AL AL - Brittney Wood, 19, Mobile, 31 May 2012 - # 1

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"Facts" that we can feel some surety in. Please edit/correct/add things

Thursday 31 May.
BW told parents going to visit friends and friends going to visit UD

Left "on foot" for UD home in Styx 40 miles away.

Last cell phone signal pinged at 12.05 AM outside/near Styx home.

Friday June 1
WWH drives UD to his Fairhope home. Goes shopping/out and returns 1 1/2 hour later to discover UD killed himself.

Neighbor says she saw BW in tree swing at Styx night b4.

Wife says no BW, she and boys were with UD thurs night.


WWH tried to and apparently succeeding in hacking into BW's phone.

Rumored to have deleted "irrelevant" messages from voice mail.

Two family's at each others throats.
If he killed her, he or the wife wouldn't have had too much time to hide the body.Where's the body?I'm sure they have searched all around the area by now.That scenario doesn't make sense to me.And where is Brittneys blood if she was killed?

You can have bloodless kills, strangulation, a knife even if it goes right into a vital area and is not removed til the heart stops beating.

You wouldn't believe the number of times an area has been searched by professionals and LE only to discover the remains of a missing person in a place swept 10 times. It isn't that hard to dig a shallow grave and cover it with brush or weight a body down.

That is why its great Klaas Kids has come in to help. Mark Klaas and his organization know what they are doing.
So to use a shotgun to commit suicide he would use his toe to pull the trigger? Do we know where he was shot? Head? Chest?

What makes it so suspicious is that WWH dropped the kids off then came back and found him dead. It almost seems like she didn't want them there.
So to use a shotgun to commit suicide he would use his toe to pull the trigger? Do we know where he was shot? Head? Chest?

What makes it so suspicious is that WWH dropped the kids off then came back and found him dead. It almost seems like she didn't want then there.

I agree...good thought, hadn't looked at it like that. He may have told her what he was going to do too..always possible
No it is not ok. IIRC WWH was in the conversation when the cousin said she accessed and deleted "irrelevant" messages from Brittney's phone and she did not deny it. imo bc i can't find the page again.

If my sister hacked into my missing daughters phone and deleted messages she would be dead to me forever. It is just so very very wrong. In fact as I said upthread, if it turns out brittney's dead thanks to Uncle Donnie or someone who knew them, it is criminal behavior.

Who in their right or wrong mind would HACK INTO A MISSING PERSONS PHONE AND DELETE MESSAGES that could give LE a clue unless it was to cover up something.

Not saying she is involved with BW's death (imo dead) but she knows something detrimental to her hubby. How can BW's phone ping near styx and she say she was with hubby all night?

We are obviously not dealing with rocket scientists here but that doesnt make them killers or accomplices.
So to use a shotgun to commit suicide he would use his toe to pull the trigger? Do we know where he was shot? Head? Chest?

What makes it so suspicious is that WWH dropped the kids off then came back and found him dead. It almost seems like she didn't want them there.

How old were the kids?Where were they being dropped off at, a babysitter of family members house or their playmates house?
How old were the kids?Where were they being dropped off at, a babysitter of family members house or their playmates house?

I also wonder if this was a pre planned dropping the kids off, or she just did it spur of the moment? Like, did they have plans to stay with friends or family that day before any of this happened?

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I'm confused about the order of events.Did she drop Donny off at the vacation house, and then he supposingly drove back to their original house where he supposingly shot himself or did he shoot himself at the vacation house?I read so many different stories at the news sites.If he was dropped off at the vacation house,how could he drive back to their original house if he had no vehicle?Does anyone know what the order of events are?
I agree deleting messages would be called that,but just accessing them to me is just a desperate family member trying to find out what happened.Unless Wendy herself stated that she did indeed delete phone messages I could not find anything that would point to her as being the killer.

Im not saying she is the killer but if her husband was with this young woman
Hes dead shes missing she might be trying to erase things off their phones
as to not make her jusband look bad......and shame her family....
Brittney told her family she was going to friends and told the friends she was going to visit Uncle D

I was wondering if this was said on JVM show, seems to be posted around the same time people were talking about her show on BW, which I missed
We are obviously not dealing with rocket scientists here but that doesnt make them killers or accomplices.

but she could be trying to cover up the fact her husband was with Brittney!

what if the wife showed up with the boys and found donnie and Brit!
I was wondering if this was said on JVM show, seems to be posted around the same time people were talking about her show on BW, which I missed

It was said on JVM and also in a few articles some say she was going to visit Uncle D and then others say a friend!

Wood, 19, was last seen May 30 when she told family members that she was going to visit a friend, but never showed up. Family members filed a missing person report with the Mobile Police Department on June 2.
What about the story about donnie wasnt going to be at the one house she had to go to the other house.... what was that all about if she was supposed to be with friends?
How old were the kids?Where were they being dropped off at, a babysitter of family members house or their playmates house?

I don't know their exact age, but WHH has a background picture on her FB profile of 3 kids, her husband and herself taken around Christmas time. Kind of hard to tell, byt the girl might be 10-12, the two boys (?) are maybe 6?
Im not saying she is the killer but if her husband was with this young woman
Hes dead shes missing she might be trying to erase things off their phones
as to not make her jusband look bad......and shame her family....

Yeah, the way people jump to conclusions,if she had a text from him where he called her hun,or sweety she might fear that they would jump to the conclusion that Brittney and her husband had something going on.As beautiful as Brittney who could probably get any guy she wanted,I kind of doubt she'd be desperate enough to have something going on with her uncle.
Maybe she deleted some messages where there was an arguement that may have had nothing to do with the disappearance.Or maybe Brittney had text messages to a male friend that may have made her look sleezy and would have embarrassed the family?
but she could be trying to cover up the fact her husband was with Brittney!

what if the wife showed up with the boys and found donnie and Brit!

Then it will come out in the wash. You have heard of forensics, yes?
So heres another one!

Last Thursday, Brittney Wood told family members she was headed to this house near Styx River to see her uncle Donnie. Donnie Wood returned home near Fairhope on Friday and shot himself. Brittney hasn't been heard from since.

"Her uncle has committed suicide and supposedly he was the last one she was with and so we're worried about that," says Hanke. "I'm hoping to God and I really don't think he would hurt my baby," says Brittney's mother
Some of the posters are saying it's very difficult to commit suicide by shooting yourself. I have never held a gun, I'm agains't guns and the only "experience" I have with suicide by shooting are from movies.

Sorry to ask, but why is it difficult?
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