AL AL - Brittney Wood, 19, Mobile, 31 May 2012 - #12

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Most certainly not CW!!!!!!!

In Alabama the law states BOTH parties must agree before a polygraph can be admissible in court. If, as in this particular case, CW wants the tests entered then it needs to be fair, both parties to the case need to have equal and fair access. To allow one side to enter poly results then the other side should have the same treatment. Take the state's polygraph test.

Both or none.
Very Thankful for any coverage for Britt
But Don't hold your breath that she will come clean.:twocents:

I know I sound harsh but I have had more than enough of her BS when it comes to Britt and telling me to mind my own business. CW is hiding something weather it's pertaining to Britt or the sex crimes she is and has been covering up or for someone. JMO :banghead:

How telling for cw to not thank you for being the only advocate Brittney has in that "family".
Mind your own business ha! I guess that would be easier if anyone would actually give a crap about your step daughter.
What world does Chessie inhabit? She organises a test, with questions ok'd by her, (which do not apparently include anything about Brittney), and then seeks to have the highly questionable results entered in court? As well as revealing herself as a master manipulator, she shows herself as completely missing the point! Where is Brittney, Chessie? What knowledge do you have of her disappearance? All this wasted time and energy, (and money) on a worthless distraction, (except for the attention, ok, that's good) when your beautiful daughter is still missing? It's late, but it is never too late to reconsider your priorities... ! Where is Brittney?
What world does Chessie inhabit? She organises a test, with questions ok'd by her, (which do not apparently include anything about Brittney), and then seeks to have the highly questionable results entered in court? As well as revealing herself as a master manipulator, she shows herself as completely missing the point! Where is Brittney, Chessie? What knowledge do you have of her disappearance? All this wasted time and energy, (and money) on a worthless distraction, (except for the attention, ok, that's good) when your beautiful daughter is still missing? It's late, but it is never too late to reconsider your priorities... ! Where is Brittney?

IMPO Chessie knows where Brit is!
And I still believe she is very alive!
To Chessie her daughter is not missing and if we go back to the beginning Chessie never really acted like she WAS missing! Everything was done half hearted almost like she HAD to do it!

Im telling ya she is alive! I hope im right but I don't think we will ever find out!
So good to see you!


JMO, I have to agree with the Judge and many of the posts here. Not to be mean, but it's like Chessie's trying to be "an open book" with some of the sentences blocked out. She says she'll tell all, but holds back everything she really knows, IMO.

I want to trust what she says, but just don't ask her the important questions, and expect a straight forward truthful answer, or so it seems. I know the questioning was on a different subject matter, but I want to point out how Chessie seems to try to "play people". This latest attempt, again, comes across as asking for special treatment maybe for being the mother of the missing Brittney, but that shouldn't give her creative license to tell many versions and only what she wants to tell. For instance, did she argue with Brittney earlier that night? It wasn't mentioned at first, then it was, and see, that's how the truth keeps shifting around when Chessie tells it, IMOO. Meanwhile, her daughter Brittney is missing. Me too, I think Chessie knows a lot and maybe even where Brittney is.
IMPO Chessie knows where Brit is!
And I still believe she is very alive!
To Chessie her daughter is not missing and if we go back to the beginning Chessie never really acted like she WAS missing! Everything was done half hearted almost like she HAD to do it!

Im telling ya she is alive! I hope im right but I don't think we will ever find out!

I appreciate your hope but imo cw has done everything in life half hearted.

Especially the care & nurturing of her children. Half hearted at best and like she HAS to pretend parent. As evident to me by her lack luster concern for her missing daughter and the energy she has (not) put into finding her.
“He, in my opinion, is attempting to manipulate public opinion and the potential jury pool by putting this out in the news. Polygraphs are not admissible in the state of Alabama because they have been ruled scientifically unbelievable,” Patterson said.

Patterson nailed it. There was never a chance that the lie detector test was coming into evidence from a legal point of view. The entire test and announcing the results were all an attempt to influence public opinion and change CW's image. A rather weak attempt IMHO. First, lie detectors are rather unreliable. Second, asking only 10 questions of which only 3 related to the case is silly. Third, I could hire my own polygrapher and outright lie to him throughout but he'll attest to the fact that there was no deception. Just the nature of the business when it comes to experts. That doesn't mean the expert would be lying. It just means that lawyers know what kind of slant or past testimony tendencies an expert has and therefore knows which ones to go to in order to get the opinion they desire.
IMPO Chessie knows where Brit is!
And I still believe she is very alive!
To Chessie her daughter is not missing and if we go back to the beginning Chessie never really acted like she WAS missing! Everything was done half hearted almost like she HAD to do it!

Im telling ya she is alive! I hope im right but I don't think we will ever find out!

You can apply the same logic if Chessie knows where her daughter is buried. If she knows what happened to Brittney, where her body is and who is responsible - then she would never act as though she's missing, because to a person who *knows* about a murder, there is nothing left to speculate about.
Of course she chose the questions.:facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

We believe you CW.....every word!!:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
I've been lurking and am new here but have started researching this case, and read many threads. I felt sorry for Chessie Wood at first as the mother of Brittney-but now that I've seen all this about the poly-test I'm leary. Why didn't she take a state poly? Why would any lawyer tell her to do a 'private' poly.test? Now it seems like she has/had something to hide? JMO. This is very weird
CW knows that Britt is alive and keeps that information secret?

No way, IMO, CW is aware the public is suspicious of her. CW knows the public believes she has possible answers to Britt's where abouts. I believe CW would be the first to expose Brittney was away and in hiding to clear CW's own name. To believe CW is mother of the year and putting herself in negative light to protect Brittney? CW filing false missing person's report, making false statements, and exposing herself to more charges to protect Brittney? Nothing CW has done or said gives me the impression she is a protective mother.
CW knows that Britt is alive and keeps that information secret?

No way, IMO, CW is aware the public is suspicious of her. CW knows the public believes she has possible answers to Britt's where abouts. I believe CW would be the first to expose Brittney was away and in hiding to clear CW's own name. To believe CW is mother of the year and putting herself in negative light to protect Brittney? CW filing false missing person's report, making false statements, and exposing herself to more charges to protect Brittney? Nothing CW has done or said gives me the impression she is a protective mother.

I think it's wonderful that hope is alive for many that Brittney is alive and hiding, but what you just said should clue a few in to some things or behaviors about Chessie. She does not trust LE, she doesn't want them around (because she's up to no good - obviously) - but the ONE thing Chessie wouldn't do is call attention to her, open her home etc for LE if Brittney is alive and she's just covering for her. I don't think she'd have a reason to file a missing persons report if Brittney is gone on her own accord. When Brittney went missing there was no warrant for her arrest. She had no reason in that regard to run off. All her mom had to do is say "she took off and I don't know where she is!" and if this theory of Brittney running off and hiding is true and they are just pretending she is "missing", she still wouldn't call the house phone or any other things to risk being found - IF Brittney ran away and IF Brittney did so because she thought she would get into some sort of trouble.

Does any of this make sense? Either way the theory is tossed, Brittney would be hiding and not making contact with her family. There would be zero reason to file a report that she's missing, to do news reports, to point fingers at others saying they killed her - if through out this entire ordeal Brittney is simply ran off / hiding out. Either way there's a man hunt out for her. There's more of a search going on with her missing than there ever would be if she ran off. She's more at risk now being seen then she would be if she just took off and simply needed for questioning and nothing - literally nothing more (because she's considered a witness and victim at this point).

Chessie filed her missing because she's trying to cover either her own tracks or those of someone she's close to.
Chessie knows where her daughter is, that I will never dispute (that's why she had her lawyer there the second LE was on her property).
Chessie is trying as she might to have CONTROL of how she's viewed because I'm guessing the public isn't being to kind to her right now. She's also attempting to take the spotlight off of herself and put it onto others. This alone tells me she's hiding something. She's doing textbook liar stuff.

Keep the hope alive that Brittney will come home, that's all anyone here wants. We all just want her back - but this goes for all of us; don't just look on the ground for a body, don't just look at truckstops for a hitchhiker that may resemble Brittney - please look everywhere. And THINK LIKE A CRIMINAL.

Maybe even a mother who would harm her child. When we read cases here of mothers who've killed their offspring, what are their typical MO's? How do they bury? Where are the bodies normally found?

I believe thinking in that regard will bring Brittney home and justice once she's found .. will be rather swift.

Is the FBI still not involved? :banghead:
AstroKitty, you make a lot of sense.

Try to think like a criminal?

Here's my best, if Brittney came to harm by a person that loved her dearly I think she would be buried nearby that person. If Brittney came to harm by a person that did not love her, she would be disposed of in any manner possible, but not close that person's residence.

If Brittney ran for fear of her life, I think by now she would have contacted LE. From personal experience, distance from the fear and time away makes one mentally stronger. Much, much stronger.

I still cannot accept that Brittney is dead, (can't give up all hope) but I believe in my mind that is what happened, and it will be a very sad day if that is proven.

This is so heartbreaking.
Personally I don't think any of her family murdered her.
I do believe Donald killed himself.
They all know she left.
If she was murdered some of the family would have said
What they know for they are most certainly in enuff trouble without
Being charged with murder later.
So she only wants questions that she passed and were 'softballs', so to speak, to be entered into the official record? this just sounds like a PR move.

woman, take a real polygraph test administered by the state if you want good PR. we want real answers about miss brittney!
Exactly, this is what confuses me, why won't she take the state one? If there's nothing to hide and she (CW) wants things to move forward, then why not?
Personally I don't think any of her family murdered her.
I do believe Donald killed himself.
They all know she left.
If she was murdered some of the family would have said
What they know for they are most certainly in enuff trouble without
Being charged with murder later.
I DO think family hurt Brittney, imo. DH possibly murdered her and then other family members tried to hide things and cover up their involvement in the crime(s). They're still hurting her til this day by not telling all they know to the LE. The whole case is just heartbreaking.
Exactly, this is what confuses me, why won't she take the state one? If there's nothing to hide and she (CW) wants things to move forward, then why not?

Because while Chessie thinks she's smarter than local LE, she doesn't think she's smarter than state LE or fBI. This was all a ruse, that's it.

As they say: Go with the obvious answer, don't complicate things.

Obvious answer is: She is going to fail the poly and due to the failure have an investigation opened and with an investigation open, she will go to jail - because she's done something illegal enough that she's avoiding a poly.

chessie knows, and if she wasn't there when it happened - she KNEW about it soon after. I think she had "come to terms" when the memorial rock event happened and that prayer circle. I believe that was Brittney's funeral.

This family is one that will not dishonor the other, under any circumstances - "blood thicker than water". I don't know how to explain it on words in a message board because it won't make sense unless you've actually met family who've always gotten into trouble with the law (as in when you read a last name you KNOW they have a record. All small towns have this sort of family). They believe in handling things themselves, justice included. We are talking about a family (brittney's) that slept together - so we aren't exactly working with a family that has a moral compass pointed due north. Why on earth would anyone expect Chessie or anyone else in that family become truthful or help LE?

They were trading their kids to other family members and friends for sex.
They were were doing this for generations.
The twins were in an adult incestuous relationship!
No one is going to talk and I highly doubt Jennifer will because the "Wood clan" is probably known to handle "issues or snitches" the old school way.
After all.. would you talk if Brittney is missing and the rumor mill says she's murdered because she knew too much and was going to talk?

The only way Brittney is going to be found is if someone removed Chessie and Paul from their property and spend a week there upturning the earth.
I followed this case closely for a long while but ended up taking a break from WS. It can get to be too much. So much heartbreak and so many much evil in this world.
But thanks to all of you who have hung in there with Brittney.
Such a sad turn of events and all those young lives destroyed. It tears your heart out. May justice be served.
No one is going to talk and I highly doubt Jennifer will because the "Wood clan" is probably known to handle "issues or snitches" the old school way.
After all.. would you talk if Brittney is missing and the rumor mill says she's murdered because she knew too much and was going to talk?

If Jennifer gets pushed hard enough she'll spill whatever she has been keeping secret from LE and so will the other family friends. For family members that just might be a little harder, but I feel like eventually some of them are gonna crack.

There's no honor among thieves-even those blood-related. Reality is gonna smack them in the face when they (REALLY) realize the hard prison time facing them. Especially that Wendy who thinks all of this is a big joke and was laughing and joking in a court appearance video. That really ticked me OFF. PS I feel like if the FBI had taken all this over, we might already know what happened to poor Brittney by now.
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