ABC producer paid for George, Cindy Anthony to stay at the Ritz

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OK. You just got off the worst plane ride of your life. You can't go home, because your home is a crime scene.

Your new friend says she's made arrangements for you to go to a hotel, at no cost to you. Which hotel doesn't matter, it's a place to lay your head down and think.

Raise your hand if you would have refused that offer. I would have been grateful.

Remember, it wasn't George and Cindy who picked the Ritz. That was Kaitlyn Kolner.
I don't care. This is just fodder for those who are too emotionally involved. I would have stayed at the Ritz if someone offered it. This was 6 months after Caylee was missing. I believe they knew at least subconsciously that she was dead. There was nothing else to do but try to save their daughter. I find that human.

/leaves thread.
No, I don't and am not sure why you find that funny. Immediate family is spouses and children. Anything else is extended family. If anything ever happened to my child, I wouldn't be running out of town to pick up my parents so they can grieve with me or no matter how much I love them. As far as comforting them, I'd be a little too self-involved at that time to think of comforting anyone else.

Well, i certainly consider my mother immediate family. If she were still alive, i would be running to her FOR comfort . . . rather than to give her comfort. When my life was tough, i often went to her and climbed in her bed where i felt safe. i sure didn't dine with attorneys, pi's, and entertain possible negotiations. i would not have been able to hold up my end of a conversation. but that is just me . . .
I had not realized that family members were expected to starve themselves and sleep on a bed of nails following the death of a loved one. I'll try to remember that next time I attend a funeral followed by a reception.

Wait, when they move from sleeping on the street and eating rocks ?
Do you know Lee's circumstances? Do you know for a fact that he could put them up or even wanted to?

And because Sharon Rocha didn't stay at a Ritz Carlton isn't my point. My point is that, if she had, hardly anyone would be criticizing her.

I still don't see how hatred of people you don't even know benefits Caylee or anyone else.

Respectfully, I don't see how accepting anything the A's say or do and/or excusing it all as "grief" etc. helps get justice in this case. Many of us believe the A's have at least gone up to the very edge of obstruction, (I think they crossed so far over that line they can't make it out in the distance), among other crimes against society, both statutory and moral.
I presume to not assume? What exactly am I presuming? I really think there's a lot of anger toward the Anthonys here.

I agree there is a lot of anger toward the A's. I also think it's well deserved and hope there will also be charges.
But I haven't seen people rallying against ABC. Mostly just the Anthonys.

Isn't it ABC's right to choose what they spend money on? Maybe they were trying to be nice, maybe they were trying to score the interview, maybe they knew it'd enrage people and make for more headlines and searches.

I haven't finished this thread, whew it's a long one!

But I am confused.

What more media is necessary and for searches for who?

Caylee was found that very morning, the A's even canceled their LKL interview for the next night?

And, like other's here, I certainly am concerned with the ABC perks because I don't believe anyone in any family should benefit in the ways the A's have since this entire case began. Not since Natalie Holloway TRULY disappeared have we seen this much media for a 'missing' child.

Thing is, IMOO I believe the A's all knew the minute they got that car and found Casey but NOT Caylee, that Caylee was not 'missing'. When CA asked her daughter (as reported by her son to LE) "What have you done?" She knew. GA knew as well, per his interview with LE. LA knew when he began to call his neighbor's looking for her 'outcry' witnesses.

I think it's shameful to go even further and deny every bit of evidence that came out and to believe the absolutely unbelievable lies and made up 'nanny'. It's shameful to continue to get into the media, collect search funds when you're not searching, to do everything you can to derail LE investigations because you don't like the truth. I think it's shameful because it takes away the attention from other truly missing children in which their parent's don't know their whereabouts and want them found desperately!

Worst of all, to use one's own murdered grand child to profit so that you may be able to fund a defense that MOST indigent people such as Casey Anthony would never be able to afford in an effort to get her acquitted is Beyond Shameful.

And, I think it's important for the public AND LE to know that the A's spent this time with an ABC exec for the above reasons.
You are jumping to this conclusion with zero hard evidence. There is no doubt that George and Cindy are on disability right now and that can help pay their mortgage. If I was in a similar situation I can't say that I wouldn't sell a photo of my child to a network in order to pay a bill and not go back to work because mentally/emotionally I wouldn't be able to work. I can't think of any family that went through something similar where a lynch mob was insisting they go back to work immediately. The attorneys are most likely working pro-bono for the publicity. The Ritz was comped out of kindness and probably because the network was trying to butter them up for the future. I'm not sure how you can look at their life and think success in any way. There is nothing luxurious about their life. Their life is miserable. Why do you think George wanted to kill himself?

Do you have any "hard evidence" that GA and CA are on disability right now? How about a link to that "lynch mob" that insists they 'go back to work immediately?' (Not saying I want to join them, just sayin') I haven't seen anything to support either statement.
I truly believe they suspected she was capable of it. I've got family members whom are just like this with their children. They could watch their child slit someone's throat and never see a thing even it were their own spouse. It isn't denial rather it is the child's right to them and they just need to have patience to fix them.

I truly do have sympathy that they had to choose between an already dead granddaughter or a daughter still here perhaps thinking that maybe they might be able to "fix her" in time.
My opinion to what I've seen since the beginning.

I don't understand why they made a choice.
Because it takes the heat off questions about why ABC paid, and why a producer was with them that night after they just learned about the remains. Which is the topic of this thread.

I'm not focusing on where or what and seems like only a few are. Maybe the answer is for us not to respond to those posts so we can discuss the real topic and not the diversions?
OT just for a sec-

I think of my spouse and children collectively as my "nuclear" family.

Our (mine and dh's) parents, and our siblings are immediate family.

Aunts, uncles, cousins, extended family. But that's just me :)

Of course they are, and it's not just you.
Nothing you come up with will be enough. Tomorrow it'll be something else being questioned, every day the same... proof or not. It's done to get ya riled up, IMO. My advice? Don't bother. :blowkiss:


Oh, and also diverted from the real topic --- ABC connections; media deals possibly funding defense.
The media are vultures ONLY because that is what the consumer drives. If we are calling them vultures, we have to analyze our own cravings for such information. The part of my post you bolded is interesting because it leaves out the statement I made immediately following which states that there were probably ulterior motives. Regarding the Anthony's intentions, I don't think they've had many conscious intentions over the past 6 months. I think they've been flailing desperately. The mind does amazing things to protect itself. I'm not saying they're saints or that I want to go have tea with them because that's not how I feel at all. But there's no way that I'm going to criticize them staying at that hotel that night. Those of you who talk about "they should have had the clarity of thought to go to her Mom's or to Red Roof Inn" I ask you, what clarity of thought would you have that day if you were in their shoes. Anyone could have rolled me up anywhere as I sure as hell wouldn't be making any decisions myself.

Probably ulterior motives? That's the point of this thread and this discussion. What you perceive as simply criticism is part of a larger picture.

You may believe that you would react exactly as the As yet I know I would not react that way, and there are others who know they would not react that way either, and there are parents out there who have gone through something similar and not reacted in that way. I know I wouldn't have vultures in my entourage. Heck, I woulnd't have an entourage!

People with decades of living under their belts are more likely to know their own characters, having had a lifetime of experience in knowing how they respond. There are patterns of behaviour and predictions about future behaviour. Most people would not react in that way. To presume that people don't know their own characters is...I can only shake my head.

Attributing no intentions to the As does not explain their behaviour. Besides, everyone has intentions. They've made decisions along the way. I would not presume to think that they are helpless babies or zombies.

You're entitled to that opinion. I simply don't agree with it.

On a final note, yeah, ABC was probably wanting something from the As in return for all their "kindness". Who would take that at simple face value? The question is, how long has this been going on? What deals were in the works? Was ABC the only one? If there were deals, could it be that As were manipulated or agreed to manipulate events? It also highlights the question, once again, of where the As are getting their money. It also reinforces the suspicion that the As are looking at the bottom line, and benefitting from the murder of their grandchild.
Yes, the topic of this thread keeps getting off course and I think the real story here, lies in not what the A's ate, but what story lies beneath the people they ate with and who paid and why. Why can't we sleuth that? I think there is a huge story here....just follow the money.....

Yes, there could be a huge story here. These are the real issues. Thanks for putting it so succinctly!
On LKL, Cindy said they were being threatened by the kidnappers, there was fear that Caylee would be hurt.
A few moments later Larry King asks George, "So George, where do you think Caylee is now?"
George says, "Hopefully she's with a family that loves her and is taking good care of her".
Yea, that make perfect sense, if lying was an Olympic sport, they'd be wearin' the gold for sure.

You made me do it:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

It would take days to cover all the lies but this is a good summary, imo.
The Anthony's may be miserable, but they are financially profitting. Someone is paying the bills, and attorneys. Sometimes, i won't say who, but it seems like Cindy is anonymously posting here in her own defense.
The Anthony's may be miserable, but they are financially profitting. Someone is paying the bills, and attorneys. Sometimes, i won't say who, but it seems like Cindy is anonymously posting here in her own defense.

I really think that some people see the world and behaviour in strictly relative terms. Also as all good/all bad. Or they just like to bait. Or they are against whatever others are for. Or they're connected to the defense.

Back on topic: yes, it looks like the As may be profitting, and this revelation about ABC just makes things look that much more suspicious and much more likely. Misery never stopped anyone from looking for the main chance if they have always been so inclined.
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