a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #9

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It's midnight and I just got home from my wonderful dinner with Beth. We sat outside at a sidewalk table and ate salmon and talked and talked and talked. Aside, of course, from obsessing over this trial, in every possible way, we also found out we have many many things in common in our "outside of trial" lives. She's one of the few people I've ever met who is intimately acquainted with my work (which is very specialized) and in fact has gone to a clinic I sometimes fill in in Sedona for some hand therapy at one point.

As she said "it only took us 3 trials to become friends" (Scott Peterson, James Ray, now this one).

She thinks it will be a short verdict also. You can guess what verdict she predicts.

She is such a lovely, real person and it's an honor and pleasure to even sit at a table with her. I told her that as well!

I'm so sleepy but will sleep like a baby tonite (still in the hotel) and going to a gathering tomorrow where some of the Alexanders will be. They were just spent tonite as you can imagine. The intensity of this all wearing on all of us, here, there and everywhere.

I got to speak with our darling Jayarroh on the phone today and how serendipitous that I ran in to his poster on twitter, asked his permission to print it (I just HAD to get it to Juan Martinez), he found a way to get it sent to me today in a stellar form which turned in to me actually having a private pow wow with Juan Martinez the very day the case ends because of that poster. And because of the M&M's another WS poster sent me! WOW, how about that? REALLY! It takes a Village, seriously!

Thanks for all the love everyone. I hope you felt like I've carried you in to every experience here. That's certainly been my intention.

We're all feelin the love and JUSTICE IS COMING.

I don't think it's unreasonable to think Monday is a possibility.

Whew..................! Sweet dreams all............

I pray you slept as well as I did last night. It was like a big brick off of my shoulders. Jaun layed it all out and I don't see how the jury can come back with anything other then what he asked for. The verdict we have all been praying for. I can't wait to see Jodies face when the verdict is given. Then her face when they sentence her to death. Hers is a deserved death, Travis's death was not deserved. Sleep well all Wensluthers the end is so close.:rockon:
I rarely post here but read and Thank. So many say it much better than I. I am in awe of this Community and the Alexander Family. And of course the Pro's who seek Justice for Travis as well. I feel a sense of peace right now. I believe we will see the right verdict this case. It has been a roller coaster ride. Tears,tension,anger,frustration etc. etc. A huge Canadian Thank You to everyone who assisted the Alexanders feeling some measure of comfort at this time. Luv to all. Angels really do walk this earth :blowkiss::heartbeat::canada:
It's midnight and I just got home from my wonderful dinner with Beth. We sat outside at a sidewalk table and ate salmon and talked and talked and talked. Aside, of course, from obsessing over this trial, in every possible way, we also found out we have many many things in common in our "outside of trial" lives. She's one of the few people I've ever met who is intimately acquainted with my work (which is very specialized) and in fact has gone to a clinic I sometimes fill in in Sedona for some hand therapy at one point.

As she said "it only took us 3 trials to become friends" (Scott Peterson, James Ray, now this one).

She thinks it will be a short verdict also. You can guess what verdict she predicts.

She is such a lovely, real person and it's an honor and pleasure to even sit at a table with her. I told her that as well!

I'm so sleepy but will sleep like a baby tonite (still in the hotel) and going to a gathering tomorrow where some of the Alexanders will be. They were just spent tonite as you can imagine. The intensity of this all wearing on all of us, here, there and everywhere.

I got to speak with our darling Jayarroh on the phone today and how serendipitous that I ran in to his poster on twitter, asked his permission to print it (I just HAD to get it to Juan Martinez), he found a way to get it sent to me today in a stellar form which turned in to me actually having a private pow wow with Juan Martinez the very day the case ends because of that poster. And because of the M&M's another WS poster sent me! WOW, how about that? REALLY! It takes a Village, seriously!

Thanks for all the love everyone. I hope you felt like I've carried you in to every experience here. That's certainly been my intention.

We're all feelin the love and JUSTICE IS COMING.

I don't think it's unreasonable to think Monday is a possibility.

Whew..................! Sweet dreams all............

THanks KCL! I am in awe of how much dedication you have. I have relief that you and Beth think it will be a short verdict (that's gotta be good, right?). I was kind of surprised that they chose the 9-4:30 times b/c I was thinking if I was in that position I would honestly want to stay later until at leaset 5 or 5:30 until verdict is reached. I am probably reading too much into that b/c maybe just some jurors have kids to take care of, etc.. But I was thinking perhaps it's b/c they know they deliberation won't take long, they don't have to worry about it taking a long time.
Just saw a clip of KCL's interview on HLN with Beth!!!! Anyone else catch it?? She looked beautiful & WS got a shoutout :)
Just saw a clip of KCL's interview on HLN with Beth!!!! Anyone else catch it?? She looked beautiful & WS got a shoutout :)

I saw it too. KCL really presents well doesn't she. I would be so tongue tied. So proud of her.
I was unable to clear my work shedule Monday and Tuesday complete. I have Clients to see both days at 4 p.m. EST. I pray the verdict is swift for the Alexanders. For me-well before 4 p.m. I am confident we will get the right verdict but I know i will sob even so.
RE: The Juanism's poster

I've been thinking... It's like I just assumed that everyone could easily make a donation. I never fully considered that some people may not be in a financial position to do it. I feel a bit silly now. So I'm going to amend my offer: If you HAVE made a donation in the past, if you ARE GOING TO make a donation in the future AND if you know in your heart that if you COULD make a donation then you definitely would do it, then by all means, send me a PM and I will gladly send the poster your way.
Oops I was on the wrong thread^
I just saw the bit with our very own KCL. You did a great job. As I read the poem that jm used I realized that it is very much like a song I learned at church camp. The following is that song.

No man is an island.
No man stands alone.
Each man's joy is joy to me.
Each man's grief is my own.
We need one another,
So I will defend
Each man as my brother,
Each man as my friend.
RE: The Juanism's poster

I've been thinking... It's like I just assumed that everyone could easily make a donation. I never fully considered that some people may not be in a financial position to do it. I feel a bit silly now. So I'm going to amend my offer: If you HAVE made a donation in the past, if you ARE GOING TO make a donation in the future AND if you know in your heart that if you COULD make a donation then you definitely would do it, then by all means, send me a PM and I will gladly send the poster your way.

Some of us were talking yesterday and wondering if that image would translate to a coffee cup. I think that would be a great memento (and if people had the image they could just go use it themselves at cafe press ...I think?). I would love one myself. Do you think the "fine print" on there would translate that way? Thanks again....you opened a door for me with that I'd not have gotten I don't think. Since the M&M's were removed by the family I mean lol. I still have a big box, I just ran over to the courthouse with what I could cram in my purse. But there are ones that say "The State Rests" and I'll have to get out of bed here shortly and take some pics. Yesterday was such a whirlwind.

I slept like a baby last night. Ahhhhh I finally wake up refreshed for the first time in weeks I think. :seeya:
THanks KCL! I am in awe of how much dedication you have. I have relief that you and Beth think it will be a short verdict (that's gotta be good, right?). I was kind of surprised that they chose the 9-4:30 times b/c I was thinking if I was in that position I would honestly want to stay later until at leaset 5 or 5:30 until verdict is reached. I am probably reading too much into that b/c maybe just some jurors have kids to take care of, etc.. But I was thinking perhaps it's b/c they know they deliberation won't take long, they don't have to worry about it taking a long time.

Yeah I guess one day to look at it is since they had only a short time ahead of them and I'm sure plenty exhausted after this week, that they could decide to just start fresh Monday. Maybe they picked a foreperson? (my fave pick of the moment is Juror 3, Housewife).
So glad u are feeling rested KCL. You deserve it :seeya:
Just saw a clip of KCL's interview on HLN with Beth!!!! Anyone else catch it?? She looked beautiful & WS got a shoutout :)

Thank you! I got a note on Facebook from another trial watcher who's uploading it to youtube right now. I didn't think it would air til Monday so cool! I'm sure everyone will be totally sick of it by the time the verdict comes in as they play and replay those things ad nauseum. At least it trumps jailbirds holding support signs for Jodi. Blech.

I do know Beth worked hard on that piece and was very proud of it. Does it show a pic of me w/ my sister? She had me send a couple of those.

I have a hymn that I want to send to you do that you can share it with the family. It was one if my mother's favorites and is very appropriate for now. The Alexander family would also like that it was written by a granddaughter of Joseph Smith. As son as I get it in front of me I will type it out and send it on. I want to make sure I have the words all correct..
Thank you! I got a note on Facebook from another trial watcher who's uploading it to youtube right now. I didn't think it would air til Monday so cool! I'm sure everyone will be totally sick of it by the time the verdict comes in as they play and replay those things ad nauseum. At least it trumps jailbirds holding support signs for Jodi. Blech.

I do know Beth worked hard on that piece and was very proud of it. Does it show a pic of me w/ my sister? She had me send a couple of those.

The piece I saw KCL was short. You discussing fund raising. Cant wait to see it in it's entirety.
The piece I saw KCL was short. You discussing fund raising. Cant wait to see it in it's entirety.

No it's a short piece...and it includes some donation stuff for Jodi too (blech). It's 2 min though..was that it? And me walking like a dork out of the courthouse not holding my purse (like that would ever happen lol)
Thank you! I got a note on Facebook from another trial watcher who's uploading it to youtube right now. I didn't think it would air til Monday so cool! I'm sure everyone will be totally sick of it by the time the verdict comes in as they play and replay those things ad nauseum. At least it trumps jailbirds holding support signs for Jodi. Blech.

I do know Beth worked hard on that piece and was very proud of it. Does it show a pic of me w/ my sister? She had me send a couple of those.

She mentioned Cindy's death in '88 but just showed a newspaper article with a snippet pulled out to the side. I felt like the piece was cut short and was left thinking there might be more to it...or like it would be continued later in the hour.

I have a hymn that I want to send to you do that you can share it with the family. It was one if my mother's favorites and is very appropriate for now. The Alexander family would also like that it was written by a granddaughter of Joseph Smith. As son as I get it in front of me I will type it out and send it on. I want to make sure I have the words all correct..

I can print it out and take it to them next week...tanisha would love it I'm sure.
No it's a short piece...and it includes some donation stuff for Jodi too (blech). It's 2 min though..was that it? And me walking like a dork out of the courthouse not holding my purse (like that would ever happen lol)

Ahhh gotcha. I had just walked in the room and only caught 1 minute at best. I will have HLN on for the day and be sure not too miss :seeya:
No it's a short piece...and it includes some donation stuff for Jodi too (blech). It's 2 min though..was that it? And me walking like a dork out of the courthouse not holding my purse (like that would ever happen lol)

This might sound catty but they said JA has rec'd $2200 and $800 was from one man in NY....then you stroll out all cool and casual and it comes up about a quick $5k being raised and $3500 of that from one member. It goes on to acknowledge more money than that but it made me smirk -- i know it would eat JA up to know TA and his family could get more $$ in a few hours than she can in months!! And the fact that the money we sent is full of love and for justice, she'd be FURIOUS hahahahaha!
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