AB's involvement?

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Where do you stand on AB's involvement?

  • AB was completely clueless until the afternoon Zhra was reported missing

    Votes: 9 2.4%
  • AB was oblivous until the morning of the fire

    Votes: 5 1.3%
  • Ab was not involved with Zahra's death but completely involved in disposal

    Votes: 19 5.1%
  • AB was soley responsible for what happened to Zahra and her disposal

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • AB killed Zahra

    Votes: 2 0.5%
  • AB was involved in the death and cover up of Zahra.

    Votes: 71 18.9%
  • Adam and Elisa were both equally complicit

    Votes: 94 25.1%
  • AB contributed to death by negligence; Involved in cover-up *except* for disposal

    Votes: 14 3.7%
  • AB contributed to Zahra's death through negligence and was involved in the cover up and disposal

    Votes: 138 36.8%
  • Leaning towards AB was in denial- but all depends on what was found in the house.

    Votes: 15 4.0%
  • Other: Not sure how AB is involved. Can't condemn him for Zahra's demise, as yet...I need more infor

    Votes: 35 9.3%
  • I think AB was involved and so was EB...

    Votes: 12 3.2%

  • Total voters
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AB's involvement has become a main focal point with this case. EB has clearly implicated him in public statements. She has taken LE to the places that Zahra's body was dumped, and she has stated AB was the one who dismembered her. Her own lawyers brought some sort of mysterious evidence to the police after her arrest that somehow validated her story. So why the He!! is he out walking around? What little evidence we have access to implicates AB!

Today was so quiet...I am curious to see what the Judge has to say tomorrow, and whether they will appear together!!!!!!
What evidence? EB's story, while jailed on unrelated charges, with nothing else to back up her claim of his involvement? Leading LE to remains does not verify EB's claims that AB is involved in whatever way she says he is.

I feel he is definately culpible for what happened to Z no matter the level of his involvement. I think he may have been involved in disposal, and or coverup. I am not 100 percent certain. I AM 100% certain EB is in it up to her eyeballs. Why? Because the [person of unknown intelligence] told LE so herself!
Every time I listen to AB's 911 call, my blood boils! I have relatives that are very stoic and don't show a lot of emotion, so I totally get the "not showing emotions" thing. But you just discover your 10 year old daughter missing and you are as calm as if you are giving a weather forecast? AND, you add in little bits of flavoring to the 911 call about why you haven't seen your daughter in a while .... "she was 'coming into puberty' and was moody!" Really? Really? You daughter is freaking missing and you are going to complain about her bad attitude? :banghead::furious:
the mai tn news headline here is that AB has been interviewed and said he had nothing to do with her death and wants to take her body back to Australia.
I assume you have already seen this....

I just dont know how he COULDNT have known she was gone.......if she had been missing for a couple of weeks as the police suspect, where did he think she was????? this alone makes me very suspicious of him, if she had been missing for a day or two then I could probably beleive him..........

The police have pulled apart that house as well so something must have happened in there, how does he explain not knowing what went on or being suspicious of new mattresses, his child not there etc........

and who did the dismembering???

no, I think he was telling the truth that he did not kill her or "do anything to hurt his baby" as he said in the interview, because she was dead already when he dismembered her.

Its going to be very hard to work out how she died.....
I think the attorney probably provided him with a list of neutral words to use in his responses-very nice, appropriate, etc. knowing that every word he uttered during the interview would be examined.

However, Adam blew it with "fill the hole she left," instead of something like---an empty space in my heart, a hole in my heart etc.



I cannot get past his particular choice of words, specifically, AB's use of the word "left" to describe the action of his daughter's death. It's not as if Zahra chose to leave!
..i can't get over "fill the hole" ------when we know zahra's "remains" were dug up from a hole--------that LE has to fill in.
..i can't get over "fill the hole" ------when we know zahra's "remains" were dug up from a hole--------that LE has to fill in.

Absolutely.. that too.

And then there's this:

Adam Baker: (shakes head) No. No, umm it's been very hard to try and grieve for my daughter.


I think his conscience (if he has one) is leaking out of his mouth hole...
AB's involvement has become a main focal point with this case. EB has clearly implicated him in public statements. She has taken LE to the places that Zahra's body was dumped, and she has stated AB was the one who dismembered her. Her own lawyers brought some sort of mysterious evidence to the police after her arrest that somehow validated her story. So why the He!! is he out walking around? What little evidence we have access to implicates AB!

(graphic warning)

BBM. I think AB deserves to be in jail for all kinds of reasons, but if LE seriously thought he had murdered or dismembered his own daughter, I think he would already be off the streets and they would not have put the thought in ED's head that he may not have done it unless they had reason to think so. I think she arrived from Aus thinking he did do it, and it was LE who changed her mind, so that's the way it seems to be pointing, despite the rhetoric here. There's no other rational explanation.

So I'm in the camp that thinks there's a third person involved here, someone who is under the <modsnip> spell, who was called upon while AB was at work. I think she knew that was something AB could never do to his own child, because he was too weak, but I think he did know about her death long before it was reported.

Just because EB said AB did it, does not mean he did. LE would need proof he knew and was involved in order to arrest him. I did catch the part he said about he wouldn't hurt his baby-well, if she was dead already, nothing was going to hurt her. And I know I would be able to grieve, regardless of what names people were calling me. But none of that means he did it...
Just because EB said AB did it, does not mean he did. LE would need proof he knew and was involved in order to arrest him. I did catch the part he said about he wouldn't hurt his baby-well, if she was dead already, nothing was going to hurt her. And I know I would be able to grieve, regardless of what names people were calling me. But none of that means he did it...

LE would be blowing the case if they arrest someone before all the DNA tests come back and before all evidence is processed or evaluated properly including possible cause of death or actual cause of death.

At the end of the day, it will be a good day if LE know or at least have a bloody good idea who would have killed Z and who would have contributed or conspired. It would be the biggest shame in the world if LE jumped the gun and made arrests for murder if they did not have a case ready to fire at whoever did kill Z. Regardless of who it was.

I am all for seeing LE not stuff this case up and all for seeing or at least finding out who done it and who thinks they are flying under the radar.

Even if it takes LE a long time it will be good when they bring someone or someone plus other/s to justice for killing a kid and throwing her away.
I agree. I think he is equally involved. Drug fiends, poor life skills, obviously very poor parenting skills...(if any). The look I see on his face is a 'deer in the headlights'.. He sees the train coming down the tracks right towards him and he is stuck. No passport, nowhere to run, nowhere to hide..He is just following his attorneys instructions and cues. His mum doesn't get 'mother of the year' award either, IMO.

His mum would have got mother of the year award if she could have stopped him and Z leaving the country with EB in the first place. Although as a mum she can only do so much to intervene or pass comments about a new lover in his life without wearing the rough end of the stick and fighting with a happy couple, a single man who just found love off the internet.

KB lost contact with AB and his lovely wife long time ago and it is only this tragedy that has brought AB's mum back in his life. KB is a good mother and it is not her fault AB left with EB and became part of her world. But at least she is willing to be there for AB now and IMO she has done her best to support him.
His mum would have got mother of the year award if she could have stopped him and Z leaving the country with EB in the first place. Although as a mum she can only do so much to intervene or pass comments about a new lover in his life without wearing the rough end of the stick and fighting with a happy couple, a single man who just found love off the internet.

KB lost contact with AB and his lovely wife long time ago and it is only this tragedy that has brought AB's mum back in his life. KB is a good mother and it is not her fault AB left with EB and became part of her world. But at least she is willing to be there for AB now and IMO she has done her best to support him.

I completely and totally agree.
If AB were totally innocent, wouldn't the natural thing to do be to go to the jail and rip EB a new one and ask her what the hell she did with/to his daughter? Clearly, if he doesn't know, he knows she does, but hasn't been in contact with her. Very odd.
If AB were totally innocent, wouldn't the natural thing to do be to go to the jail and rip EB a new one and ask her what the hell she did with/to his daughter? Clearly, if he doesn't know, he knows she does, but hasn't been in contact with her. Very odd.

Not odd at all. You could ask the same thing about ED. You would have the same answer. LE recommends you do not associate with or have contact with persons of interest. Imagine one of them visiting and a rage comes out and they attempt to do harm to her. That does not look good at all for anyone. I have no doubt in my mind that if ED had visited her, she would not have been able to control herself. JMO.

I do question AB's trusting and contact with some individuals though. JMO.
Let's do a flip of the coin here. It is far fetched and way out there. Just speculation. What if there was an accident. AB was working in the yard. ZB was out there and somehow got seriously hurt. No medical insurance, AB on an expired visa looking at deportation. Signs of abuse already on ZB. Now EB says she will take care of ZB. The injury was to great. ZB succumbed to it. Now for clean up. In her mind, comes kidnapping. Now she needs to get rid of the body. She wants to make it look good. The dismemberment is the leg. It is tossed near the prosthetic. The prosthetic needs to look as though it went through trauma too. It is broken apart. Now who to make look like they did it. Some disgruntled worker. Now to make it seem as though something horrific happened. Set it up to look as though she went through the chipper. Bury the rest of the remains together in a different location. Now set in motion with a fake ransom note and fire. None of it went as planned. LE and Fire did not ask if there were anyone else living in the home. Now they needed to go to plan B. (Yes I said they meaning AB) They plan out what to say and call 911. They did not plan on LE looking so closely at the ransom note. It showed EB wrote it. She had to admit to it. AB did not stand up for her and he was walking free. Now EB is mad. She is not going down alone. She tried to save them both and now he is walking free. No way. Now she leads them to where it is all in AB's name. He did this and he did that. The only thing is the dismemberment and dumping was all EB and she is having a harder time placing AB in that. Total speculation and flip of the coin here.
Let's do a flip of the coin here. It is far fetched and way out there. Just speculation. What if there was an accident. AB was working in the yard. ZB was out there and somehow got seriously hurt. No medical insurance, AB on an expired visa looking at deportation. Signs of abuse already on ZB. Now EB says she will take care of ZB. The injury was to great. ZB succumbed to it. Now for clean up. In her mind, comes kidnapping. Now she needs to get rid of the body. She wants to make it look good. The dismemberment is the leg. It is tossed near the prosthetic. The prosthetic needs to look as though it went through trauma too. It is broken apart. Now who to make look like they did it. Some disgruntled worker. Now to make it seem as though something horrific happened. Set it up to look as though she went through the chipper. Bury the rest of the remains together in a different location. Now set in motion with a fake ransom note and fire. None of it went as planned. LE and Fire did not ask if there were anyone else living in the home. Now they needed to go to plan B. (Yes I said they meaning AB) They plan out what to say and call 911. They did not plan on LE looking so closely at the ransom note. It showed EB wrote it. She had to admit to it. AB did not stand up for her and he was walking free. Now EB is mad. She is not going down alone. She tried to save them both and now he is walking free. No way. Now she leads them to where it is all in AB's name. He did this and he did that. The only thing is the dismemberment and dumping was all EB and she is having a harder time placing AB in that. Total speculation and flip of the coin here.

How would this explain LE searching for the mattress, removing drywall and flooring from Zahra's bedroom?
If AB were totally innocent, wouldn't the natural thing to do be to go to the jail and rip EB a new one and ask her what the hell she did with/to his daughter? Clearly, if he doesn't know, he knows she does, but hasn't been in contact with her. Very odd.

He supposedly tried to get in to see her right after her arrest, along with her daughter AF, but apparently they did not get in for that visit.

There have been no media reports of any other times since then when his name appeared on the visitor list.
How would this explain LE searching for the mattress, removing drywall and flooring from Zahra's bedroom?

She dismembered the leg there.

Who knows all of what she told them. I am just throwing a flip of a coin speculation of a different kind of theory. Sometimes if you look at something a little differently, something else becomes clearer. I'm not saying this is what happened, like Monk. I'm just throwing something fresh out there to see if something else clicks with someone else.
IMO, if AB were innocent (LIKE MARK K, Lunsford) he would be out there begging,
pleading and crying from day1.
He would do anything to have LE look away from him.
I never even saw a REAL TEARDROP!!!
Says allot to me, what AB really is...........a manipulater and just like EB.
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