Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #179

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This case...
Long ago I learned to look at posters' "Joined" date to get an idea of which case first disturbed them so much that it drove them to start posting at WS. Not a flawless method, but you'd be surprised.
Obviously it means a lot to me that we get to the bottom of this unfathomable horror show. The girls are gone, two voids in our world. We will never know what beautiful things they could have achieved. I believe they are with God. The same God that the butcher of these precious girls will very shortly face, regardless of what goes on in that courtroom.
I'm off to enjoy Spring, I really do love each of you for helping me get through this. :)
I joined on the date both the Jodi Huisentruit and Molly Bish cases happened. Jodi Huisentruit was a reporter who disappeared while walking outside her apartment to her car on the way to work in the early morning hours. She has not been found. Molly Bish was a lifeguard who disappeared from her lifeguard post at Commins Pond in Warren, MA at around 10 am in the morning. Her remains were found 3 years later.

I knew of both cases but had forgotten about their dates at the time I joined. The reason I joined was my first post about an unsolved murder case from the night of July 31st, 1999, in Dothan, AL about J.B. Beasley and Tracie Hawlett. Both girls left to go to a party, but might have ended up lost. Later the next morning their bodies were found in the trunk of the car they were traveling in. Case was solved in March 2019 if I remember correctly. Sometimes dates and times are a coincidence.

Many cases I have checked out were due to seeing them on some television program like Disappeared. This case became extremely popular and even though I did not follow it right at the beginning(because I thought it would be solved quickly due to the video and audio), I have following within a month or so since it happened. This case has gotten national exposure, which unfortunately not many cases receive.
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I got sucked in on the Alcala threads, with their locker full of pictures taken by a serial killer. (He died without talking.) So this case has pictures and a brief, blurry video OF a killer, taken by a victim. Not sure why that kind of thing exerts such a pull, but here I am.
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Same here. Odinism isn't on trial. And none of these individuals involved in these questionable organizations mentioned are on trial, unless perhaps we move into whether RA himself might have had some interest in that vein. Many with inclinations towards fringe/cult activity would be secretive about such interests. The reluctance of the D-- even at this point-- to face this trial as a head-on probe into whether their client is BG is astounding, and I seriously don't think the D is going to be anywhere near prepared for the actual trial. All their energies have been poured into derailing it, destroying it, distorting its focus, creating a "bandwagon" effect against its existence, attacking the judge insofar as she opposes them, and beyond. Even the Franks becomes something of interest in that we hear RA was terrified of these Odinite patches worn by prison guards, and these patches in some cases look like designs for funny coffee mugs. Nothing too terrifying there. Will be watching to see the geofence data so we can all rest assured RA was watching his stock ticker as noted in the infancy of the investigation.
"Even the Franks becomes something of interest in that we hear RA was terrified of these Odinite patches worn by prison guards"

RA terrified of Odin patches? It is my understanding that RA feared the guards who just so happen to be wearing Odin patches. They tasered him twice, that we know of. I think he feared not only for his own life but there may have been threats to harm his family, too.

When the warden ordered them to remove the Odin patches from their uniforms, at least one of them got an Odin tattoo on his face. Sheer intimidation tactics were used while at Westville.

the old railroad bridge is the Monon HIgh Bridge. He was walking FROM Freedom bridge towards the trails and MHB.
The were leaving Freedom bridge to go home.

View attachment 494852
Thank you for posting this map. I wish it came with a link. May I assume you created it because I'd like to use it?

Screenshot 2024-04-06 170705.png

Where the pin is dropped for Down the Hill, the map shows the pin is at the private drive. Officially, that private drive is where N 625 W ends at the house on the hill at KW's (RIP). Going the opposite way is .9 miles to one of the victim's homes. I've often wondered what kept them from running down the private drive/N 625 W towards safety.
MP stated [paraphrased] if one of the girls had the chance to get away, they didn't but stayed together.
Were they tethered together? BG couldn't hold each one by the hand and his firearm at the same time.

edit to add MOO JMHOO
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These are all the cars being referred to (Ford Focus, PT Cruiser and SUV), they look similar to me backed in, especially fs driving by and only getting a quick glimpse, except for the '65 Comet. JMO

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Yeah, purple in the shadows is not as striking as you'd think. But if a mistake was made I'd think it was the other way around - a purple car mistakenly identified as black. If it was light enough for the witness to think purple, I'd go with that.
I'd bet that the owner of at least the '65 Comet has been located. That is a very precise description of what has to be a very rare car driving around Delphi.
They can raise all of the money they want .
That doesn't mean it's reasonable to use the victims to raise that money.
Can you imagine how that feels?
Totally, 100% agreed with everything Ravenmoon says here. I have no problems with the crowdsourcing-- at all. If they need money, this is a way to get it, jmo. The crowdsourcing is one of the least offensive of the bizarre maneuvers by the D that I've seen (jmo). I'm still wondering why they were denied, I may not find out any time soon. But D absolutely should not be using the victims to raise it. And this is after D at the very least negligently leaked those images to the media?? And the YouTubers don't care, they're grateful for the "scoop." The D's attitude at times-- it leaves me baffled that they don't see a lot of what they're doing as "a problem." They're so caught up with trying to defend "Rick" that nobody else matters. I don't care if the ABA would find it admirable (don't know that they would, either), I'm finding it more and more offensive by the day.
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"Even the Franks becomes something of interest in that we hear RA was terrified of these Odinite patches worn by prison guards"

RA terrified of Odin patches? It is my understanding that RA feared the guards who just so happen to be wearing Odin patches. They tasered him twice, that we know of. I think he feared not only for his own life but there may have been threats to harm his family, too.

When the warden ordered them to remove the Odin patches from their uniforms, at least one of them got an Odin tattoo on his face. Sheer intimidation tactics were used while at Westville.

Totally agreed on this, and this is the view I'd have as well, they'd "just happen" to be wearing them. But reading through the Franks, it's clear to me RA drew some significance from those patches. But the details were not filled in on how he connected the patches to the violent acts he was subjected to. If someone were attacking me in a prison, and it was a guard, I'd notice it was a guard, but I probably wouldn't notice a patch. And some of those patches really do like designs for funny coffee mugs, so I don't know how RA found them to be so significant.
We have no idea if it was written verbatim on the conservation officer's notepad at that grocery store. I'd venture to guess it probably was not.
CO wrote down the identifying numbers from RAs phone as well as the times RA said he was on the trail, 1:39-3:30 and that he passed the group of girls leaving the trail by Freedom bridge. His time of arrival is fixed.
CO wrote down the identifying numbers from RAs phone as well as the times RA said he was on the trail, 1:39-3:30 and that he passed the group of girls leaving the trail by Freedom bridge. His time of arrival is fixed.

Do you know where I can find this information? In which document? I don't remember reading anything about RA's phone records.
Sad but true. But maybe that will shine a light on the disparity that exists among rich and poor defendants in terms of the quality of a defense they get.
Kohberger doing fine, not sure what the problem is with Chad Daybells defense why he still had Pryor.
Crowd funding will be very unfair in the end. Cases with noteriety will gather a "following" and cases that that aren't so public won't.
This is a very unusual event. Hopefully we will not ever again have to crowd fund to provide our defense attorneys with enough money to match the experts that the prosecution has. IMO
sure. for example the mischaracterising of Turcos report. or the way Baldwin misled judge gull about his relationship with MW or the adverse finding of the a judge in the safe keeping hearing.
One of our two adversarial "sides" here is putting forward quite a few distortions or outright lies. I believe the D is the source, jmo. I agree they probably are the ones that distorted the findings of the Turco report. And one of the "sides" (D or P) on this issue has to be outright wrong because the positions are opposed to each other. I do believe LE moved on from the Turco report for a valid reason (ie, it was not worth pursuing further), not because of an Odinism related conspiracy. It is in the State's interest to apprehend the person/s actually responsible for the crime, not to let Odinists get away with murder. Without solid evidence otherwise, my view is that the D is trying to capitalize on fear and sensationalism to help "Rick." I believe the geofencing errors P alleges on the part of the D will end up being a reality also, and the D did not interpret the data correctly. We're going to find out on this. So just waiting to see, but I'd agree without knowing more as of now IMO it's the D.
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