Aggravated waiting for the aggravation phase #5

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Really? Do tell :seeya:

This is the woman that Nancy G had on the phone on her show? She sounded like she fell asleep at the end of each sentence. Nancy had to finish her sentences for her whenever there was a long silent gap... She is on something!
That was interesting.
If anyone has links to other documents similar to this one, I am very interested in seeing them. I am unfamiliar with what took place in the early days of the case (prior to trial), back when CFJA had different defense teams (and also when she represented herself).
Thanks to anyone who can hook me up. ;)

This person (an AZ lawyer, apparently) is posting docs on twitter
I'm pasting a link to a very old post here on WS and something interesting that was in it:

“by JadeLeighWalker May 27, 2009 12:28 PM EDT. I wouldn't say I know Jodi, but I have met her several times, in the summer of 97' I was able to witness her "handy work" first hand. She had a prior relationship with a man I was visiting in Yreka, CA. While I was on my way up to see him she broke into his home and cut the telephone wires, and there were a few times during my visit that she would peep through the windows and watch us in the house. When she was properly introduced to me she seemed so nice that you totally forgot all the bizarre things she was doing. And what struck me was, she made no attempt to hide what she was doing...either that or she just wasn't very good at snooping.”

I stumbled on this same comment by Jade Walker and another by her using the name Jadeburnham...both were posted as comments following ABC's airings of 48 Hours in 2009 and 2010.

There have got to be a lot of stories out there about Ms. Fruit Loops which have not seen the full light of day.

:eek: :eek: :eek:

Oh heavens! I had never seen this! Thank you for posting. :tyou:
Well, you're memory comes and goes at convenient times for you doesn't it?!

Would you mind repeating that because by the way I'm beginning to shake and tremble there must be some anger and hostility from you and it instantly made me forget what you asked.
That's exactly what I thought when I heard Juan's closing. She must have REALLY lied about far more than what she was busted for on the stand.

Juan had full reign to call her a LIAR--and the defense just had to sit there and agree with him! you think they took ALV back into chambers and demanded a "refund"?

ID channel has a special Dateline episode that is new I think coming on Eastern time in 15 minutes. I am Not sure if there is anything else trial related tonight on television? Anyone else know?

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Would you mind repeating that because by the way I'm beginning to shake and tremble there must be some anger and hostility from you and it instantly made me forget what you asked. scrambled her brain and caused The Fog to roll in. :floorlaugh:
This is the woman that Nancy G had on the phone on her show? She sounded like she fell asleep at the end of each sentence. Nancy had to finish her sentences for her whenever there was a long silent gap... She is on something!

Maybe she's still smoking the marijuana she and JA grew on JA's roof...:scared:
MsJoni thank you for the link to that article about sociopaths.
It is a scary (and sad) read.

On that note, has anyone ever seen the movie or read the book "We need to talk about Kevin"?
It is really disturbing. The parts that really get to me are when Kevin is younger and how you can see something is so wrong with him. And so sad that the Dad refuses to pick up on it (no matter how much the Mom tries to make him see it).

Check it out if you have not heard of it-
I have found watching JA to be very interesting since Dr DM testified. She most certainly had JA's number and it's very easy to see she was right when you view JA's behaviors before and after she murdered TA.

Another thing I noticed, and I hope this doesn't offend anyone, but I think many are giving her to much credit concerning her lies. Please don't get me wrong, I think she is a wonderful liar. She is great at those spur of the moment lies. But the trouble is, is that is the only kind of lies she is good at. She doesn't look at where that lie will lead because I think she is not capable of thinking beyond the moment. I think it's why she seemed shocked at the verdict, her lies were only good at the moment she uttered them, they fell apart as the future unfolded but since she isnt capable of seeing beyond the moment she says them, she wasn't able to see that they wouldn't hold being closely looked at. I'm not sure I am making sense here...

I am very fascinated by Jodi as well. I think one thing that makes Jodi such a good liar is not that she tells really good lies, it's that she is so sincere and real and believable and sugary sweet when she tells them that you take it for what it is. It isn't until you start dissecting the content and digging deeper that the cracks begin to show and the logic falls apart. Of course, she's ready with another lie all ready to go. But the more she talks and the more she adds on, no matter how good or even logical it sounds, the more you don't believe her to where you don't believe anything. Sure, the jury might have gotten a little bored of Jodi after her 8 days on direct examination, but they were maybe giving her the benefit of the doubt and at least considering what she was saying. I bet that it wasn't until cross examination that Jodi lost the jury for good, because her lies just fell apart, one by one.

Another thing she is very good at after telling you a lie and getting caught, she will twist everything around to make you think you are the one that heard wrong or misunderstood one small part or that she misspoke and just needs to clarify. She's so slippery and so cunning at this that it makes you question yourself. You can be sure you heard it, but after a while you wonder if you really did just get it wrong. She even did this to ALV and to RS. They either believed her when she said they'd heard wrong, they knew she was lying and they were just covering for her, or they have a feeling that hadn't gotten it wrong but aren't really sure or just want to cover for her anyway. She did this all throughout her testimony. No wonder Travis began going crazy with her. She would set him off with a lie or with crazy behavior then make him feel like the crazy one and feel guilty for ever thinking such horrible thoughts about someone who was little crazy, but otherwise sweet and harmless. Anyone would have gone crazy in his situation.

And lastly, the problem with JA and probably most sociopaths is that they don't think or feel they way non-disordered people do so they basically have to fake it or pretend or try and figure out what would sound good to us. Sometimes what ends up coming out of her mouth is weird or just downright crazy. She may think it sounds very logical and poetic and sincere and sweet when in reality it's just all wrong and even chilling. Like the whole, "smile and say cheese," thing. To her, it made perfect sense and she thought it would make perfect sense to us. No. Her calling Det. Flores to "help the investigation" just ended up solidifying her as suspect number one. Her sending the flowers to Travis' grandmother, Irises, because Travis wanted to name a girl Iris, just made her look heartless and cold and calculating and mocking even. Finally, her comment about Travis being in a better place and his family's pain only being temporary but "so very much right now" is shocking. Jodi doesn't understand that this kind of pain never goes away and will remain forever, no matter what she says, because she cannot feel empathy and wouldn't care if someone close to her died. She has no idea that the pain isn't temporary. People don't just get over it. She probably can't understand why Travis' family won't get over it or she can and it just pisses her off.
So, I watched the Geraldo "special" last night because I wanted to see the entire post conviction interview she gave-- did you all hear the part where she said her defense team did not bother to find witnesses that saw her bruises--and they did not think the picture she had on her hard drive of Travis chasing a little naked boy (while Travis was holding a Bible) was significant to her pedophilia accusations, so they did not use it?

Come on-- if the defense knew these people, or this evidence was out there and credible, they would have used it.

She is so delusional.

Nurmi is getting thrown under the bus--now everything is going to be HIS fault. Just one more person for her to blame.


Ladies and Gentlemen,

It's 'Arias Nurmott' down for the count.

1...2...3...4...5... Waiting for the bell?

Forget it.

"...any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee." ~ John Donne
I think it was a little more like answer the question or the judge is going to hold you in contempt, charge you with perjury.

That too! Thought I think something along those lines happened to her anyway...
MsJoni thank you for the link to that article about sociopaths.
It is a scary (and sad) read.

On that note, has anyone ever seen the movie or read the book "We need to talk about Kevin"?
It is really disturbing. The parts that really get to me are when Kevin is younger and how you can see something is so wrong with him. And so sad that the Dad refuses to pick up on it (no matter how much the Mom tries to make him see it).

Check it out if you have not heard of it-

Scary movie; great acting.
After playing catch-up and watching the Troy interview with Jodi Arias, I noted she contradicted herself: she says she wants the death penalty because she couldn't stand being in one place for the rest of her natural life. Then, she says she wanted to avoid trial (by taking a plea) and that she would have been happy going off to prison. WTH?

Where does she talk about Travis running after the naked little boy? I didn't hear that on any of the videos I watched.
I think it would be a simple as "you're ugly & stupid".

......"uh, there was another mistake on your IQ it isn't 119....or 113.....seems that the number 7 was being misprinted as an "11"...but the good news is we got it fixed!"
After playing catch-up and watching the Troy interview with Jodi Arias, I noted she contradicted herself: she says she wants the death penalty because she couldn't stand being in one place for the rest of her natural life. Then, she says she wanted to avoid trial (by taking a plea) and that she would have been happy going off to prison. WTH?

Where does she talk about Travis running after the naked little boy? I didn't hear that on any of the videos I watched.

A WS member posted that it was disclosed on Geraldo 'Al Capone's Vault' Rivera.
Well, the problem I have with this need for us to study Jodi's family background, is that don't all (intentional) murderers have psychological/personality problems? I would think most would have a loose screw in there somewhere. And probably many have had less than ideal childhoods. I read somewhre (I tihnk someone posted an article on here), where it said a cause of BPD might be that when the child was born they didn't have good attachment with the mother for the first year of life. Well, in that case I was thinking there are probably things while the baby's in womb that can affect if a personality order develops, things that the mother does/doesn't do. So are we going to blame murders on things that happen when the perpetrator was a baby in womb? It's not a far stretch from early childhood.
I have a hard time classifying Jodi with other people with real mental problems, because she seems to have GREAT control in hiding her "problems" when it suits her. She wanted to fit in with the crowd in Mesa, so she hid it. She hid it from her ex-boyfriends and managed to keep it hidden for years and years. It was because of her obsession with Travis that made it unbearable and unable to keep it hidden. She has probably hidden it from her lawyers and others in authority since she's been in jail, people she depends on for everything. She only let people see it who she saw as people she didn't need (her parents).

My opinion is the separation of mental vs behavior problem. I don't believe JA has a mental problem at all, I do feel she has behavioral problems. Until this trial JA or anyone in her family probably never even knew she had BPD, and so she has never saw her behavior as 'manipulative' rather she is just smarter/better than 'stupid' people. She is not hiding anything because for her she has only known it as her personality, and so therefore, others are the one's that have the problem. Her reactions/behaviors we can identify as part of a unhealthy behavior, she simply sees as 'skills' or 'abilities' that she possesses.

I feel our PERCEPTIONS of childhood, social environments, family origin, can shape us, and genetic make-up, negative/positive influences, etc. all play a role in how we will end up handling life. I don't feel it is right to 'blame' others for our actions, ultimately we have to be accountable.
I'm pasting a link to a very old post here on WS and something interesting that was in it:

“by JadeLeighWalker May 27, 2009 12:28 PM EDT. I wouldn't say I know Jodi, but I have met her several times, in the summer of 97' I was able to witness her "handy work" first hand. She had a prior relationship with a man I was visiting in Yreka, CA. While I was on my way up to see him she broke into his home and cut the telephone wires, and there were a few times during my visit that she would peep through the windows and watch us in the house. When she was properly introduced to me she seemed so nice that you totally forgot all the bizarre things she was doing. And what struck me was, she made no attempt to hide what she was doing...either that or she just wasn't very good at snooping.”

I stumbled on this same comment by Jade Walker and another by her using the name Jadeburnham...both were posted as comments following ABC's airings of 48 Hours in 2009 and 2010.

There have got to be a lot of stories out there about Ms. Fruit Loops which have not seen the full light of day.

:eek: :eek: :eek:


By comparing it to CFDMJA I think you just 'de-edified' Fruit Loops.
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