Aggravation phase #1

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Since I am an Arizonan, got a few questions for you folks now that you've seen the Arizona Justice system in action:

1. What is your impression about the "Non-sequestration" of Arizona juries? Do you think it is "Good" or "Bad"? GOOD

2. What do you think of jurors being able to ask witnesses questions? FANTASTIC

3. What do you think of Juan Martinez? Do you think his prosecution style warranted all the negativity by the TH's? NO...I loved it. No babying..go for the kill shot every time

Just copy and past the questions if you feel like answering.

On a side note here, really chapped my hide when some TH said Juan was only given the slam dunk cases from the Prosecutor's office..........yeah, rigghhhttt, "Skippy" :banghead:

Most of TH's are idiots anyway. :banghead::banghead:
So, let me understand this, today at 1pm Mr Martinez puts for the "cruel" case, if it was depraved, cruel. The Jury then deliberates that issue only. (No Jodi show today)

Then 4 to 6 weeks after their verdict on Cruel/Depraved yes or no, the Sentence is handed down by the Judge?

Prior to the Sentence on the day (or day before) we hear Victim Impact statements and yes, even Jodi making a plea for her life to the court/jury/judge?

That part is where I am confused. The Jury of 12 unanimously (i love saying that) found her Guilty as charged, Murder in the 1st degree with premeditation which brings a Death Sentence or LWOP.

So the Jury is saying to her, all 12 of us agree that you are a Stalker, you carefully planned this Murder of Travis down to stealing a gun from your own home, traveling and leaving an "obvious" paper trail and phone message/call trail through CA, UT, NV & back to CA and mysteriously god darn it, you went totally Stealth through AZ right where that man was killed. Not a trace, not 1 burger bought, not a bottle of water, not a gallon of gas and lo and behold not one cell phone ping...goodness me.

So she will get up and say "Hi, my name is Jodi Ann Arias and I am the victim of Domestic Violence from my fiancee that lived 1350 miles away who almost killed me 3 times and bent my finger and called me a few names when all I did was break into his bank account, MySpace, Doggie door, Facebook, Gmail, Hotmail, Bedroom Closet, Peeked in his windows, and I violated his Christmas Tree. Gosh...he is so sensitive.

Ok good people of the Jury, go vote for me for most Beautiful Inmate in Maricopa! Ok wait? Is that why we are here? What's this for again? American Jail Idol? Miss Estrella Jail 2013? Crap, my fog is in...

Is that true? We have to wait four to six weeks? Why??
What was up with the motion the defence entered regarding penalty phase?
The Alexander's will have the jury at "Hello".
In the words of our own Katie Cool Lady
F Jodi Arias , and the horse she rode in on!

They are going to have their turn to speak, at last!
If Jodi truly and honestly wants the DP, she can waive her rights today and tell the Judge her wishes. Her defense would request an psychological examination to determine her state of mind.

How much do you want to bet Jodi doesn't request the DP and waive her rights today??? I'm so sick of her head games.

Sorry if this has already been posted - I can't keep up!!!
Dear Ashley Whoever You Are on HLN,
You were just yammering about how helpful it will be to CKJA during the penalty phase that the older men on the jurymight have daughters and they will see her as a daughter.

Well, Ashley, I have a daughter.
I have a daughter who went out on a date a few weeks ago with a guy who had been asking her out for weeks.
As soon as my daughter got home from the date, her cell phone rang.
The caller identified herself as the guy's girlfriend, and said that my daughter needed to butt out so they could work on their relationship. She also described the date my daughter had been on accurately enough that it was obvious that they had been stalked on the date. She the called my daughter - who hadn't even let the guy kiss her - a *advertiser censored*.

If my husband was on the jury, he wouldn't be seeing CKJA as a daughter. He'd see her as the type of jealous stalker who harrassed his daughter.

YIKES!!! :eek:
jodi could be a spokesmodel for Hard as Nails
What gets me according to Donovan, statement on raider she says that the verdict was a shock to the family and friends. How is that possible? They sat there and watched for all those months! They should have gotten the hint that she was not going to get manslaughter of get acquitted. Where did they get the confidence that the verdict would be anything but premeditated geeez.

They must have went to the Jacki Peterson School of Denial
Nurmi had a lot of trouble separating what two consenting adults do in the bedroom, as well as over the phone and premeditated, cold blooded murder.

Nurmi just couldn't let that go.

The jury was too smart for Nurmi and his team!!!!
:moo: Mr. Nurmi seems to have developed a dark, and very abnormal view of all aspects of sexuality. His website solicits those facing very specific types of crimes, so it's clear this is his chosen area of 'expertise'. Fair enough, but we've seen alot in 5 months. He questioned JA endlessly about sex; so much of it completely irrelevant and unrelated to the murder. In hindsight, it seemed he used the extreme or unusual aspects of her sexuality as a diversion; a way to distract or blind the jury. To me, he bordered on violating them, and it got darker & uglier as the trial went on.
The words "inappropriate" and "unnecessary" can't begin to describe his cross of Deanna Reid.
Even during closing, he mentions 'sexual orientation' (NO one but him was thinking about that..). There's so many examples where he took the trial to places he had no business going.
But to play the edited sex tape during closing; standing before the jury narrating words on a screen, as they heard them in the room - that to me spoke far more about Mr. Nurmi than it did Travis or even Jodi.
The defense is just going through the motions, literally.

The judge will deny this. moo

Thanks for my answer! I pray Martinez fights them on this because its REALY stupid to give an I,pact statement via video.
I'm still trying to get past JA calling Juan a bully and martyring herself by saying she wanted to jump into the skin of the witnesses he bullied and give their testimony for them.

This woman is truly cuckoo.
You know that twitter guy tweeting bomb threats to the court? Looks like they located him...

12 News - Stacey
#Breaking We r on scene, MCSO located suspect who allegedly tweeted bomb threat at #JodiArias courtrm. 2 detained.

(brought this over from last thread)
Originally Posted by Shelby1
Seriously, guys, anyone on Twitter, we need to report this person. Threatening to bomb the courthouse and threatening Travis' family.

Weird. He's at a hotel? :waitasec:
The Alexander's will have the jury at "Hello".
In the words of our own Katie Cool Lady
F Jodi Arias , and the horse she rode in on!

They are going to have their turn to speak, at last!

PLEASE,,,,,leave all horses out of this.

Thank you very much. ;)
What? What purpose would that have served? She didn't mind the trial at all, and would have loved for it to go on another 4 months...

It would have been mean for sure, but not to Travis' memory and family, to put them through another trial with the potential of the next jury letting her walk free.

butting in here

I think the intent of the statement was that J5 should have said that, that she would have been a hold-out, to antagonize Jodi who (allegedly) got her kicked off the jury.

"You kicked me off and I would have voted for you nah nah nah nah"
(but not really)

kind of thing.
Old west justice. Love it. Unfortunatly (or fortunatly depending on your view of the American justice system) not! She will have years of appeals and drama and sucking more of the tax payers money before she walks the plank.
BBM i like it i like it:facepalm:
I'm still trying to get past JA calling Juan a bully and martyring herself by saying she wanted to jump into the skin of the witnesses he bullied and give their testimony for them.

This woman is truly cuckoo.

I'm sure she dreams of being in anyone's skin but her own.

Shape shifting zombie psychopath killer.
If Jodi truly and honestly wants the DP, she can waive her rights today and tell the Judge her wishes. Her defense would request an psychological examination to determine her state of mind.

How much do you want to bet Jodi doesn't request the DP and waive her rights today??? I'm so sick of her head games.

Sorry if this has already been posted - I can't keep up!!!

Agreed. CMJAA sitting down, shutting up & accepting her comeuppance is NEVER gonna happen.
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