Aggravated waiting for the aggravation phase #6

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I'm listening to Chris Hughes's interview with Tricia right now and I must say I think Chris is a amazing guy and his beautiful wife. IMO great people.

I couldn't agree more. Makes me sad all of the flack they were getting.
The main reason Betty went off the deep end was that she and Dan married when they were young. She worked full time to provide the family while Dan atteded the law school then medical school. After he became a very successful malpractice lawyer, he found a younger version of Betty to be his trophy wife.

AAAND.....Dan then used his clout in San Diego's legal community to shaft Betty at every turn. It has also been speculated that Linda (Dan's trophy wife) may have done some "egging on" of Betty by sending her fat camp flyers etc. in the mail.

None of it excuses BB's behavior, but it might explain how she got to the boiling point.

Sorry for the OT. BB's circumstances mirrored my mom's -----without the murdering, of course. :(
I find it interesting that Juan and Flores were seen at the courthouse along with the mitigation specialist carrying in clothes on hangers. The interesting part is that Wilmont and Nurmi were not seen. That is not to say they are not there, just that every other they time they have been spotted. Maybe nothing at all...just interesting.
No I know "Me" I would have reached for the box of tissues and somehow my hands would have been around that @##$%%% neck! I have so much respect for the Alexander family.The dignity ,the strength and grace they have shown in the court room has been amazing in my eyes.

I promise you, if I was that close to Jodi I would've punched her in the face And took one for the team.
Wow, I have no idea where you are getting your information, such as postcards send to Betty from the ex. I was intimately involved in this case as I worked for a forensic psychiatrist at the time. People fall out of love and move on. In fact, Betty's behavior is indicative of why Dan fell our of love with her. She became obessed with money, power, and prestige....not love. Had she loved her husband more than her lifestyle, they might both still be alive today. Also, even if a person falls out of love with their spouse, what right does that spouse have to kill you and your new partner? Why would someone try to control and demand that another's behavior align with their own? It's impossible to do. Betty Broderick was a mean-spirited, bitter spiteful woman who murdered two human beings. Just because a man trades his wife in for a "younger model" does not constitute abuse.

I'm not sure about the regs regarding privacy but if I was BB I'd not be too happy about anyone intimately involved in my case in any professional capacity speaking about it on a public forum. JMO.
Also, no one can even begin to know how much she loved her husband or didn't love him, or how much more she loved her lifestyle. There but for the grace of God, go I.
He didn't simply 'trade her in'. Not by a longshot. JMO.
I plan on doing exactly that ... while I understand the need for jurors , as a single mother of a college student I am the bread winner around here and its a tight ship so to speak.. I cant afford to be off of work ..

Lol you could have said! Sorry
I can't be picked for jury duty with you? I have been selected to be on dr drews jury. You do know dr drew dontcha:floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
Does everyone know Jodi is back to tweeting? She tweeted that she thought she could trust someone involved in her case but learned she couldn't. I wonder what that's about. She also tweeted that she's not evil. Ha!

I just looked at her twitter account - the one that's been verified - and the most recent tweet was from yesterday where she's talking about the donation site. There are a couple of fake twitter accounts out there.... wonder if someone is quoting from one of those??
TA's eye was magnified x 5 billion to show the "reflection". I think they were sitting there so they could all see the screen.

It was awkward and totally unfair to the Alexanders, imo.

Jumping off:

After a short time with JA and TA's sibblings in the jury box, JA was moved, sort of in front of the judge's bench, and joined by her attorney for the previewing of the eye image.

When does the Son of Sam law apply to her income?

I'm not sure if AZ has the Son of Sam law but if they do it wouldn't apply to selling her art work. She is allowed to profit from her "art," she is just not allowed to profit from her crime, e.g. Selling the rights to her story.
I just looked at her twitter account - the one that's been verified - and the most recent tweet was from yesterday where she's talking about the donation site. There are a couple of fake twitter accounts out there.... wonder if someone is quoting from one of those??

HLN is quoting the fake site....:floorlaugh:
1. Nothing I can do about the date it shows on the Media Advisory

2. Chris Williams is with KPNX (which is the NBC-affiliate in Phoenix, Arizona.) If you click on his name below the Advisory, it takes you to his info.

Anything else I can help you with regarding the link I posted?

Donovan's tweeting for Jodie ! Of course Donovan is another one manipulated by Jodie. Don't ha know how proud Donovan is to be known as a friend to an infamous killer.
Donovan's a drama queen/king. I can just visualize Donovan having a nervous break down when she gets death.
I'm saying this again, mostly to remind myself.

After watching her parents in the interrogation videos, I see that they KNEW something was off with CFja, but, at that age, what do you do?
You can warn folks about your 'loved one', you can push for help, you can push for intervention, you can walk away, you can also push it under a rug.

I have a bpd sister, she's violent, she's horrible, she's, simply put...bat *advertiser censored* cray.
I've called cps at least 50 times. I've warned new people in her life. Her ex husband is high ranking LE in her area and he knows, and has heard from me a number of times.
I have spoken to the people that tried to get her help during one particular outburst.
She has no long term friends. After people get to know her...they run as fast as they can.
I have a niece that she adopted (LONG LONG story...thus why the many calls and pleas with cps, who was worthless in this case. They've been told that if something happens...they have blood on their hands. WHO calls before they do a 'welfare' check? WHO DOES THAT?? that niece is why I do maintain some contact and our father does his own welfare checks...but I pray that my niece is grown and gone out of that house before my father can't do his own checks on them.

I've said it before and I'll say it a million times....
In EVERY case like this...somewhere, sometime, someone ALWAYS says they saw it coming from the cray person and aren't surprised.

This is horribly off-topic and I apologize in advance, but if anyone knows of a reliable web-site where I can check a Doctors' qualifications/complaints, other than AMA or BBB, I would really appreciate it. My 84 year old aunt has me on this quest since last Friday and I am not getting very far. TIA and please PM me any info so as not to upset the board. Any links would be greatly appreciated!!!!

Attention Please!

Could we please stay on topic of the subject of this thread and forum. This is about JA and her murder of Travis Alexander.

What struck me cold was that neither one of them ever even implied that she couldn't have done it. In fact, her father's reaction to hearing Travis was dead was to ask "what did she do?". They both clearly knew she had the capability of a very bad act. I suppose common denial kept them from actually seeing into the future, but by their very own words, they automatically reacted with no surprise, incredulity or shock.

Her mom was definitely shocked. She couldn't understand how Jodi could go about acting normal after she murdered him. And Jodi was 27, what do we expect her parents to do?
Well we saw her reaction to M1, any guesses as to what her reaction will be if the DEATH verdict is read?? Is THAT when we'll actually see the breakdown/cursing/angry looks/choking JW/lunging at Nurmi?
Knowing she went directly from hearing the verdict to focusing on high tailing it to her interview, her reaction makes more sense now. No time for boo-hooing, she didn't want a red nose and puffy eyes for her next stint on TV. So sickening.
I absolutely agree. Dr. Drew got in a real lather about the criticism of mental health professionals. I also think he has acted a little too gleeful when talking about the trial and Ms Arias. He really needs to take a break.


He does seem stretched a little too tight lately, but I get his point about mental health professionals not risking their licensing and reputations by admitting and "treating" a patient who is not in need of treatment.

Psychology is often a vague science, true. And evaluations can be manipulated by patients and also because as humans, we gauge things subjectively even when trying our best to be OBjective.

But the likelihood that JA was being treated for something that doctors KNOW she doesn't have is silly. Who would take that risk for JA.
Wow, I have no idea where you are getting your information, such as postcards send to Betty from the ex. I was intimately involved in this case as I worked for a forensic psychiatrist at the time. People fall out of love and move on. In fact, Betty's behavior is indicative of why Dan fell our of love with her. She became obessed with money, power, and prestige....not love. Had she loved her husband more than her lifestyle, they might both still be alive today. Also, even if a person falls out of love with their spouse, what right does that spouse have to kill you and your new partner? Why would someone try to control and demand that another's behavior align with their own? It's impossible to do. Betty Broderick was a mean-spirited, bitter spiteful woman who murdered two human beings. Just because a man trades his wife in for a "younger model" does not constitute abuse.

I said nofhing about post cards. Basically, I don't agree with what she did but I understand. I don't exactly feel sorry for Linda, though. This is what can happen when you start boning your married boss. Ef 'em both is what I say.
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