aggravation phase #8 - VERDICT - Extreme Cruelty PROVEN

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This is one of the most vicious and cruel murders I have ever heard of. I'll be stunned beyond belief if the jury does not come back agreeing with Juan.
Nurmi didn't hold one's attention because the steps of his argument didn't follow in sensible order. It would have been better to omit his thoughts on defendant's consciousness of causing pain. Simply because she nicked herself accidently in the summer after her crimes does not mean that at the time of the murder she would not know she was inflicting pain and agony. Whatever her personality disorder, she was not a transcendant entity. She was fully in the scene and all too engaged with her twenty-nine deadly strikes. Similar attempts to protest unusual cruelty all lacked weight and conviction.
Youtubes already up in case anyone wants to view.

Here is a 13 minutes clip of Closing by Juan......(part 15 of "thecount")

Thank you!!! My stupid feed reset right before he did this, and came back as the clock was winding down! all I could do was sob, and must have had to blow my nose 5 times within that 2 minutes.....yet CFJA couldn't even manufactor fake tears.

Moreover, wilmont's callous disregard is unconscionable...what exactly was so important that she had to repeatedly scribble on her pad!!!!!
I think that last facial picture of Travis is one of fear....I think she ordered him to sit down. I wish Juan would have mentioned the bruising and knife wounds on his lower legs. She probably stomped him while alive, at some point.
IE it's called the Marmorated Stink Bug. They are caustic.

they stink really bad when you try to smush them, or kill them..I still have the heebeee jeebies right now, they freak me out..and the dang thing is in my car..will have dh handle it as soon as he gets home lol
Everyone seems so certain that the jury will come back with yes on "especially cruel"; maybe I am just a nervous Nellie, but I don't think it is a certainty at all. You never know what the jury is thinking and it only takes one to gum things up since the "yes" must be unanimous. There could easily be a couple jurors who feel the extreme nature of the murder can be put off on JA going overboard due to the alleged abuse she supposedly suffered and that therefore she didn't "know" how "extremely cruel" she was being. I don't agree with this, but I can imagine a couple jurors buying into that especially as they are headed towards the DP vote and they may be feeling anxious about that. I don't think they will all agree to not finding "extreme cruelty" but I am nervous about the possibility of an "unable to reach a unanimous decision."
Did I REALLY just hear a TH defense attorney on HLN say a possible argument for the defense could have been, "it would have been more cruel if she had just stabbed him in the heart just once and let him suffer to death for 10 or 15 minutes?"

I must have accidentally taken some hallucinogenic instead of that ativan... 'cause that argument can't possibly be real! Can it?!
I am anti-DP in most cases except serial killers, etc, (sorry!), but I would have a huge problem with any possibility of parole. I think I would vote for death just to make sure she can't hope for parole, seriously, and that is profound.

Why the possibility of parole for viscious monsters like this? That's rhetorical, but I really just hate that :(

I'm generally against DP but in this case I wouldn't have major issues with it... We have rules and to me the rules pretty much say that she deserves DP.
NO she is just taking all her notes for her book deal that was reported to the media....right.:stormingmad:

So what??? What does that matter???? She has lived through the nightmare of her daughter committing this horrible crime. You don't stop loving your child because they do ugly things. And we should not be criticizing her considering all she has been through. We have no idea what she is living with each day.

She sat and listened while her daughter threw her under the bus, Why? Because I really think she believes her daughter is sick, disturbed and damaged. She probably has to to survive this horrible thing. To be known as this murderers mother.

Who cares if she writes a book? She is entitled to tell her story too. Maybe it will help someone else that goes through the same thing.

People are way to hard on this woman. She has been through hell.
I love the idea of years and years and years with no opportunity to be the Queen Bee, no attention,...but the DP for her is just fine with me too...

I vote some of each!


like she could handle THIS hive i live in that we call a frat house :floorlaugh:
A few observations I have;

Juan Martinez is brilliant and without equal in the courtroom. His 2 minutes of silence was the most powerful and moving argument I've ever been witness to.

Travis is blessed to have this warrior, Juan Martinez, do battle for him. I really believe in this man (JM) the Alexanders have found a true victims hero

Steven and Samantha broke my heart today, their faces etched with pain and anguish...

Tanisha always puts on a brave front but today her pain and tension hit me hard.

Inmate Arias was imo heavily medicated today and it showed.

Inmate Arias CANNOT STOP peeking at autopsy photos and she was at it again today.

JW and JA are no longer BFF's.

KN exhibited anger and petulance today, I kinda felt like he and JW had a "Freaky Friday" switcheroo going on

I saw Deanna there but did not catch sight of KCL, does anyone know if she was there?
Ugh!! Only 25 minutes?!? This is not going to be ending today like I planned.

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Our state became inundated with them. Once they get in they are IN and there is no "beneficial" for them quite yet. They are working on possibly releasing a wasp to kill them. We trap them in bottles and they live for months. They are so gross and I hate them. They came over from Asia on shipping containers. :( Make sure they don't get inside your home.

Home is sealed up tighter then fort knox loland, I have 3 cats to pounce on them if they do get in lol
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