ABC producer paid for George, Cindy Anthony to stay at the Ritz

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The Anthony's may be miserable, but they are financially profitting. Someone is paying the bills, and attorneys. Sometimes, i won't say who, but it seems like Cindy is anonymously posting here in her own defense.

Just because people don't go along with the lynch mob, doesn't mean they are the Anthony's. Not everyone agrees with judging people at their lowest point. It's that simple. I can see why they've done some of the things they've done and I can't imagine kicking someone like they are kicked without knowing the full story and NONE of us know the full story.
OK. You just got off the worst plane ride of your life. You can't go home, because your home is a crime scene.

Your new friend says she's made arrangements for you to go to a hotel, at no cost to you. Which hotel doesn't matter, it's a place to lay your head down and think.

Raise your hand if you would have refused that offer. I would have been grateful.

Remember, it wasn't George and Cindy who picked the Ritz. That was Kaitlyn Kolner.

I agree- they had to sleep somewhere.
Just because people don't go along with the lynch mob, doesn't mean they are the Anthony's. Not everyone agrees with judging people at their lowest point. It's that simple. I can see why they've done some of the things they've done and I can't imagine kicking someone like they are kicked without knowing the full story and NONE of us know the full story.

Calling posters a "lynch mob" is an attack on the person and not the post, and against TOS. Please stop.
Probably ulterior motives? That's the point of this thread and this discussion. What you perceive as simply criticism is part of a larger picture.

You may believe that you would react exactly as the As yet I know I would not react that way, and there are others who know they would not react that way either, and there are parents out there who have gone through something similar and not reacted in that way. I know I wouldn't have vultures in my entourage. Heck, I woulnd't have an entourage!

People with decades of living under their belts are more likely to know their own characters, having had a lifetime of experience in knowing how they respond. There are patterns of behaviour and predictions about future behaviour. Most people would not react in that way. To presume that people don't know their own characters is...I can only shake my head.

Attributing no intentions to the As does not explain their behaviour. Besides, everyone has intentions. They've made decisions along the way. I would not presume to think that they are helpless babies or zombies.

You're entitled to that opinion. I simply don't agree with it.

On a final note, yeah, ABC was probably wanting something from the As in return for all their "kindness". Who would take that at simple face value? The question is, how long has this been going on? What deals were in the works? Was ABC the only one? If there were deals, could it be that As were manipulated or agreed to manipulate events? It also highlights the question, once again, of where the As are getting their money. It also reinforces the suspicion that the As are looking at the bottom line, and benefitting from the murder of their grandchild.

So the Anthony's are at fault for what ABC may have as ulterior motives? Sometimes I don't understand where people's hearts are. I'd like to think that I wouldn't act just as the Anthony's but I just don't know and neither do any of you. I live a very honorable life and am all too familiar with grief as deep as this and crime like this. I can't judge anyone going through this much pain as I know all too intimately how people's minds protect them from the truth that will destroy them. How can I judge that or force someone to remove the protective coating for MY sake. How presumptuous. The one at fault here is Casey. She is the one who should be receiving your contempt. You say you honor Caylee? BS. If you honor Caylee you would try to find some compassion for those who loved and cared for her. They're trying to find their way and at their very lowest are judging even where they allowed themselves to be taken for a night when they had no place else to go. At their lowest point someone made a decision for them so they didn't have to and you're going to judge them for taking it? I know that I don't walk on water and I know none of you walk on water and I think it's terribly sad what people are putting this family through as they try to come to terms with the worst thing imaginable. Every family has secrets, some are just more media smart than others. I'm sure many of you couldn't hold up to public scrutiny, nor could your family. All I'm saying is to let time and LE judge them and draw conclusions. You only know a sliver of the story. If you want to support Caylee, err on the side of love and compassion rather than wanting off with their heads. If it turns out they did in fact obstruct justice, it'll feel a heck of a lot better knowing you came from a place of love rather than insisting on the ego of being "right."
Just because people don't go along with the lynch mob, doesn't mean they are the Anthony's. Not everyone agrees with judging people at their lowest point. It's that simple. I can see why they've done some of the things they've done and I can't imagine kicking someone like they are kicked without knowing the full story and NONE of us know the full story.

I don't view those who disagree with my opinions as a "lynch mob." I think that is an unfair characterization of those who do not share a view that the A's are solely victims in this case. Many of us believe they are also perpetrators and express our opinions on that matter. Expressing a negative opinion is really not like a "lynch mob." That's a term that imo is being misused in a misguided and so far largely unsuccessful attempt to coerce others to not be part of that "lynch mob" by acceding to the view of the person making that wholly unfounded accusation. In other words, a way to bully rather than make a constructive comment or argument. At least that's how I read it. :)
So the Anthony's are at fault for what ABC may have as ulterior motives? Sometimes I don't understand where people's hearts are. I'd like to think that I wouldn't act just as the Anthony's but I just don't know and neither do any of you. I live a very honorable life and am all too familiar with grief as deep as this and crime like this. I can't judge anyone going through this much pain as I know all too intimately how people's minds protect them from the truth that will destroy them. How can I judge that or force someone to remove the protective coating for MY sake. How presumptuous. The one at fault here is Casey. She is the one who should be receiving your contempt. You say you honor Caylee? BS. If you honor Caylee you would try to find some compassion for those who loved and cared for her. They're trying to find their way and at their very lowest are judging even where they allowed themselves to be taken for a night when they had no place else to go. At their lowest point someone made a decision for them so they didn't have to and you're going to judge them for taking it? I know that I don't walk on water and I know none of you walk on water and I think it's terribly sad what people are putting this family through as they try to come to terms with the worst thing imaginable. Every family has secrets, some are just more media smart than others. I'm sure many of you couldn't hold up to public scrutiny, nor could your family. All I'm saying is to let time and LE judge them and draw conclusions. You only know a sliver of the story. If you want to support Caylee, err on the side of love and compassion rather than wanting off with their heads. If it turns out they did in fact obstruct justice, it'll feel a heck of a lot better knowing you came from a place of love rather than insisting on the ego of being "right."

You have no idea if you would lie and cover up and and hide evidence if your child murdered your grandchild? I know my character, I know my morality. I am honestly sorry if you don't.. but please don't take that out on and attack those of us that do!

Many of us have crossed lines and DO indeed know just far far we would go. Public scrutiny? I sure as he!! would stand up to it because I would open up my home, tell the truth, take a lie detecter test, hand over everything that could possibly help to find my grandchild.. I would do everything I could do and then some- including literally knocking on every door in the neighborhood! I must say, I'm saddened that you have a hard time understanding THAT!
I consider a lynch mob a group of people calling for someone's heads. I do think that's a fair analogy in this case considering how people are calling for the Anthony's to be indicted etc. They can do no right in the eyes of many, and I think this thread is a perfect example of that. They're even being judged by where they sleep when they can't go home. Come on now, as humans they deserve better than that.
So the Anthony's are at fault for what ABC may have as ulterior motives? Sometimes I don't understand where people's hearts are. I'd like to think that I wouldn't act just as the Anthony's but I just don't know and neither do any of you. I live a very honorable life and am all too familiar with grief as deep as this and crime like this. I can't judge anyone going through this much pain as I know all too intimately how people's minds protect them from the truth that will destroy them. How can I judge that or force someone to remove the protective coating for MY sake. How presumptuous. The one at fault here is Casey. She is the one who should be receiving your contempt. You say you honor Caylee? BS. If you honor Caylee you would try to find some compassion for those who loved and cared for her. They're trying to find their way and at their very lowest are judging even where they allowed themselves to be taken for a night when they had no place else to go. At their lowest point someone made a decision for them so they didn't have to and you're going to judge them for taking it? I know that I don't walk on water and I know none of you walk on water and I think it's terribly sad what people are putting this family through as they try to come to terms with the worst thing imaginable. Every family has secrets, some are just more media smart than others. I'm sure many of you couldn't hold up to public scrutiny, nor could your family. All I'm saying is to let time and LE judge them and draw conclusions. You only know a sliver of the story. If you want to support Caylee, err on the side of love and compassion rather than wanting off with their heads. If it turns out they did in fact obstruct justice, it'll feel a heck of a lot better knowing you came from a place of love rather than insisting on the ego of being "right."

And if it turns out they didn't, converse opinions may be held in higher regard if they were reached through pragmatic examination of the evidence available, rather than pure emotion which tends to lend itself to more ego-driven hypothesis, imo.

That certainly puts it all in perspective, doesn't it.
I have watched that compilation before and it still
stings exactly like the first time I saw it.
This is why this thread exists, all of the LIES!
OCSO and the FBI know it too.
And if it turns out they didn't, converse opinions may be held in higher regard if they were reached through pragmatic examination of the evidence available, rather than pure emotion which tends to lend itself to more ego-driven hypothesis, imo.

In legal situations, it is a pragmatic examination of the available evidence that is essential. Emotions lose cases and are intrinsically driven by ego. Guilty people go free if investigations are driven by emotion rather than logic.
I consider a lynch mob a group of people calling for someone's heads. I do think that's a fair analogy in this case considering how people are calling for the Anthony's to be indicted etc. They can do no right in the eyes of many, and I think this thread is a perfect example of that. They're even being judged by where they sleep when they can't go home. Come on now, as humans they deserve better than that.

Well, please allow me to help you out with that misconception. A lynch mob lynches people rather than seeking conventional justice. You equate those seeking legal remedies through LE and the court system a lynch mob??? Unbelievable. I stand by my prior opinion. Again, it seems that those who do not share your feelings must necessarily not only be "bad" but a ravening mob. Truly unbelievable.

The A's can easily do right by simply telling the truth. They have consistently chosen not to do so. The A's can do right by simply refraining from lying. They have chosen not to do so. And in the instance you cite, the A's could have done right by acting as the victims you feel they are, rather than media business as usual with the attorney/media/pi entourage, imo. I have a sincere distaste for seeking to profit from the murder of a child that one claims to love.
Great post, Lancelot. The last couple of days, media has been all over the story of how KC reacted to the news that skeletal remains were discovered. It was consciousness of guilt; she knew before remains identified, etc. etc.

A's knew too, imo. If there was any shock, it was that their "people" didn't find Caylee first, when sent out to walk that area the month before. The entire A entourage acted as if they all knew this was Caylee. As did KC, they all acted totally unlike they acted when LP's divers claimed to be finding bones in the lake.

Posted it before, will post it again: That bad apple didn't fall far from the CA tree.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
In legal situations, it is a pragmatic examination of the available evidence that is essential. Emotions lose cases and are intrinsically driven by ego. Guilty people go free if investigations are driven by emotion rather than logic.

Umm, hello?! We are on the friggin' internet- not in court!
Did you miss the niftermedia links I posted? Did you miss the chat LE had with CA wherein they asked her to stop lying because it was hurting the investigation? Did you miss GA apologizing to LE for her lies and saying something along the lines of he had tried to put his hand over her mouth to no avail? Did you miss... oh, never mind. I'm confident you know enough. Good luck and God bless.

LOL- yeah me too.
Well, please allow me to help you out with that misconception. A lynch mob lynches people rather than seeking conventional justice. You equate those seeking legal remedies through LE and the court system a lynch mob???

Respectfully snipped...

You don't think that they are being "lynched" without seeking legal remedies through LE and the court system? I do. If you are seeking conventional justice, then just chill and have faith that LE knows more than you and if any laws have been broken, they will do their job. This thread is a perfect example of how that is not being done. No laws were broken by them spending the night at the Ritz. Yet look at what is happening here. If you have faith in the system, have faith in it. Chill and let them do their job.
In legal situations, it is a pragmatic examination of the available evidence that is essential. Emotions lose cases and are intrinsically driven by ego. Guilty people go free if investigations are driven by emotion rather than logic.

(emphasis added)

Exactly the point I was making, thank you.
Yes, the topic of this thread keeps getting off course and I think the real story here, lies in not what the A's ate, but what story lies beneath the people they ate with and who paid and why. Why can't we sleuth that? I think there is a huge story here....just follow the money.....

ITA! It seems like, from the DC transcript that the ABC producer was fishing for a story at the time Caylee being found broke or, future consideration.

While business is business and it can be argued, more fool them for the A's to take advantage of the offer -- there are implications.

I do agree that the A's were in a very bad place and maybe it was MB that set this up and that A's were just grateful that accomodation was arranged. Hard to say.

What is telling is once again DC's statement where he refuses to talk to the ABC producer at first, until CA is put on the phone and states it is o.k. to talk to her, she's o.k.

So this isn't as simple as accepting a welcome gift, there was an implication that the ABC producer was a part of that evening, CA was in their debt and, was thus being 'influenced'. Being used and using.

This must happen a lot. Trading on Caylee as a commodity?
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