aggravation phase #9 - VERDICT - Extreme Cruelty PROVEN

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I heard on HLN last night that ALV was scheduled to testify if they got to this phase. Didn't know if that was still a plan.

That would be (almost!) hysterical. :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

If I was a juror, this would just further demonstrate to me that ALV was nothing more than an advocate, and had a definite bias. Wasn't she suppose to be an impartial evaluator.

Personally, if I was a juror who wanted to believe ALV knew to keep a professional distance, and appears to have 'chosen a side', I would again feel lied to by the DT... just sayin.
Yeah, me, I was off to bed too, 'til my baby started crying because it was thundering. Well, allright, he's really a Schnauzer, but still the only baby I have so.....

They're still babies.
Good Morning all,

I'm really wishing the Alexander siblings courage as they give their impact statements, am so happy for them that they finally get to be heard.

Also sending huge hugs :grouphug: because they'll actually have to listen to whoserdoodle yammering her BS again.

ickyukiepukeyickymuckyyuckieblech :puke:
So, let me get this straight, Sandra Arias is not going to speak on behalf of her daughter, but they're hauling an inmate in so she can? Unbelievable.

I'm not as confident as some here that she will get the DP. I think there's a 50/50 chance. JA is an evil, evil, evil woman, but having said that, I wouldn't want the responsibility of what to do with her life. I think there's a chance this jury could hang on this and they end up having to seat another. :twocents:

I really think her last interview probably sealed her fate.
I absolutely saw that. So many folks have said that she showed no real reaction, but to me, she was seething. She was giving the jury the serous stink-eye.

She wants them to look at her so bad.
Verdict one: start at 3:14, she actually MOVES from behind Wilmott so that the jurors can see her.

Verdict two:1:14 leans back from JW so that she can stare them down and have them look at her.
Jodi Arias Aggravation Phase - Verdict - YouTube -- Phoenix, AZ -- 5/15/13

Jury: Jodi Arias eligible for death penalty


On Thursday, the jurors will hear from Alexander’s friends and family as they make “victim impact statements,” and then, in what is referred to as the mitigation phase, Arias’ defense team will present evidence and testimony that they hope will convince the jury to spare Arias’ life.

Arias will address the jury on Monday, and the life-or-death decision could be in the jury’s hands by the end of the day Monday.
tweets via multi-media Twitter:

BethKaras The defense attorneys moved to withdraw from the case after the guilty verdict. The judge denied it. We do not... 8 seconds ago · reply · retweet · favorite

BethKaras Judge Stephens denied the defense's motion to have victim impact statements videotaped. We expect two of them, live, later today. #jodiarias about 1 minute ago · reply · retweet · favorite

reporterjmiguel It will be an emotional day in court. The Alexander family will finally address the court. Will you be watching? #Arias #jodiarias 2 hours ago · reply · retweet · favorite
I'm sorry that I had to sign off yesterday before the verdict was announced. DH and I had been dog sitting for our long-haired "nephew" who made my allergies go bonkers. I took a non-drowsy Claritin but couldn't keep my eyes open! I took a nap but was awake when the verdict came down. I'm pleased that we are another step closer to JUSTICE FOR TRAVIS.

While this jury might not render their verdicts as quickly as we would like them to, it's obvious that they are doing their due diligence. After listening to Juror #8 on DD last night, I am more confident than ever that this jury will do the right thing. My thoughts and prayers are with them.
According to HLN:
“Thursday’s proceedings will be run similarly to Wednesday’s aggravation phase. It will be a like a miniature trial, with some slight differences.
The defense will go first when it comes to opening statements, and the defense will also get the last word with a rebuttal closing argument.
The sentencing phase is the defense’s opportunity to ask the jury for leniency and present evidence supporting why Arias should be spared from the death penalty. Witnesses may include Arias’ friends and family. Arias could also make a statement to the jury pleading for her life to be spared.
Alexander’s family members may take the stand for the prosecution to give victim impact statements. The family’s statements will likely be emotional as they describe their loss.
After closing arguments, the jury then deliberates for a third time to determine whether Arias should be sentenced to life or death. Their decision must be unanimous. In the case of a deadlock, a mistrial would be granted and a new jury would be chosen for this phase only.”

So during this phase Juan cant bring up other bad acts that he may know about that Arias has done?

Hmmm I thought I heard some of the attorneys on HLN yesterday that said he could.

This is my first posts so please be kind!

Mid February: I was recuperating from disk fusion surgery. Lying in a recliner, drugged to the gills, wasn’t able to do much but watch TV. Flipping through channels, and there she was, testifying (on Tru TV, which friggin’ disappeared on me two days later -- grrr). Juan Martinez hammered at her. Her responses were so ... flat and odd. The predominant emotion I read was defiance. Whoa, I thought. Sociopath.

Then I remembered who she was. Had seen the 48 Hours segment when it first aired. Read a couple of articles about the case, and then forgotten about it as the years passed.

Came to Websleuths to catch up on the earlier testimony -- and been a constant lurker ever since. I’d been here before, haunted by missing persons cases, especially missing children. Kyron Horman, Isabel Celis, Lisa Irwin. I would read here, always hoping for a “breaking news” post, hoping for a miracle.

Below is MOO [When I first came here, I couldn’t understand why people were lowing all the time. I figured it out, though ;) ]

* Travis did not abuse Jodi. Travis was NOT a pedophile. She murdered him in body, then tried to murder his reputation and memory. There was no question about “who,” so “why” and “how” ran the show.

* We only have Jodi’s word for the frequency / number of times she and Travis had sex. Drives me crazy when the talking heads cite Jodi’s versions of events as if they were fact. Some sexy emails and texts; the sex recoding**; some nude photos. Actual sexual contacts and their frequency? We only have her word for it (going by the evidence that has been publicly released). Did they have sexual contact the night he baptized her? Jodi says so. Without supporting evidence, though, it’s equally likely she had sex with two ninjas. With Jodi Arias, pictures or it didn’t happen.

** MOO, Jodi set up the sex recording to use against Travis at some future point; she introduced the twelve-year-old girl scenario (before beginning the recording) by saying it was her fantasy, and he obliged her supposed kink. Travis didn’t know he was being recorded. The recording had something to do with the May 26 blow-out. He finally realized just how deep her sickness runs.

* Something Is Really Wrong with Jodi. TV-pundit psychological experts aside, the parents’ interviews with DF convince me that the woman is bent, and has been for years. Dad said she is a strange person. [Lulz. I wrote “very strange,” and then I heard Juan Martinez’s voice: “Did the tape say ‘very strange’? Yes or no?” Gulp. No. No, it didn’t.]

Two things in DF’s interrogation of Sandra Arias jumped out at me. DF asks, “Did you have any suspicion at all that she had anything to do with his death?” SA says, “I asked her. I asked her. It’s the first thing I asked her. [my emphasis] ... And then when he died, she -- she didn’t call me either. She called my daughter and just told me in tears.... [my emphasis]” (

1) Mom knows something about Jodi that leads her to easily believe Jodi is capable of murder; and 2) SA said, “She called my daughter...” Not “She called my other daughter”; not “She called her sister.” Subconsciously anyway, SA has only one daughter. The normal one, the one she wouldn’t automatically suspect of murder.

Contrary to the THs, IMO Jodi’s problems stem from childhood. There’s a secret history out there. What Jodi wrote in her diary about Travis -- “There’s something off about that boy” -- sounds like something she overheard her parents saying about her. She takes someone else’s genuine feelings and tailors them to shore up her make-believe world. The diaries read like something a twelve-year-old would write to fool the parents. Superficial, surface. Nowhere in them does she express her real thoughts.

Three months after I got pulled in, the trial goes on, post most-excellent verdict. JA is completely unrepentant. No grief or remorse for Travis, the man she supposedly adored.

IMO, the interview after the murder one verdict was her fallback plan. (If she got a lesser charge, she would keep her mouth shut, bide her time, and hope for a light sentence.) Facing the death penalty, though, she’s compelled to do what she does best -- look out for Jodi.

The interview took focus from the Alexander family and placed it firmly back on the “world’s most interesting woman” [in her own mind]. Second, she planted the “suicide” seed that got her a trip to the psych ward and delayed the mitigation phase of the trial for a week. She forced the Alexander family to wait yet another week before they can call her out to her face. In some circles it’s known as “topping from the bottom” -- and Jodi’s a pro. (Google that phrase at your own risk.)

I hope the psych ward was a very unpleasant experience. I hope that after a few days of unrelenting scrutiny and oversight, Travis’s murderer understands that she now belongs to the Arizona penal system. I hope the Twitter account disappears for good. I hope she is sued for copyright infringement for selling copyrighted material as original artwork. I hope Jodi Arias disappears into a deep hole and is never heard from again. That would be worse than death to her. I hope the psych/relationship experts who abetted her efforts to destroy the character of a good man are haunted by their actions. I hope the Alexander family can grow past this in the years to come. My thoughts are with them.

Probably the greatest first post in history!

Thank you!
just saw a preview of a 48 hours (new one) on the state website..she says she believes she will not spend a day in jail. boy was she wrong not a day the rest of her life

Can you post a link to it, please?

Just ignore if this has already been asked and answered ;) was looking for you Tex....but I think by that point it was reverse order....tequila first, than maybe food....:floorlaugh:

....hope you weren't affected by those tornados....scary stuff :scared:

I'm at work, as I said have had three donuts and a package of cookies. Am on a diet.
Oh hell let's bring on the tequila early, this trial is abusing me.
So the tshirts they are hawking......what would you do if you saw someone sporting one at the local grocery??

Good thought. Without a sponsor or the name of some legit non-profit, I would probably assume the wearer was a fan of the TV show.

Who would even WEAR a T-shirt that simply says, "Survivor."? It's like wearing a shirt that says, "Victim."
If ALV takes the stand it will verify her bias with the jurors and point out she had a personal relationship with JA.Also that she has to pay someone to say good things about her. :) So JA character witness is a former jail cell mate. lol JM will have a field day with that.

Imo, ALV will never be inside that courtroom ever again.

She's done. In fact I wouldn't be surprised to learn her career is over.


My first tweet , and I feel good. Tulessa Slone ‏@TulessaS 1m
@Jodiannarias God will not forget and he will be the ultimate judge! U,, U lying murderess, Better beg for the ultimate forgiveness!

Good for you! I am "following" you now & retweeted it.
If I was a juror, this would just further demonstrate to me that ALV was nothing more than an advocate, and had a definite bias. Wasn't she suppose to be an impartial evaluator.

Personally, if I was a juror who wanted to believe ALV knew to keep a professional distance, and appears to have 'chosen a side', I would again feel lied to by the DT... just sayin.

furthermore, in juans closing he repeatedly called her a liar and the defense team never once objected. to put her on the stand during this part of the trial would be laughable
Wonderful post! I've often wondered what a defendant's looks have to do with their ability to perpetrate a crime. Obviously, nothing.

This aspect of the case is fascinating to me. I only became aware of this case a couple of weeks ago having heard, and I paraphrase: Attractive woman viciously slays boyfriend in Mormon community. Controversial DP ruling expected, i.e. first pretty woman ever to get DP.

I read about it online in an English/Irish newspaper. It's seems the level of attractiveness does not dictate the crime but, perhaps, the sentence.

Throughout her life, it appears that Jodi may have relied on her looks to get what she wanted and to manipulate. Given that, I doubt it's been easy for her to get her head around her current reality and until recently was still standing tall on her self-made pedestel.

She has lost that 'attractiveness' I first saw when I read that article. She looked the part yesterday, appearing quite frightening and evil looking in court. Some of the looks she threw at the jurors - and particularly - Mr Martinez, were very ugly. I think since the Murder 1 verdict, she is now very aware of her public image. She didn't appear to have this awareness during the post-verdict interview, imagining a 50/50 split. I think that her own perceived image is now more aligned with her actual public image. It shows on her face. Enter Jodi the monster to the courtroom in Aggravation Phase.

Every human alive shows bias. A well-known study (2004) on infants show that even newborns show a preference for faces that are deemed attractive. Despite the fact that an attractive face happens to represent the prototype for a human face, this preference appears to be hardwired at birth.

A face is a record of a life lived. I think Jodi's has really begun to show on hers.
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