ABC producer paid for George, Cindy Anthony to stay at the Ritz

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Yeah, actually many people do have it both ways. I've never before seen hordes of media camped outside the home 24/7 of any family of a missing child before, filming their every movement. Other families did interviews, the media didn't crawl up their noses and dig in.

I guess you haven't been following the Haleigh case.
Yeah, actually many people do have it both ways. I've never before seen hordes of media camped outside the home 24/7 of any family of a missing child before, filming their every movement. Other families did interviews, the media didn't crawl up their noses and dig in.

Other families, at least those that I have seen, did not go on Larry King Live and lie.
Respectfully snipped CW

I see nothing wrong with them doing interviews in order to keep their home and pay their bills.

And herewith lies the difference...I do.

Thanks, for clarifying the rest. Just curious how you viewed it all.

I'm not sure if this has been noted yet but isn't it the Today Show (NBC) that you see interview Cindy and George? And Jose is usually on GMA (ABC)? I'm thinking this ABC is connected to Jose. They're just sucking up with the A's?
...remember back to the day the indictment was handed down...Casey was in Cindy's car...some reporter was near and Cindy said something like: Just see if you ever get another interview with ME.
Media hound??.....

If I remember correctly, CA jumped outta the car went to the vehicle behind her who was the media chick and told her "No more exclusives for you!!!" or something pretty close to that.IMO
You may very well be correct and I generally agree with your posts. We can't know for sure. I think the reason that some took offense to the Ritz and Norman's being set up through MB is that it fits the picture some have of the A's. I, for one, can easily imagine CA making demands even at a time like this. "If they don't want to help us, we'll talk with another station. Tell them we want the Ritz, not the Hilton. And tell them we'll be expecting a large dinner for everyone. We'll have Milsteads, Lee, Mallory and George, should we call ____?"

At least I admit the above is pure speculation, while many just make statements of fact as to the circumstances, usually sympathetic to the A's. It may not have happened anything like I suggested but with her personality, it wouldn't be a surprise to many of us to find out it did. And let's not forget, Caylee's remains were not identified at that time. They did not have a similar reaction when LP's divers claimed to find bones in the lake. Yes, they had to go somewhere but was this what was offered or was it demanded or negotiated?

If they were so upset as many assume, why were they surrounding themselves with PR, press and attorneys rather than family or seclusion? I've asked people to leave for much less pressing family circumstances. Is this whom one shares their "grief" with on the 'darkest day of their lives'? Sounds way too much like business as usual and also raises the question if this hasn't been the way it's been going for quite a while on their seemingly never ending media blitz.

Some very decent, compassionate posters, like you did in your post, imo tend to project their own experiences and feelings onto the A's.possible remains of their grandchild to further their own agendas. At the Ritz, no less. Also jmo, but the A's are not decent, compassionate people so that projection is going greatly skew things. Just about anything, in a microcosm, can be explained or forgiven. When one considers the totality of the circumstances, however, a true picture emerges. I don't see posters criticizing them for eating; I read it as criticism for continuing to be grasping, greedy, maniuplative people that will even use this "news" of

Of course, if we were to offer just about any poster here, under similar circumstances, a hotel room whether it be the Ritz or Holiday Inn, when they're distraught and cajoled, they're likely to accept. We may further convince them to have dinner at a place in the hotel, Norman's, Ruby Tuesday, whatever's there. A gathering including their adult children. But would most posters here also have the media, the PI's, the PR person and their attorneys at such a grief stricken gathering?

At the beginning of this case I had a great deal of compassion for the A's. I engaged in arguments in their defense, even with my own mother. It is their actions that eroded that sympathy. For anyone else in their circumstances, yes, I would have a great deal of empathy, compassion, sympathy. I can feel sorrow for the families of other murderers. But the A's are not like other people, imo. I can no longer see them as sympathetic victims; more like victimizers, particularly CA.

Just to clarify: I am in no way at all meaning to imply any negative implication toward any poster who has compassion for the A's. In fact, I think it is their own good nature, morals and experiences that they may be projecting on to the A's who, imo, are very unlike, maybe polar opposites of, those posters who are able to maintain compassion for them.

Sorry to toss all this out at you. Your post caused my thoughts to coalesce but it's something that's been nagging in my subconscious for a while. It's been a long time since they used up their last 'Victim - get out of responsibility free card' with me.
This is an excellent post which sums up my feelings exactly!:clap::clap::clap:
...remember back to the day the indictment was handed down...Casey was in Cindy's car...some reporter was near and Cindy said something like: Just see if you ever get another interview with ME.
Media hound??.....

Full of herself.
I'm confused. When they met with LKL, was that not an interview? What about her appearance on the Today show on 10/15 speaking of how prepared they were from "day one" that Casey was going to be indicted (making no plea for Caylee's return; only asserting the truth would come out in court). This interview was conducted in Orlando via video link. Then she and George were back on the Today show on 10/22 describing Casey as a "great daughter".

Maybe you meant a specific reporter who was not going to be granted interviews. Also, I must make note that not even a month later, they had someone searching the woods near their home.

This reminds me: wasn't it announced that they would be appearing on LKL the day after the remains were found as well? And then someone put the kibosh on it and it was cancelled.
Sure it wasn't Michelle Bart who wanted the Ritz????? She made the arrangements.
I'd like to know if what DC said was true...that she was "staff" of ABC. Heck, I'd like to know if ANYTHING he said was true. Sorry, I digress.
Yeah, actually many people do have it both ways. I've never before seen hordes of media camped outside the home 24/7 of any family of a missing child before, filming their every movement. Other families did interviews, the media didn't crawl up their noses and dig in.

I don't mean this at you CW but look at the Cummings case....these folks (yes I know they chose the tent over other accomodations) but they are stricken...they are not out watering their yards and doing all that stuff that just seemed to fuel all that were watching....the media is there but there is a difference in this case
This reminds me: wasn't it announced that they would be appearing on LKL the day after the remains were found as well? And then someone put the kibosh on it and it was cancelled.
Yup. Could be they were working on the "exclusive" with ABC.
Well, since you asked again, despite the request not to respond also being repeated, I'll answer. The reason it is an issue is because it constitutes a criminal profiting from the crime they committed which is against FL law, once convicted. I realize there is no conviction yet but that just highlights to some of us that the law should be broadened to include these circumstances. The greed and focus on money with this 'family' is in the opinion of many, myself included, not only disgusting but possibly an invitation to other sick individuals in the quest for 'easy' money.

That not everyone can afford legal help is why the state provides an attorney to the criminally accused. Why is an alleged, already guilty in the minds of many, again, me included, child murderer entitled to a better defense than anyone else? Would your child have a dream team of experts if accused of shoplifting? Why should a baby killer be entitled to profit from their murderous ways to the tune of trying to buy an acquittal with money provided by the media?

Can this finally be the wake up call that society needs to put a stop to this both through the media and through the respective legislatures?
IMHO the legal aid is a hit and miss: I do not see Casey with a dream team, not at all. I do not see any of them with a dream team.
I do not want to see them profit - IMHO every dime they get past the expenses for this case and to maintain their home so they do not end up in the street is fair.
but beyond that should be confiscated by the powers that be.
Or should have been set up properly acording to the laws that do not permit frofiting.

but if the tabloids want to pay,it is their business and we have so much to deal with in this case:
It is no slam dunk. if it were, they would be going to court in March as originally planed. but it is not all wrapped up yet. AND THAT IS THE FOCUS to make sure Cassey will not walk.
What the "A"s eat or don't eat, is not our business. If the tabliods / TV want to pay and it brings them beter legal help, so be it.
I wish they would too. I think the people at Kidfinders, as well as a number of other people, took advantage of the A's. Perhaps if the public had been more supportive, the A's wouldn't have been so vulnerable, who knows?

I also think that if I were already suffering from financial difficulties, my granddaughter went missing, my daughter was suspected of murder, I couldn't walk out the door of my home without being attacked by unruly vigilante mobs, and I was about to lose my house, I would gladly and gratefully accept payment for an interview or two, especially when my goal was to get word of my missing granddaughter out to the masses. Imagine if little Caylee had been found alive and had no home to return to. I don't see it as profiting off of Caylee, I see it as surviving FOR Caylee.

IIRC, initially, much if not most of the public was very supportive of the A's, me included. Those that refused to drink were shunned, denigrated, and accused of all sorts of things.

Imagine if the A's had turned over the info that caused CA to send DC to the woods to LE; Caylee may have been found much sooner. Imagine if the interviews with CA had focused on Caylee rather than distortions and outright lies to cover for KC. I don't think we'd be having this discussion now because they'd still have the public's support.

I've already posted links to the niftermedia video showcase of some of the lies earlier in this thread so I'll add to that this:

Check it out at about 3:45 when CA is told she's hurting the investigation with her lying ways. This segment starts out with her trying very hard to throw JG under the KC bus.
IMHO the legal aid is a hit and miss: I do not see Casey with a dream team, not at all. I do not see any of them with a dream team.
I do not want to see them profit - IMHO every dime they get past the expenses for this case should be confiscated by the powers that be.
I mean closed bank accounts, whatever it takes. but if the tabloids want to pay,it is their business and we have so much to deal with in this case:
It is no slam dunk. if it were, they would be going to court in March as originally planed. but it is not all wrapped up yet. AND THAT IS THE FOCUS to make sure Cassey will not walk.
What the "A"s eat or don't eat, is not our business. If the tabliods / TV want to pay and it brings them beter legal help, so be it. we know it's the prosecution that's holding it all up? I heard it could take years for JB to dipose all of the State's witnesses.

PS and OT- I once had the opportunity to see/hear Golda Meir speak. What an amazing woman!
The exact same thing could be said for those of us who believe the opposite. And it sounds a bit contradictory for anyone who speaks so harshly about this family in turn complaining that people are judging them. It sounds a bit like "don't judge me for judging."

I think she was pointing out the hypocrisy of those condemning others for judging the A's.
I don't mean this at you CW but look at the Cummings case....these folks (yes I know they chose the tent over other accomodations) but they are stricken...they are not out watering their yards and doing all that stuff that just seemed to fuel all that were watching....the media is there but there is a difference in this case

Excellent points!

CA engaged these people, drawing them in, calling them magggots, etc. taking them on & fighting with them....SHE brought it on herself! Who does that?? Only if you are looking for more backlash, etc. Her self-serving anger FUELED these people, she kept pouring more gasoline on the fires! These actions, don't make sense to grieving people.
IMHO the legal aid is a hit and miss: I do not see Casey with a dream team, not at all. I do not see any of them with a dream team.
I do not want to see them profit - IMHO every dime they get past the expenses for this case should be confiscated by the powers that be.
I mean closed bank accounts, whatever it takes. but if the tabloids want to pay,it is their business and we have so much to deal with in this case:
It is no slam dunk. if it were, they would be going to court in March as originally planed. but it is not all wrapped up yet. AND THAT IS THE FOCUS to make sure Cassey will not walk.
What the "A"s eat or don't eat, is not our business. If the tabliods / TV want to pay and it brings them beter legal help, so be it.

Actually, in every single capital case I've covered where the defendant was provided with attorneys, the judge selected the top-notch attorneys from the statewide list of attorneys available for capital defenses. In every single case, they had far, far more skilled representation than if they had hired local attorneys. And in every case, attorneys from out of town were brought in because they had the most experience of anyone on the list.

Defendants in capital cases are not handed off to the next local guy on the public defender list like other defendants facing lesser charges would be.
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