Aggravation phase #2

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Holy shizz did she just say "on tape he admitted to wanting to have sex with a 12 year old..that the definition of a pediphile?"
I don't see how it backfired. Sounds like she's in a much nicer place and can have visitors whenever she wants, for as long as she wants.

Jean C. just said JA's mother just went into the jail...I thought she flew back home last night?

Good Lord.......when will this nightmare end? JA is a control freak and she is still controlling everybody!!:banghead::banghead:

Since when are suicidal peeps allowed visitors? My, how things have changed...
I'm a big animal advocate too. I don't have my own show.

JVM shouldn't either. She's embarrassing.

Well, I do have to agree she's rather loud. Also, every 2 or 3 years or so she has a new and different face. I really hope she doesn't go off on the Joan Rivers Tangent, as Joan looks like a real life freak show now. Her and Barry Manilow. :facepalm: Really sad, imo.
Nancy Grace equating herself to Travis Alexander because they both got trashed by Jodi in her interview yesterday. Then she plays the interview and it turns out that Jodi declined to comment on Nancy, so maybe being ignored is what angers her enough to feel trashed. Poor Nancy.

Bahaha. Nancy sure loves attention as well, eh?
So if Jodi gets sick of suicide watch can she do ANYTHING at this point to get out of it? Could this be her new life until she gets the needle?

She just has to convincingly communicate she's not suicidal.
I'm dying to know what they said, but apparently the video was pulled pretty quickly:

AZSandi ‏@azmatthews 8m
@kinseyschofield Did you see what abc15 go on tape? A comment from Arias family when the left the court today"I hope no juror saw that"
I'm not saying they were wrong to put her on SW. I'm questioning the sentiment that she is feigning suicidal thoughts to delay the trial. I can understand why are being cautious, they should be. But I don't think her grand plan in giving that interview was to be placed on suicide watch.

I get what your saying. I would think she was prepared as to what happens after the verdict. Being put on suicide watch may have come up in what may happen to her depending on her reaction. TH Psychology Docs seem to think she has put the notion of suicide out there to get attention and to test the waters that people care, she is a celebrity. I don't know. I do think the interview trumped any threat of being put on suicide watch. She jumped on that interview knowing her chances are slim at this point to get one in and for her to have a chance to trash Travis. She still thinks people care that Travis had sex life! She has nothing!
OT: If you all have prayers to spare, whatever your Higher Power, would you keep Rosemary Pierce's son in them? IIRC, he is undergoing chemo presently and NO child should ever have to go through that. EVER. Thank you...
OT: If you all have prayers to spare, whatever your Higher Power, would you keep Rosemary Pierce's son in them? IIRC, he is undergoing chemo presently and NO child should ever have to go through that. EVER. Thank you...

Don't listen to the TH's. I KNOW what the Buckeye Psych ward is all about and unless an inmate is cray cray, they do NOT want to be there.
Oh, thank you so much for a bright spot for today. In that case, I hope she stays there until she gets the needle.
I think Sheriff Joe did the right thing here, even though I don't believe she would have tried to commit suicide, if she HAD it would have robbed everyone of justice and he had to move to have her watched just in case. Although I WISH to god they could have done a quicky competency eval overnight and had her in court by 1pm wearing the awesome anti suicide garb ..

Also, they have to put them on suicide watch if there's any sign at all, true or false, they have no way of knowing immediately. It's just a matter of liability. They could be sued if she did "it" and they hadn't tried to prevent it.:twocents:
Now I know why she has been loosing weight. SHE IS GOING TO TRY TO PULL OFF A TYED BUNDY, BY CRAWLING TROUGH THHE ROOF OF HER CELL!!!! I be DONAVAN WILL BE WAITING IN THE WINGS TOO!!!!THEy better be watching her.

Wonder if she knows our local police have the habit of shooting 1st & asking questions later?
Holy shizz did she just say "on tape he admitted to wanting to have sex with a 12 year old..that the definition of a pediphile?"

All of you wickedly smart Sleuthers who said that she set Travis up with the sexy phone call recording.... BOOM! There it is! The look on her face when she said that says it all. She set him up. OMG I didn't think I could hate her more, but when she clinches what I already suspected and wondered about, I hate her even more....
The website for the Lower Buckeye Jail describes the Psych Unit as having 268 beds. That is a LARGE psychiatric facility! That leads me to believe they have plenty, plenty of personnell who are very experienced in dealing with the likes of Jodi Arias.

Oh, she's in the system now. She can try whatever tricks she wants. I'll bet there are people there who know how to deal with them.

To whoever posted about it: Yes, prisoners have "rights". Certainly not the same rights that you and I have. But they do have some rights. Mostly regarding their food, showers, getting out of their cell, having access to phone calls, visitors, etc. All of which are narrowly circumscribed and many of which can be taken away as punishment for infraction of rules.

So, yep, this is Jodi's new reality. As a convicted felon. Which she has never been up until yesterday. Why do I suspect that Sherrif Joe is going to dick her around as much as he legally can?
Holy shizz did she just say "on tape he admitted to wanting to have sex with a 12 year old..that the definition of a pediphile?"

And to Stabby Einstein, I say: why would Travis admit to this deep, dark, shameful secret on a phone call he knew was being recorded?

He didn't admit to any such think, he was commenting on your juvenile way of "emoting."

Doesn't she realize by now no one believes her? She just can't stop herself.

She also says all this could have been avoided if the state had just taken the plea deal. And to that I say: what relevance did this alleged pedophilia have to your defense? Alleged abuse, I see that. Alleged rape, alleged psychological abuse. OK and OK. But what forced you, assuming it was true (no) to talk about this issue in such great detail if your sole purpose in life was protecting this secret of Travis'? Oh yeah: "I was asked." If it were true you could have taken it to your grave and it never would have affected anything. This is all moot since it is not true and you even forged letters in your cell to corroborate this hateful lie you told and you just made it up to be spiteful. She's glad this lie is out there. It will follow around Travis' memory forever and she knows it.

Death penalty.
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