Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #186

Yes, I would also wish, we could line up the sketches/photos. BUT if the specific man, who looks like sketch #2 = YBG, is not included "for reasons", cough cough, then the same discussion as always would follow. Nothing won, unfortunately. MOO
I still think that was LE''s way of getting to BG, letting them know they had found the A_shots (and others) account and making a public announcement there was some form of SM exchange after all. Sort of a 'tickling the wire' kind of move.

If you were to see the sketch person YBG from 50 yards (RA was on the first platform of MHB) with his beanie hat on, I believe it could pass for RA, especially when at the time he was much slimmer and younger looking. I look forward to BB's actual testimony at trial instead of the FM version.

I think he does, especially his eyes/brows and nose look dead on to me.
I agree. Even his mouth looks pretty much the same. There’s also a very close resemblance to the full body shot of him from the video on the bridge. I don't think there will be a problem convincing the jury that his physical appearance matches the video and LE posters.
I still think that was LE''s way of getting to BG, letting them know they had found the A_shots (and others) account and making a public announcement there was some form of SM exchange after all. Sort of a 'tickling the wire' kind of move.

If you were to see the sketch person YBG from 50 yards (RA was on the first platform of MHB) with his beanie hat on, I believe it could pass for RA, especially when at the time he was much slimmer and younger looking. I look forward to BB's actual testimony at trial instead of the FM version.

I hate replying to my own post, but wanted to correct the information of BB seeing RA=BG from 50 yards to 50 feet as stated in the PCA.

My apologies.
I agree. Even his mouth looks pretty much the same. There’s also a very close resemblance to the full body shot of him from the video on the bridge. I don't think there will be a problem convincing the jury that his physical appearance matches the video and LE posters.
A ringer for sure, especially when you consider how short RA is. One of the young female witnesses said in the PCA he was short, no more than 5 10". That's unusual that a kid that passed him for mere seconds noticed how 'short' he was.

A ringer for sure, especially when you consider how short RA is. One of the young female witnesses said in the PCA he was short, no more than 5 10". That's unusual that a kid that passed him for mere seconds noticed how 'short' he was.

Yes, add that contextual information to the video and poster and its a slam dunk. Include his confessions, his admission to being there that day, car on video, etc. and the rest of the evidence.
I'd say paganism has about a .0000000000000001% cn m n̈mm nnin ho NHL hm bug jh hmhance of being involved
So you're saying there's still a chance? (Movie line.)

Good on LE for asking around to see if there were any obvious links to Odinism and then putting that pretty much to bed. Shows due diligence.

A ringer for sure, especially when you consider how short RA is. One of the young female witnesses said in the PCA he was short, no more than 5 10". That's unusual that a kid that passed him for mere seconds noticed how 'short' he was.

Plus sketches aren't photographs. They're representations of memory and impression.

Expecting it to be identical isn't realistic.

Pretty impressive recall IMO. Witnesses did well.

RA too. Confirmed quite a bit of it, he did.

From what I’ve read, we’ve heard a few stories re:FBI no longer being involved.

We know Click testified that once FBI agent Ferency was murdered by that Corrections officer, he no longer worked on the Delphi case. I don’t recall if he gave a explanation further than the murder? That was July/2021

March 2022, ISP asked the FBI to remove all of the identifying details from the BG poster.

I believe in the FM (see edit below) there is mention that DC asked the FBI to step away from the case in 2021 over conflict over investigation strategies. We know the FBI via TC was into the 3rd party suspects and the UC was IMO refusing investigate them. There’s depositions with TL where he says he had no idea the FBI was ever asked to leave the case but that seems to be par for the course in the depos. Everyone’s just stunned.
(Edit: page 10 footnote, in their depos JH says that DC kicked FBI out 2021 due to conflicts, TL says he had no idea that happened)

IMO I wonder if the FBI actually did withdraw themselves from investigating the case entirely and I wonder if we will see FBI agents testify at trial and for which side. There was another agent who penned the RL PCA back in 2017, so I also wonder how long she stayed on the case and continued investigating.

While the FBI may not be all hands on daily task force, they have been involved since the beginning and still supportive.
Just because they aren't physically in office in Delphi does not remove them from the case.

Agent Robertson works for the FBI’s (very broad) department of “Violent Crimes Against Children”. IIRC, she was from the Chicago area. She is the one that wrote up the docs on RL.

JMO-- They have been very active in assisting and supporting all along.


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