aggravation phase #8 - VERDICT - Extreme Cruelty PROVEN

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My husband has just brought me my second large glass of Chardonnay......and a huge bowl of Chilli Doritos....didn`t like to ask where the dip was :floorlaugh:

Well it`s just after 9pm in the miserable North East of England.......any excuse really :blushing:

It was heartbreaking today to watch the family. Poor Stephen......I think he was tremendously brave to keep his head held high while those awful pictures were being shown. I think it must have taken every ounce of energy and strength to hold it together and still check over to his sisters.

This family are just amazing. I have nothing but admiration for them all.

Truly heartbreaking though.

I know the family is so stoic and brave...

Cheers to Justice for Travis across the pond :toastred:
bringing over from last thread, just in case some missed this:

State Opening - Defense Objections: 8 total / all overruled / 4 approaches

Defense Opening - State Objections: 3 total / all overruled / 1 approach

State questioning Dr. Horn: 1 total / approach / overruled

Defense questioning Dr. Horn: 1 total / approach / didn't catch whether sustained or overruled

Juan re-Cross: 15 total / 1 sustained / 14 overruled / 1 approach

Wilmot re-Cross: 0

State Closing: 7 total / 6 overruled / 1 sustained / 2 approaches

Defense Closing: 5 total / 4 overruled / 1 sustained / 1 approach

State Last Argument: 5 total / 4 overruled / 1 sustained / 1 approach

Just some thoughts I need to voice. How can stabbing someone in the heart, stabbing them as they stand facing a mirror, stabbing them as they stumble and crawl down a hall, slitting their throat and shooting them NOT be the definition of cruel and unusual to any sane human being ... I firmly believe the jury will decide the same way. And what, Dear Lord, could possibly be considered mitigating circumstances serious enough to conclude less than death for anyone who could taunt, torture and slaughter someone in that manner. Surely this is why we have the penalty of death.

But I must take exception to so many who have posted such hate filled posts about her mother. When our children are first placed into our arms, we all have the same dreams for them -- a happy life -- one filled with love and laughter and comfort. JA's Mom and Dad were no different. We all bemoan our babies not being born with instructions.

If we've been blessed not to have a difficult child ... I bet we all know someone who wasn't as lucky. And we've all cried or laughed with them as they groan and mutter, "what did they do this time"?

If we've all been blessed to be perfect parents that had all the answers at our fingertips ... I bet we all know parents who weren't as perfect. I also bet most of those awful, rotten sub-standard parents with awful, rotten sub-standard difficult children didn't find themselves in a courtroom agonizing over testimony like this.

And who are we to judge because we don't THINK our reactions would be the same as JA's friends and family. So damned what. We are not with them when they turn the lights out at night or when a mother might turn on the shower to cry. We don't know and we shouldn't judge. Don't deflect JA's evilness onto others. JA OWNS ALL OF THAT EVIL.

Yup, you don't know me and I post only occasionally, but I've been following trials as DesertWalker, or my real name before that, since the good old CTV days. And there are times when I wonder if people would say the same hate filled things on message boards if they had to use their real names. And I wonder if we sometimes leave our compassion at the door of a forum. Sometimes reading the posts is as upsetting as reading about the murder. One is done with a conventional weapon and the other with a computer.

I shall go back to reading. I'm sure some will applaud. But I do honestly thank you for the research and thought-provoking discussions you've shared and will be forever proud and grateful for your never ending support of The Alexander Family and Friends.

...And for that I wish you had used your real names -- because, for that, you have truly earned the respect of thousands.
Tony on HLN is on cell phone watch. LULZ... he keeps staring at it like it's a bomb or a jack in the box. Or both.
Im gonna do you all a favor and take a nap . :) I napped on verdict day and when I woke up it was a couple of minutes before the verdict was read !
my post that was lost I was talking to myself (board, room peeps) that all of our court proceedings are part of Civics and don't they teach civics any more? I'm surprised how many don't know the procedure, but maybe it's because I was raised in a DP State. I wonder how much that made a difference. I've known about the phases and such from other trials but we learned that in school. Civics. American Judicial and Government.
I want someone, anyone to put those murder scene photos under Jodi's nose, forcing her to look at them.
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I think they should wallpaper her cell with them!
I want someone, anyone to put those murder scene photos under Jodi's nose, forcing her to look at them.
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I think they should wallpaper her cell with them!

The way JA peaked out from her fingers to see the photos they were showing when she was on the stand, I think she would enjoy that too much. IMO.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
JM mentioned the blood spatter on the mirror was from him being stabbed in the back and head. He was dripping blood down to the sink from injuries but in order for the blood to be projected onto the mirror was the force hitting him from behind causing the spatter so he was facing mirror as she stabbed him...

Yes and it was also testified to that he coughed on the sink there on the left but I really think that was his carotid arterial spray. It sure looks like spray to I still have a different take on the sequence of events and those are the points JA shakes her head on as well. Like she is saying "you still don't hv it right". JMO
After today's finding by the jury, unless they don't finish deliberations today-which is doubtful. If they find cruelty in this aggravation phase...then we go to the mitigation phase. JSS will then outline the schedule for that. Very unlikely it will start today. If the jury finds no cruelty. JSS gets to determine JA's sentence and the jury is excused. That sentence can be imposed by JSS anywhere between 30-60 days from a finding of non-cruelty by the jury.

after all the time and all going into this...
some people may either get more for the death penalty or more against it?
Willmott is not reacting towards her client as sympathetically as prior to that idiot's post verdict interview.

The DT is taking all the heat for the Constitutionally protected strong, unreproachable defense and their client mocks it by doing everything she can to be a 'star' on TV.

I want someone, anyone to put those murder scene photos under Jodi's nose, forcing her to look at them.

I think she would actually enjoy looking at her handiwork every minute of the day. She hates Travis just as much in death as in life. Sick, sick, sick!!!!!

**And that hatred extends to every member of TA;s family, including Napoleon!!!
Case in point when Jaun said she "chased him down the hallway" she specifically shook her head NO.
I have always been pro DP, and I hope she gets the DP. I want her gone.

Me too. She is Wicked!! I do not want her to breath again!!

She took that from TA.

An eye for an Eye.

No respect for the Court system either, one too many fingers

Evil, Evil person!!
Im gonna do you all a favor and take a nap . :) I napped on verdict day and when I woke up it was a couple of minutes before the verdict was read ! that case, Happy, Snappy, Nappy Schmae! :floorlaugh:
Just some thoughts I need to voice. How can stabbing someone in the heart, stabbing them as they stand facing a mirror, stabbing them as they stumble and crawl down a hall, slitting their throat and shooting them NOT be the definition of cruel and unusual to any sane human being ... I firmly believe the jury will decide the same way. And what, Dear Lord, could possibly be considered mitigating circumstances serious enough to conclude less than death for anyone who could taunt, torture and slaughter someone in that manner. Surely this is why we have the penalty of death.

But I must take exception to so many who have posted such hate filled posts about her mother. When our children are first placed into our arms, we all have the same dreams for them -- a happy life -- one filled with love and laughter and comfort. JA's Mom and Dad were no different. We all bemoan our babies not being born with instructions.

If we've been blessed not to have a difficult child ... I bet we all know someone who wasn't as lucky. And we've all cried or laughed with them as they groan and mutter, "what did they do this time"?

If we've all been blessed to be perfect parents that had all the answers at our fingertips ... I bet we all know parents who weren't as perfect. I also bet most of those awful, rotten sub-standard parents with awful, rotten sub-standard difficult children didn't find themselves in a courtroom agonizing over testimony like this.

And who are we to judge because we don't THINK our reactions would be the same as JA's friends and family. So damned what. We are not with them when they turn the lights out at night or when a mother might turn on the shower to cry. We don't know and we shouldn't judge. Don't deflect JA's evilness onto others. JA OWNS ALL OF THAT EVIL.

Yup, you don't know me and I post only occasionally, but I've been following trials as DesertWalker, or my real name before that, since the good old CTV days. And there are times when I wonder if people would say the same hate filled things on message boards if they had to use their real names. And I wonder if we sometimes leave our compassion at the door of a forum. Sometimes reading the posts is as upsetting as reading about the murder. One is done with a conventional weapon and the other with a computer.

I shall go back to reading. I'm sure some will applaud. But I do honestly thank you for the research and thought-provoking discussions you've shared and will be forever proud and grateful for your never ending support of The Alexander Family and Friends.

...And for that I wish you had used your real names -- because, for that, you have truly earned the respect of thousands.

great post. No one owns this crime and evil but Jodi. This is not her Mothers' fault. Her fathers fault, Her brothers fault, her friends fault..

No one is at fault but jodi.

I met a woman whose son murdered someone. Not the same circumstances but still he did it. hearing her talk about the pain and confusion and yet loving your child, And how you deal with it... We can never know this unless we went through it. She did not lie for Jodi or cover for her. She is mourning no matter what happens and in my opinion should be OFF LIMITS.
I'm pretty sure the world could do without CMja being alive. She consumes precious resources as fuel as she seethes out evil. She'd kill anybody if she felt like it, and most especially those who tried to love her.

This isn't a matter of forgiving her, but more a matter of her not being able to repent.
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