Abby & Libby - The Delphi Murders - Richard Allen Arrested - #186

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I always believed that true conspiracy is very hard to organize, because where can one find a large group of smart and disciplined people? When it comes to LE, between “malicious intent” “covering up” and “incompetence”, I would err on the side of incompetence. It took me a while to decide in this case, but when I heard Doug Carter, commenting on the audio recording, “it was the voice of the Devil”, it dawned on me, “incompetence, not malice.” Next time, they collected DNA from 300+ people to no avail. I thought, “does he even believe DNA exists?” Sometimes I wish ISP were covering up for someone “big”, one could sleuth the person, and it would be movie-like. But on their podcast, only Robert Ives sounded coherently. Having listened to the audio multiple times, as well as the recordings of RA’s voice, I am sure that both are human with a “hollow” note in them. But in such surreal atmosphere, it is easy for the defense to see the runes, and the odinites. Essentially, the same.

ETA: the link. In this article. DC literally said it was the voice of devil coming through the killer. BTW, DC has hollow voice, too, so I understand the comments about "generic Midwestern Man voice", "generic clothes", etc. The BG was no odinite, no devil, likely a regular Midwestern man, and the rest around the case stems from the same human trait, gullibility.

Hi Charlot, in 2020, Leazenby said less than 5 people had volunteered their DNA. At 12:41 in Episode 7 of the Down the Hill podcast.
If he just sticks to the shoddy investigation, "lost" evidence, and unrealistic timeline, they just may get reasonable doubt as a lone killer. It may leave jurors knowing something is missing from this story and not knowing what could make them uneasy and more likely to vote NG because of reasonable doubt. Just an opinion.

I can see the potential for reasonable doubt with a lone killer theory, if it turns out to be true that DNA and digital evidence isn’t admitted. Confessions (if admitted) may change that. Motive would sure help.

How will defense argue a lone killer theory? Prosecution has indicated others were likely involved. Defense has already pointed to others, but have not explained how that exonerates RA. I have been puzzled by defense not loudly proclaiming the ‘elsewhere’ RA was at the time of the murders. Was he on his computer? Stopped at a fast food place? Had a phone call with someone from a landline at home? Anything at all as an alibi?

For a very long time, I subscribed to the Odinism theory… not that there was necessarily a ritual sacrifice, but that Vinlanders were involved. It didn’t help matters that BH looked an awful lot like the “old BG” sketch. However, he was the only one in the group that really looked like BG and what I could never reconcile is that BH was posting photos of himself around that timeframe where he had a massive, unmissable beard. When the RA news came out, my reaction was slight confusion because of how well a lot of the Vinlander stuff fit, but ultimately a lot of the KAK stuff also made sense. As more came out about RA, it seemed pretty apparent to me that the rest was just white noise and rabbit holes and they likely got the right guy.

The Purdue professor was the expert who stated that the crime scene had a connection to “odinism” . TC is the person who investigated the 3rd party culprits.

I think my prior comment was deleted. The MSM coverage on this case doesn’t even begin the touch the depths of it and we are limited with what we can openly discuss here so I keep just repeating how important it is to independently research the claims made to see for yourself.

Respectfully. With 100% certainty independent research IS being conducted by many, many posters. Because everyone doesn't come to the same conclusion does not mean research is not being done. Some posters suspect there are other actors, some posters do not.

Should there be other actors, that does not eliminate Richard Allen. Richard Allen should go to trial and be judged by a jury.
The professor was contacted by investigators prior to FEB 2018 and I am completely assuming the expert would be given an accurate depiction of the crime scene or photographs to review by law enforcement . That’s my expectation of law enforcement - I have no idea if that is true. IMO This isn’t a defense expert who was given skewed or limited evidence to promote one theory.

The defense claims there is a taped statement from Turco that includes the following:
  • That the professor stated after seeing the pattern of the sticks that "it was given" someone was trying to replicate a Germanic runic script.
  • That the professor consulted with a colleague from Harvard who agreed with the Purdue professor.
  • That he "could certainly imagine that this was somebody's idea that when you do human sacrifice you carve runes ... there are some poetic sources that would sort of support that idea that somebody might have come across ... that scenario seems entirely plausible to me."
There is also an additional quote in the notice (linked below) where the professor states makes the comment about “odin fanboys”. Anyone who’s interested in reading the Notice themselves can read the direct quotes from the professor to see what is allegedly in the taped statement. The defense gets sassy about the professor debacle and I know that rubs people the wrong way lol

The Franks Motion is not fact.
The Purdue professor was the expert who stated that the crime scene had a connection to “odinism” . TC is the person who investigated the 3rd party culprits.

I think my prior comment was deleted. The MSM coverage on this case doesn’t even begin the touch the depths of it and we are limited with what we can openly discuss here so I keep just repeating how important it is to independently research the claims made to see for yourself.

I interpreted it as him being confused and concerned. I thought you meant you took as him being offended they didn't like what he had to say. I may have read you wrong!
He did seem quite confused and I noticed a few times his lawyer questioning him also seemed confused by Click. My opinion only, Click's nose was bent out of shape after F died and he wasn't considered in the loop anymore.

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