned on going tomorrow pm so will miss all of court tomorrow.

New info coming in tomorrow though...stay tuned.

Now I'm gonna find something to eat. I'm STARVING!


PS Nurmi's cross was slow, boring and a whole lot of ZERO. Blech.
Sorry we missed each other again KCL! I just couldn't take waiting the public waiting area again after yesterday's drama...

Some lovely folks I met at HH last night spoke so highly of you! Made me proud to "know" you, lol. God bless you and all that you do for victims and their families. :heartbeat:

Arrrgh! I've tried to post this 3 times and keep losing it. Maybe I should have stayed locked in my bathroom where I gave myself a pedicure, manicure, new hair style, a few facials, a body scrub and read every label of every beauty product I own at least twice. It was relaxing AND educational.

Ok...spent the day at court. I had an interview with Beth Karas today for a "video package" she's putting together having to do with fund raising...stay tuned. I suspect they are getting things together to fill time when there is downtime with deliberations going on. I'm not sure when it will air but will let you know. Thank God I had a new hairstyle for this thanks to my spa day. I will tell you it's weird to be filmed walking out a door and toward a camera for no reason and not being able to look at the camera...the camera man said I walk like a "super model". I told him he needs new glasses.

Court today was good for the State. I've said all along, they can convict on "the smoking closet" and today the juror questions tell me they are right in step with my thinking. GOOD.

No gun in that closet, no self defense, premeditation means first degree.

I remain solid in FIRST DEGREE MURDER/DEATH PENALTY outcome here.

As always Det. Flores, solid and classy.

Long breaks and many conversations. Learned Judge S will NOT allow them to deliberate over the weekend which totally sucks imo. They get the case on Friday but have to sit quiet over the weekend? Ugh.

I'm still working on VERY generous donors for accomodations for the family for closings/verdict watch. Amazing people coming forward to help. The family is blown away.

HH on the rooftop...met some new friends from ABC GMA ..wow what an interesting lifestyle these guys live (not one I could keep up with I"ll tell ya that).

Unfortunately only planned on going tomorrow pm so will miss all of court tomorrow.

New info coming in tomorrow though...stay tuned.

Now I'm gonna find something to eat. I'm STARVING!


PS Nurmi's cross was slow, boring and a whole lot of ZERO. Blech.
Thanks My3sons and Kathy for all your hard work.
Thank you so much My 3 Sons (love that show!) and KCL for your updates. We're coming down to the wire now, I'm sure the jury is chomping at the bit.
Sorry we missed each other again KCL! I just couldn't take waiting the public waiting area again after yesterday's drama...

Some lovely folks I met at HH last night spoke so highly of you! Made me proud to "know" you, lol. God bless you and all that you do for victims and their families. :heartbeat:

I really can't believe I missed you AGAIN. The stars are not conspiring in our favor. When are you coming back darling?

I would have met you at HH but I was stuck in the bathroom. ;)

Come back next week? :D
Has anyone heard how Pasa is doing?

I talk with PASA daily. She's knee deep in dealing with her Dad who's getting moved (today maybe?) to a long term care facility. She's in an admitted "black hole" w/ the trial until I update her. In fact, I need to call her now. I love my little Peanut and miss her. :heart:
Oh, forgot, I saw Jodi's grandmother today front and center. Interesting timing right? Sad. :(

Jodi seemed very nonchalant today...smiling, glib, psycho. I barely looked at her.

When Judge S. gave the schedule, I burst in to tears. The reality of it hitting all of us. I wasn't the only one.
The grandmother looked so pained, it was difficult to watch. So many people have been devastated by this defendant.
I really can't believe I missed you AGAIN. The stars are not conspiring in our favor. When are you coming back darling?

I would have met you at HH but I was stuck in the bathroom. ;)

Come back next week? :D

Perhaps we're meant to meet under happier circumstances? Who knows. I may try to get back during the penalty phase. I am hopeful that the riff raff who are there looking to get attention for themselves rather than there for Travis and the Alexanders will have cleared out by then--wishful thinking?

If I do get back, I will be sure to let you know. Third time's a charm, as they say!
Perhaps we're meant to meet under happier circumstances? Who know. I may try to get back during the penalty phase. I am hopeful that the riff raff who are there looking to get attention for themselves rather than there for Travis and the Alexanders will have cleared out by then--wishful thinking?

If I do get back, I will be sure to let you know. Third time's a charm, as they say!

Sadly there will be many more weeks to come. Convicition then aggravation then mitigation then jury recommendation for sentencing then the final sentencing in 30-60 days. At least how I'm predicting things. So.....yes a third time opportunity awaits and a verdict gathering might just be "happier times" although bittersweet which I know all too well.
Sadly there will be many more weeks to come. Convicition then aggravation then mitigation then jury recommendation for sentencing then the final sentencing in 30-60 days. At least how I'm predicting things. So.....yes a third time opportunity awaits and a verdict gathering might just be "happier times" although bittersweet which I know all too well.

Katie, what is the aggravation phase?
Katie, what is the aggravation phase?

It goes down like this (as the way I predict w/ a death sentence):

Jury comes back with GUILTY verdict on first degree

Juan argues it meets the standard for "cruelty" as defined by the law which qualifies it for the DP.

THey go back and deliberate on this (which is the aggravation stage).

They come back and agree so now the DP is on the table.

DT argues mitigating factors (why to save her life) which IMO won't work. Her mitigating factors do NOT outweigh her brutality.

Victim impact statements are read.

More deliberations where they come back recommending DEATH.

It goes to the Judge who can't alter this recommendation and will formally sentence her 30-60 days later.
KCL - I saw the pic of your new 'do on twitter and you look AMAZINGLY INCREDIBLE. wow I'm 24 I don't look near as good as you. God bless you. Thanks.

My3Sons- God bless you. Saw you on Dr. Drew you really are adorable. I loved your notes. I cried today as well, especially after the jury questions for flores. This jury is going to do the right thing.

Pasa - God bless you as well. I have you in my thoughts often. I'm so sorry that you're going through this :(

Me and my family are moving to Poland and are leaving on the 6th so there's a very good chance I may be in transit when the verdict comes down. That's ok though. Justice is coming and my heart is happy tonight. I think after the OJ and Anthony and other verdicts, this jury will be held as American heroes for restoring our faith in justice. I think this is becoming very real to jodi's family. I cant imagine.
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