AB's Involvement ptII

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves

How was AB involved?

  • Involved in the cover-up but not the murder

    Votes: 27 13.2%
  • Involved in both the cover-up and the murder

    Votes: 85 41.7%
  • Involved only by failure to stop any crime

    Votes: 11 5.4%
  • Not involved whatsoever

    Votes: 8 3.9%
  • I am completely undecided on the matter of AB's involvement

    Votes: 37 18.1%
  • Gross negligence and cover up of body.

    Votes: 45 22.1%

  • Total voters
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AB is in deep dodo and he knows it. Smart move canceling the ̶̶d̶i̶s̶g̶u̶s̶t̶i̶n̶g ̶a̶t̶t̶e̶m̶p̶t ̶a̶t ̶s̶o̶l̶i̶c̶i̶t̶i̶n̶g ̶p̶i̶t̶y "memorial" tomorrow. AB is shaking in his dungarees as he very well should be for unforgivably FAILING his beautiful child who *SHOULD* have been cared for, loved, and treated like a princess...

Instead... ***** hit the fan, and I'm going to go out on a limb here... and place my bet on the fan :)
AB, EB and Zahra lived in a small 3 bedroom 1 bath home. In a home that small you are going to "run into" one of the other people that you live with even if you are home few hours of the day. AB also worked in lawn care, it is difficult for them to work in the dark so I have serious doubts about his working really long hours. From what I saw of the companies hours of operation I seem to recall that they are closed on Sundays.

AB knew that Zahra was not going to school since the move to Hickory. According to reports Zahra was being home schooled yet we have not heard of any home school books being found in the home. There was a sudden and drastic change in what Zahra was allowed to do once they moved into the Hickory home. Zahra was no longer allowed to play outside, go to friends houses or go to school. AB also never mentioned having a daughter to his neighbors at the Hickory home however he mentioned his dog. Neighbors have told LE and others that they had no idea that a child lived in the home as they never saw one there.

It was apparently common knowledge to neighbors (at their old addresses) and family that EB was abusing Zahra. It was said that the abuse even occured when AB was present and he did nothing to stop the abuse. Zahra had bruises visible to the school officials and in the last known photo of her. AB would have had to have been blind and deaf to not see and hear what was going on around him. AB did not remove Zahra from a situation where she was being abused, he did not call LE to report the abuse.

In all of the above Ab did nothing to protect his daughter. Even if AB did not physically hit, kill, dismember, cover-up, hide Zahra's body, etc he is still accountable for not protecting her and leaving her in a situation that led to her death. It is a parents responsibility to protect their child and if they refuse to do so and the child dies then that parent is as responsible as the person that committed the crime (IMO).

He was told that Zahra was falling down alot and that is why she had the bruises. I do agree it is a parents responsibility to protect their children. I guess we will see how much he REFUSED to do so.
I'm following another case in which the father states he was manipulated & deceived by his wife, the step mother to his child.

In that other case, I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt to the father when he says he was deceived by his wife.

In Zahra's case, however, based on AB's 911 call, and based on his inability to recollect when he last saw his little girl, I won't waste my benefit of doubt.

IMO, if AB had truly believed that Zahra had been kidnapped by mistake (instead of his boss's daughter) he would have expressed some detectable emotion for Zahra's safety & well-being in his 911 call.

AB's demeanor in his 911 call is the crux of the matter for me, personally. I believe he was involved in her murder & in the disposal of her remains, along with EB.
Just bumping one of the most lucid analyses I've seen so far:

AB, EB and Zahra lived in a small 3 bedroom 1 bath home. In a home that small you are going to "run into" one of the other people that you live with even if you are home few hours of the day. AB also worked in lawn care, it is difficult for them to work in the dark so I have serious doubts about his working really long hours. From what I saw of the companies hours of operation I seem to recall that they are closed on Sundays.

AB knew that Zahra was not going to school since the move to Hickory. According to reports Zahra was being home schooled yet we have not heard of any home school books being found in the home. There was a sudden and drastic change in what Zahra was allowed to do once they moved into the Hickory home. Zahra was no longer allowed to play outside, go to friends houses or go to school. AB also never mentioned having a daughter to his neighbors at the Hickory home however he mentioned his dog. Neighbors have told LE and others that they had no idea that a child lived in the home as they never saw one there.

It was apparently common knowledge to neighbors (at their old addresses) and family that EB was abusing Zahra. It was said that the abuse even occured when AB was present and he did nothing to stop the abuse. Zahra had bruises visible to the school officials and in the last known photo of her. AB would have had to have been blind and deaf to not see and hear what was going on around him. AB did not remove Zahra from a situation where she was being abused, he did not call LE to report the abuse.

In all of the above Ab did nothing to protect his daughter. Even if AB did not physically hit, kill, dismember, cover-up, hide Zahra's body, etc he is still accountable for not protecting her and leaving her in a situation that led to her death. It is a parents responsibility to protect their child and if they refuse to do so and the child dies then that parent is as responsible as the person that committed the crime (IMO).
I'm following another case in which the father states he was manipulated & deceived by his wife, the step mother to his child.

In that other case, I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt to the father when he says he was deceived by his wife.

In Zahra's case, however, based on AB's 911 call, and based on his inability to recollect when he last saw his little girl, I won't waste my benefit of doubt.

IMO, if AB had truly believed that Zahra had been kidnapped by mistake (instead of his boss's daughter) he would have expressed some detectable emotion for Zahra's safety & well-being in his 911 call.

AB's demeanor in his 911 call is the crux of the matter for me, personally. I believe he was involved in her murder & in the disposal of her remains, along with EB.

That call was odd. The previous nights fire, ransom note, hadn't seen Zahra in days, stepmom had probably been acting weird for the last week... it probably caught him by surprise. I don't think he knew what to think... they only saw her when she came out of her room. I don't know what that stepmom was telling him. He probably thought she had took off due to the puberty thing. But then added about her maybe being taken. LE seems to be standing by him for a reason.
EB probably told AB that Zahra had started her period... throw bed out... throw bedding out... buy new bed... blood in bathroom... "Puberty." He probably peaked in on her without EB knowing and that's when he found her gone.

One BIG problem I have with that line of thinking myself, is that he would have been 'peeking in' on Zahra @ 2pm in the afternoon if your scenario were correct and he snuck and looked in on her right before making the 911 call..after admitting himself that he had not 100% seen her (whatever that means) since either the Tuesday night or Thursday night prior..depending on which of his statements (if either) one happens to believe...

IMO, I still believe that he is involved..my only question is ..to what degree? I have a feeling that we will know soon enough...jmho tho..
Just bumping one of the most lucid analyses I've seen so far:

Have you never worked long hours? I don't seeing my dad every day growing up when he was working long hours. When this happened the days were longer and it didn't get dark quite so early. Also, this seems to be what occured that week or two... not years. I am not talking about company hours... I am talking about the hours he was reported to have worked.

EB probably convinced him they would take her away since CPS had already investigated. She had been telling him that Zahra was falling down from the medicine she was taking. That may be why she was hidden. The neighbors/family said they reported her to CPS but they never said they reported her to him.

I was abused for years and my mother didn't notice, nor did I tell her.
One BIG problem I have with that line of thinking myself, is that he would have been 'peeking in' on Zahra @ 2pm in the afternoon if your scenario were correct and he snuck and looked in on her right before making the 911 call..after admitting himself that he had not 100% seen her (whatever that means) since either the Tuesday night or Thursday night prior..depending on which of his statements (if either) one happens to believe...

IMO, I still believe that he is involved..my only question is ..to what degree? I have a feeling that we will know soon enough...jmho tho..

I agree, we will know soon enough. I just pray that little angel did have her daddies heart up till the end. I was corrected on the peaking in... EB had come running outside while he was working outside to tell him Zahra was gone. RIP - ZAHRA
Oh I haven't see anything that tells me that LE is standing by Adam unless I have really missed something besides these search warrants. IMO LE is building their case..getting their ducks in a row..painfully slow it seems, but that's the way these things go. EB's talking..but I believe she's more worried about how to downplay her role in Zahra's murder and shift the blame to save herself from the DP...she couldn't give 2 chits about the truth unless it going to benefit her..she probably wouldn't know the truth if it slapped her upside the head!...and Adam..it appears to me anyway that Adam's just lumbering along...waiting for that knock at the door..(if LE bothers to knock) I hope he's shaking in his boots..he should be..IMHO..
I agree, we will know soon enough. I just pray that little angel did have her daddies heart up till the end. I was corrected on the peaking in... EB had come running outside while he was working outside to tell him Zahra was gone. RIP - ZAHRA

You know what I wonder along with so many other things...IF Adam did not know what EB was doing to Zahra..why did that baby girl not feel that she could tell her daddy? Was she afraid he wouldn't believe her ..or was she afraid that he wouldn't do anything about it...Just So Incredibly SAD..:(
That call was odd. The previous nights fire, ransom note, hadn't seen Zahra in days, stepmom had probably been acting weird for the last week... it probably caught him by surprise. I don't think he knew what to think... they only saw her when she came out of her room. I don't know what that stepmom was telling him. He probably thought she had took off due to the puberty thing. But then added about her maybe being taken. LE seems to be standing by him for a reason.


I don't know that LE is necessarily "standing by him". I believe LE is still collecting evidence to charge & convict all the responsible parties in the murder & desecration of Zahra.

I don't believe AB thought Zahra "took off" due to a "puberty thing". He didn't mention anything of that nature in his 911 call. He stated that Zahra may have been kidnapped by mistake (instead of his boss's daughter).

And he expressed no detectable fear, worry, panic, etc., when he reported Zahra's alleged mistaken *kidnapping*.

In fact, he began his 911 call with a very casual greeting: "Hey, how are you doing?"
Have you never worked long hours? I don't seeing my dad every day growing up when he was working long hours. When this happened the days were longer and it didn't get dark quite so early. Also, this seems to be what occured that week or two... not years. I am not talking about company hours... I am talking about the hours he was reported to have worked.

EB probably convinced him they would take her away since CPS had already investigated. She had been telling him that Zahra was falling down from the medicine she was taking. That may be why she was hidden. The neighbors/family said they reported her to CPS but they never said they reported her to him.

I was abused for years and my mother didn't notice, nor did I tell he

I'm so sorry you had to go through that StrayKat...having worked with abused children, I know that happens WAY too often..but it breaks my heart that people don't realize sometimes that you have to listen as much or more to what isn't said rather than what is...does that make any sense?
There will be no good ending, no matter who is responsible. Zahra is gone..at least in body and the best that we can hope for is justice. One thing for sure though..she will NEVER be forgotten..
You know what I wonder along with so many other things...IF Adam did not know what EB was doing to Zahra..why did that baby girl not feel that she could tell her daddy? Was she afraid he wouldn't believe her ..or was she he afraid that he wouldn't do anything about it...Just So Incredibly SAD..:(

I was abused for years and never told anybody. Neither did my brothers and sisters.
There will be no good ending, no matter who is responsible. Zahra is gone..at least in body and the best that we can hope for is justice. One thing for sure though..she will NEVER be forgotten..

Thank you, for your kind words. I do hope for justice and no she will never be forgotten. The abuse I experienced is not even comparable to what she went thru in her short life.

I want to see what CPS's conclusion was on their investigation.
I was abused for years and never told anybody. Neither did my brothers and sisters.

Straykat, I'm deeply saddened to hear that you were abused as a child, and that you felt you were unable to reach out for help and protection from the adults entrusted with your care. It is my prayer that you (as an adult) will be able to seek & find healing.

Zahra deserved help and protection from those who harmed her. Zahra deserved to be safe, happy, to live her life and to fulfill her dreams.

It is my prayer that those who are responsible for her pain, for her murder, for the desecration of her sacred little body, will be brought to justice for the crimes they committed against her, regardless of who they are - EB, AB, or whomever.

At the very least, AB did not protect his child, IMO. But I also believe that evidence will arise that reveals he has been guilty of so much more than failure to protect.

I believe that evidence has been/will be found that shows he was complicit in his daughter's abuse, complicit in her murder, and complicit in the cover-up of her murder & disposal of her remains.

Straykat, I'm deeply saddened to hear that you were abused as a child, and that you felt you were unable to reach out for help and protection from the adults entrusted with your care. It is my prayer that you (as an adult) will be able to seek & find healing.

Zahra deserved help and protection from those who harmed her. Zahra deserved to be safe, happy, to live her life and to fulfill her dreams.

It is my prayer that those who are responsible for her pain, for her murder, for the desecration of her sacred little body, will be brought to justice for the crimes they committed against her, regardless of who they are - EB, AB, or whomever.

At the very least, AB did not protect his child, IMO. But I also believe that evidence will arise that reveals he has been guilty of so much more than failure to protect.

I believe that evidence has been/will be found that shows he was complicit in his daughter's abuse, complicit in her murder, and complicit in the cover-up of her murder & disposal of her remains.


Thank you, I am healing more every day and finally know it was not my fault.

Quite informative:


How many times is he mentioned in the warrants?

I am a very proud grandma and to see this on the news would probably be like the nail in the coffin. Especially, after what had already happened. Didn't Zahra live with the grandma while in Australia?
You know what I wonder along with so many other things...IF Adam did not know what EB was doing to Zahra..why did that baby girl not feel that she could tell her daddy? Was she afraid he wouldn't believe her ..or was she afraid that he wouldn't do anything about it...Just So Incredibly SAD..:(

In my observations, there is an ugly but typical cycle that happens when an abused child tries to reach out. IMO, it goes something like this.

Abused child tries to tell trusted parent about the abuse. Trusted/trusting parent miscalculates his/her solution/approach just once, confronts the abusive parent with stern words - and thus the cycle begins.

Abusive parent doles out an extra beating the next day as punishment for the child having told the trusted parent. Abused child then refrains from discussing the abuse further, due to fear of the anticipated extra beating. Compounding this fear, the abuser has usually been threatening the victim all along with punishment should the victim speak out.

Having seen this too many times before, it's hard for me to pin blame on a parent who may not understand the dynamics or this cycle. (I don't know whether this situation applies to AB - so please don't construe this as a reference specifically to him.)

IMO, when an abused child reaches out - it's critical for the trusted parent to listen and do not hesitate to withdraw the child from the situation immediately - a simple scolding of the abuser can make things worse.
You know what I wonder along with so many other things...IF Adam did not know what EB was doing to Zahra..why did that baby girl not feel that she could tell her daddy? Was she afraid he wouldn't believe her ..or was she afraid that he wouldn't do anything about it...Just So Incredibly SAD..:(

IF Adam did not know, I find myself wondering why 3 teenage girls across the street in the trailer park did, why a teacher or two did, why the neighbors at different locations did, why AF did, or BS or BB and AY and the list goes on. For some reason AB was oblivious...no way in my book. I think the IF can be removed quite easily.
Thank you, I am healing more every day and finally know it was not my fault.

Quite informative:


How many times is he mentioned in the warrants?

I am a very proud grandma and to see this on the news would probably be like the nail in the coffin. Especially, after what had already happened. Didn't Zahra live with the grandma while in Australia?

Well I can tell you for certain....in the warrants that have been released to date. He is specifically mentioned in at least one. In fact that warrant is all about his cell phone records, who he was talking to, when he was talking to them, pictures/videos, texts, etc, along with GPS data and ping data from his phone. And they want to know all that for a long while going all the way back to 9/18/10 through 10/11/10.

In other words, both before and after Zahra went missing. So 3 days into the investigation something wasn't setting right with HPD about AB's story or they would not be looking into his records.

**Adding......and there are at least 2 more warrants that are still under seal.**
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