Aggravated waiting for the aggravation phase #5

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Jodi Arias will give as many interviews as are asked of her for as long and as often as she can. Mark my words on that one. ;)

No doubt she will any chance she gets.
BUT ... I believe the media & the public are fast becoming fed-up with JA.

The news cycles turn so quickly now, that already other stories are beginning to take the "above the fold" top news stories.
Must have made JA furious that the glorious rescue of the 3 Cleveland women this past week took some of the spotlight off of her.

I also think the public will eventually make their feelings known to media outlets that they don't want to hear anymore about JA.
Lock her away, throw away the key.
Much like stories about baby-killer CA in Florida. She's a pariah that publishers want no part of.
$$ talks and the media will get the message that the public does NOT want to feed into JA's never-ending desire to be the center of attention.

The dude who did the immediate post-verdict interview with JA has even gotten some flack for playing into JA's manipulation.

Once these final stages of the trial are over ... The spotlight for JA will be over. The occasional mention when some appeal comes up ... But nothing like the attention she's been getting.

That time can't come soon enough for me.
And knowing that it will be maddening to JA that NO ONE gives a sh## about her, that NO ONE wants to hear any of her lies anymore, that NO ONE believes a word she says ... makes me very happy.
She'll be just another prisoner # ... out of site and out of mind to most people.

Soon, I hope.
Hi, I don't have bad allergies, but usually have some kind of mucus that I just can't get rid of EVER after a cold, so my doctor prescribed Fluctinose (sp.??)'s supposed to help if you spray in nose every day.

YES! My dr prescribed that and it's awesome. It works really well. During bad allergy season, you have to force yourself not to use it more than once per day but it's amazing for that whole nose issue during allergy season. I get really dry and stuffy and others the opposite but it seems to work well for both groups.
Very good article a bit long, but worth the read..

"I am a sociopath"

Great article Ms. Joni. I agree that most sociopaths never see prison or even break the law. How scary that maybe 1 in 25 people are. I think I've known two that I know of. They were both charming, attractive women who were incredibly good at justifying really ugly behavior to get what they wanted.

I was friends with each of them until I started seeing behind the mask, and then started tippy-toeing out the back door.

One example regarding one of them:

I arrived at her house to give her a ride to the airport. She was leaving for a week. It was winter and one of those rare Texas days when the temperatures were supposed to dip into the teens.

She put her cat into the windowless garage saying her neighbor was going to come over to feed her. I asked why she didn't just leave it in the house? She said the cat would tear up her comforter. Then she turned out the garage light and shut the door to the garage that was off her kitchen.

I said...oh, did she want to turn on the light for the cat since there were no windows and it would be pitch black in there even in the day. She said that would waste electricity. :eek:

I took her to the airport and vowed I had hung out with her for the last time. She also had to have boyfriends with money and stalked one some when I first knew her ( lots of driving by his place).

For the next year I was always polite but busy whenever she called and never called her...she eventually quit calling.

I bet we all know sociopaths. Probably know a few.
I have found watching JA to be very interesting since Dr DM testified. She most certainly had JA's number and it's very easy to see she was right when you view JA's behaviors before and after she murdered TA.

Another thing I noticed, and I hope this doesn't offend anyone, but I think many are giving her to much credit concerning her lies. Please don't get me wrong, I think she is a wonderful liar. She is great at those spur of the moment lies. But the trouble is, is that is the only kind of lies she is good at. She doesn't look at where that lie will lead because I think she is not capable of thinking beyond the moment. I think it's why she seemed shocked at the verdict, her lies were only good at the moment she uttered them, they fell apart as the future unfolded but since she isnt capable of seeing beyond the moment she says them, she wasn't able to see that they wouldn't hold being closely looked at. I'm not sure I am making sense here...
Wow, no joke that wasn't funny in the slightest. They were originally trying to take potshots at FNN, but then veered off to random nothingness. Except for dropping names of the victims and perps in re Benghazi and the triple kidnapper, which they TRIED to make funny less than a week after capture saying he had a lot to say, or something to that effect.

Dumb, dumb, dumb.

Agree. The whole thing was random and meaningless. I am not offended but I just thought it was pretty stupid.
My feeling is she doesn't like being called 'insane' or 'crazy'... if she grew up with her dad always telling her she was messed up or crazy, I think that could be why it was so important for her to not go with an insanity plea, and to show how 'smart' she was. I get the feeling it is very important to her to defy her father. I think he saw her manipulative and defiant behavior from the beginning, and rather than holding her and telling her they would work through it, I think he took the approach of 'ignoring the behavior' hoping that would make her stop. Unfortunately, I only think that caused her to become more defiant and act out more to get his attention. I think she felt her art, her music, her beauty, etc were never enough, and when he wouldn't react she began to project onto other men, and started the whole push/pull game. As she got older it would have contributed to her BPD.

JA is used to manipulating sympathy and attention; laughing/belittling JA to her face and acting like she is crazy or not making sense would upset her. When people can't see TA as the abuser or as the 'meanie' and feel sorry for her, it makes her angry. She is supposed to get the sympathy not him. It translates back into that fight for her fathers attention at all costs.

Just thoughts...

Well, the problem I have with this need for us to study Jodi's family background, is that don't all (intentional) murderers have psychological/personality problems? I would think most would have a loose screw in there somewhere. And probably many have had less than ideal childhoods. I read somewhre (I tihnk someone posted an article on here), where it said a cause of BPD might be that when the child was born they didn't have good attachment with the mother for the first year of life. Well, in that case I was thinking there are probably things while the baby's in womb that can affect if a personality order develops, things that the mother does/doesn't do. So are we going to blame murders on things that happen when the perpetrator was a baby in womb? It's not a far stretch from early childhood.
I have a hard time classifying Jodi with other people with real mental problems, because she seems to have GREAT control in hiding her "problems" when it suits her. She wanted to fit in with the crowd in Mesa, so she hid it. She hid it from her ex-boyfriends and managed to keep it hidden for years and years. It was because of her obsession with Travis that made it unbearable and unable to keep it hidden. She has probably hidden it from her lawyers and others in authority since she's been in jail, people she depends on for everything. She only let people see it who she saw as people she didn't need (her parents).
[I'm having a difficult day today. I'm working 2-10pm today, my BF is going to his mom's, my mom lives 2 provinces away, I am 39 and not a mom, I was also adopted (which bugs me; but I read your posts and I know there are alot of difficulties in this world. But, we have to be strong and think one day at a time. :)

Quote o' the Day: "Elated at success and depressed at failure; that is the emotional habit-pattern we have. The way to transcend that is through awareness...."

Thanks ElleElle, I am sorry you are also having a difficult day too. Love that quote.

This is mine for today:

"Faith is seeing light with your heart, when your eyes see only darkness"

I HOPE Arias is having a really, really crappy day![/QUOTE]

Hugs to you both may I join the crappy day club!
My kids all live in seattle! Out of four I've heard from two! On top of that I've been sick. I've always been healthy energetic for my 65 years. I just had an email from my doctor telling me ! I have gall stones ....explains the pain I've been in for sometime. But my dr emails me tests results rather than call me in for a consultation! Ok I'm on a heating pad ! for the pain. Than he proceeds to tell me that I have plaque in my heart. Some clogging! I'm like you email me to tell me I got gall stones and heart issues! like you did when you ordered me a glucose meter! I pick up my meds and there's a glucometer. I'm like wtf what's this ...few days later I get a call (first). Well anyways I have to wait till office hours to get an explanation. For the gall and heart! He has his gall to send it over email.

I'm thinking what if I had cancer and two months to live! Would he email me and say! Hi mrs doe! I hope you get this email within two months if not! Say hi to god for me. lol

I enjoyed a wonderful banquet TV dinner! And a day laying on a heating pad. But thru it all i feel blessed!!a, because I'm still warm and breathing.
And when I'm at the Beach office of mine, I can walk to Alyce LaViolettes office. I assure anyone the shelter there can do fine without Jodi. I must say the city of Long Beach is one of the tightest knit communities, many people stay near the beach, have successful businesses there and give back tons of money to all of these causes (Mercedes Benz of Long Beach for one) i know of them for another fund raiser I was doing the media for (they gave over $140k in gifts etc) And i see them as a sponsor of a couple shelters. That is so nice to see, along with other generous donors.

I would hope they would not want their name near hers

Yes I saw them as a sponsor. That is fantastic. I am quite certain most DV shelters do not want an association with JA, nor do their sponsors, so It is not surprising they distanced themselves so quickly.
Hi all! Lurking since the beginning of this farce of a trial and decided to jump in! Just watched the verdict again and wondering if the convicted murderess has to comply with the admonition to the jury to not to "do" any media?

Welcome to our group Peaches2520, congrats on you first post!

It is challenging and it is rewarding. You are correct! My specialty has been traumatized kids, but I am taking a break right now, as my son has special needs and was victimized and we had a horrible DA and the perp went free, So after helping victims for my entire career, I am having difficulty that others did not step up for my child. He is scarred for life.

So I may go back to law school and fight the bad guys in a different way, armed with my psych experience.

Travis was such a nice guy. It is very evident he saw the best in people and tried to be gentle with JA in distancing himself. He had no idea how dangerous she was until it was too late. He absolutely was a victim and she absolutely was the perpetrator. I was disgusted with ALV and Samuels. Grrrrrrrrr!

I wonder what the draw was to them. Samuels and ALV....was t the money. Did they sell their soul? How could they believe her. If she pulled the wool over their eyes.....or at least thought she did...."may e she thought the jury could be convinced not knowing lavawhatshername and Samuels were bought?
I have found watching JA to be very interesting since Dr DM testified. She most certainly had JA's number and it's very easy to see she was right when you view JA's behaviors before and after she murdered TA.

Another thing I noticed, and I hope this doesn't offend anyone, but I think many are giving her to much credit concerning her lies. Please don't get me wrong, I think she is a wonderful liar. She is great at those spur of the moment lies. But the trouble is, is that is the only kind of lies she is good at. She doesn't look at where that lie will lead because I think she is not capable of thinking beyond the moment. I think it's why she seemed shocked at the verdict, her lies were only good at the moment she uttered them, they fell apart as the future unfolded but since she isnt capable of seeing beyond the moment she says them, she wasn't able to see that they wouldn't hold being closely looked at. I'm not sure I am making sense here...

I understood you. And agree. She's great on her feet for a lie to get her out of a jam or to explain some minor thing. She's an expert instant liar regarding things that don't matter in the long-term.

When she has a major issue that requires long term planning and foreseeing how others will try to dismantle her lies, she fails. As you stated she isn't good at thinking ahead and she was also arrogant enough to believe that once she sprouted another lie, the person questioning her would back off and accept it.

Juan just kept yanking on those loose strings until her sorry tale unraveled completely.
Thank you Katydid for your kind response! Thank goodness your family forced you to go...5 days in the hospital, ugh!!! I will do just what you suggested as I cannot afford to miss any more work...I have only been back to work for 3 weeks after taking 5 weeks of 'unpaid' FMLA due to this endocrine craziness! Unless of course I can time time this right and take off on Wednesday to watch aggravation phase with all of you! xoxo

Thank you for the link to Nurmi's latest motion...I copied and bolded the part that stated the victim's next of kin was in the judge's chambers with defendent & counsel. I wonder which of the siblings took on that role, thank goodness they have good, honest, strong men like Det Flores and JM to support and guide them while they are forced to be in a small room with pure evil.

(I very much wanted to use smilies to hug you but once again my 'more' smilies button is not working...I think it's my ancient laptop that needs to go)
Great post! And all of it right on the money, IMO.

Many people want JA to get the death penalty because they think she would "thrive" in prison. I do not think she would. I think LWOP would be hell for her. She'd be locked up against her will, and she does not do well in situations that go against her will. I don't care if her fellow lifers fall in love with her. It will mean nothing because she can't come and go as she pleases, can't call the shots anymore. The murderer can control very few people from prison and even that will be limited. Maybe her family, if they come to visit her, can be ordered around or talked down to. They will probably let her do it, too. But at the end of the visit, they get to leave and she can't. They can go out to dinner, but not Jodi. They can go sit on a park bench somewhere and sip a strawberry frap, and SHE CAN'T.

So IMO, she can be sentenced to LWOP; it won't matter. Because for her that's still a death sentence.

I agree and also disagree with your post. I have read if she receives the DP she will be confined to DR alone with limited contact to the outside world and none with other inmates. Whereas, if she recieves LWOP, or other (Heaven forbid) will be confined to general population.

I wish to see her with NO audience, NO future public attention or fans. Just fade into all or any attention. That would, indeed, be the only punishment that would be fitting. All JMO. Let her fade away into obscurity. JMO
Hugs to you both may I join the crappy day club!
My kids all live in seattle! Out of four I've heard from two! On top of that I've been sick. I've always been healthy energetic for my 65 years. I just had an email from my doctor telling me ! I have gall stones ....explains the pain I've been in for sometime. But my dr emails me tests results rather than call me in for a consultation! Ok I'm on a heating pad ! for the pain. Than he proceeds to tell me that I have plaque in my heart. Some clogging! I'm like you email me to tell me I got gall stones and heart issues! like you did when you ordered me a glucose meter! I pick up my meds and there's a glucometer. I'm like wtf what's this ...few days later I get a call (first). Well anyways I have to wait till office hours to get an explanation. For the gall and heart! He has his gall to send it over email.

I'm thinking what if I had cancer and two months to live! Would he email me and say! Hi mrs doe! I hope you get this email within two months if not! Say hi to god for me. lol

(((katydid))). You just hang out here with us!

Hopefully you'll hear from your other two kids this evening. And being in pain on top of that makes everything feel bad.

What a crummy Dr., sheesh!
Dinner and implants in one short economical trip. :floorlaugh:

P.S. What kind of place is La Jolla? I've heard of it but is it a suburb? A city? I could Google but I'm lazy, err my Google broke.
Well-to-do college town, right on the Pacific Ocean, below the cliffs of University of Calif., San Diego.
I think someone should tell her she's turned into a comedy show and people only watch her interviews to have a good laugh at her ridiculous lies and see what new BS she comes out with, then we all roll about and have fun at her expense and look forward to her next day in court.

You can't make this stuff up. ;)
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