During her ninjas did it phase I was so impressed that she remembered to grab her purse before running away leaving Travis wounded...just the fact that she made mention of it is amazing to me, why did she think it was important to tell that tidbit about her purse?
(Bolded By Me)
Context is all! The purse came up as she invented her 'Ninja's did it' story. She had to have a means to explain how the Ninja's knew her name and address, so she told Detective Flores they looked through her license and registration documents - which were in her purse, in the bathroom. :liar:
Does anyone here think that JA has told lies so often that she actually believes them herself or that she's pretty good at remembering which lies she told to who? Or maybe she just makes up chit on the fly to whoever whenever and hopefully it works out for her?
I think she does all three but it's the third one (Bolded By Me) that - rather than working out for her - gets her into so much trouble. The effort outlined above is an extreme example. Ski Mask clad intruders, whose intention was to KILL Travis Alexander and had already shot him, (according to Arias as she told the tale) thumbed through documentation in her purse in order to decide whether they could intimidate her enough to keep her quiet?
I bet somewhere in that building there was a whole roomful of Detectives and other LEO's, administrative staff, cleaners, etc., shaking their heads in a mixture of pity, horror and sheer incredulity at her gall while she told that tale, replete with choking gasps and sobs as she 'remembered' it. :liar:
Another example is the Tale Of The 30 ft Silken Cord In the Bathroom/Bedroom to explain the presence of The Huge Enormous Knife In The Bathroom. That was on the stand, and she told that preposterous tale with a completely straight face :liar:
She lies about everything. About her family, her childhood, her working life, her 'travels', her aspirations, her relationships. She just can't stop herself. Her whole life seems to be a construct of lies.
Before she got on the stand, the Jurors has seen enough recorded material to know she can fake cry. They knew she can look someone straight in the eye and tell both complex and mundane lies. Her credibility as a witness was
completely undermined before she ever set foot on the stand.
That's why, imo, everyone should be forever grateful to Detective Flores for gaining her trust, letting her think she could outwit him, and letting her ramble on and on in her interviews with him (all of 'em). If he hadn't done that, and she'd lawyered up right away
none of that material would have been in evidence, and nor would the exerpts other damning interviews she did from prison during her 'Ninja's did it' phase. Not that she woudln't have lied like a drain on the stand, but the chances of a Juror being fooled by her ability to lie without shame or hesitation would have been far greater