AB's Involvement ptII

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves

How was AB involved?

  • Involved in the cover-up but not the murder

    Votes: 27 13.2%
  • Involved in both the cover-up and the murder

    Votes: 85 41.7%
  • Involved only by failure to stop any crime

    Votes: 11 5.4%
  • Not involved whatsoever

    Votes: 8 3.9%
  • I am completely undecided on the matter of AB's involvement

    Votes: 37 18.1%
  • Gross negligence and cover up of body.

    Votes: 45 22.1%

  • Total voters
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ITA! Thank you so much for this clarification. I guess I'm so emotional about this case, I wasn't getting out properly what I really wanted to say. This post is what I am talking about! I'm so grateful for cooler heads than mine on this forum!

O/T. Cooler head? LOL. Just be glad I didn't post yesterday after reading the rape allegations - had to leave and stay left most of the day and sit on my hands the rest of it, which in a way was good for me - made sure I didn't get myself banned for one thing :wink:
a thought....not excusing AB, just a thought, as to how his mind may have worked.
Maybe he didn't know how to 'parent', seeing as how it appears that KB was Z's general caretaker in Australia. He now has Zahra 24/7 upon arriving in NC, has EB 'playing' mommy full time and he let's her run with it...it is what he has become accustomed to, someone else in charge of his and Z's care. And for whatever sick , twisted, warped reason, AB fell into a nightmare once EB dug her claws in.
I'll have to speculate here because I can't find the link on which I read that Adam was being paid "under the table".
If that is indeed the case I don't think there would be a written record of the hours he worked.
BBM. I don't assume that. Never did I say anywhere that I assume that. But I make darn sure to look out for my stepdaughter and be aware as I can of her life and what is going on with her and so does my husband. Every good parent does that. Working long hours shouldn't negate that. And part of protecting children is judgment. He brought this evil woman into her life. He should have had better judgment in picking a stepmother for his daughter. I'm sorry, but he gets no pass from me in this case because he didn't notice. Honestly, to me, he knew about it and took part in it. But even if it comes out that he didn't know, that just doesn't cut it for me. I mean, if not noticing is a valid excuse, then a lot more people have an excuse to get away with murder. Ignorance of the law doesn't work in court. Ignorance of a person's own children shouldn't work as an advantage for them not taking caring of their children or not having knowledge that their children were hurt or killed by people they brought into their children's lives. Parents are responsible for their children whether they notice them or not.

But you're talking about a step parent with huge issues and FWIW, she came first. Look at what she did to her own children that one was so fearful the judge raised EF's bail...

You cannot compare US as parents to EF (formerly EB)as a parent for she only cared for herself and WHAT she could get OUT of the relationship, not what she could give to the relationship...IMO, she's not mother material, probably never was and never will be...and Zahra paid the ultimate price.JMHO

I believe this is all EF (formerly EB) who abused Zahra and it was all her who dismembered her, IMO..

I don't give excuses to AB, I'm looking for a reason as to how he could not have known what the heck was going on with Zahra and IT...JMHO

Justice for Zahra
I'll have to speculate here because I can't find the link on which I read that Adam was being paid "under the table".
If that is indeed the case I don't think there would be a written record of the hours he worked.

Paid under the table or not....how many people do you know that cut down trees in the dark of night or run a wood chipper in the dark of night? I would think for safety reasons alone both of those would be big no-nos.
a thought....not excusing AB, just a thought, as to how his mind may have worked.
Maybe he didn't know how to 'parent', seeing as how it appears that KB was Z's general caretaker in Australia. He now has Zahra 24/7 upon arriving in NC, has EB 'playing' mommy full time and he let's her run with it...it is what he has become accustomed to, someone else in charge of his and Z's care. And for whatever sick , twisted, warped reason, AB fell into a nightmare once EB dug her claws in.

BBM...Exactly, that's along the lines of my thoughts...

EF (FKA EB) played it well. Probably was showing she was a loving, doting, step parent and then when AB/Zahra felt comfortable enough, her mood changed, she maybe didn't want to have this "instant" family. Could be she thought AB had money for that's what it appears rules her, money, drugs and men....Lines one up before letting the other down....or keeps them all at bay from each other...she's wicked and evil, IMO and I strongly believe, this is all her...JMHO

I'm guessing this life isn't what she thought it would be, regretted it and took it out on Zahra...or believing if Zahra was out of her life, she and AB would make a better one...Who the heck knows what twisted evil this so called woman has inside...it leaked out, that's for sure...JMHO

Justice for Zahra
I can't, and I won't, make any excuses for this level of neglect. There are no acceptible excuses for turning a blind eye when someone is beating the daylights out of your child. There are no excuses for not knowing if the last time you saw your daughter alive and well was last week or last night. And there are absolutely no acceptible excuses for dismissing yourself from the responsibilities for the welfare of a child that you brought into this world. NONE.

Not talking excuses just looking for a reason...for there is always a reason and not to be confused with an excuse...JMHO

Justice for Zahra
I can't, and I won't, make any excuses for this level of neglect. There are no acceptible excuses for turning a blind eye when someone is beating the daylights out of your child. There are no excuses for not knowing if the last time you saw your daughter alive and well was last week or last night. And there are absolutely no acceptible excuses for dismissing yourself from the responsibilities for the welfare of a child that you brought into this world. NONE.


Me neither MK..I can not and will not give Adam a pass. I just do not believe that he is THIS naive..I know ALL about how abused children do not tell..I've been the one many times that had to take them aside to try and find out just exactly what was going on in their lives..I have sat beside a child with a black eye and a broken arm KNOWING that a parent was responsible but not able to gently coax the truth out of a child..an absolutely heartbreaking situation..and one reason I do not bash DSS, CPS..whatever it's called in ones state...because I am well aware of how hard it can be to prove it and like it or not ..I don't think anyone wants the state to be able to snatch a child out of a home because someone *thinks* there is abuse going on..just another reason the adults around HAVE to be responsible for our childrens welfare..

H@ll, I was the 'abused wife' for many years and didn't tell a soul until it was over and done because I was afraid that I would be killed..only to have my own mom ask me when I finally left and did tell.."couldn't you stay until the children are grown?"..to which I answered..no mom, not if I want to live to tell about it...so I understand that aspect...IMO a *good father* may miss some things in their childs life for a variety of reasons, but not THIS kind of systematic abuse..IF it turns out that Adam is innocent of any wrongdoing (which I'll never believe unless and until LE comes out and says so) then shame on him..not that it matters, but he gets NO pity from me..at the VERY least, he let Zahra down in the worst way possible..
There is no reason for the detachment of AB to Zahra. If he had rallied around Zahra as much as KB does for him, this case wouldn't even exist. He chose to get on the computer that led him to EB. According to Revampz,iirc, EB didn't hide herself from the people in Australia when she was there. No one liked her, but yet AB took Zahra away from all the people who meant something to her. There is no proof of how much he worked which doesn't matter anyway. This thing people are calling a father has as many issues as EB, imo. Everything about him seems to be a closed book. I find that personality to be scary and dangerous. Everyone knew what kind of person EB is. I don't believe AB has a moral compass to decide what kind of person would make a good mother for Zahra. jmo
There is no reason for the detachment of AB to Zahra. If he had rallied around Zahra as much as KB does for him, this case wouldn't even exist. He chose to get on the computer that led him to EB. According to Revampz,iirc, EB didn't hide herself from the people in Australia when she was there. No one liked her, but yet AB took Zahra away from all the people who meant something to her. There is no proof of how much he worked which doesn't matter anyway. This thing people are calling a father has as many issues as EB, imo. Everything about him seems to be a closed book. I find that personality to be scary and dangerous. Everyone knew what kind of person EB is. I don't believe AB has a moral compass to decide what kind of person would make a good mother for Zahra. jmo

Amen vjlaw..
You know waiting for justice is getting old. So many cases, the writing is on the damn wall, but because of the way the laws are written we have this mess. This child was murdered and chopped up and still no one is even charged with anything to do with it. Don't tell me the yada yada about dotting I's and crossing T's. Enough is enough already. If the laws are that screwed up, they need changing. Too many people are getting away with killing their children. BLAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

I understand your frustration with the legal system. I get impatient with it as well. I personally am glad they take the time to get it right. I would much rather it take along time than to have an innocent person put to death,or a guilty one set free. JMO
(Sorry - put this in the wrong thread. Thought this was lawyers-being-released thread.)


That thread can be found here, btw, if people are interested:

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=121232"]12.02.10 - Lawyers appointed when murder charges were 'imminent' are removed - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
The wheels of justice turn slowly...it's maddening that's for sure, but he's not going anywhere. Don't know what it says about me, but I take a sick comfort in knowing that Adam has to be waiting and wondering when the hammer is going to drop..the not knowing has to be driving him crazy..I'm ok with that for now. LE will move when they have all their ducks in a row..they know the world is watching and waiting and I have to believe that they want to make sure they have an airtight case (that can be proven in court)..and as hard as it is to wait, we want to make sure they get it right...no do overs in a murder case..
I just wanted to say that predators are very good at deceit, threats, emotional abuse, and manipulation. Children deal with these issues in many different ways and acting out is just one way, some children learn to excell at school and never draw attention to themselves in a negative light. Remember that statistics show that something like 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys are sexually abused - there are many ways of coping (or not). There are many levels of deceit and manipulation that abusers use as well and to generalize to all situations - what I am trying to say is nothing is black and white - it's all a continuum.

ITA Aedrys.

Where was the "white as a ghost & collapsed" reaction when the sickening, horrendous news came out that her poor little body had been dismembered?

I can barely follow this case, it disturbs me so much.

I posted a couple of weeks ago that I believe AB is involved both in Zahra's death, and in the heinous disposal of her remains.

I still believe that.

One of the reasons: his nonchalant 911 call to report her *missing*, where he greeted the 911 dispatcher with "Hey, how are you doing?" and how he laughed (in that same phone call) about Zahra "coming into puberty" and "brooding".

Nowhere in that 911 call did he express panic, fear, or terror as to his precious little girl's whereabouts & safety. IMO, he was cool & casual, as if he was reporting the theft of something with no more value than a rusty, broken-down lawn mower.

Another reason: why is he inconsistent about when he says he last saw his daughter?

There IS NO WAY he just found out about the rape unless everyone he keeps in his "circle" has kept it from him..Think About it!!!!!!
I think it is abudantly clear in the 911 call that AB had completely detached from his daughter. He doesn't see her for days; she doesn't come out unless she wants something because she broody; he took 9 minutes to tell the operator that his disabled daughter was missing; he was not frantic nor was there any anxiety detected in his voice; he was not emotionally connected to this child even remotely in this call.

Then I look at the obit - where she is described by her smile, her grades, not really the qualities of who she was (IMO).
There IS NO WAY he just found out about the rape unless everyone he keeps in his "circle" has kept it from him..Think About it!!!!!!

Do we even know for sure that a rape happened? I was under the impression that LE has said that the source for that info may not be reliable..I mean..it wouldn't surprise me sadly, but I can't shake the feeling that EB is doing nothing more than trying to deflect away from her..and AB is cowering under his mamas skirttails (MOO)..

I have been away for a few days, so am not completely up to speed, so please someone correct me if this has been confirmed..:)

eta~obviously, I agree with you that there's no way Adam was blind to EVERYTHING..no way..:furious:.
I understand your frustration with the legal system. I get impatient with it as well. I personally am glad they take the time to get it right. I would much rather it take along time than to have an innocent person put to death,or a guilty one set free. JMO

ITA....But admittedly my mood has improved since this AM...:crazy:
BBM. I don't assume that. Never did I say anywhere that I assume that. But I make darn sure to look out for my stepdaughter and be aware as I can of her life and what is going on with her and so does my husband. Every good parent does that. Working long hours shouldn't negate that. And part of protecting children is judgment. He brought this evil woman into her life. He should have had better judgment in picking a stepmother for his daughter. I'm sorry, but he gets no pass from me in this case because he didn't notice. Honestly, to me, he knew about it and took part in it. But even if it comes out that he didn't know, that just doesn't cut it for me. I mean, if not noticing is a valid excuse, then a lot more people have an excuse to get away with murder. Ignorance of the law doesn't work in court. Ignorance of a person's own children shouldn't work as an advantage for them not taking caring of their children or not having knowledge that their children were hurt or killed by people they brought into their children's lives. Parents are responsible for their children whether they notice them or not.

I'm not a step-mom..but gotta tell you, you are a shining example of an AWESOME one!
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