Active shooter YouTube HQ in California, 3 April 2018

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Uber driver rescues people fleeing YouTube shooting

Lucacio Simoes, 40, an Uber driver from San Bruno, learned about the shooting when a friend texted him about it while he was having lunch at the nearby Tanforan shopping center. Simoes said he drove his Ford Explorer towards YouTube headquarters to see if he could help."There were people running down the street," he said.

Simoes said he turned off the Uber app and start to pick people up from the street who looked like they needed help.
"I just opened the door and asked if they needed help. I was getting people away from YouTube. At one point I had seven people in the car. I picked up one man from Sneath Lane and when he got in the car he just started crying. He was in shock."

Simoes said he dropped people off at the Tanforan Mall and on El Camino, and had performed at least six such rides Tuesday afternoon.
Brent Andrew, a spokesman for San Francisco General Hospital, said at a news conference that the hospital had received three patients: a 36-year-old man in critical condition, a 32-year-old woman in serious condition and a 27-year-old woman in fair condition. The condition of the fourth victim, and what hospital he or she was at, was not clear.
A woman. Wow.

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It will be interesting to see what caused her to do this she must have been really upset with him.

The poor guy must be in shock and feel awful about what has happened.


None of the injured have been in surgery but will not explain more

(This presser doc is enjoying the limelight too much...NOT the time for joking around)

All victims of gunshot wounds...multiple injuries but wont confirm multiple gunshot injuries.

(Doc joking around, being a smart aleck, lecturing the press.)

Gun violence happens every day throughout the United States. I don't see you guys out here, because I'd like to make sure that people know we have a serious problem that we need to address. Having a discussion about it nationally which is a good thing, but it's a real problem.

If there are significant changes tonight, I will outreach to the media and let you know. Otherwise, you can expect to hear from me tomorrow morning where I will give you complete detail of our status.

I can't speculate on whether patients are staying overnight.

I want to thank you all for coming. I hope we're able to help. We did as best we could to answer questions.

News conference live from SF General Hospital, a trauma surgeon. Pressing concern is 36 year old male, in critical condition.

MOO - wondering if the male is the boyfriend.
A San Bruno resident who identified himself as Jesse said he was getting a hamburger at Carls Jr. across the street from the YouTube offices when he suddenly heard three shots in rapid succession. A young woman came out of the office, shot in the left leg. He said he helped drag her into the restaurant before hearing more shots ring out.

Jesse said he ran back toward the YouTube office and looked through the doorway and saw a woman lying on the ground.

“She was dead, I’m sure of it,” he said. “Those 10 shots were rapid fire - it was no mercy. There were four more shots after that. I wish I had had a gun but I didn’t. I had to be smart and get out of there. I had to be fast.”

The eyewitness said the entire episode took about 30 seconds.
The eyewitness said the entire episode took about 30 seconds.

This is what makes gun violence so absolutely chilling. The amount of people who can be hurt or killed in such a short amount of time.
The business park is not just YouTube. There are other large companies, Kaiser, Walmart.. unlike Google, which has their own GooglePlex, this is a business park that has other businesses. So, it's distinctly different than when you go to FB Campus, it's Facebook. This includes other businesses. There were some people there saying they heard other gunshots from inside their offices.

Right next to the YouTube, there are different stores, there's StarBucks, there are a lot of people - it's not just the business park in that area, there's a lot of retail.

There was some kind of event inside a conference room or boardroom, some kind of celebration or party of some kind.

Do you get a sense of how long this scene is going to be secured? There is a methodical search to go through the entire building. Any idea when things will be normal?

I don't know, but when it comes to an active shooter, the area needs to be secure, no matter how long it takes, you want to make sure that it's done correctly, I can only imagine the chief is working with police personnel. Make sure there are no surprises. They are going to do their due diligence. They are going to do it correctly, if it takes time, there's no hurry. Needs to be done right, and make sure that law enforcement or people in the buildings are safe. That's probably the best course of action.

We all want to know who this woman was, motivation, legal weapon, legal purchase. What is it that you want to know? What can we learn from this?

One of the things that really struck me, is that it was a female shooter. What I'm curious to understand, sometimes you have these mass casualties or shootings, there's a certain profile. So what I'm curious to know is why did she do this, and what led up to it? Was there a reason, random act? What was the reason why she did what she did? As you know, we know it's happened in LV, in Orlando, in these various shootings. Typically these shootings are done by males. So I'm curious to know why we have a female shooter.
A San Bruno resident who identified himself as Jesse said he was getting a hamburger at Carls Jr. across the street from the YouTube offices when he suddenly heard three shots in rapid succession. A young woman came out of the office, shot in the left leg. He said he helped drag her into the restaurant before hearing more shots ring out.

Jesse said he ran back toward the YouTube office and looked through the doorway and saw a woman lying on the ground.

“She was dead, I’m sure of it,” he said. “Those 10 shots were rapid fire - it was no mercy. There were four more shots after that. I wish I had had a gun but I didn’t. I had to be smart and get out of there. I had to be fast.”

The eyewitness said the entire episode took about 30 seconds.

BBM. If there was a woman on the ground who he was sure was dead then him having a gun would have made not one iota of difference as that was likely the shooter.

I hope all the victims make a full recovery. I wonder what drove her to this? Sickening.

We have to understand, gun violence understands no boundaries. Socio-economics, whatever it is, we're all touched by it in some way. You can go to a country concert in LV, thinking you're gonna have a good time. You could die there. You can go to school. You can go to work at YouTube. This is our new norm. We have to address those big issues, those issues that the doctor referred to that he sees victims every day, but none of us are immune to this sort of violence.

As a lawmaker on the local level, what do you see coming out of this?

I think that's a pretty good loaded question. No pun intended. This is a serious issue. Whether it's peoples access to firearms, whether it's mental health, whatever it is, it's an issue we all have to address in one way or another. There's different states working on various gun laws. There's other people addressing it through mental health. People saying we have to ban assault rifles. And there's all sorts of discourse on discussion of what we should do. The access to firearms whether you live in CA or TX, the ability to get a firearm is not very hard. And so, it's a complicated question, and so I think a lot of people are trying to solve it, but it's gonna take a little bit of time.

We know that gun control, access to guns, will be part of the conversation in the days and months to come. Can you talk to me about the coordination of law enforcement response?

The calls around 12:46, officers were there within 2 minutes. Suspected shooter was found.

So, I am the chair of the San Mateo Chair of the office of emergency services. They are constantly, when it comes to active shooting, these agencies, in San Mateo we have 20 police agencies, sheriff's office, constantly training for these situations. How to enter a building, what the building looks like, practicing. They are training professionals. They are just not prepared for it. So they are running thorugh different scenarios, having conversations. Again when I talk about the new norm, with this violence, people getting shot on a mass scale, law enforcement specifically in San Mateo, Bay area, they are training. Going through this. The response time... 2 minutes, that's pretty remarkable when you think about it.
Are there armed guards protecting employees at the YouTube HQ? I know there is security but this is likely going to have to be reviewed after this.
Are there armed guards protecting employees at the YouTube HQ? I know there is security but this is likely going to have to be reviewed after this.
Probably not, and if there are they ought to be ashamed of themselves for not immediately stopping what appears to be a lone female armed with handgun.

Either way, very unusual situation being the suspect is female. The BF seems like the target but I wonder if he was involved with another woman who was subsequently shot as well.
They did report earlier that there was a security guard in the business park, but they did not say whether or not he was armed.

When they asked folks if there were any metal detectors or anything like that, they couldn't get straight answers from anyone.
im sure that she wasn't waving it around as she walked in tho. and they said the shots were rapid fire with the second burst like 10 so unsure whether it was a handgun.

Probably not, and if there are they ought to be ashamed of themselves for not immediately stopping what appears to be a lone female armed with handgun.

Either way, very unusual situation being the suspect is female. The BF seems like the target but I wonder if he was involved with another woman who was subsequently shot as well.
im sure that she wasn't waving it around as she walked in tho. and they said the shots were rapid fire with the second burst like 10 so unsure whether it was a handgun.

A lot of people also said the whole thing lasted less than 30 seconds. Not likely enough time for a security guard to get to where he needed to be anyway.
From several other reports, the shooting happened once the party started, inside.. the shooter didn't come in and start shooting.

BUT, that needs to be confirmed I suppose.
Sounds like she shot boyfriend and 2 of his female co workers, then herself.
Time will tell.

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