aggravation phase #9 - VERDICT - Extreme Cruelty PROVEN

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Good morning from Big was a wild night for some of our fellow Texans with a mile wide tornado down in Hood county. Please keep them in mind today.

We're almost over and done with convicted felon Arais. I'd say send her to Texas and get it over and done, but we still have Darlie we haven't helped meet her maker.
Oh and I had a dream about Travis last night. I was consoling him because we knew what was going to happen to him (the murder). It was horrible. Maybe that's why I woke up feeling so sheety. Blah.
Good Morning all,

I'm really wishing the Alexander siblings courage as they give their impact statements, am so happy for them that they finally get to be heard.

Also sending huge hugs :grouphug: because they'll actually have to listen to whoserdoodle yammering her BS again.

ickyukiepukeyickymuckyyuckieblech :puke:

ITA and I know many people want to hear them call JA a monster, or talk about all she has done to them, and what she has taken from TA etc. but personally, I don't even want them to acknowledge her.

I just want them to get up there, and say 'you have heard some truths and many lies about my brother/friend Travis, so let me tell you about the brother/man I know....and just tell their stories of him, and let these jurors see a picture of the man, the inspiration, the heart within them all, taken from this world. They can tell of how even in his death they will choose to continue his legacy through foundations, etc.,

We know that jury doesn't believe JA so to bash her might only help people to feel sorry for her 'in a way', and allow her to 'act' crucified by his family. "look how they abuse me" but to completely ignore her after the way she bashes TA would only continue to testify to the character of the family and piss off JA that she couldn't act broken and hurt by their conviction of her.
Just my thought

ETA: Whatever they choose will be PERFECT JUSTICE!. This is their time, their day, their way, and my heart, and prayers are with them in what is to me an unimaginable situation.
Wow just heard a report on CNN that one of the recent closed door hearings was
regarding her attorneys wanting to quit. It was denied.

Suddenly I have sympathy for Nurmi and Wilmott

WHOA!! Seriously??? No wonder they half-assed it yesterday.
Wow just heard a report on CNN that one of the recent closed door hearings was
regarding her attorneys wanting to quit. It was denied.

Suddenly I have sympathy for Nurmi and Wilmott

That would explain why JSS put the order in to prevent Jodi from doing other interviews -- Nurmi and Wilmott probably told her she's out of control and they can't defend her if she continues doing interviews, etc..
Now, go back and watch Dr. Horn's face. Clearly, he got some gratification our of JW being overruled a million times. It will make you feel better. :seeya:

He has a dry sense of humor, which helps in his profession, I'm sure.
Whoa, I accidentally clicked on the Sequence of Events thread instead of this one.

It's scary over there :panic:

Good morning, sunshines!!!!
The Alexander family has my full support in whatever they say and in whatever way they choose to say it.
Good thought. Without a sponsor or the name of some legit non-profit, I would probably assume the wearer was a fan of the TV show.

Who would even WEAR a T-shirt that simply says, "Survivor."? It's like wearing a shirt that says, "Victim."

I wonder if the TV show "Survivor" has that name trademarked? (I personally wouldn't know how - I'm just speculating).

I'd crack up if she got a cease and desist from CBS or the producers of Survivor.
WHOA!! Seriously??? No wonder they half-assed it yesterday.

Yeah! Beth Karas just posted this on Twitter:

The defense attorneys moved to withdraw from the case after the guilty verdict. The judge denied it. We do not know the basis for the defense motion. #jodiarias
Since I wasn't really around last night, what did you all think of Juror #8 on DD?
Whoa, I accidentally clicked on the Sequence of Events thread instead of this one.

It's scary over there :panic:

Good morning, sunshines!!!!

Thanks for the warning. Never been there. Think I'll keep it that way.

Others have posted the video of yesterday's post-verdict reaction by JA, and I wonder if anyone mentioned how Jodi looks pleadingly at JW who does not turn to face her client. I sensed that Jodi was :stormingmad: that JW seems to be done with her and wants nothing more to do with the convicted murderer who is now eligible for the DP. JW definitely tried to keep her distance from the defendant yesterday and no longer wants to be BFF with Jodi. This will not sit well with Ms. Arias. :moo:
This is my first posts so please be kind!

Mid February: I was recuperating from disk fusion surgery. Lying in a recliner, drugged to the gills, wasn’t able to do much but watch TV. Flipping through channels, and there she was, testifying (on Tru TV, which friggin’ disappeared on me two days later -- grrr). Juan Martinez hammered at her. Her responses were so ... flat and odd. The predominant emotion I read was defiance. Whoa, I thought. Sociopath.

Then I remembered who she was. Had seen the 48 Hours segment when it first aired. Read a couple of articles about the case, and then forgotten about it as the years passed.

Came to Websleuths to catch up on the earlier testimony -- and been a constant lurker ever since. I’d been here before, haunted by missing persons cases, especially missing children. Kyron Horman, Isabel Celis, Lisa Irwin. I would read here, always hoping for a “breaking news” post, hoping for a miracle.

Below is MOO [When I first came here, I couldn’t understand why people were lowing all the time. I figured it out, though ;) ]

* Travis did not abuse Jodi. Travis was NOT a pedophile. She murdered him in body, then tried to murder his reputation and memory. There was no question about “who,” so “why” and “how” ran the show.

* We only have Jodi’s word for the frequency / number of times she and Travis had sex. Drives me crazy when the talking heads cite Jodi’s versions of events as if they were fact. Some sexy emails and texts; the sex recoding**; some nude photos. Actual sexual contacts and their frequency? We only have her word for it (going by the evidence that has been publicly released). Did they have sexual contact the night he baptized her? Jodi says so. Without supporting evidence, though, it’s equally likely she had sex with two ninjas. With Jodi Arias, pictures or it didn’t happen.

** MOO, Jodi set up the sex recording to use against Travis at some future point; she introduced the twelve-year-old girl scenario (before beginning the recording) by saying it was her fantasy, and he obliged her supposed kink. Travis didn’t know he was being recorded. The recording had something to do with the May 26 blow-out. He finally realized just how deep her sickness runs.

* Something Is Really Wrong with Jodi. TV-pundit psychological experts aside, the parents’ interviews with DF convince me that the woman is bent, and has been for years. Dad said she is a strange person. [Lulz. I wrote “very strange,” and then I heard Juan Martinez’s voice: “Did the tape say ‘very strange’? Yes or no?” Gulp. No. No, it didn’t.]

Two things in DF’s interrogation of Sandra Arias jumped out at me. DF asks, “Did you have any suspicion at all that she had anything to do with his death?” SA says, “I asked her. I asked her. It’s the first thing I asked her. [my emphasis] ... And then when he died, she -- she didn’t call me either. She called my daughter and just told me in tears.... [my emphasis]” (

1) Mom knows something about Jodi that leads her to easily believe Jodi is capable of murder; and 2) SA said, “She called my daughter...” Not “She called my other daughter”; not “She called her sister.” Subconsciously anyway, SA has only one daughter. The normal one, the one she wouldn’t automatically suspect of murder.

Contrary to the THs, IMO Jodi’s problems stem from childhood. There’s a secret history out there. What Jodi wrote in her diary about Travis -- “There’s something off about that boy” -- sounds like something she overheard her parents saying about her. She takes someone else’s genuine feelings and tailors them to shore up her make-believe world. The diaries read like something a twelve-year-old would write to fool the parents. Superficial, surface. Nowhere in them does she express her real thoughts.

Three months after I got pulled in, the trial goes on, post most-excellent verdict. JA is completely unrepentant. No grief or remorse for Travis, the man she supposedly adored.

IMO, the interview after the murder one verdict was her fallback plan. (If she got a lesser charge, she would keep her mouth shut, bide her time, and hope for a light sentence.) Facing the death penalty, though, she’s compelled to do what she does best -- look out for Jodi.

The interview took focus from the Alexander family and placed it firmly back on the “world’s most interesting woman” [in her own mind]. Second, she planted the “suicide” seed that got her a trip to the psych ward and delayed the mitigation phase of the trial for a week. She forced the Alexander family to wait yet another week before they can call her out to her face. In some circles it’s known as “topping from the bottom” -- and Jodi’s a pro. (Google that phrase at your own risk.)

I hope the psych ward was a very unpleasant experience. I hope that after a few days of unrelenting scrutiny and oversight, Travis’s murderer understands that she now belongs to the Arizona penal system. I hope the Twitter account disappears for good. I hope she is sued for copyright infringement for selling copyrighted material as original artwork. I hope Jodi Arias disappears into a deep hole and is never heard from again. That would be worse than death to her. I hope the psych/relationship experts who abetted her efforts to destroy the character of a good man are haunted by their actions. I hope the Alexander family can grow past this in the years to come. My thoughts are with them.

What a great post!!!

Thank you!
They have both clearly had enough of her, they've stopped fighting for her in a purposeful way, but they are both still being good attorneys, did you see Nurmi walk up to Juan at the end of the day after the verdict, they are not going to let a client like JA take them down, but I expect their argument to be a little illogical over the last couple of stages because Jodi has the right to direct them, and I don't think they'll be wasting too much time convincing her of better strategies anymore, they're done.

I noticed in the court minutes for the request of videotaped VISs that defense counsel also requested to be removed from the case, which, of course, was denied, as well. But it does speak to the severe strain the DT are feeling at this juncture.
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