AK - Samantha Koenig, 18, Anchorage, 01 Feb 2012 - #6

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No comment from Gut? What's up with that??? :waitasec:

What are you trying to say Bessie? That I post/talk too much? LOL

I fell asleep and woke up with a start! Samantha popped straight into my head. ... Now I am thinking this through ... carry on ;)

Thinking of a story I covered here where a storage shed was removed, but the suspect in that case had placed an ad in the paper to sell it. I saw the ad and recognized the address ... anyway that has nothing to do with this

... they never found anything in the shed. Case is still unsolved but they did find the skull of the missing man last year, on the side of the street.

Sometimes it is better not to encourage me to post LOL

There is a post a few pages back somewhere with 907's theory ... this is making sense for his/her theory I think. I'll have to find it again
So far not much to theorize for me. I do have a couple observational opinions to throw out though. This shed does not appear in the google "street view" images of the driveway from 2009, but the trailer and an older "Keyes construction" truck do.
From my 'experience' and looking at the photo of the shed on the forklift, I have to guess that the shed is rather empty. Why? I see 3 guys shifting the precariously loaded shed on a forklift, no operator at the controls. If this was 'really' heavy, you would set the load down and 're-pick' it. This is my guess though, in my field of work we do not usually move sheds and we use cranes. I have seen that there are other contractors on WS now, maybe they have more experience with moving such a structure??
I also notice that the shed seems to have been built on a 'skid' type structure. I think this because without the skid under it, it appears that the 'siding' would be resting on the ground. Unless the shed was sitting on something similar to cinder blocks beforehand. If it was built on this skid structure, I would have to guess that it has not been moved this winter, due to the fact that I see no snow or moisture on what appears to be "pressure treated" wood for the skid.
The only other observation I have is: I sure hope they searched that shed on their initial search of the property. Nothing helpful really jumps out at me, but I thought I would give my opinion in hopes it might trigger a possible clue to one of you. MOO

I am sure none of this helps..sorry...all I can come up with so far....
So far not much to theorize for me. I do have a couple observational opinions to throw out though. This shed does not appear in the google "street view" images of the driveway from 2009, but the trailer and an older "Keyes construction" truck do.
From my 'experience' and looking at the photo of the shed on the forklift, I have to guess that the shed is rather empty. Why? I see 3 guys shifting the precariously loaded shed on a forklift, no operator at the controls. If this was 'really' heavy, you would set the load down and 're-pick' it. This is my guess though, in my field of work we do not usually move sheds and we use cranes. I have seen that there are other contractors on WS now, maybe they have more experience with moving such a structure??
I also notice that the shed seems to have been built on a 'skid' type structure. I think this because without the skid under it, it appears that the 'siding' would be resting on the ground. Unless the shed was sitting on something similar to cinder blocks beforehand. If it was built on this skid structure, I would have to guess that it has not been moved this winter, due to the fact that I see no snow or moisture on what appears to be "pressure treated" wood for the skid.
The only other observation I have is: I sure hope they searched that shed on their initial search of the property. Nothing helpful really jumps out at me, but I thought I would give my opinion in hopes it might trigger a possible clue to one of you. MOO

I am sure none of this helps..sorry...all I can come up with so far....

Thanks, Dadinak and Gut!
You certainly have a better handle on this than I do.
I hope this does not turn out like Gut's example...where the shed had no clues to offer.
Thanks, Dadinak and Gut!
You certainly have a better handle on this than I do.
I hope this does not turn out like Gut's example...where the shed had no clues to offer.

I am wondering if he has been into some illegal activity prior to this, and the shed may hold evidence to that and not necessarily SK's abduction/disappearance. My brain forming thoughts only here.
Good thinking Dad (may I call you Dad? Daddy-o? Pop? lol)

The shed is out the front of the house, good place to throw stuff in from the truck after work type set-up.

Maybe (pure speculation here) he has harmed Samantha (I can't say the "k" word just yet), maybe threw clothes in there (gun powder residue, blood :( evidence) or something else. It would not raise any suspicions because it is something he regularly does. IF those items had since been moved they may be going on a long shot that it hit a wall in there or something.

This would also make sense if we believe that he did leave town on the 2nd, that is a very small window of time to do all that he did, supposedly, after the abduction.
It is sounding more and more like he did this on his own but I still have a feeling there is more involved to this including people, and I can't get the drug bust earlier out of my head, nor JK.

The other thing that turns me off a random abduction is that it would probably start out as a robbery - family holiday coming up, short of cash - rob the coffee shop ... but really? Even starbucks with its over priced coffee and cakes and everything else you can purchase there is not going to have a decent amount of money for the nights takings. This little hut seems to only have coffe, is in the middle of parking lot - I just can't see cash for the family vacaybeing enough. And that leads to why did he take her? She may have been able to recognise him but that would have been futile because he knew he was leaving the city the next day. So his description could have gone out but he would have been gone. It wouldn't have made the 10 o'clock news that night, nor the paper the next day.
Maybe he was a regular and she would be able to name the business off the side of the truck - still goes back to there can't have been a lot of money in that hut.

There has to be more to this. Something else. I am really scared for Samantha now, that feeling has been around for a couple of weeks but it is really strong now (and no I am not psychic - but I do know some lol)
Good thinking Dad (may I call you Dad? Daddy-o? Pop? lol)

The shed is out the front of the house, good place to throw stuff in from the truck after work type set-up.

Maybe (pure speculation here) he has harmed Samantha (I can't say the "k" word just yet), maybe threw clothes in there (gun powder residue, blood :( evidence) or something else. It would not raise any suspicions because it is something he regularly does. IF those items had since been moved they may be going on a long shot that it hit a wall in there or something.

This would also make sense if we believe that he did leave town on the 2nd, that is a very small window of time to do all that he did, supposedly, after the abduction.
It is sounding more and more like he did this on his own but I still have a feeling there is more involved to this including people, and I can't get the drug bust earlier out of my head, nor JK.

The other thing that turns me off a random abduction is that it would probably start out as a robbery - family holiday coming up, short of cash - rob the coffee shop ... but really? Even starbucks with its over priced coffee and cakes and everything else you can purchase there is not going to have a decent amount of money for the nights takings. This little hut seems to only have coffe, is in the middle of parking lot - I just can't see cash for the family vacaybeing enough. And that leads to why did he take her? She may have been able to recognise him but that would have been futile because he knew he was leaving the city the next day. So his description could have gone out but he would have been gone. It wouldn't have made the 10 o'clock news that night, nor the paper the next day.
Maybe he was a regular and she would be able to name the business off the side of the truck - still goes back to there can't have been a lot of money in that hut.

There has to be more to this. Something else. I am really scared for Samantha now, that feeling has been around for a couple of weeks but it is really strong now (and no I am not psychic - but I do know some lol)

Ok, quick response....(you deserve it for that amount of thinking at 1:30am my time...I stop the coffee at 1am)

I agree with the thoughts of it being a unload point for him on a regular basis, to the point that it would not "raise eyebrows" and thus hold some evidence. Interesting...have to sleep on that one....

I too have the feeling that there are more involved than just IK. However, I dismissed JK a long time ago. This may be my inexperience in watching these cases. But, being someone that has had much success with my "gut feeling":saythat: I only see what I might have done if one of my daughters went missing, before this incident and my introduction to the info I have gained from this site due to it. This is "On the Job Training" in my eyes for Mr.JK (MOO) I could probably explain my feelings in more detail after a good night's rest.

On your other point, I too feel that this was not a random event. However, it would be pure neglection on my part to not point out, that in one of your supportive statements of this theory, you mention not much money could be in one of these establishments. (It's not a "run-on"sentence if I use extra commas....right?) These coffe/espresso huts/shacks can generate a considerable amount of money flow in AK. It is a "regional phenomenon" IMHO. Also, this particular espresso shack is on one of the busiest and 'main' roads of Anchorage (even with a median on tudor inhibiting access from the west-bound lanes).

Sorry that is all I can muster right now...time for bed.........hope I can sleep...
I am wondering if he has been into some illegal activity prior to this, and the shed may hold evidence to that and not necessarily SK's abduction/disappearance. My brain forming thoughts only here.

Cant sleeP either... What if he was growing pot in the shed? Might explain the initial blow off by the state but subsequent interest by the Feds... Marijuana has come up twice now wrt IK: in that poorly scribbled document and in the comments section of one of the initial stories after his arrest ( a commenter that claimed to be an admin person for the Makah tribe in Neah Bay** will note that this is unsubstantiated and I think they said pot, but may just said "drug" use)
Just thinking outside the box...
The Feds may just want something to beef up their case with...
Just looking back and saw this .... I think you would be pretty hard pressed to find a pair of those gloves in Texas. I have them but I lived in Oregon ... they look a tad warm for any cold we get down here.

Depends on which part of Texas you're in. It can get pretty cold here in some parts. We even get snow and ice sometimes, and I live in east Tx. Occasionally, we have had temps of zero or below, though that hasn't happened in quite awhile.
I have a question. I do not know much about reward funds and I am not bashing JK. But, I am curious...If some one has information, wouldn't they be more apt to provide it if they knew what the reward amount was? Obviously, people who know things aren't doing anything in good faith at this time. I would guess if I knew something about a crime and my life wasn't above board, I would really consider providing information if I knew the reward was $50,000 or $100,000 instead of $1,000. People who do shady things to get money, may provide information if there is a large sum involved...That is why I don't understand why it is so secretive.

The reward amount is listed here in the description next to the photo.
Ok, quick response....(you deserve it for that amount of thinking at 1:30am my time...I stop the coffee at 1am)

I agree with the thoughts of it being a unload point for him on a regular basis, to the point that it would not "raise eyebrows" and thus hold some evidence. Interesting...have to sleep on that one....

I too have the feeling that there are more involved than just IK. However, I dismissed JK a long time ago. This may be my inexperience in watching these cases. But, being someone that has had much success with my "gut feeling":saythat: I only see what I might have done if one of my daughters went missing, before this incident and my introduction to the info I have gained from this site due to it. This is "On the Job Training" in my eyes for Mr.JK (MOO) I could probably explain my feelings in more detail after a good night's rest.

On your other point, I too feel that this was not a random event. However, it would be pure neglection on my part to not point out, that in one of your supportive statements of this theory, you mention not much money could be in one of these establishments. (It's not a "run-on"sentence if I use extra commas....right?) These coffe/espresso huts/shacks can generate a considerable amount of money flow in AK. It is a "regional phenomenon" IMHO. Also, this particular espresso shack is on one of the busiest and 'main' roads of Anchorage (even with a median on tudor inhibiting access from the west-bound lanes).

Sorry that is all I can muster right now...time for bed.........hope I can sleep...

Agree 100%, they generate a lot more money than people would think. However, I can't speak for CG, but I have a friend who owns one of these, not near as big of an operation as CG, and she has a drop safe in her hut. The baristas are instructed to "drop" $20's and up (not supposed to accept 50's or 100's but it happens), and only leave approx. $200 in the till at any time. At the end of the day the "change" is made up. IIRC, she said hers in $30 in quarters, $50 in ones, $50 in fives, $70 in tens, or somewhere close to those denominations. It was $200 change fund. This is left in the locked cash register. Every day she goes to the stand and empties the money from the drop safe and deposits it, at some point during the day. The register is electronic and she balances it to the safe contents.

I know CG is a bigger stand, but I just don't believe that there was more than $500 in the register at closing time.

My opinions and thoughts
The reward amount is listed here in the description next to the photo.

This list's the reward amount as $41,000. At the end of February it was reported to be over $70,000. This is definitely not the most recent amount, and if it is I think people definitely should be questioning what happened to the other $30,000 plus the proceeds of two fundraisers held since the $70,000 was announced.
the most recent fund raiser, samjam (?) was March 4th...
Agree 100%, they generate a lot more money than people would think. However, I can't speak for CG, but I have a friend who owns one of these, not near as big of an operation as CG, and she has a drop safe in her hut. The baristas are instructed to "drop" $20's and up (not supposed to accept 50's or 100's but it happens), and only leave approx. $200 in the till at any time. At the end of the day the "change" is made up. IIRC, she said hers in $30 in quarters, $50 in ones, $50 in fives, $70 in tens, or somewhere close to those denominations. It was $200 change fund. This is left in the locked cash register. Every day she goes to the stand and empties the money from the drop safe and deposits it, at some point during the day. The register is electronic and she balances it to the safe contents.

I know CG is a bigger stand, but I just don't believe that there was more than $500 in the register at closing time.

My opinions and thoughts

If I was in a desperate state looking to rob a place, I'd probably pick a coffee stand over a 7-11 or retail store, etc. Less chance of being seen and only a young girl to hassle with. Still, why take the girl if you only want money?

Then he possibly graduates to robbing a bank as his desperation grows.

Thanks for all the updates about the shed. Interesting that LE waits until late night to move it.
Maybe he took Sam (if he did) to force her to use her own ATM card as well as taking the money from the shop? I don't know, just thinking...
Unfortunately, the main reason I can think of to take a young girl during a robbery is a sick and twisted motive. :mad: I really hope I am wrong.
I tend to believe the robbery of CG was SK, and the kidnapping was IK. I am sure SK could have gotten pot from a million other people, so I also tend to believe that she was NOT doing a drug deal with IK for marijuana.
FBI seizes outbuilding from Keyes home

Ongoing Investigation: Law Enforcement Take Shed from Turnagain Home

FBI seizes outbuilding from Keyes home

But why all of this NOW?? :waitasec:This makes me wonder..did LE get a tip? They already searched the house (and Im assuming they also searched the shed),so why go back now and remove the shed? Do ya'll think perhaps some of the evidence gathered pointed them to something "happening" in the shed? Sorry...Im seriously jacked up on cold medicine..pardon me if this has already been discussed. AHHHH CHOOOOO...sniffle.:blushing:
Wasn't it said that it was snowing the night that Samantha was taken? Do we even know if she had her coat with her? Keyes doesn't stike me as a person who would harm Samantha, but I'm not going to say that he couldn't have driven her somewhere out in the boondocks to a remote location and forced her out of his vehicle and just left her there. Do we know what the temperature was that night? Hypothermia could set in pretty fast and her survive rate could be null to none if there was no towns or villiages close by.
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