We are in Indiana and this practice that the Collection Agencies are using by using the Courts to FORCE people to pay based on Body Attachments is RAMPANT all over Indiana and for that matter the US. I explained how they re getting away with this in previous posts. The Collection Agencies are suing the middle class and working poor on a regular basis, sometimes bringing them into courts 1-2 times a MONTH. If a person misses court for whatever reason, no ride, no sitter, can't miss work or they will get fired, a body attachment is put out on them and they are jailed and the ONLY way they can get out of jail is to pay the bill. It is a way the collection agencies have circumvented the laws, instilling Paupers Jail again legally and it is WRONG. One shouldn't be JAILED for not being able to afford healthcare or being able to defend themselves in court.