ABC producer paid for George, Cindy Anthony to stay at the Ritz

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Enough to buy a new Lincoln Town Car?:eek:
Has anyone ever located the video that was taken the morning
of the memorial where C&G supposedly left their house in their
new Lincoln? This was mentioned by a WS'er during the memorial.

The above quote is for secretsquirrel. I am still trying to find the video. Can anyone help?
Me either. I wouldn't need or want an attorney - my allies would be LE. And I would let any media outlet offering hotel and dinner know just how depraved I thought they were for daring to try to bring implicit or explicit media deals at such a time, and daring to insult me at such a time by implying that I was likewise depraved.

I would be at my home and, when I wasn't vomiting my guts up in emotional agony, I'd be assisting LE in executing their search warrant, assisting in finding everything and anything they needed to find out what happened to my grandbaby.

But that's just me.

Sounds reasonable to me. I'll bet that you, like me, would be begging media to please publish the child's picture. Pay me? No, I'll pay them, as much as I can, please just keep their face in the news.

Prompted by news of an acquaintance who lost a child opting for cremation without any service because it was their only option, due to the costs of the average burial and service, my mom and I recently had a discussion about life insurance on children. She was against it as she couldn't imagine making 'a profit' from the death of one of her children. I thought it was a good idea for folks to have so that they could afford a decent memorial for their child. We both agreed that any excess over the funeral cost would/should be donated to some cause in the name of the child. Who on earth could enjoy any money or the things bought with it when that money came because of the death of one's child?

But that's just us.
The above quote is for secretsquirrel. I am still trying to find the video. Can anyone help?

You know that doesn't mean that car was theirs, that they bought it or that they are paying for it any more than it means any car you travel in belongs to you. It's sad that it's being repeated for malicious intent.
Yes. If their house hadn't been classified as a "CRIME SCENE" by LE, they could have gone home!! I wonder how many people are put up at the Ritz while their house is being called into question as a possible murder scene of an innocent 2 year old child? :furious:

NG is reporting every night lately that Haleigh's dad is staying in a tent.
ahhh, but we don't know that yet. The Ant's may have promised (or signed a contract) to do something after the trial. Just because we haven't seen something aired yet, doesn't mean something isn't in the works. Heck, for all we know...they could be trying to get an interview with KC, like they got with many other suspected murderers (Diane Sawyer got Scott Peterson didn't she?)

Could make one wonder about that private meeting request.
I don't think it's about winning; it's about character.

Their grief does not excuse their bad and suspect behaviour. There is a difference between mourning and character. I and a lot of mature people would know how we would act given the As' situation because we know our own characters- character tends to stay consistent over events and challenges. Only arrested adolescents might have no idea how they would react, IMO. The As' situation just highlights their character, as they were before and as they are now; character in which they are sorely lacking.

I totally agree that they suspected she was capable of it, but sometimes our brains take over to protect us and block out what is too painful to admit. I don't think they chose one over the other. I don't think they consciously did anything. I think the protective part of their brains just took over and it wasn't pretty.

More like- they have issues too. IMO
Originally Posted by elementary
I don't think it's about winning; it's about character.

Their grief does not excuse their bad and suspect behaviour. There is a difference between mourning and character. I and a lot of mature people would know how we would act given the As' situation because we know our own characters- character tends to stay consistent over events and challenges. Only arrested adolescents might have no idea how they would react, IMO. The As' situation just highlights their character, as they were before and as they are now; character in which they are sorely lacking.

Well said, elementary! i think that is basic psychology 101.
** snipped **

Kindly and repectfully, where is your link? :waitasec: I don't think you should fault others for speculating when you speculate yourself. I have heard George has had disability in the past, but how long can he ride that horse? i, myself, work, so i don't know much about terms of disability. Maybe you would like to explain it to me.

And i will do some research on the new car, can anyone help?

Nothing you come up with will be enough. Tomorrow it'll be something else being questioned, every day the same... proof or not. It's done to get ya riled up, IMO. My advice? Don't bother. :blowkiss:
Nor did the A's, is what I heard. I didn't understand at the time why they immediately accepted this as being Caylee when just the night before on LKL they were adamant she was still alive.

On LKL, Cindy said they were being threatened by the kidnappers, there was fear that Caylee would be hurt.
A few moments later Larry King asks George, "So George, where do you think Caylee is now?"
George says, "Hopefully she's with a family that loves her and is taking good care of her".
Yea, that make perfect sense, if lying was an Olympic sport, they'd be wearin' the gold for sure.
I wouldn't worry about another OJ situation, Patty. I don't think the world will ever again see such a huge miscarriage of justice. At least I hope not. Casey is definitely no OJ.

BTW, from all that I've heard, OJ's mom, Eunice, was a wonderful person.

Robert Blake?
You don't consider your parents to be part of your immediate family?! LOLOL!

No, I don't and am not sure why you find that funny. Immediate family is spouses and children. Anything else is extended family. If anything ever happened to my child, I wouldn't be running out of town to pick up my parents so they can grieve with me or no matter how much I love them. As far as comforting them, I'd be a little too self-involved at that time to think of comforting anyone else.
This whole part of the statement really made me sick. The entire family showed up for a dinner to discuss future deals on the same day little Caylee was found. It washed over me and I felt dirty just reading it. I'm pretty good at reading between the lines and I see that my suspicions of this family have been born out.

Cracking good read!! Take your effin flunkies and get out of here. JA tried to shake his hand and that was what he got. Oh, until he was needed to corroborate his suicide scare...

Great post, Lancelot. The last couple of days, media has been all over the story of how KC reacted to the news that skeletal remains were discovered. It was consciousness of guilt; she knew before remains identified, etc. etc.

A's knew too, imo. If there was any shock, it was that their "people" didn't find Caylee first, when sent out to walk that area the month before. The entire A entourage acted as if they all knew this was Caylee. As did KC, they all acted totally unlike they acted when LP's divers claimed to be finding bones in the lake.

Posted it before, will post it again: That bad apple didn't fall far from the CA tree.
Because it takes the heat off questions about why ABC paid, and why a producer was with them that night after they just learned about the remains. Which is the topic of this thread.

Well, if that's supposed to be the topic of this thread, it got off topic darn quick! From the second post, to be exact...:rolleyes:
I'm just out of the loop with Caylee's case sometimes. The mass amount of info out there leaves me not knowing some things, like this meeting AFTER the fact of Caylee's remains...

Gosh, they are a research psychologists dream aren't they?!

Or nightmare.
Cindy's mother lives in the north end of Orlando, not out of town. Her father's nursing home is there too. And I don't know why you would consider her parents, including her very feeble father, more distant relatives.

Cindy's parents are in Mount Dora, which is in Lake County. I would say that it is about 40 miles from the Anthony's home.
No, I don't and am not sure why you find that funny. Immediate family is spouses and children. Anything else is extended family. If anything ever happened to my child, I wouldn't be running out of town to pick up my parents so they can grieve with me or no matter how much I love them. As far as comforting them, I'd be a little too self-involved at that time to think of comforting anyone else.

OT just for a sec-

I think of my spouse and children collectively as my "nuclear" family.

Our (mine and dh's) parents, and our siblings are immediate family.

Aunts, uncles, cousins, extended family. But that's just me :)
They had to stay somewhere and close to the house so they would have access when LE was finished but what's with JB and reporter talking?
There is a lot that bothers me here, starting even before they got on that return flight back to Orlando. They were on LK trying to sell the Caylee is alive and out there message, even GA looked right in the camera and denounced everything he had said officially to LE about the smell in the car. Then they get the news that the remains of a young female had been found right down the street from their home. Well, just the fact that they had an ABC producer with them is distubing given the fact that BC has stated, how many times, how utterly digusted he is with ANYONE that makes money off of the death of Caylee. Staying at the Ritz, dining on ABC's money, IMO, is just more of the same from a family that never fails to shock others in their inappropriateness.

and hypocrisy. and arrogance.
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