AK - Samantha Koenig, 18, Anchorage, 1 Feb 2012 - #5

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Found the answer:

What Do the Search Results Mean?

Name: Self-explanatory. For a common name such as "Charles Brown," there will be many duplications. Fill in the Middle Initial field to help reduce duplications.
Register No.: Even if you entered another type of number for your search, this shows the inmate's Federal Bureau of Prisons Register Number.
Age: This is based on the inmate's date of birth, so it shows current age rather than age at release. If the inmate is known to be deceased, that will appear in the "Date Released" column.
I didn't even notice the age! I'm sure the age showing would have been is age at release date and not his current age? Let me see if I can find that out on the website.

There's no way they would go in and adjust the ages each year on all the records, IMO. It's the release age...

I stand corrected!! Wow. I'm surprised. Good find!
There's no way they would go in and adjust the ages each year on all the records, IMO. It's the release age...

I stand corrected!! Wow. I'm surprised. Good find!

They wouldn't manually do it, the computer program would. It is their age now - I am sure.
Remember they kept saying they had reason to believe she was alive? Now they aren't sure?

Normally I would understand this but with APD I just can't. this is the same department that one day says nothing suspicious on the CC and the very next day calls it an abduction.
If IK was in the military, long before the other killed himself, and was arrested for DUI Unanticipated years before) they would have his fingerprints and records way before someone was to know this suicide was going to take place. I'm sure the FBI would establish who he was using fingerprints, etc. Would be pretty easy.
Wait a sec... Are you saying the APD specifically told you they have Samantha Koenig's cell, that they specifically told you this 2 weeks into the case? I don't remember this ever being released in the media or from police interviews.

I never said I was told specifically by the APD. I was just informed that they had it from one of my sources. I'm not saying I believe it completely, I was just responding to the GPS idea.

Huh? I am certain - 100% certain - that the FBI already has his background history, including family, and that they had all this info before his name was even mentioned in the MSM. This is a federal case now, not just state, so no news involving this cat's name would be released without the approval of the fbi. If so, then the MSM outlet releasing such info could jeopardize the case in hence would be subject to reprimand in a court action for interfering in an ongoing investigation, possibly even one in which a young lady's life could be at stake.

You are absolutely correct. I wasn't saying to release the information to the public. That would be a horrible idea in hindsight.

IMO, if he is truly friends with him, then he needs to be just as thoroughly investigated as well. That's a fact.

I agree with you completely. I think anyone and everyone should be investigated at this point. Anyone who is involved, even by the slightest degree of separation.
I think I am now seeing things LOL His girlfriend was from Kitsap, Washington (now I am wondering whether there is a Washington Link) ... I need a drink or something lol

A highball and a couple days worth of rest would do wonders at this point, my friend.
IK has actually been portraying himself as much younger than 34. One of the news articles referred to a marathon he had run in 2006. So I went to a results site to look it up. In that race , he self-described as 25 yrs old. The other races he ran that year list him as 20 yrs old per info he would have given them when he signed up. If you run in a younger age group, it's harder to win an age group division award so NOBODY does that. UNLESS maybe he's trying to appeal to younger women.

Here's the link with the 2006 races:http://athlinks.com/searchbeta.aspx?term=israel+keyes (when the site opens, scroll down)

North Olympic Discovery Marathon & Half Marathon 2006 25 WA 6/11
Sequim Run Off 10K/2 Mile 20 WA 5/06
Robin Hill Run 10K/5K 20 WA 4/08
Lincoln Park Run 20 WA 3/11

I take this with a grain of salt because in 2006 he would have been 28. It may have been a classification thing or he may have been lying to fall in with younger women.... OR it may not even be him.
If he is 34, that puts year of birth at 1977-78. His work history on his website starts in 1995 doing construction in Washington. That would put him at 17-18 depending on the time of year and birthday, which is entirely possible. I personally believe there is more than one Israel Keyes in the US that have just enough in common they are throwing us off.

Upthread someone posted his birthdate of 01-07-1978
The human trafficking idea ..... why would you choose people from Alaska when getting them out is so hard? I don't know a lot about it all.
Now according to the murder/suicide it was IK's father who heard the shots and found the victims and called police. What if it was a triple murder and Daddy told IK to run and he would tell LE one of the victims was his son? Would LE confirm that or just take Dad's word for it?

That's not a completely impossible theory. Ie; The dead man at the scene wasn't Israel Keyes. You think someone else fitting a similar description would have been reported missing though ?

That's not a completely impossible theory. Ie; The dead man at the scene wasn't Israel Keyes. You think someone else fitting a similar description would have been reported missing though ?


Unless the investigating homicide detectives are really incompetent, they would check fingerprints or DNA of the deceased before closing the case. Just because the father said that is my son, that wouldn't be enough to confirm the identity. Or at least it shoudn't be.
The human trafficking idea ..... why would you choose people from Alaska when getting them out is so hard? I don't know a lot about it all.

Yeah, the logistics of it don't make sense. IK seems like he fits more of a lone wolf type person. Maybe he was obsessed with her, who knows.
#3 Israel Keyes ~ I realize that the only public charge right now is access fraud. There are supposedly also "sealed" charges. Charges don't = guilt.
Unlike most, I DO think the access fraud charge is related to SK. For me it's too coincidental that LE suddenly reports "We have reason to believe Sam is alive" ... then poof within a few days they are arresting someone on access fraud. To be that seems to scream that LE believed that Sam was using her card. I think it's possible that IK ended up with SK's credit card as "payment" OR possibly for "materials" on a job. It's not uncommon to hand a home contractor a credit card to go get materials for a job. Especially if it's someone you had worked with before. And it's not a reach to believe that someone couldn't pay him for work...said we have no cash, but my girlfriend/sister's/wives card has room on it ... just take it and use it for what we owe you. He didn't have to be aware that someone with SK's name was missing. We, at websleuths are aware of the names of the missing, but your average joe is NOT ... by any means.

I gotta say, this is pretty unlikely. Samantha Koenig's abduction has been all over the local news AND her fliers are everywhere here in town. There are billboards on major streets and I may not be exagerating when I say that maybe half of all businesses here have her flier up in a prominent place.

It is *possible* that IK could have missed all of this, but quite unlikely. The only way would be if he used the card very shortly after she dissapeared before her name and face were up all over town.

I don't think IK's involvement in this case is accidental.
I follow the fb pages, also, and I have thought the same thing. Exactly like hes pleading with someone in particular, even when he made the statement that was something about him having other means which he didn't want to use (something like that), seems almost directed, like, how can you use those means if you don't know anything?

Just one thing to keep in mind -- maybe JK thinks he knows who is involved, but is wrong.

For example, he might have concluded that CB must have been involved (as many people thought early on). It could be that he has stuck by that belief, so when he posts on FB he is writing to CB only CB actually had nothing to do with it.
Just one thing to keep in mind -- maybe JK thinks he knows who is involved, but is wrong.

For example, he might have concluded that CB must have been involved (as many people thought early on). It could be that he has stuck by that belief, so when he posts on FB he is writing to CB only CB actually had nothing to do with it.

Good call - kinda like I am stuck in my own beliefs here :banghead:
Interesting comment on the ADN board yesterday about JK's father being on vacation in the lower 48 since January. And related theories..


IMHO, this was set up. IK was paid to bring Sam down to her grandfather's place in the lower 48, for whatever reason. I'm thinkin' it was done for the reward money (which JK seems to be spending at an alarming rate). It seems to explain why LE is keeping JK out of the loop on the investigation.. if HE'S the one being investigated! (or one of them)
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